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130 bytes removed ,  05:06, 17 June 2009
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| name = ''LATINNAME''   <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| name = ''Cedrela''
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
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| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
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Cedrela (from Cedrus, the wood resembling that of Cedrus). Meliaceae. Including Toona. Ornamental trees, grown for their handsome foliage; some are valuable timber trees.
Cedrela (from Cedrus, the wood resembling that of Cedrus). Meliaceae. Including Toona. Ornamental trees, grown for their handsome foliage; some are valuable timber trees.
Trees with alternate, usually abruptly pinnate lvs., without stipules: lfts. petioled, entire or slightly serrate: fls. inconspicuous, whitish, usually perfect, 4-5-merous, in large, pendulous, terminal panicles; calyx short, 4—5-parted, the petals forming a tube with spreading limb, below partly adnate to the disk; stamens shorter than petals; ovary 5-celled; style simple, with capitate stigma, somewhat longer than the stamens: fr. a caps., dehiscent, with 5 valves not splitting to the base, with many flat, winged seeds.—Nine species in Trop. Amer. and 8, forming the subgenus Toona, in E. India and Austral. Toona is often considered a distinct genus, distinguished from Cedrela by the disk being much longer than the ovary and by the seeds being winged above or at both ends, while in Cedrela the disk is as long or shorter than the ovary and the seeds are winged below. The first 3 species below belong to the sub-genus Toona, the others are true cedrelas.
Trees with alternate, usually abruptly pinnate lvs., without stipules: lfts. petioled, entire or slightly serrate: fls. inconspicuous, whitish, usually perfect, 4-5-merous, in large, pendulous, terminal panicles; calyx short, 4—5-parted, the petals forming a tube with spreading limb, below partly adnate to the disk; stamens shorter than petals; ovary 5-celled; style simple, with capitate stigma, somewhat longer than the stamens: fr. a caps., dehiscent, with 5 valves not splitting to the base, with many flat, winged seeds.—Nine species in Trop. Amer. and 8, forming the subgenus Toona, in E. India and Austral. Toona is often considered a distinct genus, distinguished from Cedrela by the disk being much longer than the ovary and by the seeds being winged above or at both ends, while in Cedrela the disk is as long or shorter than the ovary and the seeds are winged below. The first 3 species below belong to the sub-genus Toona, the others are true cedrelas.
  Cedrelas are tall ornamental trees with large pinnate foliage, well adapted for avenues: C. sinensis is hardy as far north as Massachusetts; the others are hardy only in southern California and in the Gulf states except C. odorata, which is tender even there. The wood of some species, particularly of C. odorata, is known as cedar wood, and much valued for making furniture and boxes. They thrive best in rich loam, and are propagated by seeds or by cuttings of mature wood, and, also, by root-cuttings, all with bottom heat.
Cedrelas are tall ornamental trees with large pinnate foliage, well adapted for avenues: C. sinensis is hardy as far north as Massachusetts; the others are hardy only in southern California and in the Gulf states except C. odorata, which is tender even there. The wood of some species, particularly of C. odorata, is known as cedar wood, and much valued for making furniture and boxes. They thrive best in rich loam, and are propagated by seeds or by cuttings of mature wood, and, also, by root-cuttings, all with bottom heat.{{SCH}}

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