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| name = ''LATINNAME''   <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| name = ''Paphiopedilum barbatum''
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Paphiopedilum barbatum, Pfitz. (Cypripedium barbatum, lindl. C. purpuratum, Wight). Leaves acute, up to 6 in. long, tessellated: scape longer than leaves, black-purple, pubescent, 1- or rarely 2-flowered; flowers 2 1/2-3 in. greatest diam.; dorsal sepal nearly orbicular, pointed, folded at the mid-vein, white, more or less purple-stained, green at base, the veins prominent, deep purple, the central green at base; petals spreading, somewhat deflexed, oblong-linear, ciliate, the upper margin with small blackish warts, the base brownish green, the apex purple; lip helmet-shaped,deep brownish purple, paler below, the infolded purple lobes deeper-spotted. June, July. Malay Peninsula. B. M. 4234. B.R. 27, p.53(desc.). F. 8.3:190. B.H.33:7. V. O. 4:12. Var. biflôrum, Pfitz. Scape 2-flowered Var. caerulescens, Pfitz.
Paphiopedilum barbatum. (syn. Cypripedium barbatum, C. purpuratum). Leaves acute, up to 6 in. long, tessellated: scape longer than leaves, black-purple, pubescent, 1- or rarely 2-flowered; flowers 2 1/2-3 in. greatest diameter; dorsal sepal nearly orbicular, pointed, folded at the mid-vein, white, more or less purple-stained, green at base, the veins prominent, deep purple, the central green at base; petals spreading, somewhat deflexed, oblong-linear, ciliate, the upper margin with small blackish warts, the base brownish green, the apex purple; lip helmet-shaped,deep brownish purple, paler below, the infolded purple lobes deeper-spotted. June, July. Malay Peninsula.Var. biflorum. Scape 2-flowered Var. caerulescens
Dorsal sepal white  and green in about equal proportions,the nerves dark green and crimson ; petals olive-green, whitish rose at the apex with a few black dots; lip maroon. Var. Crossii, Pfitz. (Cypripedium Crossii. Hort. C. barbatum [[variety|var.]] Warneriànum, Warn.). Dorsal sepal large, nearly round, the upper half pure white, the center green, striped deep maroon and tinted rose- purple between the nerves; petals strongly reflexed, rose-violet toward the apex which terminates with a white spot; lip clear maroon. B.H. 15:227. Var. grandiflorum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very large, the apex pure white, lined and veined with rose-purple at base; petals olive-green above, black-spotted, rose- magenta below toward the apex; lip large, deep purple- maroon. Var. Hendersonii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal has a broad white border, the center shaded with violet, and the base lined with tender green; petals undulate, reflexed, the upper surface olive-green, the lower surface light rose heavily shaded green, the extremity with a white point; lip deep maroon. Var. illustre, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal round, acuminate, white, green-lined at base, banded with blackish purple, and broadly white- bordered; petals brownish green above, rose-salmon, below; lip very large, blackish brown. Var. majus, Pfitz. Resembles [[variety|var.]] grandiflôrum, but is more robust and has larger flowers of richer color. Var. nanum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal small, only about 1 in. long; petals somewhat falcate, about 1 1/4 in. long, with '2-4 warts. Var. nigritutn, Pfitz. (Cypripedium nigritum, Reichb. f.). Dorsal sepal oblong, acute; petals narrower. Perhaps a natural hybrid. Borneo. Var. nigrum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very large, oval, strongly lined with deep crimson and shaded violet-purple, the center greenish white, the border broad white; petals bronzy black above; lip blackish brown. A.F. 36:1184. Gng. 20:34. Var. O'Brienii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal small, less than 1 in. long; petals falcate, with 6-8 warts. Var. örbum, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium orbum, Reichb. f.). Fis. paler than in the type. Var. porphyreum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very broad, round, reticulated, reddish violet on a white ground, the border pure white; petals olive-green above, rose-violet below; lip very large, blackish brown. Var. pulcherrimum, Pfitz. Perhaps a natural hybrid between P. Hookerae and P. hirsutissimum. Var. superbum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal orbicular, very flat, striped with very deep crimson and black-veined; petals reddish wine-color above, and olive-brown below with a central black band. Var. Warneri, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very broad, nearly orbicular, white, strongly lined with dark green, stained with red-magenta, with a broad white border; petals shining dark green above; lip deep maroon. Other varieties known are: gigantium, gracile, mosàicum, nóbile, píctum, plumosum, purpùreum.
Dorsal sepal white  and green in about equal proportions,the nerves dark green and crimson; petals olive-green, whitish rose at the apex with a few black dots; lip maroon. Var. Crossii, Pfitz. (Cypripedium Crossii. Hort. C. barbatum [[variety|[[variety|var.]]]] Warnerianum, Warn.). Dorsal sepal large, nearly round, the upper half pure white, the center green, striped deep maroon and tinted rose- purple between the nerves; petals strongly reflexed, rose-violet toward the apex which terminates with a white spot; lip clear maroon. Var. grandiflorum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very large, the apex pure white, lined and veined with rose-purple at base; petals olive-green above, black-spotted, rose- magenta below toward the apex; lip large, deep purple- maroon. Var. Hendersonii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal has a broad white border, the center shaded with violet, and the base lined with tender green; petals undulate, reflexed, the upper surface olive-green, the lower surface light rose heavily shaded green, the extremity with a white point; lip deep maroon. Var. illustre, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal round, acuminate, white, green-lined at base, banded with blackish purple, and broadly white- bordered; petals brownish green above, rose-salmon, below; lip very large, blackish brown. Var. majus, Pfitz. Resembles [[variety|[[variety|var.]]]] grandiflôrum, but is more robust and has larger flowers of richer color. Var. nanum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal small, only about 1 in. long; petals somewhat falcate, about 1 1/4 in. long, with '2-4 warts. Var. nigritutn, Pfitz. (Cypripedium nigritum, Reichb. f.). Dorsal sepal oblong, acute; petals narrower. Perhaps a natural hybrid. Borneo. Var. nigrum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very large, oval, strongly lined with deep crimson and shaded violet-purple, the center greenish white, the border broad white; petals bronzy black above; lip blackish brown. Var. O'Brienii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal small, less than 1 in. long; petals falcate, with 6-8 warts. Var. orbum, Pfitz. (Cypripedium orbum). Flowers paler than in the type. Var. porphyreum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very broad, round, reticulated, reddish violet on a white ground, the border pure white; petals olive-green above, rose-violet below; lip very large, blackish brown. Var. pulcherrimum, Pfitz. Perhaps a natural hybrid between P. Hookerae and P. hirsutissimum. Var. superbum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal orbicular, very flat, striped with very deep crimson and black-veined; petals reddish wine-color above, and olive-brown below with a central black band. Var. Warneri. Dorsal sepal very broad, nearly orbicular, white, strongly lined with dark green, stained with red-magenta, with a broad white border; petals shining dark green above; lip deep maroon. Other varieties known are: gigantium, gracile, mosaicum, nobile, pictum, plumosum, purpureum.

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