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| name = ''LATINNAME''   <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| name = ''Adenophora polymorpha''
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
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| ordo =    <!--- Order -->
| ordo =    <!--- Order -->
| familia =    <!--- Family -->
| familia =    <!--- Family -->
| genus =  
| genus = Adenophora
| species =  
| species = polymorpha
| subspecies =  
| subspecies =  
| cultivar =  
| cultivar =  
<!--- ******************************************************* -->
[[Adenophora]] polymorpha, Ledeb. Three ft: lvs. verticillate, the whorls remote, and small fls. which are darker in color than A. Potaninii. Aug. Russia. Var. stricta, with more erect habit than the type, seems to be more common.
Adenophora polymorpha, Ledeb. Three ft: lvs. verticillate, the whorls remote, and small fls. which are darker in color than A. Potaninii. Aug. Russia. Var. stricta, with more erect habit than the type, seems to be more common.
A. coronopifolia, Fisch. 1-3 ft.: radical lvs. petiolate, ovate-rotund, cordate, crenately toothed, hairy; upper lvs. sessile, entire or nearly so, glabrous, and linear lanceolate: fls. racemose, 3-10 in a cluster, blue, each fl. on a slender pedicel. June. Dahuria. —A. denticulata, Fisch. (A. tricuspidata, DC.). 1 1/2-2 ft.: upper lvs. sessile, ovate-lanceolate, the lower and radical ones petioled and more or less orbicular: fls. small, blue, pedicillate, in a terminal, loose raceme. July. Dahuria.—A. Gmelinii, Fisch. 1-2 1/2 ft.: lvs., or at least the upper ones, linear, narrow, entire or nearly so, and quite glabrous: fls. blue, 3-10 in a second racemose cluster which is axillary near the upper part of the st. Dahuria.—Suitable for dry and stony places.—A. intermedia, Ledeb., not Sweet (A. coronata, DC.). Plant 2-3 1/2 ft.: radical lvs. petiolate, cordate, toothed: upper lvs. acutish at base, serrate, crowded: fls. pale blue, racemose, small. May. Siberia.—A. periplocaefolia, DC. A dwarf (3 in.) perennial suitable for rockeries, with ascending st.: lvs. petiolate, ovate, acute at the apex, slightly cordate at the base, crenately serrate: fls. usually solitary and scapose, pale blue. June. Siberia.—A. stylosa, Fisch. 1-2 ft., erect: Lvs. petiolate, the lower obovate and sinuate, the upper ovate, acuminate, quite glabrous: fls. few, racemose, the raceme naked, and lax. May. E. Eu.—A. verticillata, Fisch. 2-3 ft.: st. simple: lvs. whorled, serrate, the upper ovate-lanceolate, the lower petiolate, sub-orbicular: fls. pale blue, small, arranged in irregular clusters near the top of the St., some, along the lower part of the st., in whorls. June. Dahuria. N. Taylor.

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