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''[[Abortive]]''. Defective; barren; not developed.
''[[Abortive]]''. Defective; barren; not developed.
''[[Abrupt]]''. Changing suddenly rather than gradually, as a leaf that is narrowed quickly to a point, or a pinnate leaf that has no terminal leaflet; not tapering.
''[[Abrupt]]''. Changing suddenly rather than gradually, as a [[leaf]] that is narrowed quickly to a point, or a [[pinnate]] leaf that has no terminal [[leaflet]]; not tapering.
''[[Acaulescent]]''. Stemless, or apparently stemless; sometimes the stem is subterranean or protrudes only slightly.
''[[Acaulescent]]''. [[Stemless]], or apparently stemless; sometimes the stem is subterranean or protrudes only slightly.
''[[Accessory buds]]''. Buds more than one in an axil.
''[[Accessory buds]]''. [[Bud]]s more than one in an [[axil]].
''[[Accessory fruit]]''. Fruit-like body composed of pericarp and other structure or structures seemingly a part of it, but not originally united with it, as wintergreen berry.
''[[Accessory fruit]]''. [[Fruit]]-like body composed of [[pericarp]] and other structure or structures seemingly a part of it, but not originally united with it, as [[wintergreen berry]].
''[[Accrescent]]''. Increasing; becoming larger after flowering, as the calyx in some plants.
''[[Accrescent]]''. Increasing; becoming larger after [[flower]]ing, as the [[calyx]] in some plants.
''[[Accumbent]]''. Lying against; said of cotyledons when the edges are placed against the radicle.
''[[Accumbent]]''. Lying against; said of [[cotyledon]]s when the edges are placed against the [[radicle]].
''[[Achene]]'' (akene). A dry indehiscent one-seeded pericarp.
''[[Achene]]'' (akene). A dry [[indehiscent]] one-seeded [[pericarp]].
''[[Achlamydeous]]''. Lacking calyx or corolla; naked.
''[[Achlamydeous]]''. Lacking [[calyx]] or [[corolla]]; [[naked]].
''[[Acinaciform]]''. Shaped like a scimitar; curved, round toward the point, being thicker on the outer side than on the convex or inner side.
''[[Acinaciform]]''. Shaped like a scimitar; curved, round toward the point, being thicker on the outer side than on the convex or inner side.
''[[Acotyledonous]]''. Without cotyledons.
''[[Acotyledonous]]''. Without [[cotyledon]]s.
''[[Adnate]]''. Grown to, united with another part; as stamens with the corolla-tube or an anther in its whole length with the filament.
''[[Adnate]]''. Grown to, united with another part; as [[stamen]]s with the [[corolla]]-tube or an [[anther]] in its whole length with the [[filament]].
''[[Adventitious buds]]''. Buds appearing on occasion, rather than in regular places and order, as those arising about wounds.
''[[Adventitious buds]]''. [[Bud]]s appearing on occasion, rather than in regular places and order, as those arising about wounds.
''[[Adventive]]''. Said of an introduced plant not yet established; imperfectly or only partially naturalized.
''[[Adventive]]''. Said of an introduced plant not yet established; imperfectly or only partially [[naturalize]]d.
''[[Aestivation]]''. The arrangement of floral envelopes in the bud (aestivus, ''summer'', when flowers mostly appear. Vernation is leaf-arrangement in the bud).
''[[Aestivation]]''. The arrangement of [[floral envelope]]s in the [[bud]] (aestivus, ''summer'', when [[flower]]s mostly appear. Vernation is [[leaf]]-arrangement in the bud).
''[[Affinity]]''. A plant or part closely related to another or much resembling it in structure.
''[[Affinity]]''. A plant or part closely related to another or much resembling it in structure.
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''[[Agglomerate]]''. Piled together, heaped up.
''[[Agglomerate]]''. Piled together, heaped up.
''[[Aggregate fruit]]''. One formed by the coherence of pistils that were distinct in the flower, as blackberry.
''[[Aggregate fruit]]''. One formed by the coherence of [[pistil]]s that were distinct in the [[flower]], as [[blackberry]].
''[[Albumen]]''. Starchy or other nutritive material accompanying the embryo; commonly used in the sense of [[endosperm]], for the material surrounding the embryo.
''[[Albumen]]''. Starchy or other nutritive material accompanying the [[embryo]]; commonly used in the sense of [[endosperm]], for the material surrounding the embryo.
''[[Alburnum]]''. The [[sapwood]] or younger wood of a tree.
''[[Alburnum]]''. The [[sapwood]] or younger wood of a tree.
''[[Alternate]]''. Any arrangement of leaves or other parts not opposite or [[whorled]]; placed singly at different heights on the [[axis]] or [[stem]].
''[[Alternate]]''. Any arrangement of [[leaves]] or other parts not opposite or [[whorled]]; placed singly at different heights on the [[axis]] or [[stem]].
''[[Alveolate]]''. Honey-combed, or pitted with angular separated depressions.
''[[Alveolate]]''. Honey-combed, or pitted with angular separated depressions.
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''[[Ament]]''. Catkin.
''[[Ament]]''. Catkin.
''[[Amentiferous]]''. Bearing aments or catkins.
''[[Amentiferous]]''. Bearing [[ament]]s or catkins.
''[[Amorphous]]''. Formless; of no definite or constant form.
''[[Amorphous]]''. Formless; of no definite or constant [[form]].
''[[Amphigean]]''. Of both worlds, the Old and New; said of distribution of plants.
''[[Amphigean]]''. Of both worlds, the Old and New; said of distribution of plants.
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''[[Amphitropous]]''. Said of a straight [[ovule]] or seed that is apparently turned a quarter way around, so that it is half inverted and with the scar or [[hilum]] on the side.
''[[Amphitropous]]''. Said of a straight [[ovule]] or seed that is apparently turned a quarter way around, so that it is half inverted and with the scar or [[hilum]] on the side.
''[[Ampullaceous]]''. Said of plants bearing flask-like parts, as in certain aquatics such as Utricularia.
''[[Ampullaceous]]''. Said of plants bearing flask-like parts, as in certain aquatics such as [[Utricularia]].
''[[Analogous]]''. Related in function or use, but not in origin. See ''[[Homologous]]''.
''[[Analogous]]''. Related in function or use, but not in origin. See ''[[Homologous]]''.
''[[Anastomosing]]''. Netted; interveined; said of leaves marked by cross-veins forming a network.
''[[Anastomosing]]''. Netted; interveined; said of [[leaves]] marked by cross-veins forming a network.
''[[Anatropous]]''. Said of a straight [[ovule]] or seed that is inverted, with the [[micropyle]] next the [[hilum]] or scar.
''[[Anatropous]]''. Said of a straight [[ovule]] or seed that is inverted, with the [[micropyle]] next the [[hilum]] or scar.
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''[[Angiosperms]]''. Plants that bear the seeds within a [[pericarp]], in distinction from the [[gymnosperm]]s which have naked [[ovule]]s and seeds; having a closed ovary.
''[[Angiosperms]]''. Plants that bear the seeds within a [[pericarp]], in distinction from the [[gymnosperm]]s which have naked [[ovule]]s and seeds; having a closed ovary.
''[[Annual]]''. Of one season's duration from seed to maturity and death.
''[[Annual]]''. Of one season's duration from [[seed]] to maturity and death.
''[[Anterior]]''. Front; on the front side; away from the axis; toward the subtending [[bract]].
''[[Anterior]]''. Front; on the front side; away from the axis; toward the subtending [[bract]].
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''[[Antheriferous]]''. [[Anther]]-bearing.
''[[Antheriferous]]''. [[Anther]]-bearing.
''[[Anthesis]]''. Flowering; strictly, the time of expansion of a flower, but often used to designate the flowering period; the act of flowering.
''[[Anthesis]]''. [[Flower]]ing; strictly, the time of expansion of a flower, but often used to designate the flowering period; the act of flowering.
''[[Anthocarpous]]''. Said of a body combined of flowers and fruit united into a solid mass, as in the [[pineapple]] or the [[mulberry]].
''[[Anthocarpous]]''. Said of a body combined of flowers and fruit united into a solid mass, as in the [[pineapple]] or the [[mulberry]].
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''[[Antical]]''. Front, anterior.
''[[Antical]]''. Front, anterior.
''[[Apetalous]]''. No petals; petals missing.
''[[Apetalous]]''. No [[petal]]s; petals missing.
''[[Apical]]''. At the apex or top.
''[[Apical]]''. At the apex or top.