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Saintpaulia (from the discoverer of the plant, Baron Walter von Saint Paul). Gesneriaceae. Hairy often stemless perennial herbs, used for greenhouse flowering, the blossoms providing an attractive blue.
Leaves long-petioled, ovate: peduncles radical (or axillary in the caulescent species), 1-5 in. high, bearing several (or 1) fls. in a loose cyme: calyx small, deeply 5-lobed; corolla wide-campanulate, tube short, the lobes elliptic, blue; perfect stamens 2; ovary hairy: caps, oblong, loculicidally 2-valved; seeds small, ellipsoid.—Four species, Trop. Afr.
The end of March is a good time to propagate saintpaulias, when the ripened leaves should be cut off with about an inch of the stalk attached, and inserted in the sand-bed, covering only a small part of the leaf-blade. The sand should not be kept too wet during the process of rooting. Their propagation from seed and general culture is similar to that of gloxinia. The plants may be flowered the entire year or given a period of rest by partly withholding water.
S. pusilla, Engler, and S. Goetzeana, Engler, of German East Africa, appear not to be in cult.
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