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Salvia argentea, Linn. (S. patula, Desf.). Biennial, 2-4 ft. high: sts. herbaceous, erect, villous: lvs. radical and lower cauline, 6-8 x 4-6 in., broad-ovate, sinuate- lobate, the lobes erose-crenate, lanate; floral lvs. very broad, acuminate, concave, persistent: panicles divaricate-branched; floral whorls remote, 6-10-fld., the uppermost abortive; calyx campanulate, striate, the teeth all subspinose; corolla showy, rose-white, whitish, purplish or yellowish, the galea or upper lip much longer than the lower. June. Medit. region of Eu. and Afr. F.C. 3:112. Gn. 73; p. 517. — For some reason this species is considered a hardy perennial by American seedsmen. The foliage is white-woolly, making it a very decorative plant.
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