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The genus is an important economic one, as C. palmata, and perhaps other species, are the source of Panama hats. In making these, the leaves are cut young, the stiff veins removed, after which the leaves are slit into shreds, but not separated at the stalk end. It is said that hats of superior quality are plaited from a single leaf, without any joinings. U. S. Dept. Agric., Fiber Investigations. Rept. 9:112 (1897).
The genus is an important economic one, as C. palmata, and perhaps other species, are the source of Panama hats. In making these, the leaves are cut young, the stiff veins removed, after which the leaves are slit into shreds, but not separated at the stalk end. It is said that hats of superior quality are plaited from a single leaf, without any joinings. U. S. Dept. Agric., Fiber Investigations. Rept. 9:112 (1897).
Carludovica palmata is the species most frequently met with under cultivation. Under favorable conditions it grows to a height of about 8 feet. All of the kinds need stove treatment during the winter months; in summer they may be used for subtropical bedding with good results. They have a certain palm-like appearance, but the leaves are of a softer texture than any of the palms. They may be propagated by division, choosing the early spring for the operation. C. palmata seeds freely. The fruit, when ripe, has an ornamental appearance for a short time after bursting open. The seeds are very small, and should be carefully washed free from the pulp, and sown on the surface of a pan of finely chopped sphagnum moss. Germination takes place in two weeks from sowing if kept in a brisk, moist heat. The species are not particular as to soil but the drainage must be perfect, as the plants require an abundance of water when growing. (G. W. Oliver.)
Carludovica palmata is the species most frequently met with under cultivation. Under favorable conditions it grows to a height of about 8 feet. All of the kinds need stove treatment during the winter months; in summer they may be used for subtropical bedding with good results. They have a certain palm-like appearance, but the leaves are of a softer texture than any of the palms. They may be propagated by division, choosing the early spring for the operation. C. palmata seeds freely. The fruit, when ripe, has an ornamental appearance for a short time after bursting open. The seeds are very small, and should be carefully washed free from the pulp, and sown on the surface of a pan of finely chopped sphagnum moss. Germination takes place in two weeks from sowing if kept in a brisk, moist heat. The species are not particular as to soil but the drainage must be perfect, as the plants require an abundance of water when growing. (G. W. Oliver.)
The following species are in cult, in this country but not as yet known to the trade: C. funifera, Kunth. Stemless or sometimes creeping and with a round, sparsely branched st.: lvs. alternate 1-2 ft. S. Amer.—C. incisa, Wendl. A much cut. low plant from Cent. Amer.—C. macropoda, Klotzsch. St. scarcely 1 ft. long: lvs. faintly 3-nerved, deeply 2-parted. 1 ½-2 ft. Colombia.—C. microcephala. Hook. f. St. a few inches high: lvs. numerous, 10-18 in. long, split into 2 8-nerved segms.; petiole slender, purplish at base. Costa Rica. B.M. 7263.—C. plicata, Klotzsch. St. short: lvs. divided into 21-nerved segms.; petioles channeled: spadix about 6 in. long: the thick woody caudex may not rise more than 1 ft. Colombia.—C. acandens, Cowell. St. creeping, often 25 ft. long: lvs. several at the summit, about 18 in. long. St. Kitts. N. Taylor.


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