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|common_name=Spike wattle
|common_name=Spike wattle
|name_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|name_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
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|usda_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|usda_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|image=Acacia oxycedrus.jpg
|image_caption=''Acacia oxycedrus''
'''''Acacia oxycedrus''''' ('''Spike Wattle''') is an erect or spreading [[shrub]] which is [[endemism|endemic]] to [[Australia]].<ref name=NSW>{{cite web |url= |title=''Acacia oxycedrus'' |accessdate=2009-08-30 |author=|work= PlantNET - New South Wales Flora Online |publisher=Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust, Sydney Australia}}</ref>  
| name = ''LATINNAME''   <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
It grows to up to 2 metres high and has sharp-pointed [[phyllodes]] with 3 or 4  prominent longitudinal veins. The bright yellow to pale yellow cylindrical flowerheads appear in groups of 1 to 3 in the axils of the phyllodes from July to October, followed by straight or slightly curved seed pods which are 4 to 10 cm long and 3 to 6 mm wide.<ref name=NSW/>
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| high = ?  <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
The species occurs on sandy soil in dry sclerophyll forest or heath in [[South Australia]], [[Victoria (Australia)|Victoria]] and [[New South Wales]].<ref name=NSW/>  
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = ?  <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous =     <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan =     <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
| exposure = ?  <!--- full sun, part-sun, semi-shade, shade, indoors, bright filtered (you may list more than 1) -->
| water = ?  <!--- frequent, regular, moderate, drought tolerant, let dry then soak -->
| features =     <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness =     <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
| bloom =     <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones = ?  <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones =     <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image = Upload.png  <!--- Freesia.jpg -->
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption =    <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| regnum = Plantae  <!--- Kingdom -->
| divisio =   <!--- Phylum -->
| classis =    <!--- Class -->
| ordo =    <!--- Order -->
| familia =   <!--- Family -->
| genus =
| species =
| subspecies =
| cultivar =
<!--- ******************************************************* -->
Acacia oxycedrus, Sieb. A rigid shrub with terete and usually pubescent branches: phyll. striate, linear-lanceolate but broad at base and tapering to a pungent point, 1/2-3/4in. or even 1 in. long and 3-4-nerved on each side; small stipules, often spinescent: spikes 1 in. long; fls. 4-merous; calyx short with obtuse lobes: pods 3 in. long, 1/6in. wide, striate, incurved and with convex valves; seed longitudinal; funicle thickened from the base and much folded. B.M. 2928.—Superficially resembles A. verticilata, but the phyll. are broader and the valves of the pods are thicker than in that species.
Acacia oxycedrus, Sieb. A rigid shrub with terete and usually pubescent branches: phyll. striate, linear-lanceolate but broad at base and tapering to a pungent point, 1/2-3/4in. or even 1 in. long and 3-4-nerved on each side; small stipules, often spinescent: spikes 1 in. long; fls. 4-merous; calyx short with obtuse lobes: pods 3 in. long, 1/6in. wide, striate, incurved and with convex valves; seed longitudinal; funicle thickened from the base and much folded. B.M. 2928.—Superficially resembles A. verticilata, but the phyll. are broader and the valves of the pods are thicker than in that species.
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