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[[Image:Split Aloe.jpg|thumb|150px|Succulent plants, such as this ''[[Aloe]]'', store water in their fleshy leaves]] 
'''Succulent plants''', also known as '''succulents''' or '''fat plants''', are [[water]]-retaining [[plant]]s adapted to [[Xerophile|xerophilic]] climatic or [[soil]] conditions. Succulent plants store water in their [[leaf|leaves]], [[Plant stem|stems]] and/or [[root]]s. The storage of water often gives succulent plants a more swollen or fleshy appearance than other plants, also known as succulence. In addition to succulence, succulent plants variously have other water-saving features. These may include:
| color = lightgreen
| name = ''Aloe''
| image = Koeh-007.jpg
| image_width = 240px
| image_caption = ''Aloe succotrina''
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
| divisio = [[Flowering plant|Magnoliophyta]]
| classis = [[Liliopsida]]
| ordo = [[Asparagales]]
| familia = [[Asphodelaceae]]
| genus = '''''Aloe'''''
| genus_authority = [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]
| subdivision_ranks = Species
| subdivision = See [[Aloe#Species|Species]]
* [[Crassulacean acid metabolism|CAM metabolism]] to minimise water loss
'''''Aloe''''', also written ''Aloë'', is a [[genus]] containing about four hundred [[species]] of [[flowering plants|flowering]] [[succulent plant|succulent]] [[plants]].
* Absent, reduced, or cylindrical to spherical leaves
* reduction in the number of [[stomata]]
* stems, rather than leaves, as the main site of photosynthesis
* a compact, reduced, cushion-like, columnar or spherical growth form
* ribs enabling rapid increases in plant volume and decreasing surface area exposed to the sun
* waxy, hairy or spiny outer surface to reduce water loss via the creation of a humid microhabitat around the plant and a reduction in air movement near the surface of the plant.
Many succulents come from the dry areas of the [[tropics]] and [[subtropics]], such as [[steppes]], [[semi-desert]] and [[desert]]. High temperatures and low [[precipitation]] force plants to collect and store water in order to survive long dry periods. Succulents also occur as [[Epiphytic|epiphytes]],  as such they have limited or no contact with the ground, and are dependent on their ability to store water. Succulents also occur as inhabitants of [[sea]] [[coasts]], or [[salt pans]] which are exposed to high levels of dissolved minerals.  
The genus is native to [[Africa]] and is common in [[South Africa]]'s [[Cape Province]] and the mountains of tropical Africa, and neighbouring areas such as [[Madagascar]], the [[Arabian peninsula]] and the islands off Africa.
The best known succulents are [[cactus|cacti]] ([[family (biology)|family]]: [[Cactaceae]]). Virtually all cacti are succulents, but many succulents are not cacti.
The [[APG II system]] (2003) placed the genus in the family [[Asphodelaceae]]. In the past it has also been assigned to families [[Aloaceae]] and [[Liliaceae]]. Members of the closely allied genera ''[[Gasteria]]'', ''[[Haworthia]]'' and ''[[Kniphofia]]'' which have a similar mode of growth, are also popularly known as aloes. Note that the plant sometimes called "American aloe" (''[[Agave americana]]''), belongs to [[Agavaceae]], a different family.
== Families and genera ==
Most Aloes have a rosette of large, thick, fleshy [[Leaf|leaves]]. The leaves are often lance-shaped with a sharp apex and a spiny margin. Aloe [[flower]]s are tubular, frequently yellow, orange or red and are borne on densely clustered, simple or branched leafless stems.   
[[image:LithopsJulii.jpg|thumb|150px|Aizoaceae:''Lithops julii'', leaf succulent]]
[[image:Bottle-tree.jpg|thumb|150px|Apocynaceae:''Pachypodium lealii'', stem succulent]]
[[image:Hayworthia arachnoidea - cobweb aloe.jpg|thumb|150px|Asphodelaceae:''Haworthia arachnoidea'', leaf succulent]]
[[image:Adansonia gregorii.jpg|thumb|150px|Bombaceae:''Adansonia gregorii'', stem succulent]]
[[image:Rebutia muscula.JPG|thumb|150px|Cactaceae:''Rebutia muscula'', stem succulent]]
[[Image:Crassula_ovata_700.jpg|thumb|150px|Crassulaceae:''Crassula ovata'', stem and leaf succulent]]
[[image:E obesa symmetrica ies.jpg|thumb|150px|Euphorbiaceae:''Euphorbia obesa ssp. symmetrica'', stem succulent]]
[[image:Moringa-ovalifolia.jpg|thumb|150px|Moringaceae:''Moringa ovalifolia'', stem succulent]]
[[image:Pataelefante.jpg|thumb|150px|Nolinaceae:''Beaucarnea recurvata'', stem succulent]]
[[image:Dragon tree.jpg|thumb|150px|Ruscaceae:''Dracaena draco'', stem succulent]]
Plant families and genera in which succulent species occur are listed below.
* '''[[Agavaceae]]''': ''[[Agave]]'', ''[[Beschorneria]]'', ''[[Chlorophytum]]'', ''[[Furcraea]]'', ''[[Hesperaloe]]'', ''[[Hesperoyucca]]'', ''[[Yucca]]''
* '''[[Aizoaceae]]''': ''[[Acrodon]]'', ''[[Aloinopsis]]'', ''[[Amoebophyllum]]'', ''[[Amphibolia]]'', ''[[Antegibbaeum]]'', ''[[Apatesia]]'', ''[[Aptenia]]'', ''[[Arenifera]]'', ''[[Argyroderma]]'', ''[[Aridaria]]'', ''[[Astridia]]'', ''[[Bergeranthus]]'', ''[[Berrisfordia]]'', ''[[Braunsia]]'', ''[[Brownanthus]]'', ''[[Calamophyllum]]'', ''[[Carpobrotus]]'', ''[[Carruanthus]]'', ''[[Caryotophora]]'', ''[[Cephalophyllum]]'', ''[[Cerochlamys]]'', ''[[Chasmatophyllum]]'', ''[[Cheiridopsis]]'', ''[[Conicosia]]'', ''[[Conophytum]]'', ''[[Cylindrophyllum]]'', ''[[Dactylopsis]]'', ''[[Delosperma]]'', ''[[Dicrocaulon]]'', ''[[Dinteranthus]]'', ''[[Dorotheanthus]]'', ''[[Dracophilus]]'', ''[[Drosanthemum]]'', ''[[Eberlanzia]]'', ''[[Ebracteola]]'', ''[[Ectotropis]]'', ''[[Enarganthe]]'', ''[[Erepsia]]'', ''[[Esterhuysenia]]'', ''[[Eurystigma]]'', ''[[Faucaria]]'', ''[[Fenestraria]]'', ''[[Frithia]]'', ''[[Gibbaeum]]'', ''[[Glottiphyllum]]'', ''[[H
alenbergia]]'', ''[[Hereroa]]'', ''[[Herrea]]'', ''[[Herreanthus]]'', ''[[Hydrodea]]'', ''[[Hymenogyne]]'', ''[[Imitaria]]'', ''[[Jacobsenia]]'', ''[[Juttadinteria]]'', ''[[Kensitia]]'', ''[[Khadia]]'', ''[[Lampranthus]]'', ''[[Lapidaria]]'', ''[[Leipoldtia]]'', ''[[Lithops]]'', ''[[Machairophyllum]]'', ''[[Malephora]]'', ''[[Maughaniella]]'', ''[[Mesembryanthemum]]'', ''[[Mestoklama]]'', ''[[Meyerophytum]]'', ''[[Micropterum]]'', ''[[Mimetophytum]]'', ''[[Mitrophyllum]]'', ''[[Monilaria]]'', ''[[Muiria]]'', ''[[Namaquanthus]]'', ''[[Namibia]]'', ''[[Nanathus]]'', ''[[Nelia]]'', ''[[Neohenricia]]'', ''[[Neorhine]]'', ''[[Nycteranthus]]'', ''[[Octopoma]]'', ''[[Odontophorus]]'', ''[[Oophytum]]'', ''[[Ophthalmophyllum]]'', ''[[Orthopterum]]'', ''[[Oscularia]]'', ''[[Ottosonderia]]'', ''[[Pherelobus]]'', ''[[Platythyra]]'', ''[[Pleiospilos]]'', ''[[Polymita]]'', ''[[Prenia]]'', ''[[Psammophora]]'', ''[[Psicaulon]]'', ''[[Rabiea]]'', ''[[Rhinephyllum]]'', ''[[Rhombophyllum]]'', ''[[Ruschia]]'', ''[[Ruschianthemum]]'', ''[[Ruschianthus]]'', ''[[Saphesia]]'', ''[[Sceletium]]'', ''[[Schwantesia]]'', ''[[Scopologena]]'', ''[[Semnanthe]]'', ''[[Skiatophytum]]'', ''[[Smicrostigma]]'', ''[[Sphalmanthus]]'', ''[[Stayneria]]'', ''[[Stomatium]]'', ''[[Synaptophyllum]]'', ''[[Titanopsis]]'', ''[[Trichodiadema]]'', ''[[Vanheerea]]'', ''[[Vanzijlia]]'', ''[[Wooleya]]'', ''[[Zeuktophyllum]]''
* '''[[Amaranthaceae]]''': ''[[Arthraerva]]'', ''[[Salicornia]]''
* '''[[Amaryllidaceae]]''': ''[[Boophane]]'', ''[[Brunsvigia]]'', ''[[Cyrtanthus]]'', ''[[Haemanthus]]'', ''[[Rauhia]]''
* '''[[Anacardiaceae]]''': ''[[Operculicaria]]'', ''[[Pachycormus]]''
* '''[[Apiaceae]]''': ''[[Steganotaenia]]''
* '''[[Apocynaceae]]''': ''[[Adenium]]'', ''[[Mandevilla]]'', ''[[Pachypodium]]'', ''[[Plumeria]]''
** subfamily '''[[Asclepiadoideae]]''' (syn. [[Asclepiadaceae]]): ''[[Absolmsia]]'', ''[[Asclepias]]'', ''[[Aspidoglossum]]'', ''[[Aspidonepsis]]'', ''[[Baynesia]]'', ''[[Brachystelma]]'', ''[[Caralluma]]'', ''[[Ceropegia]]'', ''[[Cibirhiza]]'', ''[[Cynanchum]]'', ''[[Dischidia]]'', ''[[Dischidiopsis]]'', ''[[Duvalia]]'', ''[[Duvaliandra]]'', ''[[Echidnopsis]]'', ''[[Edithcolea]]'', ''[[Fanninia]]'', ''[[Fockea]]'', ''[[Glossostelma]]'', ''[[Hoodia]]'', ''[[Hoya]]'', ''[[Huernia]]'', ''[[Huerniopsis]]'', ''[[Ischnolepis]]'', ''[[Larryleachia]]'', ''[[Lavrania]]'', ''[[Madangia]]'', ''[[Marsdenia]]'', ''[[Matelea]]'', ''[[Micholitzia]]'', ''[[Miraglossum]]'', ''[[Notechidnopsis]]'', ''[[Odontostelma]]'', ''[[Ophionella]]'', ''[[Orbea (Asclepiadaceae)|Orbea]]'', ''[[Orbeanthus]]'', ''[[Pachycarpus]]'', ''[[Pectinaria]]'', ''[[Petopentia]]'', ''[[Piaranthus]]'', ''[[Pseudolithos]]'', ''[[Quaqua]]'', ''[[Raphionacme]]'', ''[[Rhytidocaulon]]'', ''[[Riocreuxia]]'', ''[[Sarcorrhiza]]'', ''[[Sarcostemma]]'', ''[[Schizoglossum]]'', ''[[Schlechterella]]'', ''[[Stapelia]]'', ''[[Stapelianthus]]'', ''[[Stapeliopsis]]'', ''[[Stathmostelma]]'', ''[[Stenostelma]]'', ''[[Stomatostemma]]'', ''[[Tavaresia]]'', ''[[Trachycalymma]]'', ''[[Tridentea]]'', ''[[Tromotriche]]'', ''[[White-sloanea]]'', ''[[Xysmalobium]]''
* '''[[Araceae]]''': ''[[Zamioculcas]]''
* '''[[Araliaceae]]''': ''[[Cussonia]]''
* '''[[Asparagaceae]]''': ''[[Myrsiphyllum]]''
* '''[[Asphodelaceae]]''': ''[[Aloe]]'', ''[[Astroloba]]'', ''[[Bulbine]]'', ''[[Chortolirion]]'', ''[[Gasteria]]'', ''[[Haworthia]]'', ''[[Poellnitzia]]'', [[Trachyandra]]''
* '''[[Asteraceae]]''': ''[[Baeriopsis]]'', ''[[Coulterella]]'', ''[[Crassocephalum]]'', ''[[Didelta]]'', ''[[Gynura]]'', ''[[Osteospermum]]'', ''[[Othonna]]'', ''[[Polyachyrus]]'', ''[[Pteronia]]'', ''[[Senecio]]''
* '''[[Balsaminaceae]]''': ''[[Impatiens]]''
* '''[[Basellaceae]]''': ''[[Anredera]]'', ''[[Basella]]''
* '''[[Begoniaceae]]''': ''[[Begonia]]''
* '''[[Bombaceae]]''': ''[[Adansonia]]'', ''[[Cavanillesia]]'', ''[[Ceiba]]'', ''[[Pseudobombax]]''
* '''[[Brassicaceae]]''': ''[[Heliophila]]'', ''[[Lepidium]]''
* '''[[Bromeliaceae]]''': ''[[Abromeitiella]]''
* '''[[Burseraceae]]''': ''[[Beiselia]]'', ''[[Bursea]]'', ''[[Commiphora]]''
* '''[[Cactaceae]]''': ''
[[Acanthocalycium]]'', ''[[Acanthocereus]]'', ''[[Ariocarpus]]'', ''[[Armatocereus]]'', ''[[Arrojadoa]]'', ''[[Arthrocereus]]'', ''[[Astrophytum]]'', ''[[Austrocactus]]'', ''[[Aztekium]]'', ''[[Bergerocactus]]'', ''[[Blossfeldia]]'', ''[[Brachycereus]]'', ''[[Browningia]]'', ''[[Brasilicereus]]'', ''[[Calymmanthium]]'', ''[[Carnegiea]]'', ''[[Cephalocereus]]'', ''[[Cephalocleistocactus]]'', ''[[Cereus]]'', ''[[Cintia]]'', ''[[Cipocereus]]'', ''[[Cleistocactus]]'', ''[[Coleocephalocereus]]'', ''[[Copiapoa]]'', ''[[Corryocactus]]'', ''[[Coryphantha]]'', ''[[Dendrocereus]]'', ''[[Denmoza]]'', ''[[Discocactus]]'', ''[[Disocactus]]'', ''[[Echinocactus]]'', ''[[Echinocereus]]'', ''[[Echinopsis]]'', ''[[Epiphyllum]]'', ''[[Epithelantha]]'', ''[[Eriosyce]]'', ''[[Escobaria]]'', ''[[Escontria]]'', ''[[Espostoa]]'', ''[[Espostoopsis]]'', ''[[Eulychnia]]'', ''[[Facheiroa]]'', ''[[Ferocactus]]'', ''[[Frailea]]'', ''[[Geohintonia]]'', ''[[Gymnocalycium]]'', ''[[Haageocereus]]'', ''[[Harrisia]]'', ''[[Hatiora]]'', ''[[Hylocereus]]'', ''[[Jasminocereus]]'', ''[[Lasiocereus]]'', ''[[Leocereus]]'', ''[[Lepismium]]'', ''[[Leptocereus]]'', ''[[Leuchtenbergia]]'', ''[[Lophophora]]'', ''[[Maihuenia]]'', ''[[Malacocarpus]]'', ''[[Mammillaria]]'', ''[[Mammilloydia]]'', ''[[Matucana]]'', ''[[Melocactus]]'', ''[[Micranthocereus]]'', ''[[Mila]]'', ''[[Monvillea]]'', ''[[Myrtillocactus]]'', ''[[Neobuxbaumia]]'', ''[[Neolloydia]]'', ''[[Neoraimondia]]'', ''[[Neowerdermannia]]'', ''[[Obregonia]]'', ''[[Opuntia]]'', ''[[Oreocereus]]'', ''[[Oroya]]'', ''[[Ortegocactus]]'', ''[[Pachycereus]]'', ''[[Parodia]]'', ''[[Pediocactus]]'', ''[[Pelecyphora]]'', ''[[Peniocereus]]'', ''[[Pereskia]]'', ''[[Pereskiopsis]]'', ''[[Pilosocereus]]'', ''[[Polaskia]]'', ''[[Praecereus]]'', ''[[Pseudoacanthocereus]]'', ''[[Pseudorhipsalis]]'', ''[[Pterocactus]]'', ''[[Pygmaeocereus]]'', ''[[Quiabentia]]'', ''[[Rauhocereus]]'', ''[[Rebutia]]'', ''[[Rhipsalis]]'', ''[[Samaipaticereus]]'', ''[[Schlumbergera]]'', ''[[Sclerocactus]]'', ''[[Selenicereus]]'', ''[[Stenocactus]]'', ''[[Stenocereus]]'', ''[[Stephanocereus]]'', ''[[Stetsonia]]'', ''[[Strombocactus]]'', ''[[Tacinga]]'', ''[[Thelocactus]]'', ''[[Turbinicarpus]]'', ''[[Uebelmannia]]'', ''[[Weberbauerocereus]]'', ''[[Weberocereus]]'', ''[[Yungasocereus]]''
* '''[[Campanulaceae]]''': ''[[Brighamia]]''
* '''[[Capparidaceae]]''': ''[[Maerua]]''
* '''[[Caricaceae]]''': ''[[Carica]]'', ''[[Jacarathia]]''
* '''[[Chenopodiaceae]]'''
* '''[[Cochlospermaceae]]'''
* '''[[Commelinaceae]]''': ''[[Aneilema]]'', ''[[Callisia]]'', ''[[Cyanotis]]'', ''[[Tradescantia]]'', ''[[Tripogandra]]''
* '''[[Convolvulaceae]]''': ''[[Ipomea]]'', ''[[Sictocardia]]'', ''[[Turbina]]''
* '''[[Crassulaceae]]''': ''[[Adromischus]]'', ''[[Aeonium]]'', ''[[Afrovivella]]'', ''[[Aichryson]]'', ''[[Cotyledon]]'', ''[[Crassula]]'', ''[[Cremnophila]]'', ''[[Cremnosedum]]'', ''[[Dudleya]]'', ''[[Echeveria]]'', ''[[Graptopetalum]]'', ''[[Hylotelephium]]'', ''[[Hypagophytum]]'', ''[[Kalanchoe]]'', ''[[Lenophyllum]]'', ''[[Meterostachys]]'', ''[[Monanthes]]'', ''[[Orostachys]]'', ''[[Pachyphytum]]'', ''[[Perrierosedum]]'', ''[[Phedimus]]'', ''[[Pistorinia]]'', ''[[Prometheum]]'', ''[[Pseudosedum]]'', ''[[Rhodiola]]'', ''[[Rosularia]]'', ''[[Sedella]]'', ''[[Sedum]]'', ''[[Sempervivum]]'', ''[[Sinocrassula]]'', ''[[Thompsonella]]'', ''[[Tylecodon]]'', ''[[Umbilicus (genus)|Umbilicus]]'', ''[[Villadia]]''
* '''[[Cucurbitaceae]]''': ''[[Apodanthera]]'', ''[[Brandegea]]'', ''[[Cephalopentandra]]'', ''[[Ceratosanthes]]'', ''[[Citrullus]]'', ''[[Coccinia]]'', ''[[Corallocarpus]]'', ''[[Cucumella]]'', ''[[Cucumis]]'', ''[[Cucurbita]]'', ''[[Cyclantheropsis]]'', ''[[Dendrosicyos]]'', ''[[Doyera]]'', ''[[Eureindra]]'', ''[[Fevillea]]'', ''[[Gerrandanthus]]'', ''[[Gynostemma]]'', ''[[Halosicyos]]'', ''[[Ibervilla]]'', ''[[Kedostris]]'', ''[[Marah (plant)|Marah]]'', ''[[Momordica]]'', ''[[Neoalsomitra]]'', ''[[Odosicyos]]'', ''[[Parasicyos]]'', ''[[Syrigia]]'', ''[[Telfairia]]'', ''[[Trochomeria]]'', ''[[Trochomeriopsis]]'', ''[[Tumamoca]]'', ''[[Xerosicyos]]'', ''[[Zehneria
]]'', ''[[Zygosicyos]]''
* '''[[Didiereaceae]]''': ''[[Alluaudia]]'', ''[[Alluaudiopsis]]'', ''[[Decaria]]'', ''[[Didierea]]''
* '''[[Dioscoreaceae]]''': ''[[Dioscorea]]''
* '''[[Doryanthaceae]]''': ''[[Doryanthes]]''
* '''[[Ericaceae]]''': ''[[Sphyrospermum]]''
* '''[[Eriospermaceae]]''': ''[[Eriospermum]]''
* '''[[Euphorbiaceae]]''': ''[[Cnidoscolus]]'', ''[[Euphorbia]]'', ''[[Jatropha]]''
* '''[[Fabaceae]]''': ''[[Delonix]]'', ''[[Dolichos]]'', ''[[Erythrina]]'', ''[[Neorautanenia]]'', ''[[Pachyrhizus]]'', ''[[Tylosema]]''
* '''[[Fouquieriaceae]]''': ''[[Fouquieria]]''
* '''[[Geraniaceae]]''': ''[[Monsonia]]'', ''[[Pelargonium]]''
* '''[[Gesneriaceae]]''': ''[[Aeschynanthus]]'', ''[[Alsobia]]'', ''[[Chirita]]'', ''[[Codonanthe]]'', ''[[Columnea]]'', ''[[Nematanthus]]'', ''[[Sinningia]]'', ''[[Streptocarpus]]''
* '''[[Hyacinthaceae]]''': ''[[Albuca]]'', ''[[Bowiea]]'', ''[[Dipcadi]]'', ''[[Drimia]]'', ''[[Hyacinth (flower)|Hyacinthus]]'', ''[[Lachenalia]]'', ''[[Ledebouria]]'', ''[[Litanthus]]'', ''[[Massonia]]'', ''[[Ornithogalum]]'', ''[[Rhadamanthus]]'', ''[[Rhodocodon]]'', ''[[Schizobasis]]'', ''[[Urginea]]'', ''[[Whiteheadia]]''
* '''[[Icacinaceae]]''': ''[[Pyrenacantha]]''
* '''[[Lamiaceae]]''': ''[[Aeollanthus]]'', ''[[Dauphinea]]'', ''[[Perrierastrum]]'', ''[[Plectranthus]]'', ''[[Solenostemon]]'', ''[[Tetradenia]]'', ''[[Thorncroftia]]''
* '''[[Lentibulariaceae]]'''
* '''[[Loasaceae]]''': ''[[Schismocarpus]]''
* '''[[Loranthaceae]]''': ''[[Tapinanthus]]''
* '''[[Melastomataceae]]''': ''[[Medinilla]]''
* '''[[Meliaceae]]''': ''[[Entandrophragma]]''
* '''[[Menispermaceae]]''': ''[[Chasmanthera]]'', ''[[Stephania]]'', ''[[Tinospora]]''
* '''[[Moraceae]]''': ''[[Dorstenia]]'', ''[[Ficus]]''
* '''[[Moringaceae]]''': ''[[Moringa]]''
* '''[[Nolanaceae]]''': ''[[Nolana]]''
* '''[[Nolinaceae]]''': ''[[Beaucarnea]]'', ''[[Calibanus]]'', ''[[Dasylirion]]'', ''[[Nolina]]''
* '''[[Orchidaceae]]''' subfamily ''  [[Epidendroideae]]''   ''[[Phalaenopsis]]''
* '''[[Oxalidaceae]]''': ''[[Oxalis]]''
* '''[[Passifloraceae]]''': ''[[Adenia]]''
* '''[[Pedaliaceae]]''': ''[[Pterodiscus]]'', ''[[Sesamothamnus]]'', ''[[Uncarina]]''
* '''[[Phyllanthaceae]]''': ''[[Phyllanthus]]''
* '''[[Phytolaccaceae]]''': [[Phytolacca]]
* '''[[Piperaceae]]''': ''[[Peperomia]]''
* '''[[Portulacaceae]]''': ''[[Amphipetalum]]'', ''[[Anacampseros]]'', ''[[Avonia]]'', ''[[Calyptrotheca]]'', ''[[Ceraria]]'', ''[[Cistanthe]]'', ''[[Dendroportulaca]]'', ''[[Grahamia]]'', ''[[Lewisia]]'', ''[[Parakeelya]]'', ''[[Portulaca]]'', ''[[Portulacaria]]'', ''[[Schreiteria]]'', ''[[Talinella]]'', ''[[Talinum]]''
* '''[[Rubiaceae]]''': ''[[Anthorrhiza]]'', ''[[Hydnophythum]]'', ''[[Hydrophylax]]'', ''[[Myrmecodia]]'', ''[[Myrmephythum]]'', ''[[Phylohydrax]]'', ''[[Squamellaria]]''
* '''[[Ruscaceae]]''': ''[[Cordyline]]'', ''[[Dracaena (plant)|Dracaena]]'', ''[[Sansevieria]]''
* '''[[Sapindaceae]]''': ''[[Erythrophysa]]''
* '''[[Saxifragaceae]]'''
* '''[[Sterculiaceae]]''': ''[[Brachychiton]]'', ''[[Sterculia]]''
* '''[[Urticaceae]]''': ''[[Laportea]]'', ''[[Obertia]]'', ''[[Pilea]]'', ''[[Sarcopilea]]''
* '''[[Viscaceae]]''': ''[[Viscum]]''
* '''[[Vitaceae]]''': ''[[Cissus]]'', ''[[Cyphostemma]]''
* '''[[Xanthorrhoeaceae]]''': ''[[Xanthorrhoea]]''
* '''[[Zygophyllaceae]]'''
For some families, most members are succulent; for example the [[Cactus|Cactaceae]], [[Agavaceae]], [[Aizoaceae]], and [[Crassulaceae]].
Many species of Aloe are seemingly stemless, with the rosette growing directly at ground level; other varieties may have a branched or un-branched [[plant stem|stem]] from which the fleshy leaves spring. They vary in colour from grey to bright green and are sometimes striped or mottled.
The table below shows the number of succulent species found in some families:
{{Not verified|date=February 2007}}
''Aloe'' species are frequently cultivated as ornamental plants both in gardens and in pots. Many ''Aloe'' species are highly decorative and are valued by collectors of succulents. Some species, in particular ''[[Aloe vera]]'' are purported to have medicinal properties.
Other use of Aloes include their role in [[alternative medicine]]s (see [[Herbalism]]) and in home first aid. Both the translucent inner pulp as well as the resinous yellow exudate from wounding the Aloe plant is used ''externally'' to relieve skin discomforts and ''internally'' as a laxative. To date, some research has shown that Aloe vera produces positive medicinal benefits for healing damaged skin. Conversely, other research suggests Aloe vera can negatively effect healing (Vogler and Ernst, 1999).
! Family    !! Succulent # !! Modified parts !! Distribution
| [[Agavaceae]] || 300 || Leaf || North and Central America
| [[Cactus|Cactaceae]] || 1600 || Stem (root, leaf) || The Americas
| [[Crassulaceae]] || 1300 || Leaf (root) || Worldwide
| [[Aizoaceae]] || 2000 || Leaf || Southern Africa
| [[Apocynaceae]] || 500 || Stem || Africa, Arabia, India
| [[Didiereaceae]] || 11 || Stem || Madagascar ([[endemic (ecology)|endemic]])
| [[Euphorbiaceae]] || > 1000 || Stem and/or leaf and/or root|| Africa, Madagascar, Asia, the Americas, Europe, Australia
| [[Asphodelaceae]] || 500 || Leaf || Africa, Madagascar
| [[Portulacaceae]] || ? || Leaf and stem || The Americas
Some Aloe species have also been used for human consumption. For example, drinks made from or containing chunks of aloe pulp are popular in Asia as commercial beverages and as a tea additive; this is notably true in [[Korea]].
[[Category:Plant morphology]]
===External uses===
Various extracts of ''Aloe vera'' are frequently used in herbal medicine and by cosmetic companies. For more information see: ''[[Aloe vera]]''.
=== Internal uses ===
[[image:Aloe_vossii_-_plant_(aka).jpg|right|thumb|200px|''[[Aloe vossii]]'']] 
Aloe contains a number of medicinal substances used as a [[purgative]].  The medicinal substance is produced from various species of aloe, such as ''A. vera'', ''A. vulgaris'', ''A. socotrina'', ''A. chinensis'', and ''A. perryi''.  Several kinds of aloes are commercially available: Barbadoes, Socotrine, Hepatic, Indian, and Cape aloes.  Barbadoes and Socotrine are the varieties most commonly used for curative purposes {{Fact|date=February 2007}}.
Aloes is the expressed juice of the leaves of the plant.  When the leaves are cut, the juice that flows out is collected and evaporated.  After the juice has been removed, the leaves are sometimes boiled to yield an inferior kind of aloes. The juice of the leaves of certain species, e.g. ''Aloe venenosa'', is [[poison]]ous.
<!--Aloe's benefits include ingesting aloe juice to lower blood sugar levels in diabetes patients.{{citeneeded}}-->
There have been very few properly conducted studies about possible benefits of aloe gel taken internally. One study found improved wound healing in mice. Another found a positive effect of lowering risk factors in patients with heart disease. Some research has shown decreasing fasting blood sugar in diabetic animals given aloe []. None of these studies can be considered to be definitive, and there are many false advertising claims for aloe.
Aloe has been marketed as a remedy for coughs, wounds, [[ulcer]]s, [[gastritis]], [[diabetes]], [[cancer]], [[headache]]s, [[arthritis]], [[immune-system deficiencies]], and many other conditions when taken internally.  However, these uses are unsubstantiated; the only substantiated internal use is as a [[laxative]].  Furthermore, there is evidence of potential adverse side effects (for example, acute [[hepatitis]]<ref>[ Acute hepatitis induced by an Aloe vera preparation: a case report]</ref>). Although some studies suggest that certain components of aloe such as aloe-emodin have genotoxic activity, human clinical trials and rodent carcinogenicity studies do not substantiate a genotoxic risk to humans when aloe products are consumed as directed{{cite journal |author=Brusick D, Mengs U |title=Assessment of the genotoxic risk from laxative senna products |journal=Environ Mol Mutagen |volume=29 |issue=1 |pages=1-9 |year=1997 |id=PMID 9020301}}.  Consult your doctor when contemplating taking Aloe internally. Avoid use during pregnancy because the [[anthraquinone]] [[glycoside]]s are strongly [[purgative]]. High doses of the leaves can cause vomiting.
On 9 May 2002, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a final rule banning the use of aloe and [[Rhamnus purshiana|cascara sagrada]] as laxative ingredients in over-the-counter drug products[].
In [[homeopathy|homeopathic medicine]] aloe is used for hemorrhoids<ref>{{cite book
| last = Morrsion, MD
| first = Roger
| title = Desktop guide to keynotes and comfirmatory symptoms
| publisher =Hahnemann Clinic Publishing
| date = 1993
| location =Grass Valley, CA
| ISBN =0-9635368-0-X}}
== References ==
The aloe plant (''A. rubrolutea'') occurs as a charge in [[heraldry]], such as in the Civic Heraldry of Namibia []
There are around 400 species in the genus ''Aloe''. For a full list, see [[List of species of genus Aloe]]. Species include:
*''[[Aloe arborescens]]'' - Aloe Arborescens Miller, used in healthcare
*''[[Aloe aristata]]'' - Torch Plant, Lace Aloe
*''[[Aloe dichotoma]]'' - quiver tree or kokerboom
*''[[Aloe ngobitensis]]''
*''[[Aloe variegata]]'' - Partridge-breasted Aloe, Tiger Aloe
*''[[Aloe vera]]''  Barbados Aloe, Common Aloe, Yellow Aloe, Medicinal Aloe. This is the variety used medicinally.
*''[[Aloe wildii]]''
*Schmidt JM, Greenspoon JS (1991) Aloe vera dermal wound gel is associated with a delay in wound healing. ''Obstet Gynecol'' 1: 115-117.
*Vogler BK, Ernst E (1999) Aloe vera: a systematic review of its clinical effectiveness ''British Journal of General Practice'' 49: 823-828.
*International Aloe Science Council:
*University of Maryland Medical Center:
*Craig, Winston. The All-purpose Gel. ''Vibrant Life'' July 2001.
*Farrar, Maureen Meyers. Skin Deep. ''Better Nutrition'' July 2005.
*''British Journal of General Practice'', October 1999
[[List of Southern African indigenous trees]]
==External links==
*[ Flora of North America: ''Aloe'']
Image:Babosa1.jpg|''[[Aloe arborescens]]''
Image:Aloe aristata.jpg|''[[Aloe aristata]]''
Image:Köcherbaum_Köcherbaumwald_01.JPG|''[[Aloe dichotoma]]''
Image:Aloe_hereroensis_Auob_C15.JPG|''[[Aloe hereroensis]]''
Image:Aloe_parvula.JPG|''[[Aloe parvula]]''
Image:Aloe_saponaria_1.jpg|''[[Aloe saponaria]]''
Image:Aloe_saponaria_3.jpg|''[[Aloe saponaria]]'' flower
Image:Aloe_striatula_1.jpg|''[[Aloe striatula]]''
Image:Aloes on N6 Route.jpg|''[[Aloe - unidentified]]''
[[Category:Medicinal plants]]
[[Category:Cosmetic chemicals]]

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