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''[[Connective]]''. The filament or tissue connecting the two cells of an anther, particularly when the cells are separated.
''[[Connective]]''. The filament or tissue connecting the two cells of an anther, particularly when the cells are separated.
Connivent. Coming together or converging, but not organically connected.
''[[Connivent]]''. Coming together or converging, but not organically connected.
Conoidal. Cone-like; nearly conical.
''[[Conoidal]]''. Cone-like; nearly conical.
Convolute. Said of floral envelopes in the bud when one edge overlaps the next part or petal or sepal or lobe while the other edge or margin is overlapped by a preceding part; rolled up.
''[[Convolute]]''. Said of floral envelopes in the bud when one edge overlaps the next part or petal or sepal or lobe while the other edge or margin is overlapped by a preceding part; rolled up.
Cordate. Heart-shaped; with a sinus and rounded lobes at the base and ovate in general outline.
''[[Cordate]]''. Heart-shaped; with a sinus and rounded lobes at the base and ovate in general outline.
Cork. The name applied to the outer impervious mostly not-living part of the bark. Most bark, develops a corky exterior, and in some cases it becomes very prominent. In Enonymous Thunbergianus, the English maple, the corky barked elm, and other trees and shrubs, it forms wings on the branches. The cork of commerce comes from the bark of Quercus Ilex (better known as Q. Suber), plantations of which grow in southwestern Europe. The cork tree of the catalogues, Phellodendron amurense, is a curious tree, cultivated for ornament.
''[[Cork]]''. The name applied to the outer impervious mostly not-living part of the bark. Most bark, develops a corky exterior, and in some cases it becomes very prominent. In ''Enonymous Thunbergianus'', the English maple, the corky barked elm, and other trees and shrubs, it forms wings on the branches. The cork of commerce comes from the bark of ''Quercus Ilex'' (better known as Q. Suber), plantations of which grow in southwestern Europe. The cork tree of the catalogues, ''Phellodendron amurense'', is a curious tree, cultivated for ornament.
Corm. A solid bulb-like part, usually subterranean, aa the "bulb" of crocus and gladiolus.
''[[Corm]]''. A solid bulb-like part, usually subterranean, aa the "bulb" of crocus and gladiolus.
Cormel. A corm arising from a mother-conn.
''[[Cormel]]''. A corm arising from a mother-conn.
Cormlet. Aerial corm, or one borne in the inflorescence or in the leaf axils.
''[[Cormlet]]''. Aerial corm, or one borne in the inflorescence or in the leaf axils.
Cormous. With conns, or pertaining to corms.
''[[Cormous]]''. With conns, or pertaining to corms.
Corneous. Horny; hard and very dense in texture.
''[[Corneous]]''. Horny; hard and very dense in texture.
Corniculate. Bearing or terminating in a small horn-like protuberance or process.
''[[Corniculate]]''. Bearing or terminating in a small horn-like protuberance or process.
Corolla. Inner circle of floral envelopes; if the parts are separate, they are petals; if not separate, they are teeth, lobes or divisions..
''[[Corolla]]''. Inner circle of floral envelopes; if the parts are separate, they are petals; if not separate, they are teeth, lobes or divisions..
Corona. Crown, coronet; any appendage or intrusion that stands between the corolla and stamens, or on the corolla, as the cup of a daffodil, or that is the outgrowth of the staminal part or circle, as in the milkweeds.
''[[Corona]]''. Crown, coronet; any appendage or intrusion that stands between the corolla and stamens, or on the corolla, as the cup of a daffodil, or that is the outgrowth of the staminal part or circle, as in the milkweeds.
Coroniform. Crown-formed or crown-like; corona-like.
''[[Coroniform]]''. Crown-formed or crown-like; corona-like.
Corticate. Having a cortex or hard bark; also having a rind, as the lemon and orange.
''[[Corticate]]''. Having a cortex or hard bark; also having a rind, as the lemon and orange.
Corymb. Short and broad, more or less flat-topped indeterminate flower-cluster.
''[[Corymb]]''. Short and broad, more or less flat-topped indeterminate flower-cluster.
Corymbose inflorescence. Outer flowers opening first.
''[[Corymbose inflorescence]]''. Outer flowers opening first.
Costa. A rib; in particular a strong rib or line, as a midrib or mid-nerve.
''[[Costa]]''. A rib; in particular a strong rib or line, as a midrib or mid-nerve.
Costate. Ribbed.
''[[Costate]]''. Ribbed.
Cotyledon. Seed-leaf; the primary leaf or leaves in the embryo; in some plants the cotyledon always remains in the seed-coats and in others (as bean) it emerges on germination.
''[[Cotyledon]]''. Seed-leaf; the primary leaf or leaves in the embryo; in some plants the cotyledon always remains in the seed-coats and in others (as bean) it emerges on germination.
Crateriform. Deep saucer-shaped; cup-shaped.
''[[Crateriform]]''. Deep saucer-shaped; cup-shaped.
Creeper. A trailing shoot that takes root in the ground throughout its length.
''[[Creeper]]''. A trailing shoot that takes root in the ground throughout its length.
Crenate. Shallowly round-toothed or obtusely toothed.
''[[Crenate]]''. Shallowly round-toothed or obtusely toothed.
Crenulate. Finely or shallowly crenate.
''[[Crenulate]]''. Finely or shallowly crenate.
Crested. With elevated and irregular or toothed ridge.
''[[Crested]]''. With elevated and irregular or toothed ridge.
Cribrose. Sieve-like; with numerous small apertures.
''[[Cribrose]]''. Sieve-like; with numerous small apertures.
Crop. Produce of tilled, cared-for or protected plants.
''[[Crop]]''. Produce of tilled, cared-for or protected plants.
Croppage. The whole subject of the producing of crops.
''[[Croppage]]''. The whole subject of the producing of crops.
Cross. The offspring of any two flowers that have been fertilized. A cross-breed is a cross between varieties of the same species. Synonyms are half-breed, mongrel, variety-hybrid. Crossing is the operation of cross- pollinating. Cross-pollination is the transfer of the pollen of one flower to the pistil of another.
''[[Cross]]''. The offspring of any two flowers that have been fertilized. A cross-breed is a cross between varieties of the same species. Synonyms are half-breed, mongrel, variety-hybrid. Crossing is the operation of cross- pollinating. Cross-pollination is the transfer of the pollen of one flower to the pistil of another.
Cross-fertilization. Fertilization or fecundation secured by pollen from another flower.
''[[Cross-fertilization]]''. Fertilization or fecundation secured by pollen from another flower.
Cross-pollination. Transfer of pollen from flower to flower.
''[[Cross-pollination]]''. Transfer of pollen from flower to flower.
Crown. Corona; also that part of the stem at the surface of the ground; also a part of a rhizome with a large bud, suitable for use in propagation.
''[[Crown]]''. Corona; also that part of the stem at the surface of the ground; also a part of a rhizome with a large bud, suitable for use in propagation.
Cruciate. Cross-shaped or cross-like.
''[[Cruciate]]''. Cross-shaped or cross-like.
Crustaci '' Said of bodies or coverings that are hard and brittle.
''[[Crustaceous]]''. Said of bodies or coverings that are hard and brittle.
Cryptogam. Flowerless plant, as fern, moss, fungus, seaweed; less used than formerly as a technical term.
''[[Cryptogam]]''. Flowerless plant, as fern, moss, fungus, seaweed; less used than formerly as a technical term.
Cryptos. In Greek compounds, signifying concealed.
''[[Cryptos]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying concealed.
Culm. The stem of sedges and grasses, and similar plants.
''[[Culm]]''. The stem of sedges and grasses, and similar plants.
Cuneate. Wedge-shaped; triangular, with the narrow end at point of attachment, as of leaves or petals.
''[[Cuneate]]''. Wedge-shaped; triangular, with the narrow end at point of attachment, as of leaves or petals.
Cupular. Cup-like or cup-shaped; the acorn nut sits in a cupule or little cup (whence the name Cupuliferte).
''[[Cupular]]''. Cup-like or cup-shaped; the acorn nut sits in a cupule or little cup (whence the name Cupuliferte).
Cuticle. The external rind or skin of a plant or part; usually applied to the thin waterproof membrane overlying the epidermis.
''[[Cuticle]]''. The external rind or skin of a plant or part; usually applied to the thin waterproof membrane overlying the epidermis.
Cutting. A severed vegetative or asexual part of a plant used in propagation; as a cutting of root, of stem, or of leaf.
''[[Cutting]]''. A severed vegetative or asexual part of a plant used in propagation; as a cutting of root, of stem, or of leaf.
Cyathiform. Cup-shaped.
''[[Cyathiform]]''. Cup-shaped.
Cymbiform. Boat-shaped.
''[[Cymbiform]]''. Boat-shaped.
Cyme. A broad, more or less flat-topped determinate flower-cluster.
''[[Cyme]]''. A broad, more or less flat-topped determinate flower-cluster.
Cymose inflorescence. With central flowers opening first. Cypsela. An old term for the fruit of composites, being dry, one-celled and one-seeded.
''[[Cymose inflorescence]]''. With central flowers opening first. Cypsela. An old term for the fruit of composites, being dry, one-celled and one-seeded.
Deciduous. Falling, as the leaves of non-evergreen trees.
''[[Deciduous]]''. Falling, as the leaves of non-evergreen trees.
Decompound. More than once compound.
''[[Decompound]]''. More than once compound.
Decumbent. Reclining or lying on the ground, but with the end ascending.
''[[Decumbent]]''. Reclining or lying on the ground, but with the end ascending.
Decurrent. Running down the stem, as the leaf of mullein.
''[[Decurrent]]''. Running down the stem, as the leaf of mullein.
Decussate. Opposite leaves in four rows up and down the stem; alternating in pairs at right angles.
''[[Decussate]]''. Opposite leaves in four rows up and down the stem; alternating in pairs at right angles.
Definite. Said of a constant or known number, not exceeding twenty; contrasted with indefinite, above twenty, when the parts are usually not counted in systematic descriptions.
''[[Definite]]''. Said of a constant or known number, not exceeding twenty; contrasted with indefinite, above twenty, when the parts are usually not counted in systematic descriptions.
Deflexcd. Turned downward abruptly.
''[[Deflexed]]''. Turned downward abruptly.
Defoliation. The casting or falling of the leaves.
''[[Defoliation]]''. The casting or falling of the leaves.
Dehiscence. The method or process of opening of a seed- pod or anther.
''[[Dehiscence]]''. The method or process of opening of a seed- pod or anther.
Deliquescent. Trunk or leader lost in the branches; said of tree-top without a leader.
''[[Deliquescent]]''. Trunk or leader lost in the branches; said of tree-top without a leader.
Deltoid. Triangular; delta-like.
''[[Deltoid]]''. Triangular; delta-like.
Dendroid. Said of tree-shaped small plants.
''[[Dendroid]]''. Said of tree-shaped small plants.
Dendron. In Greek compounds, signifying a tree.
''[[Dendron]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying a tree.
Dentate. With sharp spreading teeth.
''[[Dentate]]''. With sharp spreading teeth.
Depauperate. Applied to a plant or part that is less perfectly developed than usual or normal; also said of very small members of a genus or family.
''[[Depauperate]]''. Applied to a plant or part that is less perfectly developed than usual or normal; also said of very small members of a genus or family.
Depressed. More or less flattened endwise or from above.
''[[Depressed]]''. More or less flattened endwise or from above.
Descending. The direction gradually downwards.
''[[Descending]]''. The direction gradually downwards.
Determinate. Definite cessation of growth at the apex or in the main axis.
''[[Determinate]]''. Definite cessation of growth at the apex or in the main axis.
Di-. Dis,-. In Greek combinations, signifying two or twice as diphyllus, two-leaved.
''[[Di-]]. Dis,-''. In Greek combinations, signifying two or twice as diphyllus, two-leaved.
Diadelphous. In two groups, as the stamens of some Leguminosee, joined by their filaments.
''[[Diadelphous]]''. In two groups, as the stamens of some Leguminosee, joined by their filaments.
Diandrous. With two stamens.
''[[Diandrous]]''. With two stamens.
Diaphanous. Transparent or translucent.
''[[Diaphanous]]''. Transparent or translucent.
Dicarpellous. Comprised of two carpels.
''[[Dicarpellous]]''. Comprised of two carpels.
Dichlamydeous. Provided with both calyx and corolla.
''[[Dichlamydeous]]''. Provided with both calyx and corolla.
Dichogamy. Stamens and pistils maturing at different times.
''[[Dichogamy]]''. Stamens and pistils maturing at different times.
Diclinous. Imperfect; having either stamens or pistils but not both; unisexual. See Monoclinous.
''[[Diclinous]]''. Imperfect; having either stamens or pistils but not both; unisexual. See Monoclinous.
Dicoccous. Separating into two cocci.
''[[Dicoccous]]''. Separating into two cocci.
Dicotyledonous. With two cotyledons.
''[[Dicotyledonous]]''. With two cotyledons.
Didynamous. With four stamens in two pairs of different length.
''[[Didynamous]]''. With four stamens in two pairs of different length.
Diffuse. Loosely branching or spreading; of open growth.
''[[Diffuse]]''. Loosely branching or spreading; of open growth.
Digitate. Hand-like; compound with the members arising from one point.
''[[Digitate]]''. Hand-like; compound with the members arising from one point.
Dimerous. The parts in twos.
''[[Dimerous]]''. The parts in twos.
Dioecious. Staminate and pistillate flowers on different plants. .
''[[Dioecious]]''. Staminate and pistillate flowers on different plants. .
Dipterous. Two-winged.
''[[Dipterous]]''. Two-winged.
Dipyrenous. Having two stones or pyrenes.
''[[Dipyrenous]]''. Having two stones or pyrenes.
Disciform. Flattish and circular like a discus.
''[[Disciform]]''. Flattish and circular like a discus.
Discoid. Disk-like; in particular, said of a head of Compositae without ray-flowers.
''[[Discoid]]''. Disk-like; in particular, said of a head of Compositae without ray-flowers.
Disk, disc. A more or less fleshy or elevated development of the receptacle about the pistil; receptacle in the head of Composite.
''[[Disk]], disc''. A more or less fleshy or elevated development of the receptacle about the pistil; receptacle in the head of Composite.
Disk-flowers. The tubular flowers in the center of heads of Composite, as distinguished from the ray-flowers.
''[[Disk-flowers]]''. The tubular flowers in the center of heads of Composite, as distinguished from the ray-flowers.
Dissected. Divided into many slender segments.
''[[Dissected]]''. Divided into many slender segments.
Dissepiment. A partition, particularly in an ovary or fruit.
''[[Dissepiment]]''. A partition, particularly in an ovary or fruit.
Distinct. Separate; not united with parts in the same series.
''[[Distinct]]''. Separate; not united with parts in the same series.
Divided. Separated to the base.
''[[Divided]]''. Separated to the base.
Division. Propagation by means of separating the root system or rhizome system into parts; cutting up the plant into several root-bearing parts or pieces, as when one rhubarb plant is made into two or more.
''[[Division]]''. Propagation by means of separating the root system or rhizome system into parts; cutting up the plant into several root-bearing parts or pieces, as when one rhubarb plant is made into two or more.
Dorsal. Back; relating to the back or outer surface of a part or organ.
''[[Dorsal]]''. Back; relating to the back or outer surface of a part or organ.
Dorsiferous. Bearing anything on the back.
''[[Dorsiferous]]''. Bearing anything on the back.
Dorsifixed. Attached by the back.
''[[Dorsifixed]]''. Attached by the back.
Dorsotentral. Literally, back-front; placed with reference to the back or front or to both.
''[[Dorsoventral]]''. Literally, back-front; placed with reference to the back or front or to both.
Double. Said of flowers that have more than the usual number of floral envelopes, particularly of petals; full.
''[[Double]]''. Said of flowers that have more than the usual number of floral envelopes, particularly of petals; full.
Downy. Covered with very short and weak soft hairs.
''[[Downy]]''. Covered with very short and weak soft hairs.
Drupe. A fleshy one-seeded indehiscent fruit, with seed enclosed in a stony endocarp; stone-fruit.
''[[Drupe]]''. A fleshy one-seeded indehiscent fruit, with seed enclosed in a stony endocarp; stone-fruit.
Drupelet. One drupe in a fruit made up of aggregate drupes, as in the raspberry.
''[[Drupelet]]''. One drupe in a fruit made up of aggregate drupes, as in the raspberry.
Dumose. Low and branching, as a bush.
''[[Dumose]]''. Low and branching, as a bush.
E- or Ex-. In Latin-formed words, usually denoting, as a prefix, that parts are missing, as exstipulate, without stipules, estriate, without stripes.
''[[E-]] or Ex-''. In Latin-formed words, usually denoting, as a prefix, that parts are missing, as exstipulate, without stipules, estriate, without stripes.
Ecalcarate. Without calcar or spur.
''[[Ecalcarate]]''. Without calcar or spur.
Ecology. Study of habits and modes of life of animals and plants.
''[[Ecology]]''. Study of habits and modes of life of animals and plants.
Ecostate. Without ribs.
''[[Ecostate]]''. Without ribs.
Edentate. Without teeth.
''[[Edentate]]''. Without teeth.
Effuse. Loosely spreading; very diffuse.
''[[Effuse]]''. Loosely spreading; very diffuse.
Eglandulose. Without glands.
''[[Eglandulose]]''. Without glands.
Elliptic. A flat part or body that is oval and narrowed to rounded ends.
''[[Elliptic]]''. A flat part or body that is oval and narrowed to rounded ends.
Elongate. Lengthened; stretched out.
''[[Elongate]]''. Lengthened; stretched out.
Embryo. The plantlet in the seed.
''[[Embryo]]''. The plantlet in the seed.
Endocarp. The inner layer or part of a pericarp.
''[[Endocarp]]''. The inner layer or part of a pericarp.
Endogen. Term applied to stems having scattered bundles, as of Indian corn, not appropriate, and now little used. See Exogen.
''[[Endogen]]''. Term applied to stems having scattered bundles, as of Indian corn, not appropriate, and now little used. See Exogen.
Endosperm. Starch or other food outside or around the embryo; albumen.
''[[Endosperm]]''. Starch or other food outside or around the embryo; albumen.
Ensiform, ensate. Sword-shaped; long, flat, 2-edged, nearly or quite straight, with a sharp point.
''[[Ensiform]], ensate''. Sword-shaped; long, flat, 2-edged, nearly or quite straight, with a sharp point.
Entire. Margin not in any way indented; whole.
''[[Entire]]''. Margin not in any way indented; whole.
Environment. Surroundings; conditions in which organisms live and grow.
''[[Environment]]''. Surroundings; conditions in which organisms live and grow.
Ephemeral. Persisting for one day only, as flowers of spiderwort.
''[[Ephemeral]]''. Persisting for one day only, as flowers of spiderwort.
Epi. A Greek prefix signifying on or upon.
''[[Epi]]''. A Greek prefix signifying on or upon.
Epicarp. The outer layer or surface of the pericarp.
''[[Epicarp]]''. The outer layer or surface of the pericarp.
Epichile. The upper part of the jointed lip of an orchid.
''[[Epichile]]''. The upper part of the jointed lip of an orchid.
Epicotyl. That part of the caulicle lying above the cotyledons.
''[[Epicotyl]]''. That part of the caulicle lying above the cotyledons.
Epidermis. Superficial layer of cells and underneath the cuticle.
''[[Epidermis]]''. Superficial layer of cells and underneath the cuticle.
Epigeal. Cotyledons rising into the air in germination.
''[[Epigeal]]''. Cotyledons rising into the air in germination.
Epigeous. Close upon the ground rather than underneath.
''[[Epigeous]]''. Close upon the ground rather than underneath.
Epigynous. Borne on the ovary; used of floral parts when ovary is inferior and flower not perigynous.
''[[Epigynous]]''. Borne on the ovary; used of floral parts when ovary is inferior and flower not perigynous.
Epipetalous. On a petal.
''[[Epipetalous]]''. On a petal.
Epiphyllous. On a leaf.
''[[Epiphyllous]]''. On a leaf.
Epiphyte, Air-plant; a plant growing on another or on some other elevated support.
''[[Epiphyte]]'', Air-plant; a plant growing on another or on some other elevated support.
Equitant. Sitting astride; used for conduplicate leaves that stand inside each other in two ranks, as in Iris.
''[[Equitant]]''. Sitting astride; used for conduplicate leaves that stand inside each other in two ranks, as in Iris.
Erostrate. Without a beak.
''[[Erostrate]]''. Without a beak.
Essential organs. Stamens and pistils.
''[[Essential organs]]''. Stamens and pistils.
Evergreen. Remaining green throughout the year.
''[[Evergreen]]''. Remaining green throughout the year.
Exalbuminous. Seeds without albumen or endosperm.
''[[Exalbuminous]]''. Seeds without albumen or endosperm.
Excenlric. Out of or away from the center.
''[[Excentric]]''. Out of or away from the center.
Excurrent. The trunk or leader continuing through the top.
''[[Excurrent. The trunk or leader continuing through the top.
Exfoliating. Coming off in thin layers, as the bark of birch and other plants.
''[[Exfoliating. Coming off in thin layers, as the bark of birch and other plants.
Exocarp. The outside part of a pericarp.
''[[Exocarp. The outside part of a pericarp.
Exogen. exogenous. Growing and increasing in diameter by layers on the exterior of the woody cylinder, in distinction from endogens.
''[[Exogen]], exogenous''. Growing and increasing in diameter by layers on the exterior of the woody cylinder, in distinction from endogens.
Exserted. Sticking out; projecting beyond, as stamens from a perianth.
''[[Exserted]]''. Sticking out; projecting beyond, as stamens from a perianth.
Exsiccated. Dry or dried.
''[[Exsiccated]]''. Dry or dried.
Exslipulate. Without stipules.
''[[Exstipulate]]''. Without stipules.
Extrorse. Looking or facing outward.
''[[Extrorse]]''. Looking or facing outward.
Eye. The marked center of a flower; a bud on a tuber, as on a potato; a single-bud cutting.
''[[Eye]]''. The marked center of a flower; a bud on a tuber, as on a potato; a single-bud cutting.
Fades. The general appearance or "looks" of a plant; or the characteristic appearance of a plant society.
''[[Facies]]''. The general appearance or "looks" of a plant; or the characteristic appearance of a plant society.
Farinaceous. Containing starch, or starch-like materials.
''[[Farinaceous]]''. Containing starch, or starch-like materials.
Fasciated. Much flattened; an abnormal or teratological widening and flattening of the stem.
''[[Fasciated]]''. Much flattened; an abnormal or teratological widening and flattening of the stem.
Fascicle. A condensed or close cluster, as of flowers.
''[[Fascicle]]''. A condensed or close cluster, as of flowers.
Feminine. Pistillate (in higher plants).
''[[Feminine]]''. Pistillate (in higher plants).
Fertile. Said of pollen-bearing stamens and seed-bearing fruits.
''[[Fertile]]''. Said of pollen-bearing stamens and seed-bearing fruits.
Fertilization. Impregnation of the ovule; the act of union of sperm and egg cells, in the higher plants taking place within the ovule: fecundation.
''[[Fertilization]]''. Impregnation of the ovule; the act of union of sperm and egg cells, in the higher plants taking place within the ovule: fecundation.
Fetid. Having a disagreeable odor.
''[[Fetid]]''. Having a disagreeable odor.
Fibrulose. With fine fibers or threads.
''[[Fibrillose]]''. With fine fibers or threads.
Fibrous. Fiber-like; containing fibers or thread-like parts.
''[[Fibrous]]''. Fiber-like; containing fibers or thread-like parts.
Fibro-vascular. Made up of both fibers and ducts; combination of fibrous and vascular structure.
''[[Fibro-vascular]]''. Made up of both fibers and ducts; combination of fibrous and vascular structure.
Filament. Stalk of the anther.
''[[Filament]]''. Stalk of the anther.
Filiform., Thread-like; long and very slender.
''[[Filiform]]''., Thread-like; long and very slender.
Fimbriate. Fringed.
''[[Fimbriate]]''. Fringed.
Fimbrillate. Minutely fringed.
''[[Fimbrillate]]''. Minutely fringed.
Fistular. Cylindrical and hollow.
''[[Fistular]]''. Cylindrical and hollow.
Flaccid. Soft; lax and weak; not rigid.
''[[Flaccid]]''. Soft; lax and weak; not rigid.
Flagelliform. Whip-form; long and slender like a lash.
''[[Flagelliform]]''. Whip-form; long and slender like a lash.
Flagging. Wilting; said particularly of newly made cuttings and recently transplanted plants.
''[[Flagging]]''. Wilting; said particularly of newly made cuttings and recently transplanted plants.
Flexuous. Having a more or less zigzag or wavy form; said of stems of various kinds.
''[[Flexuous]]''. Having a more or less zigzag or wavy form; said of stems of various kinds.
Floccose. With tufts or flocks of soft wool or woolly hair.
''[[Floccose]]''. With tufts or flocks of soft wool or woolly hair.
Flora. The plant population of a given region; also a book describing this population.
''[[Flora]]''. The plant population of a given region; also a book describing this population.
Florets. Individual flowers of composites and grasses; also other very small flowers that make up a very dense form of inflorescence.
''[[Florets]]''. Individual flowers of composites and grasses; also other very small flowers that make up a very dense form of inflorescence.
Floriferous. Flower-bearing.
''[[Floriferous]]''. Flower-bearing.
Foliaceous. Leaf-like; said particularly of sepals and calyx- lobes and of bracts that in texture, size or color look like small or large leaves.
''[[Foliaceous]]''. Leaf-like; said particularly of sepals and calyx- lobes and of bracts that in texture, size or color look like small or large leaves.
-foliate. In combinations, -leaved; having leaves; as trifoliate, three-leaved.
''[[-foliate]]''. In combinations, -leaved; having leaves; as trifoliate, three-leaved.
-foliolate. Having leaflets; as trifoliolate, of three leaflets.
''[[-foliolate]]''. Having leaflets; as trifoliolate, of three leaflets.
Follicle. Dry, dehiscent pericarp opening only on the front suture.
''[[Follicle]]''. Dry, dehiscent pericarp opening only on the front suture.
Follicular. With follicles; follicle-like.
''[[Follicular]]''. With follicles; follicle-like.
foramen. An aperture or opening.
''[[Foramen]]''. An aperture or opening.
Forked. Branching or divided into nearly equal parts or members.
''[[Forked]]''. Branching or divided into nearly equal parts or members.
Fornicate. Arched.
''[[Fornicate]]''. Arched.
Free. Not joined to other organs; as petals free from the stamens or calyx.
''[[Free]]''. Not joined to other organs; as petals free from the stamens or calyx.
Frond. Leaf of fern; sometimes used in the sense of foliage.
''[[Frond]]''. Leaf of fern; sometimes used in the sense of foliage.
Frosted. With a more or less shining or crystallized white covering.
''[[Frosted]]''. With a more or less shining or crystallized white covering.
Fructification. The act or process of fruiting; also the fruiting organ or organs.
''[[Fructification]]''. The act or process of fruiting; also the fruiting organ or organs.
Fruit. The ripened pericarp or pericarps with the adnate parts; the seed-bearing organ.
''[[Fruit]]''. The ripened pericarp or pericarps with the adnate parts; the seed-bearing organ.
Fruticose. Shrubby or shrub-like in the sense of being woody.
''[[Fruticose]]''. Shrubby or shrub-like in the sense of being woody.
Fugacious. Falling or withering away very early.
''[[Fugacious]]''. Falling or withering away very early.
Fumose. Smoke-colored.
''[[Fumose]]''. Smoke-colored.
Function. What a plant or a part does; its vital activities.
''[[Function]]''. What a plant or a part does; its vital activities.
Funicle. The Btalk or stipe of an ovule or seed.
''[[Funicle]]''. The Btalk or stipe of an ovule or seed.
Funnelform. With tube gradually widening upward and passing insensibly into the limb, as in many flowers of Convolvulus; infundibuliform.
''[[Funnelform]]''. With tube gradually widening upward and passing insensibly into the limb, as in many flowers of Convolvulus; infundibuliform.
Furrowed. With longitudinal channels or grooves.
''[[Furrowed]]''. With longitudinal channels or grooves.
Fusiform. Spindle-shaped; narrowed both ways from a swollen middle, as dahlia roots.
''[[Fusiform]]''. Spindle-shaped; narrowed both ways from a swollen middle, as dahlia roots.
Galea. A hood or a helmet-shaped part or structure, as found in the upper lip of some corollas.
''[[Galea]]''. A hood or a helmet-shaped part or structure, as found in the upper lip of some corollas.
Gamete. One of the sex-cells, either male or female.
''[[Gamete]]''. One of the sex-cells, either male or female.
Gamopetalous. Corolla of one piece; petals united.
''[[Gamopetalous]]''. Corolla of one piece; petals united.
Gamophyttous. Leaves united.
''[[Gamophyllous]]''. Leaves united.
Gamosepalous. Calyx of one piece; sepals united.
''[[Gamosepalous]]''. Calyx of one piece; sepals united.
Geminate. In pairs; twin.
''[[Geminate]]''. In pairs; twin.
Gemma. A bud; particularly a bud or bud-like structure by which a plant propagates.
''[[Gemma]]''. A bud; particularly a bud or bud-like structure by which a plant propagates.
Gemmiparous. Bud-bearing.
''[[Gemmiparous]]''. Bud-bearing.
Gemmule. A little bud or bud-like structure.
''[[Gemmule]]''. A little bud or bud-like structure.
Generation. Period from birth (impregnation) to death; the epoch from one 1-celled stage of a plant to the next 1-celled stage.
''[[Generation]]''. Period from birth (impregnation) to death; the epoch from one 1-celled stage of a plant to the next 1-celled stage.
Germination. The unfolding of the embryo and becoming self-established of the plantlet.
''[[Germination]]''. The unfolding of the embryo and becoming self-established of the plantlet.
Gibbosity. A. swelling or bulging on one side or near the base.
''[[Gibbosity]]''. A. swelling or bulging on one side or near the base.
Glabrate. Nearly glabrous, or becoming glabrous with maturity or age.
''[[Glabrate]]''. Nearly glabrous, or becoming glabrous with maturity or age.
Glabrous. Not hairy.
''[[Glabrous]]''. Not hairy.
Gladiate. Sword-shaped or sword-like.
''[[Gladiate]]''. Sword-shaped or sword-like.
Gland. Properly a secreting part or prominence or appendage, but often used in the sense of gland-like.
''[[Gland]]''. Properly a secreting part or prominence or appendage, but often used in the sense of gland-like.
Glandular. Having or bearing secreting organs, or glands.
''[[Glandular]]''. Having or bearing secreting organs, or glands.
Glandulosc, glanduliferous. Gland-bearing.
''[[Glandulose]], glanduliferous''. Gland-bearing.
Glaucous. Covered with a "bloom" or a whitish substance that rubs off.
''[[Glaucous]]''. Covered with a "bloom" or a whitish substance that rubs off.
Glochidiate. Said of parts with summit barbed.
''[[Glochidiate]]''. Said of parts with summit barbed.
Glomerate. In dense or compact cluster or clusters.
''[[Glomerate]]''. In dense or compact cluster or clusters.
Glomerule. Dense head-like clusters; properly a dense cyme.
''[[Glomerule]]''. Dense head-like clusters; properly a dense cyme.
Glume. A small chaff-like bract; in particular, one of the two empty bracts at the base of the grass spikelet.
''[[Glume]]''. A small chaff-like bract; in particular, one of the two empty bracts at the base of the grass spikelet.
Graft. A branch or bud inserted on another plant with the intention that it shall grow there; cion.
''[[Graft]]''. A branch or bud inserted on another plant with the intention that it shall grow there; cion.
Grafting. The process of inserting a cion in a plant with the intention that it shall grow there. See Budding.
''[[Grafting]]''. The process of inserting a cion in a plant with the intention that it shall grow there. See Budding.
Granular, granulose. Covered with very small grains; minutely or finely mealy.
''[[Granular]], granulose''. Covered with very small grains; minutely or finely mealy.
Gymnos. In Greek compounds, signifying naked or not covered: as gymnosperms, with naked seeds (not in a pericarp). See Angiosperm.
''[[Gymnos]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying naked or not covered: as gymnosperms, with naked seeds (not in a pericarp). See Angiosperm.
Gynandrous. With the stamens grown on the pistil, forming one organ,-as in the orchids.
''[[Gynandrous]]''. With the stamens grown on the pistil, forming one organ,-as in the orchids.
Gynobase. Stipe or stalk of an ovary, being an extension or prolongation of the receptacle; short gynophore.
''[[Gynobase]]''. Stipe or stalk of an ovary, being an extension or prolongation of the receptacle; short gynophore.
Gynoecium. The female or pistil - bearing part of the flower. See Andraecium.
''[[Gynaecium]]''. The female or pistil - bearing part of the flower. See Andraecium.
Gynophore. Stipe of an ovary prolonged within the calyx.
''[[Gynophore]]''. Stipe of an ovary prolonged within the calyx.