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C. argyraea, Koern. Lvs. very short, unequal, oblong-lanceolate, sbort-acuminate, above deep green and ash-colored, beneath purple. Country unknown.—C. arrecta, Lind. & Andre. Tall: lvs. oblong, red beneath, green above, with the nerves all prominent. Ecuador. I.H. 18:77.—C. bambusacea, Poepp. & Endl.~Ischnosiphon.—C. Baraquinii, Regel. Lvs. oval-lanceolate, green, with bands of white. Brazil.—C. fascinator, Hort. Dwarf: Ivs broad-ovate-oblong, purplish beneath, green above and with blotches of lighter color and transverse narrow bars of red. Brazil. I.H. 41:104 (as Maranta Fascinator).—C. gigas. Gagnep. Eight ft.: If.-blade lanceolate, 2 ft. long, 8-10 in. broad, violet-purple when young but becoming green; petioles 5 ft. long: spike cylindric, about 4 in. long, bearing 8 pairs of yellow-and-white fls. Trop. Amer.— C. hieroglyphica, Lind. & Andre. Dwarf: Ivs. short-ovate, short-pointed, purplish beneath, green above and marked by many oblique bands or bars of silvery white. Colombia. I.H. 20:122-3.—C. Kerchoneana, Hort.~Maranta bicolor var.—C. Lageriana, Hort. Lvs. large, dark red beneath, the prominent veins rich bronze.—C. major, Hort.~Ischnosiphon.—C. Massangeana, Hort.~Maranta bicolor var Massangeana.—C. medio-picta, Makoy (Maranta prasina. Bull). Lvs. oval-lanceolate and tapering to both ends, dark green, with the rib feathered with white from base to summit. Brazil.—C. musaica, Hort. (Maranta musiaca, Bull). A dwarf-growing species with obliquely cordate ovate Ivs. 4-6 in. long, glabrous, acute, upper side pale shining green marked with numerous close set transverse veins of a lighter shade; petiole 3-6 in. long. Brazil.— C. Oppenheimiana. Morr.— Ctenanthe.—C. pardina. Planch. & Lind.~C. villosa.—C. smaragdina, Lind. & Andre~Monotagma.—C. splendens and splendida, Hort.~Maranta splendida.—C. villosa, Lindl. Large: Ivs. 10:20 in. long, oblong-ovate, pale green, with dark brown angular blotches: fls. yellow. S. Amer. F.S. 11:1101-2 (as C.pardina); also, Lowe, 32.{{SCH}}

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