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''[[Painted]]''. Said of colors that are in streaks of unequal brilliancy.
''[[Painted]]''. Said of colors that are in streaks of unequal brilliancy.
''[[Palate]]''. In personate corollas, a rounded projection or prominence of the lower lip, closing the throat or very nearly so.
''[[Palate]]''. In personate corollas, a rounded projection or prominence of the lower [[lip]], closing the throat or very nearly so.
''[[Palea]], palet''. In the grass flower, the upper of the two inclosing bracts, -the lower one being the lemma.
''[[Palea]], palet''. In the [[grass]] [[flower]], the upper of the two inclosing bracts, the lower one being the [[lemma]].
''[[Palmate]]''. Lobed or divided in a palm-like or hand-like fashion.
''[[Palmate]]''. Lobed or divided in a [[palm]]-like or hand-like fashion.
''[[Palmatifid]]''. Cut about half way down in a palmate form.
''[[Palmatifid]]''. Cut about half way down in a [[palmate]] form.
''[[Panicle]]''. A branching raceme; flower-cluster in which the branches are racemose, the flowers being pedicellate.
''[[Panicle]]''. A branching [[raceme]]; [[flower]]-[[cluster]] in which the [[branch]]es are [[racemose]], the flowers being [[pedicellate]].
''[[Papilionaceous corolla]]''. Butterfly-like; pea-like flower, with a standard, wings, and keel.
''[[Papilionaceous corolla]]''. Butterfly-like; pea-like [[flower]], with a standard, wings, and keel.
''[[Pappiform]]''. Pappus-like.
''[[Pappiform]]''. [[Pappus]]-like.
''[[Pappus]]''. Peculiar calyx-limb of composites, being plumose, bristle-like, scales, or otherwise.
''[[Pappus]]''. Peculiar [[calyx]]-limb of composites, being [[plumose]], bristle-like, scales, or otherwise.
''[[Parasitic]]''. Growing and living on or in another organism.
''[[Parasitic]]''. Growing and living on or in another organism.
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''[[Parted]]''. Cleft or cut not quite to the base.
''[[Parted]]''. Cleft or cut not quite to the base.
''[[Parthenogenetic]]''. Seed developing without fertilization or fecundation.
''[[Parthenogenetic]]''. [[Seed]] developing without [[fertilization]] or [[fecundation]].
''[[Partial]]''. Of secondary importance or rank.
''[[Partial]]''. Of secondary importance or rank.
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''[[Partitioned]]''. Divided in compartments or chambers by internal horizontal partitions.
''[[Partitioned]]''. Divided in compartments or chambers by internal horizontal partitions.
''[[Pathological]]''. Diseased.
''[[Pathological]]''. [[Disease]]d.
''[[Pedicel]]''. Stem of one flower in a cluster.
''[[Pedicel]]''. [[Stem]] of one [[flower]] in a [[cluster]].
''[[Peduncle]]''. Stem of a flower-cluster or of a solitary flower.
''[[Peduncle]]''. [[Stem]] of a flower-cluster or of a solitary flower.
''[[Pellucid]]''. Clear, transparent; that can nearly be seen through.
''[[Pellucid]]''. Clear, transparent; that can nearly be seen through.
''[[Peltate]]''. Attached to its stalk inside the margin; peltate leaves are usually shield-shaped.
''[[Peltate]]''. Attached to its [[stalk]] inside the margin; peltate [[leaves]] are usually shield-shaped.
''[[Penninerved]]''. Nerves arising along the length of a central midrib.
''[[Penninerved]]''. Nerves arising along the length of a central midrib.
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''[[Pentamerous]]''. In fives.
''[[Pentamerous]]''. In fives.
''[[Pepo]]''. Fruit of pumpkin, squash, and the like.
''[[Pepo]]''. Fruit of [[pumpkin]], [[squash]], and the like.
''[[Perennial]]''. Of three or more seasons' duration.
''[[Perennial]]''. Of three or more season cycles' duration.
''[[Perfect flower]]''. One that has both stamens and pistil.
''[[Perfect flower]]''. One that has both [[stamen]]s and [[pistil]].
''[[Perfoliate]]''. The stem apparently passing through the part, as a leaf; united around the stem.
''[[Perfoliate]]''. The [[stem]] apparently passing through the part, as a [[leaf]]; united around the stem.
''[[Pergameneous]], pergamentaceous''. Texture of parchment.
''[[Pergameneous]], pergamentaceous''. Texture of parchment.
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''[[Peri-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying around.
''[[Peri-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying around.
''[[Perianth]]''. The floral envelope considered together; commonly used for flowers in which there is usually no clear distinction between calyx and corolla, as the lilies.
''[[Perianth]]''. The floral envelope considered together; commonly used for [[flower]]s in which there is usually no clear distinction between [[calyx]] and [[corolla]], as the [[lilies]].
''[[Pericarp]]''. The ripened ovary.
''[[Pericarp]]''. The ripened [[ovary]].
''[[Perigynium]]''. The sac or utricle that incloses the ovary or achene in Carex; it is sometimes inflated.
''[[Perigynium]]''. The sac or [[utricle]] that incloses the [[ovary]] or [[achene]] in [[Carex]]; it is sometimes inflated.
''[[Perigynous]]''. Borne around the ovary and not beneath it, as when calyx, corolla and stamens are borne on the edge of a cup-shaped hypanthium; such cases are said to exhibit perigyny.
''[[Perigynous]]''. Borne around the [[ovary]] and not beneath it, as when [[calyx]], [[corolla]] and [[stamen]]s are borne on the edge of a cup-shaped [[hypanthium]]; such cases are said to exhibit perigyny.
''[[Persistent]]''. Remaining attached; not falling off.
''[[Persistent]]''. Remaining attached; not falling off.
''[[Personate]]''. Said of a two-lipped corolla the throat of whichn is closed by a palate, as in toad-flax.
''[[Personate]]''. Said of a two-[[lip]]ped [[corolla]] the throat of which is closed by a palate, as in toad-flax.
''[[Petal]]''. One of the separate leaves of a corolla.
''[[Petal]]''. One of the separate leaves of a [[corolla]].
''[[Petaloid]]''. Petal-like; of color and shape resembling a petal.
''[[Petaloid]]''. [[Petal]]-like; of color and shape resembling a petal.
''[[Petiole]]''. Leaf-stalk.
''[[Petiole]]''. [[Leaf]]-[[stalk]].
''[[Petiolule]]''. Stalk of a leaflet.
''[[Petiolule]]''. [[Stalk]] of a [[leaflet]].
''[[Phalanges]]'' (plural of ''phalanx''). The groups or bundles of stamens in diadelphous or polyadelphous flowers.
''[[Phalanges]]'' (plural of ''phalanx''). The groups or bundles of [[stamen]]s in [[diadelphous]] or [[polyadelphous]] [[flower]]s.
''[[Phenogam]], phenogamous''. Flowering plants; seed-bearing plants (as distinguished from spore-bearing, or cryptogams).
''[[Phenogam]], phenogamous''. [[Flower]]ing plants; [[seed]]-bearing plants (as distinguished from spore-bearing, or cryptogams).
''[[Phyllodium]]''. Leaf-like petiole and no blade, as in some acacias and other plants.
''[[Phyllodium]]''. [[Leaf]]-like [[petiole]] and no blade, as in some [[acacia]]s and other plants.
''[[Phyllotaxy]]''. Order of arrangement of leaves on the stem.
''[[Phyllotaxy]]''. Order of arrangement of [[leaves]] on the stem.
''[[Phylology]]''. The study of plants, particularly of the kinds or species; botany.
''[[Phytology]]''. The study of plants, particularly of the kinds or [[species]]; [[botany]].
''[[Pileate]], pileiform''. With the form of a pileus or rimless cap; in particular, pertaining to the cap of a mushroom.
''[[Pileate]], pileiform''. With the form of a pileus or rimless cap; in particular, pertaining to the cap of a [[mushroom]].
''[[Pinna]]''. A primary division or leaflet of a pinnate leaf.
''[[Pinna]]''. A primary division or [[leaflet]] of a [[pinnate]] [[leaf]].
''[[Pinnate]]''. Feather-formed; with the leaflets of a compound leaf placed on either side of the rachis.
''[[Pinnate]]''. Feather-formed; with the [[leaflet]]s of a compound [[leaf]] placed on either side of the [[rachis]].
''[[Pinnatifid]]''. Cleft or parted in a pinnate (rather than palmate) way.
''[[Pinnatifid]]''. Cleft or parted in a [[pinnate]] (rather than [[palmate]]) way.
''[[Pinnatipartite]]''. Pinnately-parted.
''[[Pinnatipartite]]''. Pinnately-parted.
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''[[Pinnatisect]]''. Cut down to the midrib in a pinnate way.
''[[Pinnatisect]]''. Cut down to the midrib in a pinnate way.
''[[Pinnule]]''. A secondary pinna or leaflet in a pinnately decompound leaf.
''[[Pinnule]]''. A secondary [[pinna]] or [[leaflet]] in a [[pinnate]]ly decompound [[leaf]].
''[[Pip]]''. A perpendicular or upright small rootstock used in propagation, as of lily-of-the-valley.
''[[Pip]]''. A perpendicular or upright small [[rootstock]] used in [[propagation]], as of [[lily-of-the-valley]].
''[[Pisiform]]''. Pea-shaped; pea-like.
''[[Pisiform]]''. [[Pea]]-shaped; pea-like.
''[[Pistil]]''. The ovule-bearing and seed-bearing organ.
''[[Pistil]]''. The [[ovule]]-bearing and [[seed]]-bearing organ.
''[[Pistillate]]''. Having pistils and no stamens; female.
''[[Pistillate]]''. Having [[pistil]]s and no [[stamen]]s; female.
''[[Pitted]]''. Having little depressions or cavities.
''[[Pitted]]''. Having little depressions or cavities.
''[[Placenta]]''. Part or place in the ovary where ovules are attached.
''[[Placenta]]''. Part or place in the [[ovary]] where [[ovule]]s are attached.
''[[Plaited]]''. Folded lengthwise, as a closed fan.
''[[Plaited]]''. Folded lengthwise, as a closed fan.
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''[[Platys]]''. In Greek combinations, signifying broad or wide.
''[[Platys]]''. In Greek combinations, signifying broad or wide.
''[[Plumose]]''. Plumy; feather-like; with fine hairs, as the pappus of some composites.
''[[Plumose]]''. Plumy; feather-like; with fine hairs, as the [[pappus]] of some composites.
''[[Plumule]]''. The bud in the embryo.
''[[Plumule]]''. The bud in the [[embryo]].
''[[Plur-annual]]''. Of one season's duration only because killed by frost.
''[[Plur-annual]]''. Of one season's duration only because killed by frost.
''[[Pod]]''. A dehiscent dry pericarp.
''[[Pod]]''. A [[dehiscent]] dry [[pericarp]].
''[[Pollen]]''. Spores or grains borne by the anther, containing the male element; sometimes it is not granular.
''[[Pollen]]''. [[Spore]]s or grains borne by the [[anther]], containing the male element; sometimes it is not granular.
''[[Pollination]]''. The mechanical or physical operation of transfering pollen from stamen to pistil.
''[[Pollination]]''. The mechanical or physical operation of transferring [[pollen]] from [[stamen]] to [[pistil]].
''[[Polliniferous]]''. Bearing-pollen.
''[[Polliniferous]]''. Bearing-[[pollen]].
''[[Pollinium]]''. A coherent mass of pollen, as in orchids and milkweeds.
''[[Pollinium]]''. A coherent mass of [[pollen]], as in [[orchid]]s and [[milkweed]]s.
''[[Poly-]]''. In Greek combinations, signifying numerous or many.
''[[Poly-]]''. In Greek combinations, signifying numerous or many.
''[[Polyadelphous]]''. The stamens in many bundles or fascicles.
''[[Polyadelphous]]''. The [[stamen]]s in many bundles or fascicles.
''[[Polygamous]]''. Bearing imperfect and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant.
''[[Polygamous]]''. Bearing [[imperfect]] and [[hermaphrodite]] [[flower]]s on the same plant.
''[[Polymerous]]''. Of many parts or series.
''[[Polymerous]]''. Of many parts or series.
''[[Pome]]''. Fruit of apple, pear, quince, etc.
''[[Pome]]''. Fruit of [[apple]], [[pear]], [[quince]], etc.
''[[Porose]]''. With small holes, pores or perforations.
''[[Porose]]''. With small holes, pores or perforations.
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''[[Posterior]]''. At or toward the back; opposite the front; toward the axis; away from the subtending bract.
''[[Posterior]]''. At or toward the back; opposite the front; toward the axis; away from the subtending bract.
''[[Praefoliation]]''. Arrangement of leaves in the bud; vernation.
''[[Praefoliation]]''. Arrangement of [[leaves]] in the [[bud]]; vernation.
''[[Praemorse]]''. Jagged; as if bitten off.
''[[Praemorse]]''. Jagged; as if bitten off.
''[[Prickle]]''. A small and weak spine-like body borne irregularly on the bark or epidermis.
''[[Prickle]]''. A small and weak spine-like body borne irregularly on the [[bark]] or epidermis.
''[[Prismatic]]''. Prism-shaped; with plane sides separated by angles, body of nearly uniform size throughout, and with similar end-sections.
''[[Prismatic]]''. Prism-shaped; with plane sides separated by angles, body of nearly uniform size throughout, and with similar end-sections.
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''[[Process]]''. An extension of any surface or part beyond the main outline.
''[[Process]]''. An extension of any surface or part beyond the main outline.
''[[Procumbent]]''. Trailing or lying flat, but not rooting.
''[[Procumbent]]''. Trailing or lying flat, but not [[root]]ing.
''[[Proliferous]]''. Bearing offshoots or redundant parts; bearing other similar structures on itself.
''[[Proliferous]]''. Bearing offshoots or redundant parts; bearing other similar structures on itself.
''[[Proterandrous]]''. Anthers maturing before pistils.
''[[Proterandrous]]''. [[Anther]]s maturing before [[pistil]]s.
''[[Proterogynous]]''. Pistils maturing before anthers.
''[[Proterogynous]]''. [[Pistil]]s maturing before [[anther]]s.
''[[Pseud-annual]]''. Perennial by means of bulbs, corms, or tubers.
''[[Pseud-annual]]''. [[Perennial]] by means of [[bulb]]s, [[corm]]s, or [[tuber]]s.
''[[Pseudo-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying spurious or false.
''[[Pseudo-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying spurious or false.
''[[Pseudobulb]]''. The thickened or bulb-form stems of certain orchids, the part being solid and borne above ground.
''[[Pseudobulb]]''. The thickened or [[bulb]]-form stems of certain [[orchid]]s, the part being solid and borne above ground.
''[[Puberulent]]''. Somewhat or minutely pubescent.
''[[Puberulent]]''. Somewhat or minutely pubescent.
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''[[Pulverulent]]''. Powdered or dusty.
''[[Pulverulent]]''. Powdered or dusty.
''[[Pulvinate]]''. Cushioned; with a cushion-like enlargement or structure, as at the base of some petioles or leaflets.
''[[Pulvinate]]''. Cushioned; with a cushion-like enlargement or structure, as at the [[base]] of some [[petiole]]s or [[leaflet]]s.
''[[Punctate]]''. With translucent or colored dots or depressions or pits.
''[[Punctate]]''. With translucent or colored dots or depressions or pits.
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''[[Pungent]]''. Ending in a stiff sharp point or tip; also acrid (to the taste).
''[[Pungent]]''. Ending in a stiff sharp point or tip; also acrid (to the taste).
''[[Putamen]]''. The hard or bony shell of a nut or of a stone- fruit.
''[[Putamen]]''. The hard or bony shell of a [[nut]] or of a stone-[[fruit]].
''[[Pyrene]], pyrena''. Nutlet, particularly the nutlet in a drupe.
''[[Pyrene]], pyrena''. [[Nutlet]], particularly the nutlet in a [[drupe]].
''[[Pyriform]]''. Pear-formed or -shaped.
''[[Pyriform]]''. [[Pear]]-formed or -shaped.
''[[Pyxis]]''. Pod opening or dehiscing by a transverse ring.
''[[Pyxis]]''. [[Pod]] opening or dehiscing by a transverse ring.