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Caryopteris (Greek for nut and wing). Verbenaceae. Ornamental woody plants grown for their lavender-blue flowers profusely produced in autumn.
Deciduous small shrubs: lvs. opposite, short-petioled, serrate: fls. in axillary cymes; calyx campanulate, deeply 5-lobed with lanceolate teeth, spreading and somewhat enlarged in fr.; corolla 5-lobed, with short cylindric tube and spreading limb, 1 segm. larger and fringed; stamens 4, exserted, 2 of them longer; style slender, 2-parted at the apex: fr. separating into 4 somewhat winged nutlets.—About 6 species in E. Asia.
These are glabrous, pubescent or tomentose shrubs with small blue or violet late flowers. Free-flowering and very valuable for their late blooming season; not hardy North; even if well protected they will be killed almost to the ground, but the young shoots, springing up freely, will flower profusely the same season. They require well-drained and sandy soil and sunny position; if grown in pots, a sandy compost of peat and leaf soil or loam will suit them, and they will flower in the greenhouse until midwinter. Propagated readily by cuttings of half-ripened wood in summer or fall under glass, and by seeds sown in spring.
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