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Laelia anceps,  Fig. 2056. Pseudobulbs scattered on the rhizome, ovate: lvs. 5-9 in. long, oblong-lanceolate: scape from the top of the pseudobulbs, l 1/2 -2 ft. long,  clothed with keeled scales and bearing 1-2 very showy, purplish rose-colored fls.; sepals lanceolate- acuminate; petals ovate-acuminate, all with a greenish line on the back; labellum inside of the lateral lobes yellow, with red marks; middle lobe oblong, acute, deep purple, white on the disk, with a thickened yellow keel terminating in 3 ridges. Mex.  B.M. 3804.  B.R. 1751.  G. C. II. 24:405.  P.M. 4:73.  O.R. 15:145. —One of the most beautiful species of laelia, possessing many fine varieties. Var. Barkeriana, Lindl. Sepals and petals subequal; middle lobe of the labellum rather narrow, acute.  B.R. 1947. F.S. 11:1100. Gn. 25:534.  Var. Dawsonii, J. Anders. Scape 2-3 ft. long, 2-3-fld.; fls. white; interior of the labellum marked with radiating purple lines, with the usual yellow ridge. Juquila, Mex. Gn. 25:534. G.C. III. 1:424.  S.H. 2, p. 175. F.M. 1871:530. Var. alba, Reichb. f.  Sepals and petals as in var. Dawsonii; fls. pure white, with the disk of the lip pale yellow.  Dec., Jan. G.C. III. 1:485; 15:172. J.H. III. 50:179. Var. Hilliana, Reichb. f. Sepals and petals white; front lobe of the labellum bilobed emarginate.  I.H. 33:584.  Gn. 25:534.  G.C. III. 1:425. Var. Williamsii, Hort.  Pure white, narrower than in var. Stella,; labellum white, large, with the disk and throat yellow, marked with crimson-purple.G.C. III. 1:349. Gn. 25:534. Var. Lageriana, Hort, White, suffused with rose; lip dark lavender, mottlod and streaked purple, the throat yellow, purple-veined. Var. Leeana, Reichb. f. Fls. white, smaller than in L. anceps; petals very narrow and very acute; side lobes of the labellum blunt; middle lobe small, triangular, wavy, with a thick, well-developed keel; throat yellowish, veined with reddish purple. Var. Schroederiana, Reichb. f. Fls.unusually large; sepals, petals and middle lobe of the labellum pure white; side lobes and throat streaked with broad lines of purplish crimson. Gn. 44:284. G.M. 33:813.  G.C. III. 29:94. Var. Sanderiana, Reichb. f. Fls. white; disk of lip crimson. G.C. III. 1:281; 25:136;43:216. O.R.9:9; 17:frontis. Gn.44:284. G.M. 37:88. Var. Veitchiana, Reichb. f. Sepals and petals white; disk of the labellum yellow, veined with brown; lateral lobes and anterior part of the middle lobe veined with purple. Gn. 25:534 (as L. Veitchii). Var. Stella, Reichb. f. Fls. pure white; labellum with yellow throat, marked with light crimson lines. G.C. III.1:280 and 8:500. Var. Amesiana, O'Brien. Sepals and petals broad, feather-veined with mauve; labellum white; middle lobe crimson-purple. G.C. III. 23:59. Var. Ashworthiana, O'Brien. Sepals pure white, lance-oblong; petals broadly ovate, also white; front lobe of the labellum broad, expanded, white, with a few blue dots and yellow keels on the throat; side lobes with lines of slaty blue. G.C. III. 15:103. J.H. III.28:125. Var. waddoniensis, Hort. Fls. pure white; side lobes of the lip marked with purple lines, disk yellowish. J.H. III. 56:349. G.C. III. 23:125.G.M. 41:115. Var. Chamberlainiana, Hort. Sepals and petals soft rosy lilac; base and side lobes of lip purple- lined, the middle lobe a glaring crimson-purple, the callus orange. G.C. III. 31:71; 49:78. G.M. 45:101. Var. Percivaliana, Reichb. f. Fls. small, but freely produced; sepals and petals white, tinged with bluish pink; lateral lobes of the labellum deep purple at the tips and spotted; throat yellow, with purplish crimson lines; middle lobe creamy yellow at the base; apex purplish. Gn. 25:534. Var. delicate, Hort. ex Williams. Labellum white, suffused with mauve; throat orange- yellow; sepals and petals rose, mauve or lilac. Var. rosea, Reichb. f.  A variety having bright rose-colored fls., with the margins of the labellum darker rose.Gn. 25:534. Var. grandiflora, Williams. A robust form resembling the type. G.C. III. 3:105. Var. holochila, Rolfe. Sepals and petals nearly alike, pale lilac; lip petaloid, elliptical-lanceolate, light purple, yellow and white at the base. G.F. 4:173. Var. Scottiana, Warner and Williams. Sepals and petals mauve; labellum deep purple, with a yellow throat, Var. morada. This is a name under which importations of large, highly colored forms of L. anceps were sold by the Liverpool Hort. Co., England, as var. grandiflora. —Many other varieties appear under Latin names.
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