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, 18:25, 28 May 2010
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|Max ht box=40
|Max ht metric=in
|height_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|Max wd box=24
|Max wd metric=in
|width_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|life_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|exposure=sun, part-sun
|sun_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|flower_season=early summer, mid summer, late summer
|flower_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|Temp Metric=°F
|usda_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
| name = ''LATINNAME'' <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| name = ''LATINNAME'' <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->