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These are free-flowering shrubs, some especially valuable for their late flowering period. Many of them are hardy only in the warmer temperate regions, but C. americanus, C. ovatus, and C. Fendleri are hardy North, while the numerous hybrids of C. americanus are only half hardy, and even if protected they are killed to the ground in the North, but the young shoots will usually flower the same season. The safest way, however, to have good free-flowering plants of these beautiful hybrids will be, in the North, to dig them up in fall, store them away in a frost-proof pit or cellar, and plant them out again in spring. Pruning of the late-flowering species will be of advantage; about one-half of last year's growth may be taken away. They grow in almost any soil, but best in a light and well-drained one, and most of the Californian species prefer a sunny position. Propagated by seeds sown in spring and by cuttings of mature wood in autumn, inserted in a cold- frame or greenhouse; softwood cuttings also grow readily if taken in early spring from forced plants. Sometimes increased by layers, and the varieties and hybrids by grafting on roots of C. americanus under glass in early spring; the cions must be fresh and with leaves, taken from plants kept in the greenhouse during the winter.
These are free-flowering shrubs, some especially valuable for their late flowering period. Many of them are hardy only in the warmer temperate regions, but C. americanus, C. ovatus, and C. Fendleri are hardy North, while the numerous hybrids of C. americanus are only half hardy, and even if protected they are killed to the ground in the North, but the young shoots will usually flower the same season. The safest way, however, to have good free-flowering plants of these beautiful hybrids will be, in the North, to dig them up in fall, store them away in a frost-proof pit or cellar, and plant them out again in spring. Pruning of the late-flowering species will be of advantage; about one-half of last year's growth may be taken away. They grow in almost any soil, but best in a light and well-drained one, and most of the Californian species prefer a sunny position. Propagated by seeds sown in spring and by cuttings of mature wood in autumn, inserted in a cold- frame or greenhouse; softwood cuttings also grow readily if taken in early spring from forced plants. Sometimes increased by layers, and the varieties and hybrids by grafting on roots of C. americanus under glass in early spring; the cions must be fresh and with leaves, taken from plants kept in the greenhouse during the winter.
C. africanus, Linn.=Noltea Africana.―C. dentatus, Torr.& Gray. Low shrub:lvs. oblong, penninerved, dentate, glandular-papillate above, loosely hairy: fls. Blue, in peduncled clusters. Calif. F.S. 6:567. 2. B.H. 3:101.―C. dentatus var. floribundus, Trel. (C. floribundus, Hook.). Fl-clusters numerous, nearly sessile: lvs. smaller. B.M. 4806. F.S. 10:977. I.H. 7:238. B.H. 5:129.—C. foliosus, Parry. Low shrub: lvs. small, broadly elliptic, glandular-toothed, slightly hairy, pale or glaucous beneath: fls. deep blue, in numerous small clusters. Calif.—C. laevigatus, Douglas. Tall shrub: lvs. broadly elliptic, serrate, glabrous, glaucous beneath: fls. yellowish white, in large panicles. Calif.—C. microphyllus, Michx. Low shrub: lvs. very small, obovate or elliptic, nearly glabrous: fls. white, in small, short-peduncled clusters.—C. papillosus, Torr. & Gray. Low shrub: lvs. narrow-oblong, dentate, glandular-papillate above, villous beneath: fls. deep blue, in peduncled, axillary oblong clusters. Calif. B.M. 4815. F.S. 6:567, 1. P.F.G. 1, p. 74 R.H. 1850:321.—C. Parryi, Trel. Large shrub: lvs. elliptic or ovate, denticulate, cobwebby beneath: fls. deep blue, in peduncled, narrow panicles. Calif.—C. rigidus, Nutt. Rigid, much-branched shrub: lvs. opposite, cuneate-obovate, denticulate, usually glabrous, small: fls. blue, in small, nearly sessile, axillary clusters. Calif. B.M. 4660 (as C. verrucosus) and 4664. J.F. 3:316; 4:348.—C. verrucosus, Nutt. Low shrub: lvs. mostly alternate, roundish obovate, emarginated, denticulate, nearly glabrous, small: fls. white, in small, axillary clusters along the branches, Calif.—C. verrucosus, Hook.= C. rigidus. Alfred Rehder.


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