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| name = ''Solanaceae''
| common_names = Nightshade Family
| color = IndianRed
| image = brugmansia_lg.jpg
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption = A flowering ''Brugmansia x insignis''
| regnum = Plantae
| divisio = Magnoliophyta
| classis = Magnoliopsida
| ordo = Solanales
| familia = Solanaceae
Solanaceae (from the genus Solanum, the significance unknown). Nightshade Family. Fig. 52. Herbs, erect or climbing shrubs, or small trees: leaves usually alternate: flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual, regular, rarely irregular; calyx 5-cleft; corolla 5-lobed, gamopetalous, hypogynous, usually plicate in the bud, the folds twisted to right or left, rarely the tips of the folds valvate or imbricated; stamens 5, epipetalous, alternating with the corolla-lobes; hypogynous disk present; ovary superior, 2-celled, rarely falsely 1-, or more, celled; ovules in each cell 1 to many; style 1; stigmas 1-2: fruit a berry or capsule.
Solanaceae (from the genus Solanum, the significance unknown). Nightshade Family. Herbs, erect or climbing shrubs, or small trees: leaves usually alternate: flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual, regular, rarely irregular; calyx 5-cleft; corolla 5-lobed, gamopetalous, hypogynous, usually plicate in the bud, the folds twisted to right or left, rarely the tips of the folds valvate or imbricated; stamens 5, epipetalous, alternating with the corolla-lobes; hypogynous disk present; ovary superior, 2-celled, rarely falsely 1-, or more, celled; ovules in each cell 1 to many; style 1; stigmas 1-2: fruit a berry or capsule.
About 70 genera and 1,600 species, 900 of which belong to Solanum, are distributed m the tropical and warm temperate regions, the greatest number being in Central and South America. The family is related to the Scrophulariaceae, Convolvulaceae and Nolanaceae. The regular, plaited corolla, and usually numerous seeds are important distinguishing characteristics. Datura has a prickly fruit. The calyx of Physalis is accrescent and inflated, surrounds the fruit, and is often colored.
About 70 genera and 1,600 species, 900 of which belong to Solanum, are distributed m the tropical and warm temperate regions, the greatest number being in Central and South America. The family is related to the Scrophulariaceae, Convolvulaceae and Nolanaceae. The regular, plaited corolla, and usually numerous seeds are important distinguishing characteristics. Datura has a prickly fruit. The calyx of Physalis is accrescent and inflated, surrounds the fruit, and is often colored.
Many Solanaceae contain narcotic or poisonous alkaloids and are used in medicine. Belladonna (alkaloid atropine) is obtained from the roots of Atropa Belladonna; it was formerly used by women to dilate the pupils of the eye, hence the specific name. The leaves and flowers of Datura Stramonium (Jimson weed) constitute the stramonium of medicine (alkaloid daturine). Stramonium seeds were formerly used by magicians to produce fantastic visions, and by thieves to stupefy their victims. Henbane (alkaloid hyoscyamine) consists of the leaves and tops of Hyoscyamus niger and is narcotic. Mandragora is similar in effect to belladonna. It was used by sorcerers to produce hallucinations in their victims. Scopolia carniolica and Solanum carolinense (horse-nettle) have been used in medicine. The remedy, pichi, consists of the dried twigs of Fabiana imbricata of Chile. European bittersweet (S. Dulcamara) has been used as medicine; it is poisonous. Black nightshade (S. nigrum) and others are poisonous. Tobacco is the dried leaves of Nicotiana Tabacum. Winter cherry (Physalis Alkekengii) is diuretic. Chilli is a name for the fruits of Capsicum annuum of South America. Cayenne pepper is the fruit of various species of Capsicum. Tomato, or love apple, is the fruit of Lycopersicum esculentum (= Solanum Lycopersicum). Species of nightshade, when cooked, are eaten as greens. Eggplant is the fruit of S. Melongena of Asia. Potatoes are the tubers of S. tuberosum of Peru and Chile.
Many Solanaceae contain narcotic or poisonous alkaloids and are used in medicine. Belladonna (alkaloid atropine) is obtained from the roots of Atropa Belladonna; it was formerly used by women to dilate the pupils of the eye, hence the specific name. The leaves and flowers of Datura Stramonium (Jimson weed) constitute the stramonium of medicine (alkaloid daturine). Stramonium seeds were formerly used by magicians to produce fantastic visions, and by thieves to stupefy their victims. Henbane (alkaloid hyoscyamine) consists of the leaves and tops of Hyoscyamus niger and is narcotic. Mandragora is similar in effect to belladonna. It was used by sorcerers to produce hallucinations in their victims. Scopolia carniolica and Solanum carolinense (horse-nettle) have been used in medicine. The remedy, pichi, consists of the dried twigs of Fabiana imbricata of Chile. European bittersweet (S. Dulcamara) has been used as medicine; it is poisonous. Black nightshade (S. nigrum) and others are poisonous. Tobacco is the dried leaves of Nicotiana Tabacum. Winter cherry (Physalis Alkekengii) is diuretic. Chilli is a name for the fruits of Capsicum annuum of South America. Cayenne pepper is the fruit of various species of Capsicum. Tomato, or love apple, is the fruit of Lycopersicum esculentum (~ Solanum Lycopersicum). Species of nightshade, when cooked, are eaten as greens. Eggplant is the fruit of S. Melongena of Asia. Potatoes are the tubers of S. tuberosum of Peru and Chile.
About 30 genera are cultivated in North America as ornamental plants or for food. Among these are: Atropa (Belladonna); Capsicum (Red or Cayenne Pepper); Cestrum; Cyphomandra (Tree Tomato); Datura (Angel's Trumpet, Datura); Hyoscyamus (Henbane); Lycium (Matrimony Vine, Box Thorn); Lycopersicum (Tomato), [Engler and Prantl unite this with Solanum]; Mandragora (Mandrake of history); Nicotiana (Nicotina, Tobacco); Nicandra (Apple of Peru); Nierembergia (Cup-flower, White Cup); Petunia; Physalis (Ground Cherry, Strawberry Tomato, Alkekengi, Bladder Cherry, Cape Gooseberry, Chinese Lantern Plant); Salpiglossis; Schizanthus (Butterfly Flower, Poor man's Orchid); Streptosolen; Solandra; and Solanum (Nightshade, Potato, Pepino, Melon Pear, Melon Shrub, Eggplant, Guinea Squash, Aubergine, Jerusalem Cherry, Potato Vine, Bittersweet).
About 30 genera are cultivated in North America as ornamental plants or for food. Among these are: Atropa (Belladonna); Capsicum (Red or Cayenne Pepper); Cestrum; Cyphomandra (Tree Tomato); Datura (Angel's Trumpet, Datura); Hyoscyamus (Henbane); Lycium (Matrimony Vine, Box Thorn); Lycopersicum (Tomato), [Engler and Prantl unite this with Solanum]; Mandragora (Mandrake of history); Nicotiana (Nicotina, Tobacco); Nicandra (Apple of Peru); Nierembergia (Cup-flower, White Cup); Petunia; Physalis (Ground Cherry, Strawberry Tomato, Alkekengi, Bladder Cherry, Cape Gooseberry, Chinese Lantern Plant); Salpiglossis; Schizanthus (Butterfly Flower, Poor man's Orchid); Streptosolen; Solandra; and Solanum (Nightshade, Potato, Pepino, Melon Pear, Melon Shrub, Eggplant, Guinea Squash, Aubergine, Jerusalem Cherry, Potato Vine, Bittersweet).{{SCH}}
List from Wikipedia{{wp}}:
| color = lightgreen
| name = Solanaceae
| image = brugmansia_lg.jpg
| image_width = 320px
| image_caption = A flowering ''Brugmansia x insignis'' <br>from the US Botanic Garden
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
| divisio = [[Flowering plant|Magnoliophyta]]
| classis = [[Magnoliopsida]]
| ordo = [[Solanales]]
| familia = '''Solanaceae'''
| familia_authority = [[Antoine Laurent de Jussieu|Juss.]]
| subdivision_ranks = [[Genus|Genera]]
| subdivision =
<br>''[[Atropa]]'' ([[deadly nightshade]])
<br>''[[Atropa]]'' ([[deadly nightshade]])
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The '''Solanaceae''' is a [[family (biology)|family]] of [[flowering plant]]s, many of which are edible, while others are [[poison]]ous (some have both edible and toxic parts). The name of the family comes from the [[Latin]] ''[[Solanum]]'' "the nightshade plant", but the further etymology of that word is unclear; it has been suggested it originates from the Latin [[verb]] ''solari'', meaning "to soothe". This would presumably refer to alleged soothing [[pharmacology|pharmacological]] properties of some of the [[psychoactive]] [[species]] found in the family. It is more likely, however, that the name comes from the perceived resemblance that some of the flowers bear to the sun and its rays, and in fact a species of Solanum (''Solanum nigrum'') is known as the ''sunberry''. The family is also informally known as the nightshade or [[potato]] family. The family includes the ''[[Datura]]'' or [[Jimson weed]], [[eggplant]], [[Mandrake (plant)|mandrake]], [[deadly nightshade]] or belladonna, [[capsicum]] ([[paprika]], [[chile pepper]]), [[potato]], [[tobacco]], [[tomato]], and [[petunia]]. The Solanaceae family is characteristically [[ethnobotany|ethnobotanical]], that is, extensively utilized by humans. It is an important source of [[food]], [[spice]], and [[medicine]]. However, Solanaceae species are often rich in [[alkaloid]]al [[glucoside]]s that can range in their [[toxicity]] to humans and animals from mildly irritating to fatal in small quantities.  
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Flowers are typically conical or funnelform with five petals, usually fused. The leaves are alternate, often with a hairy or clammy surface. Solanaceous plants produce a [[fruit]] that is either a [[berry]], as in the case of the tomato, or a dehiscent (breaks open upon drying, or dehiscing, releasing the seeds) [[capsule (fruit)|capsule]] as in the case of ''Datura''.  The seeds are usually round and flat, being 2-4 millimeters in diameter. The [[stamens]] are usually present in multiples of four (most commonly four or eight). The ovaries are inferior. The hypogynus gynoecium is a [[syncarp]] located obliquely in relation to the median.
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== Alkaloids ==
The Solanaceae are known for possessing a diverse range of alkaloidal [[glucoside]]s, or simply [[alkaloids]]. As far as humans are concerned, these alkaloids can be desirable, toxic, or both, though they presumably evolved because they reduced the tendency of animals to eat the plants.
*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
One of the most important groups of these compounds is called the [[tropane]] alkaloids.  The term "tropane" comes from a [[genus]] in which they are found, ''[[Atropa]]'' (the [[belladonna]] genus).  The belladonna genus is so named after the
[[Greek mythology|Greek]] [[Moirae|Fate]], [[Atropos]], who cut the thread of life.  This nomenclature betrays the toxicity and lethality that has long been known to be characteristic of these compounds.  Tropane alkaloids are also found in the ''[[Datura]]'', ''[[Mandragora]]'', and ''[[Brugmansia]]'' genera, as well as many others in the Solanaceae family.  Chemically, the molecules of these compounds have a  characteristic bicyclic structure and include [[atropine]], [[scopolamine]], and [[hyoscyamine]].  Pharmacologically, they are the most powerful known [[anticholinergics]] in existence, meaning they inhibit the neurological signals transmitted by the endogenous [[neurotransmitter]], [[acetylcholine]]. [[Symptoms]] of overdose may include [[xerostomia|mouth dryness]], [[mydriasis|dilated pupils]], [[ataxia]], [[urinary retention]], [[hallucination]]s, [[seizure|convulsions]], [[coma]], and death.  Despite the extreme toxicity of the tropanes, they are important drugs when administered in appropriate (and extremely small) dosages.  They can reverse [[cholinergic]] poisoning, which can be caused by overexposure to [[pesticides]] and [[chemical warfare]] agents such as [[sarin]] and [[VX (nerve agent)|VX]].  More commonly, they can halt many types of [[allergic]] reactions.  [[Scopolamine]], a commonly used opthamalic agent, dilates the pupils and thus facilitates examination of the interior of the eye.  They can also be used as [[antiemetics]] in people prone to [[motion sickness]] or receiving [[chemotherapy]].  Atropine has a [[stimulant]] effect on the [[central nervous system]] and heart, whereas scopolamine has a [[sedative]] effect. 
[[Cocaine]] is also considered a tropane alkaloid due to its structural similarity to the aforementioned compounds. Its pharmacology, however, is radically different, and it does not occur in the Solanaceae family.
The most famous alkaloid from the Solanaceae family is [[nicotine]]. Like the tropanes, its pharmacology acts on cholinergic neurons, but with the opposite effect (it is an [[agonist]] as opposed to an [[Receptor antagonist|antagonist]]).  It has a higher specificity for [[nicotinic]] acetylcholine receptors than other ACh proteins.  Its effects are well known.  [[Nicotine]] occurs naturally in the ''[[Nicotiana]]'' or [[Tobacco]] genus.
[[Capsaicin]] is structurally unrelated to nicotine or the tropanes, and is found in the genus ''[[Capsicum]]'', which includes [[chile pepper]]s such as Tabasco peppers and [[habanero]]s. The compound is not appreciably toxic to animals. However, it stimulates specific pain receptors in most mammals, those which sense heat, in the oral [[mucosa]] as well as many other [[epithelial]] tissues. This causes a sensation of burning not unlike an actual heat or chemical burn. It is used in high concentration as a deterrent in pepper sprays, and sought after for many culinary dishes for its "spiciness". It is thought that the reason one would deliberately induce pain while eating is the rewarding release of  [[endorphins]] it has been shown to induce. The "hotness" of capsaicin products and foods is expressed in [[Scoville]] units. A scoville unit is the factor by which the capsaicin-containing substance must be diluted to render the resulting solution imperceptible to a tester (for example, a teaspoon of a 5,000 Scoville unit [[hot sauce]] would have to be diluted with 4,999 teaspoons of a sugar water solution to negate its potential to cause a sensation on the palate).
== Nutritional importance ==
The most important species of this family for the global diet is the [[potato]] or ''[[Solanum tuberosum]]''.  Although this plant itself is generally considered toxic, swollen subterranean sections of modified stem known as [[tubers]] generally possess no toxicity. Instead, the tubers contain a copious store of [[carbohydrates]] that both the plant and humans can use to obtain energy. However, the tubers may become toxic if allowed to sprout. Green areas on a potato indicate new growth, which may indicate the presence of [[chaconine]] and [[
solanine]]. These [[glycoalkaloid]] compounds can be in sufficient concentrations in a single potato serving to be poisonous to humans. In many genera, the fruits are the desirable item, for example, [[tomato]]es, [[tomatillo]]s, [[eggplant]]s, and [[capsicum|peppers]].  Some people experience sensitivity or [[allergy]]-like symptoms in response to nightshade plants.
==External links==
==External links==
* [ SOL Genomics Network]
* [ Solanaceae Network - pictures of plants]
* [ Solanaceae Source - more pictures]
* [ Solanaceae] in [ L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards). The families of flowering plants: descriptions, illustrations, identification, information retrieval.]
* [  Solanace] in USDA Plants Database.
==Additional reading==
{{cite book | author=D'Arcy, William G. | title=Solanacea | year=1986 | publisher=Columbia University Press | id=ISBN 0-231-05780-6 }}
[[Category:Plant families]]
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[[Category:Poisonous plants]]

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