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| name = ''LATINNAME''   <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| name = ''Achimenes tubiflora''
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Achimenes tubiflora, Nichols., Suppl. p. 483 (Gloxinia tubiflora, Hook. Dolichodeira tubiflora, Hanst.). St. short, with opposite oblong-acuminate, crenate, short-petioled lvs.: fls. 4 in. long, curved, gibbous at the base, the tube downy, the pedicels opposite and 2 in. long. Argentina. B. M. 3971—Tubers solid, much like a potato.
Achimenes tubiflora, Nichols., Suppl. p. 483 (Gloxinia tubiflora, Hook. Dolichodeira tubiflora, Hanst.). St. short, with opposite oblong-acuminate, crenate, short-petioled lvs.: fls. 4 in. long, curved, gibbous at the base, the tube downy, the pedicels opposite and 2 in. long. Argentina. B. M. 3971—Tubers solid, much like a potato.
A. amabilis, Decne.: Naegelia multiflora. — A. atrosanguinea, Lindl. :A. foliosa.—A. candida, Lindl.: Dicyrta Candida.—A. cupreata Hook.:Episcea cupreata. — A. foliosa, Morr. Lvs. cordate, unequal fls. crimson, with saccate tube 1 in. long, with narrow limb. Guatemala. — A. gloxiniaeflora, Forkel.:Gloxinia glabrata.— A. hirsuta, DC. Loose grower: st. bulbiferous: fls. rather large, with swollen tube and oblique limb, rose, with yellow and spotted throat. Guatemala. B.M. 4144. P.M. 12: 7. Once popular.—A. Kleei, Paxt. Dwarf: fls. pink - purple. P.M. 16: 289. Form of A. longiflora.—A. lanata, Hanst. (Scheeria lanata, Hanst.). Woolly or white-hairy: fl. pinkish or lilac, large and showy. Mex. B.M. 4963 (alt. to 4954).—A. multiflora, Gardn. Hairy: lvs. broad-ovate: fls. blue, fringed. Brazil. B.M. 3993.—A. picta, Benth.:Tydaea picta. —A. rosea, Lindl. Fls. pink or rose, the peduncles many-fld. Guatemala.—A. Scheerii, Hemsl. (Scheeria mexicana. Seem.). Erect, with purple or blue, large and showy fls. Mex. B.M. 4743. —A. Skinneri, Gord.,:A. hirsuta.—Garden forms and hybrids are A. floribunda, A. intermedia, A. Jayii, A. Mountfordii, A. naegelioides, A. nana, A. venusta (P.M. 15:121), A. Verschaffeltii. L. H. B.

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