| + | Calceolaria andina, Benth. (C. Herbertiana var. pallidiflora, Lindl.). Shrubby, glandular-pubescent: Ivs. orbicular-ovate, thick, rugose, hairy: fls. small, yellow, the slipper crenate. Chile. B.M. 7326. B.R. 1576.—C. bicolor, Ruiz & Pav. Shrubby: Ivs. ovate, dentate: fls. small, the slipper sulfur-yellow above and white below. Peru. B.M. 3036. L.B.C. 18:1783.―C. cana, Cav. Herbaceous, tufted, scapose, 1-1½ ft.: lvs. radical, oblong-lanceolate, spatulate or obovate: fls. white with small purple or rose-colored lines and blotches. Chile. B.M. 8416.—C. Clibranii. Hort.~C. profusa. F.E. 28:143.—C. deflexa, Ruiz & Pav. (C. fuchsiaefolia, Hemsl.). Shrubby: lvs. lanceolate: fls. yellow, panicled, the upper lip very large. Peru. B.M. 6431. G.C. II. 15:269. Gn. 15:258.—C. flexuosa, Ruiz & Pav Sort-bby at base: lvs. large-ovate, coarsely crenate-dentate: fls. rather large, clear yellow, with very large green calicea. Peru. B.M. 5154. F.S. 22:2331.—C. Forgetii, Skan. Undershrub, 1-1 ½ ft., slender: Ivs. ovate, obtuse or somewhat acute, serrate: fls. small, pale yellow with a large reddish brown blotch inside the lower lip. Peru. B.M. 8436.—C. fuchsiaefolia, Hemal.~C. deflexa.—C. Henrici, Hook. f. Shrubby, evergreen: lvs. willow-like, small-toothed: fls. panicled, clear yellow, the upper lip large. Peru. B.M. 5772.—C. hyssopifolia, HBK. Shrubby: Ivs. crowded, small, lanceolate and toothed, or at top of st. linear and entire, margins revolute: fls. rather large, in many-fld. corymbs, pale sulfur-yellow, the slipper oboyate-orbicular and crenate. Ecuador.— C. Jeffreyi, Hort., is a hybrid group between herbaceous greenhouse kinds and C. integrifolia, produced about 10 years ago in England: 2-6 ft., with branching panicles bearing fls. about 1 in. across of few colors.—C. kewensis, Hort. Cross of C. Jeffreyi with herbaceous varieties: more compact and larger-fld, than C. Jeffreyi; colors of wide range: plant 1-2½ ft. high and about as broad when in good bloom. G.C. III. 39:390.—C. lobata, Cav. Herbaceous: Ivs. triangular-ovate, palmately 5-7-lobed, dentate: fls. in terminal clusters, clear, pale yellow, and spotted on the up-curved slipper. Peru, Bolivia. B.M. 4525, 6330.—C. mexicana, Benth., is a small-fld., pale yellow species hardy in England: annual: lower Ivs. 3-parted or -lobed, the upper ones pinnatisect. Mts.. Mex., Costa Rica.—C. petiolaris, Cav. (C. floribunda, Lindl.). Herbaceous: Ivs. ovate, the lower ones wing-petioled, toothed, rugose: fls. yellow in loose panicles, the lips connivent. Chile. —C. pisacomensis, Meyen. Shrubby: Ivs. ovate-cordate, nearly or quite obtuse nearly sessile, irregularly crenate, margins reflexed: fls. large, orange varying to red, the slipper up-curved. Peru. B.M. 5677. —C. polyrrhisa, Cav. A dwarf and tufted species from Patagonia, with dark yellow purple-spotted fls.: herbaceous, cespitose: Ivs. crowded, lanceolate. S. Chile, Patagonia. For rockwork.—C. profusa, Hort. (C. Clibranii, Hort.). On the order of C. Burbidgei. A garden form of free-flowering habit.—C. Sinclairii, Hook. Herbaceous, half-hardy: Ivs. oblong-ovate, stalked, crenate-dentate, hairy: fls. small, lilac or flesh-colored, spotted within, the 2 lips nearly equal, not saccate. New Zeal. B.M. 6597. Now referred to Jovellana (J. Sineclairii, Kranzl.)—C. tenella, Poepp. & Endl. Herbaceous, half-hardy, 6 in. high: Ivs. ovate or orbicular, small (½in. long), nearly or quite sessile: fls. yellow, spotted within. Chile. B.M. 6231.—C. Veitchii, Hort. Hybrid of C. alba and a garden variety: 3—5 ft., erect and branched: fls. many, rather small, pale lemon-yellow. G.C. III. 51, Suppl. June 1. Gn. 76, p. 271. (See No. 14.)—C. violacea, Cav.(Jovellana violacea, Don). Shrubby: Ivs.small, ovate-cordate, deep-toothed, stalked: fls. yellow-salmon, spotted within and without, the two lips not saccate. Chile. B.M. 4929.— C. virgata. Ruiz & Pav. Bushy, 1-1 ½ ft.: lvs. ovate, short-stalked: flg. rather small, numerous, white. Peru, Bolivia. {{SCH}} |