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Patrinia (E. L. Patrin, 1742-1814, French traveler in Siberia).
Valerianaceae. Yellow- or white-flowered valerian-like hardy
herbaceous perennials, a foot or so high, blooming in early summer;
resemble Valeriana and Fedia.
Glabrous or loosely villous herbs: lvs. once or twice pinnatifid or
pinnatisect, the radical ones rarely entire: cymes
coryrnbose-panicled bracts narrow, free, but sometimes anpendaged
with a large 2-nerved and netted-veined bracteole which is appressed
to the fr.: calyx with a small erect or spreading somewhat dentate
limb; corolla-tube very short; lobes 5, spreading; stamens usually 4;
style nearly entire at apex: sterile locules of the fr. nearly as
large or larger than the fertile ones.—About 15 species in
extratropical Asia; little planted. They are of easy cult, in damp or
shady places; bloom May to July- They are grown either in borders or
in rockwork. Prop, by division of the roots and also by seeds.
P. intermedia, Roem. & Schult. (P. rupestris, Bunge. Fedia rupestris,
Hort.). 1-1 1/2 ft.: lvs. pinnatifid, the segms. lanceolate with
large terminal lobe: fls. yellow, fragrant, in May and June. Siberia.
B.M. 714 (as V. sibirica).—P. sibirica, Juss. (Valeriana sibirica,
Linn.). 1 ft., most of the lvs. radical, the cauline ones pinnate
with entire segms., the radical long-spatulate, serrate, strong-
toothed or entire (even on same plant): fls. yellow, fragrant.
Siberia. B.M. 2325 (as V. ruthenica).
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