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|common_name=Chenille plant, Red-hot cat-tail
|common_name=Chenille plant, Red-hot cat-tail
|name_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|name_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
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|usda_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|usda_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|image=Acalypha hidpida a1.jpg
The '''Chenille plant''' (''Acalypha hispida'') is a flowering shrub which belongs to the family [[Euphorbiaceae]], the subfamily [[Acalyphinae]], and the genus [[Acalypha]]. Acalypha is the fourth largest genus of the Euphorbiaceae family, and contains many plants native to Hawaii and Oceania. This plant is also known as the '''Philippines Medusa''', '''red hot cat's tail''' and '''fox tail''' in [[English language|English]], ''pokok ekor kucing'' in [[Malay language|Malay]], ''Rabo de Gato'' in [[Portuguese language|Portuguese]] and ''Tai tượng đuôi chồn'' in [[Vietnamese language|Vietnamese]]. ''Acalypha hispida'' is cultivated as a house plant because of its attractiveness and brilliantly colored, furry flowers.
| name = ''LATINNAME'' <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| common_names = <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
The plant originated in [[Oceania]], but has become naturalized to multiple countries in North America, including the United States, Mexico, and Belize. It can grow to be six to twelve feet (1.8-3.7 meters) tall, and have a spread of three to six feet (0.9-1.8 meters). The plant has become somewhat domesticated, due to the nature and color of its flowers. It can be grown from seeds as well as from cuttings. It can be kept either as an outdoor plant or as a houseplant. However, care should be taken in growing it, as all parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested by animals.
| growth_habit = ? <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| high = ? <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
The plant is [[dioecious]], and therefore there are distinct male and female members of the species. The female plant bears [[pistillate]] flowers which range in color from purple to bright red, and grow in clusters along catkins. This feature is the primary reason the plant bears the nickname “red-hot cat tail”. The pistillates will grow all year long as long as the temperatures are favorable.
| wide = <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = ? <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous = <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan = <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
| exposure = ? <!--- full sun, part-sun, semi-shade, shade, indoors, bright filtered (you may list more than 1) -->
| water = ? <!--- frequent, regular, moderate, drought tolerant, let dry then soak -->
| features = <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness = <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
| bloom = <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones = ? <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones = <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image = Upload.png <!--- Freesia.jpg -->
| image_width = 240px <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption = <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| regnum = Plantae <!--- Kingdom -->
| divisio = <!--- Phylum -->
| classis = <!--- Class -->
| ordo = <!--- Order -->
| familia = <!--- Family -->
| genus =
| species =
| subspecies =
| cultivar =
<!--- ******************************************************* -->
Acalypha hispida, Burm. f. (A. Sanderi} N. E. Br.). Red- Hot Cat-tail. Fig. 77. Cult, chiefly for its long red, amarantus-like spikes of fls. which are much longer than the lvs.: lvs. green. E. Indies. Burm. Fl. Ind. —A very striking garden plant. Called by various names, as Chenille Plant, Philippine Medusa, and others. Var. ramosa, Hort., has upper spikes branched or compound. Var. alba, Hort., spikes creamy white.
Acalypha hispida, Burm. f. (A. Sanderi} N. E. Br.). Red- Hot Cat-tail. Fig. 77. Cult, chiefly for its long red, amarantus-like spikes of fls. which are much longer than the lvs.: lvs. green. E. Indies. Burm. Fl. Ind., p. 303, t. 61, f.l. A.F. 13:1285. A.G. 19:453, 827. F.E. 10:554. G.C. III. 23:248. Gt. 47:276; 48:1465. Gn. 54:62. Gng. 6:279. B.M. 7632. R.H. 1898:456. —A very striking garden plant. Called by various names, as Chenille Plant, Philippine Medusa, and others. Var. ramosa, Hort., has upper spikes branched or compound. Var. alba, Hort., spikes creamy white.
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