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361 bytes added ,  16:11, 13 July 2009
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| name = ''Carmichaelia''
| name = ''Carmichaelia''
| common_names =     <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| common_names = New Zealand Broom
| growth_habit =    <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| growth_habit =    <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| high =    <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| high =    <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin =     <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| origin = New Zealand
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan =    <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
| lifespan =    <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
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| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| color = IndianRed
| image = Upload.png  <!--- Freesia.jpg -->
| image = North_Island_Broom.jpg
| image_width = 240px   <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_width = 180px   <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption =    <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| image_caption =    <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| regnum = Plantae <!--- Kingdom -->
| regnum = Plantae
| divisio =   <!--- Phylum -->
| divisio = Magnoliophyta
| classis =   <!--- Class -->
| classis = Magnoliopsida
| ordo =   <!--- Order -->
| ordo = Fabales
| familia =   <!--- Family -->
| familia = Fabaceae
| subfamilia = Faboideae
| genus = Carmichaelia
| genus = Carmichaelia
| species =
| subspecies =
| cultivar =
{{edit-desc}}<!--- Type GENERAL genus/plant description below this line, then delete this entire line -->
''Carmichaelia'' (after Capt. Dugald Carmichael, Scottish botanist, who wrote on the Flora of the Cape and Certain Islands){{SCH}}. Fabaceae. Shrubs, leafless or usually becoming so, either erect or depressed, with reddish or purplish small fls., rarely cult{{SCH}}. There are about 20 species in New Zeal., very difficult of delimitation{{SCH}}. Lvs. 1- or 3-5-foliolate, wanting or deciduous after the bloom has passed: fls. in lateral racemes; calyx cup-shaped or bell-shaped, 5-toothed; corolla papilionaceous, the standard orbicular and usually reflexed, the wings oblong and obtuse and somewhat falcate, the keel oblong and incurved and obtuse; upper stamen free: pod small, leathery, oblong to orbicular{{SCH}}. ''C. grandiflora'' Hook. f. is much-branched, to 2m high, with compressed and grooved glabrous erect branches: lvs. pinnately 3-5- foliolate, appearing in spring and early summer and then caducous, the lfts. glabrous and obcordate-cuneate: fls. about 6mm long, in drooping racemes of 5-12, white or lilac{{SCH}}. C. odorata, Colenso, has pubescent drooping branches, and much smaller fls. in 10-20-fld. racemes: pod smaller (¼in, or less long) and longer-beaked{{SCH}}.
| color = IndianRed
| name = <!--- type name of plant just to the right of the equal sign on the left -->
| jan =
| feb =
| mar =
| apr =
| may =
| jun =
| jul =
| aug =
| sep =
| oct =
| nov =
| dec =
| notes =
{{edit-cult}}<!--- Type cultivation info below this line, then delete this entire line -->
{{edit-cult}}<!--- Type cultivation info below this line, then delete this entire line -->
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<!--  This section should be renamed Cultivars if it appears on a page for a species (rather than genus), or perhaps Varieties if there is a mix of cultivars, species, hybrids, etc    -->
24 species{{wp}}.
<!--  Usually in list format like this:    -->
<!--  *''[[Freesia alba]]''  -->
<!--  *''[[Freesia laxa]]'' (syn. ''Anomatheca laxa'', ''Lapeirousia laxa'')  -->

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