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C. barbatum, Lindl. Fls. green, blotched with purple. Guiana. —C. callosum, Lindl. Odd: fls. with chocolate-brown, narrow-lanceolate sepals and petals; lip greenish, speckled with red. Venezuela. B.M. 4219, 6648.—C. Christyanum, Reichb. f. Sepals and petals usually chocolate; lip greenish yellow, purple fringed. S. Amer.(?). G.C. III. 18:617. B.M. 8007.—C. Classianum, Lind. & Cogn. Fls. greenish yellow; lip fringed along sides. Brazil. G.C. III. 44:211.—C. Cliftonii, Hort. Probably a form of C. Bungerothii. G.M. 54:593 (desc.).—C. Colmaniae, Hort. Fine yellow fl. with 3-lobed lip stained with deep crimson.-C. discolor, Lindl. Fls. purple. An old sort, now rarely seen. Brazil.—C. ebureum, Rolfe.
C. barbatum, Lindl. Fls. green, blotched with purple. Guiana. —C. callosum, Lindl. Odd: fls. with chocolate-brown, narrow-lanceolate sepals and petals; lip greenish, speckled with red. Venezuela. B.M. 4219, 6648.—C. Christyanum, Reichb. f. Sepals and petals usually chocolate; lip greenish yellow, purple fringed. S. Amer.(?). G.C. III. 18:617. B.M. 8007.—C. Classianum, Lind. & Cogn. Fls. greenish yellow; lip fringed along sides. Brazil. G.C. III. 44:211.—C. Cliftonii, Hort. Probably a form of C. Bungerothii. G.M. 54:593 (desc.).—C. Colmaniae, Hort. Fine yellow fl. with 3-lobed lip stained with deep crimson.-C. discolor, Lindl. Fls. purple. An old sort, now rarely seen. Brazil.—C. ebureum, Rolfe.
Fls. ivory-white; sac of lip deep yellow. Colombia—C. Garnettianum, Rolfe. Allied to C. barbatum. Fls. small; sepals and petals very narrow, green, with large bars of red-brown; lip white, fringed. Amazon. B.M. 7069.—C. imperiale, Lind.& Cogn. Sepals and petals ovate-acute, white, purple-spotted; lip orbicular-cordate, purple in center and white-margined. G.C. III. 17:329. S.H. 1, p. 369. J.H.III. 30: 25-C. labiatum, Rodr. Scapes  1½ ft . long, the male 10-fld., female 2 -fld. Organ Mts. C. Lindeni, Cogn. Fls. large (as of C. Bungerothii); sepals and petals yellow, with purplish spots and bars; lip yellow, spotted at base. G.C. III. 17: 329. S.H. 1, p. 369.—C. maculatum, Kunth. Sepals acuminate, spotted with claret; petals broader, red-blotched; lip yellowish green outside, dark brown within. Colombia and Nicaragua.—C. mirabile, Cogn. Fls. very large, the sepals and petals oblong-lanceolate, and yellowish, with purple spots and bars: lip kidney-shaped, bright yellow with 2 purple spots, toothed. G.C. III. 17: 329. S.H. 1, p. 369.—C. monodon, Kranzl. Spike long with 6-8 greenish fls.; lip flat, with fringes along border. Brazil. G.C. III. 35:354 (desc.).—C .pileatum, Reichb., var. aureum, Hort. Fls. creamy white, shaded with greenish yellow. G.M. 47:829, 831.— C. quadridens, Rolfe. Fls. with pair of short, acute teeth situated at lower angles of abortive stigma.—C. Rhamphastos, Hort. Raceme few-fld., up to 10 in. long; fls. pale green. Andes of Colombia.—C. Scurra, Reichb. f. Compact: fls. fragrant, yellowish white, green-veined; lip 3-lobed. Guiana. G.C. II. 7:304-5.—C. spinosum, Lindl. (Myanthus spinosus, Hook.). Lip spreading, with succulent hairs, bearing on upper side at base an erect 3-partite spine and a much larger one below the acumen. Brazil. B.M. 3802. —C. splendens, Cogn. Intermediate between C. Bungerothii and C. macrocarpum. Sepals greenish white with purplish center; petals white with many purple spots; lip cream-color, purple-marked. Runs into many forms: var. album, Lind. & Cogn., white or nearly so. Var. Aliciae, Lind. & Cogn. Fls. large; sepals and petals purplish; lip white, toothed. Var. aureo-maculatum. Bossch. Yellow. I.H. 43:54. Var. atropurpureum. Hort. Blackish purple.—C. tenebrosum, Kranzl. Fls. almost black, very spreading. Peru. G.C. III. 48:229 (desc.).—A. Tracyanum, Hort. A provisional name for a distinct species with whitish green fls.—C. viridi-flavum, Hook. Fls. green, the lip conic, yellow inside. Cent. Amer. B.M.4017.— C. Warscewiczii, Lindl. & Paxt. From Panama. Now rarely seen. Oakes Ames. L. H. B.


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