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| name = Aechmea
| common_names =     <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit = herbaceous
| high =    <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
|origin=Mexico to S America
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = Mexico to S America
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
|Temp Metric=°F
| lifespan = perennial
|sunset_zones=22-27, or indoors
| exposure = part-shade
|jumpin=If this plant info box on watering; zones; height; etc. is mostly empty you can click on the edit tab and fill in the blanks!
| water = see cultivation section
|image=Aechmea fasciata inflorescence.jpg
| features =    <!--- flowers, fragrance, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness = frost sensitive
|image_caption=''Aechmea fasciata'' inflorescence
| bloom =    <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones =    <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones = 22-27, or indoors
| color = IndianRed
| image = Aechmea fasciata inflorescence.jpg
| image_width = 200px
| image_caption = ''[[Aechmea fasciata]]'' [[inflorescence]]
| regnum = Plantae
|unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
|unranked_classis = Monocots
|unranked_ordo = Commelinids
|ordo = Poales
|familia = Bromeliaceae
|subfamilia = Bromelioideae
|genus = Aechmea
{{edit-desc}}<!--- Type GENERAL genus/plant description below this line, then delete this entire line -->
'''''Aechmea''''' is a [[genus (biology)|genus]] of the [[botany|botanical]] [[family (biology)|family]] [[Bromeliaceae]], subfamily [[Bromelioideae]]. The name comes from the Greek “aichme” (a spear). ''Aechmea'' has 8 subgenera and 255 species distributed from [[Mexico]] through [[South America]]. Most of the species in this genus are [[epiphyte]]s.
Aechmea (from aichme, point; referring to the rigid points on the calyx). Bromeliaceae. Epiphytic herbs, of about sixty species, natives of tropical South America, grown in choice greenhouse collections.
:''More information about this species can be found on the [[Aechmea|genus page]].''
Flower-cluster arising from a cluster or rosette of long, hard lvs. which are serrate; petals 3, tongue- shaped, obtuse or pointed, 2-3 times the length of the spine-pointed calyx-lobes; stamens 6, shorter than the petals; ovary inferior, 3-celled. The fls. are subtended by (in the axils of) fl.-bracts; the entire head or fl.- cluster is often reinforced or subtended by conspicuous lf.-bracts; in the compound-infl. types, the individual branches are usually subtended by branch-bracts. In some species, as A. Lalindei and A. Mariae-Reginae, the large colored lf.-bracts are the most conspicuous part of the plant. In others, as A. Veitchii, the entire head is the showy part. Monogr. by Baker, Journ. Bot. 1879:129, 161,226. Includes Canistrum, Echinostachys, Hohenbergia, Hoplophytum, Lamprococcus, Pironneava, Pothuava; and some of the species have been referred to Billbergia, Cryptanthus, Guzmannia, Tillandsia, Chevaliera, and others.
The aechmeas are closely allied to the billbergias, from which they are distinguished by smaller flowers, which are little exserted from the calyx and not widely expanding, short filaments and small anthers, sharp-pointed sepals and conspicuous sharp-pointed flower-bracts.
Culture same as [[Billbergia]].
| color = IndianRed
| name = <!--- type name of plant just to the right of the equal sign on the left -->
| jan =
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| may =
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| notes =
{{edit-cult}}<!--- Type cultivation info below this line, then delete this entire line -->
{{edit-cult}}<!--- Type cultivation info below this line, then delete this entire line -->
Grow in shady spot with great air circulation.  Soil should retain water, and be watered when dry to touch.  Water should be poured into cups of leaves regularly.  Can be grown in soil, pots, moss in the crotch of trees.
Grow in shady spot with great air circulation.  Soil should retain water, and be watered when dry to touch.  Water should be poured into cups of leaves regularly.  Can be grown in soil, pots, moss in the crotch of trees.
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''Aechmea'' has more than 140 species distributed from [[Mexico]] through [[South America]]. Most of the species in this genus are [[epiphyte]]s.
''Aechmea'' has 8 subgenera and 255 species
* ''Aechmea'' Baker
* ''[[Chevaliera]]'' (Gaudichaud ex Beer) Baker
* ''[[Lamprococcus]]'' (Beer) Baker
* ''[[Macrochordion]]'' (De Vriese) Baker
* ''[[Ortgiesia]]'' (Regel) Mez
* ''[[Platyaechmea]]'' (Baker) Baker
* ''[[Podaechmea]]'' Mez
* ''[[Pothuava]]'' (Baker) Baker
|- valign=top
* ''[[Aechmea abbreviata]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea aciculosa]]'' Mez & Sodiro
* ''[[Aechmea aculeatosepala]]'' (Rauh & Barthlott) Leme
* ''[[Aechmea alba]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea alegrensis]]'' W. Weber
* ''[[Aechmea allenii]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea alopecurus]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea amicorum]]'' B.R. Silva & H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea amorimii]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea ampla]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea andersoniana]]'' Leme & H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea andersonii]]'' H. Luther & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea angustifolia]]'' Poeppig & Endlicher
* ''[[Aechmea anomala]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea apocalyptica]]'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea aquilega]]'' (Salisbury) Grisebach
** var. ''aquilega''
*** forma ''alba'' Oliva-Esteve
* ''[[Aechmea araneosa]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea arenaria]]'' (Ule) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea aripensis]]'' (N.E. Brown) Pittendrigh
* ''[[Aechmea atrovittata]]'' Leme & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea azurea]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea bahiana]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea bambusoides]]'' L.B. Smith & Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea beeriana]]'' L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea bicolor]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea biflora]]'' (L.B. Smith) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea blanchetiana]]'' (Baker) L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea blumenavii]]'' Reitz
** var. ''alba'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea bocainensis]]'' E. Pereira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea brachystachya]]'' (Harms) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea bracteata]]'' (Swartz) Grisebach
** var. ''pacifica'' Beutelspacher
* ''[[Aechmea brassicoides]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea brevicollis]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea bromeliifolia]]'' (Rudge) Baker
** var. ''albobracteata'' Philcox
** var. ''angustispica'' Philcox
* ''[[Aechmea brueggeri]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea burle-marxii]]'' E. Pereira
* ''[[Aechmea caesia]]'' E. Morren ex Baker
* ''[[Aechmea callichroma]]'' R.W. Read & Baensch
* ''[[Aechmea calyculata]]'' (E. Morren) Baker
** var. ''variegata'' T. Strehl
* ''[[Aechmea campanulata]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea canaliculata]]'' Leme & H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea candida]]'' E. Morren ex Baker
* ''[[Aechmea capixabae]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea cariocae]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea carvalhoi]]'' E. Pereira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea castanea]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea castelnavii]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea catendensis]]'' J.A. Siqueira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea cathcartii]]'' C.F. Reed & R.W. Read
* ''[[Aechmea caudata]]'' Lindman
** var. ''caudata''
*** forma ''albiflora'' W. Weber & Röth
** var. ''variegata'' M.B. Foster
** var. ''eipperi'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea cephaloides]]'' J.A. Siqueira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea chantinii]]'' (Carrière) Baker
** var. ''chantinii''
*** forma ''amazonica'' (Ule) H. Luther
** var. ''fuchsii'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea chlorophylla]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea chrysocoma]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea coelestis]]'' (K. Koch) E. Morren
** var. ''albomarginata'' M.B. Foster
** var. ''acutifolia'' E. Pereira
* ''[[Aechmea colombiana]]'' (L.B. Smith) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea comata]]'' (Gaudichaud) Baker
** [[Aechmea_comata_var._makoyana|var. ''makoyana'']] (Mez) L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea confusa]]'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea conifera]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea contracta]]'' (Martius ex Schultes f.) Baker
* ''[[Aechmea correia-araujoi]]'' E. Pereira & Moutinho
* ''[[Aechmea corymbosa]]'' (Martius ex Schultes f.) Mez
* ''[[Aechmea costantinii]]'' (Mez) L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea cucullata]]'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea cylindrata]]'' Lindman
* ''[[Aechmea cymosopaniculata]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea dactylina]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea dealbata]]'' E. Morren ex Baker
* ''[[Aechmea decurva]]'' Proctor
* ''[[Aechmea depressa]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea dichlamydea]]'' Baker
** var. ''pariaensis'' Pittendrigh
** var. ''trinitensis'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea digitata]]'' L.B. Smith & R.W. Read
* ''[[Aechmea discordiae]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea disjuncta]]'' (L.B. Smith) Leme & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea distichantha]]'' Lemaire
** var. ''distichantha''
*** forma ''albiflora'' L.B. Smith
** var. ''schlumbergeri'' E. Morren ex Mez
** var. ''glaziovii'' (Baker) L.B. Smith
** var. ''vernicosa'' E. Pereira
* ''[[Aechmea downsiana]]'' Pittendrigh
* ''[[Aechmea drakeana]]'' André
* ''[[Aechmea echinata]]'' (Leme) Leme
* ''[[Aechmea egleriana]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea emmerichiae]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea entringeri]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea eurycorymbus]]'' Harms
* ''[[Aechmea farinosa]]'' (Regel) L.B. Smith
** var. ''conglomerata'' (Baker) L.B. Smith
** var. ''discolor'' (Beer) L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea fasciata]]'' (Lindley) Baker
** var. ''purpurea'' (Guillon) Mez
** var. ''flavivittata'' Reitz
** var. ''pruinosa'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea fendleri]]'' André ex Mez
* ''[[Aechmea fernandae]]'' (E. Morren) Baker
* ''[[Aechmea ferruginea]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea filicaulis]]'' (Grisebach) Mez
* ''[[Aechmea flavorosea]]'' E. Pereira
* ''[[Aechmea flemingii]]'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea floribunda]]'' Martius ex Schultes f.
* ''[[Aechmea fosteriana]]'' L.B. Smith
** var. ''rupicola'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea fraseri]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea frassyi]]'' Leme & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea fraudulosa]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea froesii]]'' (L.B. Smith) Leme & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea fuerstenbergii]]'' E. Morren & Wittmack
* ''[[Aechmea fulgens]]'' Brongniart
** var. ''discolor'' (C. Morren) Brongniart
* ''[[Aechmea galeottii]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea gamosepala]]'' Wittmack
** var. ''nivea'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea geminiflora]]'' (Harms) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea germinyana]]'' (Carrière) Baker
* ''[[Aechmea gigantea]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea glandulosa]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea gracilis]]'' Lindman
* ''[[Aechmea grazielae]]'' Martinelli & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea guainumbiorum]]'' J.A. Siqueira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea guaratubensis]]'' E. Pereira
* ''[[Aechmea gurkeniana]]'' E. Pereira & Moutinho
* ''[[Aechmea gustavoi]]'' J.A. Siqueira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea haltonii]]'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea hoppii]]'' (Harms) L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea huebneri]]'' Harms
* ''[[Aechmea iguana]]'' Wittmack
* ''[[Aechmea incompta]]'' Leme & H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea involucrata]]'' André
* ''[[Aechmea joannis]]'' T. Strehl
** var. ''alvipetala'' T. Strehl
* ''[[Aechmea kentii]]'' (H. Luther) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea kertesziae]]'' Reitz
** var. ''viridiaurata'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea kleinii]]'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea koesteri]]'' Manzanares
* ''[[Aechmea kuntzeana]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea lactifera]]'' Leme & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea laevigata]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea lamarchei]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea lanata]]'' (L.B. Smith) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea ×lanjouwii]]'' (L.B. Smith) Gouda & Moonen
* ''[[Aechmea lasseri]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea latifolia]]'' (Willdenow ex Schultes f.) Klotzsch ex Baker
* ''[[Aechmea leonard-kentiana]]'' H. Luther & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea leptantha]]'' (Harms) Leme & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea leucolepis]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea lingulata]]'' (Linnaeus) Baker
* ''[[Aechmea lingulatoides]]'' Leme & H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea linharesiorum]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea longicuspis]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea longifolia]]'' (Rudge) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea lueddemanniana]]'' (K. Koch) Mez in Engler
* ''[[Aechmea lugoi]]'' (Gilmartin & H. Luther) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea lymanii]]'' W. Weber
* ''[[Aechmea maasii]]'' Gouda & W. Till
* ''[[Aechmea macrochlamys]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea maculata]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea magdalenae]]'' (André) André ex Baker
** var. ''quadricolor'' M.B. Foster
* ''[[Aechmea manzanaresiana]]'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea marauensis]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea marginalis]]'' Leme & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea mariae-reginae]]'' H. Wendland
* ''[[Aechmea melinonii]]'' Hooker
* ''[[Aechmea mertensii]]'' (G. Meyer) Schultes f.
* ''[[Aechmea mexicana]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea microcephala]]'' E. Pereira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea milsteiniana]]'' L.B. Smith & R.W. Read
* ''[[Aechmea miniata]]'' (Beer) hortus ex Baker
** var. ''discolor'' (Beer) Beer
* ''[[Aechmea mira]]'' Leme & H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea mollis]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea moonenii]]'' Gouda
* ''[[Aechmea moorei]]'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea mulfordii]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea multiflora]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea murcae]]'' (L.B. Smith) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea muricata]]'' (Arruda) L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea mutica]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea nallyi]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea napoensis]]'' L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea nidularioides]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea nivea]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea nudicaulis]]'' (Linnaeus) Grisebach
** var. ''cuspidata'' Baker
*** forma ''tabuleirensis'' (Reitz) Reitz
** var. ''aureorosea'' (Antoine) L.B. Smith
** var. ''aequalis'' L.B. Smith & Reitz
** var. ''flavomarginata'' E. Pereira
** var. ''simulans'' E. Pereira
** var. ''plurifolia'' E. Pereira
** var. ''capitata'' Reitz
** var. ''nordestina'' J.A. Siqueira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea organensis]]'' Wawra
* ''[[Aechmea orlandiana]]'' L.B. Smith
** ssp. ''belloi'' E. Pereira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea ornata]]'' Baker
** var. ''hoehneana'' L.B. Smith
** var. ''nationalis'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea pabstii]]'' E. Pereira & Moutinho
* ''[[Aechmea pallida]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea paniculata]]'' Ruiz & Pavón
* ''[[Aechmea paniculigera]]'' (Swartz) Grisebach
* ''[[Aechmea paradoxa]]'' (Leme) Leme
* ''[[Aechmea patentissima]]'' (Martius ex Schultes & Schultes f.) Baker
* ''[[Aechmea patriciae]]'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea pectinata]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea pedicellata]]'' Leme & H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea penduliflora]]'' André
* ''[[Aechmea perforata]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea pernambucentris]]'' J.A. Siqueira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea phanerophlebia]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea pimenti-velosoi]]'' Reitz
** var. ''glabra'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea pineliana]]'' (Brongniart ex Planchon) Baker
** var. ''minuta'' M.B. Foster
* ''[[Aechmea pittieri]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea podantha]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea poitaei]]'' (Baker) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea politii]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea polyantha]]'' E. Pereira & Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea prancei]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea prava]]'' E. Pereira
* ''[[Aechmea pseudonudicaulis]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea pubescens]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea purpureorosea]]'' (Hooker) Wawra
* ''[[Aechmea pyramidalis]]'' Bentham
* ''[[Aechmea racinae]]'' L.B. Smith
** var. ''tubiformis'' E. Pereira
** var. ''erecta'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea ramosa]]'' Martius ex Schultes f.
** var. ''festiva'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea ramusculosa]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea reclinata]]'' C. Sastre & R. Brithmer
* ''[[Aechmea recurvata]]'' (Klotzsch) L.B. Smith
** var. ''ortgiesii'' (Baker) Reitz
** var. ''benrathii'' (Mez) Reitz
** var. ''albobracteata'' T. Strehl
* ''[[Aechmea retusa]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea roberto-anselmoi]]'' E. Pereira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea roberto-seidelii]]'' E. Pereira
* ''[[Aechmea rodriguesiana]]'' (L.B. Smith) L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea roeseliae]]'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea romeroi]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea rubens]]'' (L.B. Smith) L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea rubiginosa]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea rubrolilacina]]'' Leme
* ''[[Aechmea saxicola]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea seideliana]]'' W. Weber
* ''[[Aechmea seidelii]]'' (Leme) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea serragrandensis]]'' Leme & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea serrata]]'' (Linnaeus) Mez
* ''[[Aechmea servitensis]]'' André
** var. ''exigua'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea setigera]]'' Martius ex Schultes f.
* ''[[Aechmea smithiorum]]'' Mez
** var. ''longistipitata'' E. Gross
* ''[[Aechmea spectabilis]]'' Brongniart ex Houllet
* ''[[Aechmea sphaerocephala]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea squarrosa]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea stenosepala]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea streptocalycoides]]'' Philcox
* ''[[Aechmea strobilacea]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea strobilina]]'' (Beurling) L.B. Smith & R.W. Read
* ''[[Aechmea subpetiolata]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea sucreana]]'' Martinelli & C. Vieira
* ''[[Aechmea sulbahianensis]]'' Leme, Amorim & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea tayoensis]]'' Gilmartin
* ''[[Aechmea tentaculifera]]'' Leme, Amorim & J.A. Siqueira
* ''[[Aechmea tessmannii]]'' Harms
* ''[[Aechmea tillandsioides]]'' (Martius ex Schultes f.) Baker
* ''[[Aechmea tocantina]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea tomentosa]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea tonduzii]]'' Mez & Pittier ex Mez
* ''[[Aechmea triangularis]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea triticina]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea turbinocalyx]]'' Mez
* ''[[Aechmea vanhoutteana]]'' (Van Houtte) Mez
* ''[[Aechmea vasquezii]]'' H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea veitchii]]'' Baker
* ''[[Aechmea victoriana]]'' L.B. Smith
** var. ''discolor'' M.B. Foster
* ''[[Aechmea viridostigma]]'' Leme & H. Luther
* ''[[Aechmea warasii]]'' E. Pereira
** var. ''discolor'' E. Pereira
** var. ''intermedia'' (E. Pereira) E. Pereira & Leme
* ''[[Aechmea weberbaueri]]'' Harms
* ''[[Aechmea weberi]]'' (E. Pereira & Leme) Leme
* ''[[Aechmea weilbachii]]'' Didrichsen
** var. ''weilbachii''
*** forma ''pendula'' Reitz
*** forma ''leodiensis'' (André) E. Pereira & Leme
*** forma ''viridisepala'' E. Pereira & Leme
** var. ''albipetala'' Leme & A. Costa
* ''[[Aechmea werdermannii]]'' Harms
* ''[[Aechmea williamsii]]'' (L.B. Smith) L.B. Smith & M.A. Spencer
* ''[[Aechmea winkleri]]'' Reitz
* ''[[Aechmea wittmackiana]]'' (Regel) Mez
* ''[[Aechmea woronowii]]'' Harms
* ''[[Aechmea wuelfinghoffii]]'' E. Gross
* ''[[Aechmea zebrina]]'' L.B. Smith
* ''[[Aechmea abbreviata]]''
* ''[[Aechmea aciculosa]]''
*A. aurantiaca, Baker~Canistrum aurantiacum.
* ''[[Aechmea angustifolia]]''
*A. Barleei, Baker. Corolla pale yellow. Honduras.
* ''[[Aechmea apocalyptica]]''
*A. brasiliensis, Regel. Lvs. rauch dilated at base, whitish below, black-toothed: petals light blue: calyx and rachis red: panicle branched. Brazil.
* ''[[Aechmea aquilegia]]''
*A. bromeliaefolia. Baker. Dense spike: Lvs. whitish below, 3-4 ft. long, serrate or spinescent: fls. light yellow. S. Amer.
* ''[[Aechmea beeriana]]''
*A. Cornui, Carr.~A. nudicaulis.
* ''[[Aechmea blanchetiana]]''
*A. Drakeana, Andre. Lvs. whitish, finely dentate: spike simple and lax; fls. long-tubular, light blue; bracts and ovaries coral-red: berries rose, becoming blue. S. Amer.
* ''[[Aechmea blumenavii]]''
*A. exsudans, Morr.~Gravisia exsudans.
* ''[[Aechmea bracteata]]''
*A. Furstenbergii, Morr.~Streptocalyx Furstenbergii.
* ''[[Aechmea bromeliifolia]]''
*A. gigas, Morr. Floral lvs. crimson: fls. in a dense infl.; sepals white, lepidote; corolla pale green. Brazil.
* ''[[Aechmea caesia]]''
*A. glomerata, Hook.~Hohenbergia stellata, Schult.
* ''[[Aechmea calyculata]]''
*A. Hystrix, Morr. Lvs. lepidote, whitish, crowded: spike oblong, dense; fls. purple, tomentose. Guiana.
* ''[[Aechmea candida]]''
*A. lavandulacea, C. H. Wright. Fls. distichous, paniculate, the sepals awned. green, the petals deep violet. Grenada. B.M. 8005.
* ''[[Aechmea caudata]]''
*A. macracantha, Brongn. ~A. Schiedeana.
* ''[[Aechmea chantinii]]'' - Amazonian Zebra Plant
*A. Melinonii, Hook. Panicle 3-pinnate, dense; petals bright red: lvs. spiny. 1 1/2-2 ft. Guiana.
* ''[[Aechmea coelestis]]''
*A. mexicana, Baker. Lvs. long and large, fine-toothed: panicle 2-pinnate. long and lax, the peduncles mealy; petals crimson. Mex.
* ''[[Aechmea cylindrata]]''
*A. miniata, Hort.~Bilibergia thyrsoidea(?).
* ''[[Aechmea dealbata]]''
*A. myriophylla, Morr. Allied to A. distichantha. Lvs, narrow, 2-3 ft., spiny, silvery-scaly on the back: fls. red, the petals fading blue. Trop. Amer. B.M. 6939.
* ''[[Aechmea distichantha]]'' - Brazilian Vaseplant, Vase Plant
*A. nudicaulis. Griseo. Lvs. long and straight, brown-toothed: bract-lvs. subtending: spike large, brilliant red; petals yellow. Trop. Amer. R.H. 1885:36 (as A. Cornui, which is a form with shorter and denser spike).
* ''[[Aechmea drakeana]]''
*A. paniculigera, Griseb. Lvs. large and long: panicle 1-2 ft. long, with few-fld. branches: scape tall, reddish, downy; fls. purple. Trop. Amer.
* ''[[Aechmea emmerichiae]]''
*A. Schiedeana, Schlecht. (A. macracantha. Brongn.). Lvs. large, rigid, strongly armed: panicle 3-pinnate, pubescent: fls. pale yellow. Mex. Gt. 43 p. 175.
* ''[[Aechmea fasciata]]'' - Silver-Vase, Urn Plant
*A. serrata, Mez. Panicle very dense, bipinnate; fls. distichous, sessile; sepals spinulose; petals violet, mucronate. Martinique.
* ''[[Aechmea filicaulis]]''
*A. zebrina~Billbergia zebrina.
* ''[[Aechmea flavorosea]]''
* ''[[Aechmea fosteriana]]'' - Lacquered Wine Cup, Foster's Bromeliad
* ''[[Aechmea fulgens]]'' - Coralberry
* ''[[Aechmea gamosepala]]''
* ''[[Aechmea hoppi]]''
* ''[[Aechmea kentii]]''
* ''[[Aechmea kleinii]]''
* ''[[Aechmea kuntzeana]]''
* ''[[Aechmea lindenii]]''
* ''[[Aechmea lingulata]]''
* ''[[Aechmea longifolia]]''
* ''[[Aechmea lueddemanniana]]''
* ''[[Aechmea magdalenae]]''
* ''[[Aechmea mariae-reginae]]''
* ''[[Aechmea mexicana]]''
* ''[[Aechmea miniata]]''
* ''[[Aechmea mulfordii]]'' - Living Vase Bromelia
* ''[[Aechmea nudicaulis]]''
* ''[[Aechmea orlandiana]]''
* ''[[Aechmea pedicellata]]''
* ''[[Aechmea perforata]]''
* ''[[Aechmea pimenti-velosii]]''
* ''[[Aechmea pineliana]]''
* ''[[Aechmea purpureorosea]]''
* ''[[Aechmea recurvata]]''
* ''[[Aechmea rodriguesiana]]''
* ''[[Aechmea spectabilis]]''
* ''[[Aechmea tillandsioides]]''
* ''[[Aechmea veitchii]]''
* ''[[Aechmea victoriana]]''
* ''[[Aechmea weilbachii]]''
* ''[[Aechmea zebrina]]''
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<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
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