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Pachypodium (Greek, thick foot, alluding to the roots). Apocynaceae. About 15 remarkable succulent shrubs and trees of Madagascar, S. Afr. and Trop. Afr., a very few of which are mentioned in horticultural literature. They are grown with succulents, and prop, by cuttings.
Frequently the trunk is much swollen: lvs. simple, in spirals; stipules represented by rigid spines; or, according to Stapf, the lvs. suppressed with the exception of a terminal rosette, and the spinous stipules crowded more or less irregularly on the swollen branches: cymes terminal, with few or many sessile or peduncled pink, white or yellow fls.; sepals 5; corolla salver-shaped, constricted at base, or funnelform to campanulate, 5-lobed; anthers conniving into a cone, with appendages longer or shorter than the pollen- bearing part, the
structure complex. P. Geayi, Cost. & Bois. Tree, 30 ft. or more, with succulent cactus- like spiny trunk, branching at summit: lvs. in terminal tufts, long and narrow. Madagascar. R.H. 1907, p. 490. P. namaquanum, Welw. St. 5-6 ft. high and 9-15 in. diam., fleshy, tapering
upward, tubercled and spiny: lvs. obovate-oblong to oblong, crowded in a little crown at the top of the trunk: fls. reddish tinged yellow and green. S. Afr. G.C. III. 46:371, showing the strange plants in the wild. P. succulentum, DC. Tuberous at base, 1-2 ft. high, producing several somewhat branched sts., bearing lvs. scattered on long shoots: lvs. oblong-linear or linear, 1 1/2 in. long, pubescent above; stipules spiny: fls. 1 in. or more across, the oblong lobes white and purple. S. Afr.
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