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14,501 bytes added ,  10:20, 18 June 2009
New page: __NOTOC__{{Plantbox | name = ''LATINNAME'' <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name --> | common_names = <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank --> | growth_habi...
| name = ''LATINNAME'' <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| common_names = <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit = ? <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| high = ? <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| wide = <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = ? <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous = <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan = <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
| exposure = ? <!--- full sun, part-sun, semi-shade, shade, indoors, bright filtered (you may list more than 1) -->
| water = ? <!--- frequent, regular, moderate, drought tolerant, let dry then soak -->
| features = <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness = <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
| bloom = <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones = ? <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones = <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image = Upload.png <!--- Freesia.jpg -->
| image_width = 240px <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption = <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
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Acacia greggii, Gray. Texas Mimosa. Sometimes a tree 20 ft. high, but usually a shrub of 4-5 ft., growing in thickets along river banks: compound lvs. 1 in. long, pubescent; pinnae 2-3 pairs (occasionally reduced to 1 pair), 1/2-3/4in. long; lfts. 4-7 pairs (usually 5), oblong, pubescent and 2-nerved: spikes cream-yellow, 1 1/4-2 1/4 in. long, including the peduncles, which are half the length of spikes; petals and sepals greenish, 5-merous; sepals united and half as long as petals: pods much bent and twisted, nerve-like margins and more or less constricted between the seeds, 1 l/2—4 or more in. long, about 3/4in. wide; seed 1/3in. long, 1/4in. wide with an arrow-shaped depression in the center; funicle filiform its entire length. Fls. Aug., Sept. In dry or rocky places in Texas and N. Mex. and S. Known as Devil s Claws and Catsclaw from the short curved, spines; also as Paradise Flower.

In the following supplementary list, the heights given are those attained by the plants under glass in N. Eu.; in the open air in the S. W. U. S. they often grow much taller, and sometimes flower 2 months earlier. Except when otherwise stated, the fls. arc yellow. Those marked (*) are considered most desirable. Those marked "stove" need hothouse treatment; the others can be grown in a cool- house, or in the open in Calif. A. abietina, Willd.=A. linifolia.—A. acanthocarpa, Willd.=Mimosa acanthocarpa.—A. acapulcensis, Kunth.=Lysiloma acapulcensis.—A. accola, Maiden & Betche.— A, acicularis (Needle-leaved Acacia). 4 ft.—A. affinis, Sweet= A. dealbata.—A. alota, R. Br. 6 ft. May. B.R. 396.—A. albicans= Pithecolobium albicans.—A. amaena. Wendl. 3 ft. May. Near to A. hetcrophylla.—A.angulata, Desv.=A. discolor.—A. angustifolia, Lodd.=A. longifolia var. floribunda.—A. argyrophylla, Hook.=A. brachybotrya var. argyrophylla.—A. aspera, Lindl. (A. Ausfeldii, Regel. A. densifolia, Benth.). 4ft. May.—A. Ausfeldii, Regel= A. aspera.—A. Bancroftiana, Bert.=Caesalpinia bijuga.—A. Bartheriana, Hort.=A. Berteriana(?).— A. Berlandieri, Benth. Fls.f?). Mex. — A. Berteriana, Balb.=Pithecolobium fragrans. — A. biflora, R. Br. 3 ft. May. — A. brachyacantha, Humb. & Bonpl.=Mimosa acanthocarpa. — A. brevifolia, Lodd.=A. lunata. — A. brevipei. Cunn. =A. melanoxylon. — A. Burmanniana, DC. Shrub 6 ft. Ceylon. Stove. — A. buxifolia, Cunn. 4 ft. Apr. Hook. Icon. 164. — A. caesia, Wight & Arn. (A. Intsia, Willd.). Climber beset with curved prickles. E. Indies. Stove. — A. calamistrata, Hort. Iists=(?). — A. celastrifolia, Benth.=A. myrtifolia var. celastrifolia. — A. centrophylla, DC. 20 ft.: white. Jamaica. Stove. — A. Ceratonia, Willd.= Mimosa Ceratonia. — A. chrysostachys, Hort.=Piptadenia chry- sostachys. — A. ciliata, R. Br.=A. strigosa. — A. cineracense, Sieb.= A. glaucescens. — A. cochlearis, Wendl. 4 ft. Apr. to May. — A. caerulea, Lenol. — A. concinna, DC. 20 ft.; fls. white. E. Indies. Stove. — A. Concordiana, Loud.=Pithecolobium umbellatum.— A. conferta, Cunn. Apr. — A. cordata, a trade name, probably belongs to some other species. — A. coriacea, DC. 5 ft. May.— A. coronillaefolia, Desf. 10ft. N. Afr. Stove. — A. corymbosa, Hort. lists=(?).
— A. crassicarpa. Cunn. 6 ft. May. — A. cultrata, Hort.=A. cultriformis. — A. cuspidata, Cunn.=A. diffusa var. cuspidata. — A. cyanophylla magnifica, Hort. lists=(?). — A. cyenorum, Hook.=A. obscura. — A. Daviesiaefolia, Cunn. 6 ft. June. — A, decipiens var. praemorsa, Hort.* 3 ft. May. B.M. 3244. — A. densifolia, Benth.= A. aspera. — A. dentifera, Benth. Apr. B.M. 4032. — A. dependens, Cunn.=A. longifolia var. mucronata. — A. detinens, Burch. 3 ft. May. S. Afr.— A. Dietrichiana, F. Muell.— A. diptera, Willd.= Prosopis juliflora. — A. diptera, Lindl. Shrub.: fls.(?). — A. diptera var. erioptera, Graham. Sept. B.M. 3939. — A. dissitiflora, Benth. =a form of A. longifolia. — A. divaricota, Willd. =Lysiloma Schiedeana. — A. dolabriformia, Colla=A. decipiens. — A. Donkelaarii is a trade name.=Mimosa(?). — A. doratoxylon,Cumi. *(Currawang), a beautiful small tree: fls. golden yellow. — A. dumosa, Wight &. Arn. =A. latronum. — A. echinula,DC.=A. juniperina. — A.edulis, Humb. & Bonpl.=A. Farnesiana.— A. emarginata, Wendl. =A. stricta. — A. erioclada, Benth. June. — A. Esterhazia, Mackay. 4 ft. May. — A. falciformis, DC. =A. penninervis var. falciformis. — A, ferruginea, DC. From E. Indies. Stove. — A. flexicaulis, Benth. =Pithecolobium flexicaule, Coulter. — A. floribunda, Willd.=A. longifolia var. floribunda. — A. floribunda,Hort.=A. neriifolia. — A. formosa, Kunth. =Calliandra formosa. — A fragrans, Tenore=Albizzia fragrans ("Acacia fragrance" Hort.?). — A. frondosa, Willd. Leucaena glauca. =A. fruticosa, Mart.=Piptadenia latifolia. — A. genistaefolia, Link =A. diffusa. — A. giraffae, Willd. (Camel-thorn). 40 ft. S. Air. Fls.(?). Stove. — A. glauca, Hort.=A. glaucescens. — A. grandis, Henfr.=A. pulchella var. grandis. — A. grata, Willd. =Piptadenia macrocarpa. — A. graxeolens, Cunn.=A. verniciflua. — A. guayaquilensis, Desf. =Mimosa guayaquilensis. — A. guianensis, Willd.=Stryphnodendron guianense. — A. gummifera, Willd. 30 ft. Guinea. Fls.(?). — A.Haematoxylon, Willd. 20 ft. Fls. yellow or white. S. Afr. Stove. — A.hastulata, Smith. 4 ft. May. B.M. 3341. — .4. heteracantha, Burch. I5 ft.; fls.(7). S. Afr.— A. heterophylla, Willd. 5 ft. May. Mascarene Isls. — A. hispida, Hort.=Robinia hispida. — A. hispidissima, DC.=A. pulchella var. hispidissima. — A. holosericea, A. Cunn. — A. homalophylla,* "Yarran.” — A. homatophylla, probably clerical error for A. homalophylla. — A. homomalla. Wendl. =A. glaucescens. — A. horrida, Willd. S. Afr. — A. Huegelii, Benth.* Pale yellow. Feb. — A. humifusa, Cunn. Austral.— A. hybrida- Lodd.=A. armata. — A. imperialis, Hort. lista=(?). — A. intermedia, Cunn.=A. longifolia var. floribunda. — A. intertexta, Sieb.=A. longifolia. — A. Intsia. Willd.=A. caesia. — A. Jonesii, F. Muell. Racemes simple, longer than lvs. which somewhat resemble those of green.-lvd. A. dealbata. — A. Julibrissin, Wi|ld.=Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. Kalkora, G. Don.— Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. Lambertiana, D. Don.=Calliandra Lambertiana. — A. lanigera, Cunn. 6 ft. Apr. B.M. 2922. — A. latifolia, Benth.— A. latisiliqua Willd. =Lysiloma latisiliqua. — A. Latroberi, Meisn.==A. acinacea — A. latronum, Willd. (A. dumosa, Wight & Arn.). Up to 20 ft.; E. Indies. Stove. — A. laurifolia, Willd. 4 ft. May. Pacific Isls. Stove. — A. Lebbeck, Willd.=Albizzia Lebbek. — A. leiophylla, Benth.=A. saligna. — A. Ientisifolia, Desf. 20 ft.: fls.(?). Mex. Stove. — A. leprosa, Sieb.* May. B.R. 1441. "Graceful, linear leaves, and habit of a willow." — -A. leprosa var. tenuifolia. Benth. Stove. — A. leptocarpa, Cunn. 6 ft. Apr. — A. leptoclada, Cunn. — A. leptoneura, Benth. 6ft. Apr. B.M. 4350. — A. leptophylla, DC.=A. Farnesiana. — A. leucocephala, Link=Leucaena glauca. — A. leucophlosa, Willd. 12ft.; pale yellow. Trop. Asia. Stove. — A. leucophylla, Colvill.=-A. holosericea. — A. ligulata, Cunn. =A. salicina. — A. longifolia var. mucronata, F. v. M. (A. dependens, Cunn. A. mucronata, T. v. M. ). March. B.M. 2747. — A . longissima, Wendl. =A. linearis. — A. lophantha, Willd. =Albizzia lophantha. — A. lophantha var. gigantea, Hort.=Albizzia lophantha var. gigantea. — A. lucida, Baill.=Albizzia lucida. — A. Mangium. Willd. 10 ft. Molucca Isls. Stove. — A. microphylla, Willd. =Piptadenia peregrina. — A. mollis, Wall.=Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. Nemu, Willd.=Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. neurocarpa, Cunn.=A. holosericea. — A. nigricans, R. Br. 6 ft. Apr. B.M. 2188.— A. notabilis, F. Muell.— A. nudiflora, Willd. (A. Rohriana, DC.). 30 ft.; white. W.Indies. Stove. — A. obscura, DC. (A. cycnorum, Hook.). 2 1/2 ft. B.M. 4653. — A. odorattissima, Willd. =Albizzia odoratissima. — A. oleaefolia, Cunn.=A. lunata. — A. oligophylla. Hoffmgg. 4 ft. Habitat (?). Stove. — A. ornata is a name in the trade, probably of some well- known species. — A. paradoxa, DC.=A. armata. — A. pentadenia, Lindl. 10ft. May. B.R. 1521. — A. pinifolia, Benth.=A. juncifolia, — A. pinnata, Link.=A. tamarindifolia. — A. platyphylla. Sweet. 10 ft. June. — A. plumosa, Lowe. 20 ft. Brazil. B.M. 3366. A stove climber. — A. podalaria, Hort. lists=(?). — A. polybotrya, Benth.* A beautiful pinnate-lvd. species. — A. portoricensis, Willd.=Calliandra portoricensis. — A. primosa, probably clerical error for A. pruinosa. — A. prismatica, Hoffmgg. 6ft. Habitat (?). Stove. — A. prominens, Cunn.=A. linifolia var. prominens. — A. Pseudacacia, Hort. =Robinia Pseudacacia. — A. pulcherrima, Willd.=Stryphnodendron floribundum. — A. pyramidalis, Hort. lists=(?). — A. quadrangularis, Link.=Calliandra tetragona.—A. Reimerii, local name for variety intro, by Reimers into San Francisco.—A. riparia, HBK. (A. sarmentosa, Griseb.). 10 ft. W. Indies. A stove climber. —A. Rohriana, DC.—A. nudiflora.—A. rosea, Hort.=Robinia hispida.—A. ruscifolia, Cunn.=A. verticillata var. latifolia.—A. sarmentosa, Griseb.=A. riparia.—A. saindens, Willd.=Entada scandens.—A. semicordata, Roxbg. 40 ft.: fls. (?}. E.Indies. Stove.—A. Senegal, Willd. 30 ft.: fls. white. Trop. W. Afr. Stove.— A. sericata, Cunn. Apr.—A. Simsii, Cunn. Apr.—A. Sophorae, R. Br.=A. longifolia var. Sophorae.—A. speciosa, Willd. =Albizzia Lebbek.— A. spectabilis, Cunn.* Apr. B.R. 1843:46. Remarkably beautiful. —A. Spini, Balb. 15 ft.; red and yellow. Guadeloupe Isl. Stove.— A. squamata, Lindl. Apr. Hook. Icon. Plant. 367.—A. stenophylla. Cunn. March.—A. stipulata. DC.=Albizzia stipulata.—A. stolonifera, Burchell, a species from S. Afr. with underground sts.— A. stricta. Willd. (A. emarginata, Wendl.). 2ft. March. B.M. 1121. —A. strigosa, Link (A. ciliata, R.Br.). 4 ft.—A, strombulifera, Willd.=Prosopis strombulifera.—A. subulata, Bonpl. 4 ft. May.— A. sulcata, R. Br. 2ft. July. B.R. 928.—A. Suma, Gurz. 10ft.: fls. (?) E. Indies. Stove.—A. tamarindifolia, Willd. (A. pinnata). 4ft.: white. S. Amer. Stove.—A. taxifolia, Lodd.=A. Riceana.—A. tomentosa, Willd. 20 ft.: fls.(?). E.Indies. Stove.—A. trichodes, Willd.=Leucaena trichodes.—A. trinervata, Sieb. 6 ft. Apr.—A. tristis, Graham=A. armata.—A. umbellata, Cunn. Apr.—A.uncinata, Lodd.=A. undulaefolia.—A. undulaefolia (A. uncinata., Lodd). 4 ft. May. B.M. 3394.—A. urophylla, Benth. Pale yellow. Apr. B.M. 4573.—A. vaga, Willd. 40 ft.: white. Brazil. Stove.— A. venusta, Willd. =Calliandra portoricensis.—A. vera, Willd.=A. arabica. —A. verniciflua, Cunn. (A. graveolens, Cunn. A. virgata, Lodd.). 6 ft. Apr. B.M. 3266, 3279.—A. verticillata var. angusta, Hort. 10ft. Apr.—A. verticillata var. latifolia, Benth. (A. ruscifolia, Cunn. A. moesta, Lindl.). 10ft. Apr. B.M. 3195. B.R. 1846:67.—A. vestita, Ker-Gawl.* 6 ft. June. B.R. 698.—A. viminolis. Ait. Apr. —A. virescens, DC. 20ft. S. Amer. Stove.—A. virgata, Lodd.=A. verniciflua.—A. viridiramis, Burch.=Xerocladia Zeyheri.—A. viscidula, Cunn. 6ft. Feb. Gt. 1109. A. viscose, Schrad.=A. dodonaeifolia.—A. vomeriformis, Cunn. Apr.—A. Wallichiana, DC.=Catechu. Katherine D. Jones.


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*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
<!--- xxxxx *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381 -->
<!--- xxxxx *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432 -->
<!--- xxxxx *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608 -->

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