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3,314 bytes added ,  20:57, 31 July 2009
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| name = ''LATINNAME''   <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| name = ''Aegle''
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
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| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| color = IndianRed
| image = Upload.png  <!--- Freesia.jpg -->
| image = Bael (Aegle marmelos) tree at Narendrapur W IMG 4116.jpg
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption =     <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| image_caption = Aegle marmelos
| regnum = Plantae  <!--- Kingdom -->
| regnum = Plantae  <!--- Kingdom -->
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| divisio =  <!--- Phylum -->
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Aegle (from Latin Aegle, one of the Hesperidos). Rutaceae, tribe Citreae. A small tree, often spiny, having hard-shelled frs.: lvs. deciduous: fls. pentamerous with numerous free stamens; ovary with 10 or more cells; ovules numerous in each cell ; cells of the fr. without pulp vesicles, filled with gum; seeds woolly and in germination the cotyledons remain hypogeous: the first foliage lvs. are opposite. — Only one species is now recognized.
Aegle (from Latin Aegle, one of the Hesperidos). Rutaceae, tribe Citreae. A small tree, often spiny, having hard-shelled frs.: lvs. deciduous: fls. pentamerous with numerous free stamens; ovary with 10 or more cells; ovules numerous in each cell ; cells of the fr. without pulp vesicles, filled with gum; seeds woolly and in germination the cotyledons remain hypogcous: the first foliage lvs. are opposite. — Only one species is now recognized.
Marmelos, Correa (Crateva Marmelos, Linn. Belou Marmelos, W. F. Wight). Fig. 129. The bael fruit of India. A handsome tree native to N. India, but widely cult. throughout the Peninsula as well as in Ceylon, Burma, Siam and Indo-China. The trifoliolate lvs., borne on wingless petioles, are thin in texture, probably owing to the fact that they are deciduous. Although not so hardy as the deciduous trifoliate orange of China and Japan, the bael fruit tree is said to endure a considerable degree of cold (20° F. or lower) in the drier parts of N. W. India. The fr. is greenish yellow, globular, or nearly so, varying from 245 (usually 4-5) in. in diam. The fr. of the wild tree is considerably smaller than that of the cult. form. The hard shell, 1/8in. thick, is filled with the pale orange, aromatic pulp in which occur 10-15 long, narrow cells containing the seeds imbedded in transparent tenacious gum. These cells correspond to the segms. of an orange, while the pulp is made up of the pith and the greatly thickened fleshy membranes separating cells. Ill. Roxb., Pl. Corom., pl. 143. Wight, Ic., pl. 16. Bedd., Fl. Sylv., pl. 161. Benth. & Trim., Med. Pl., 55. Bonav., Oranges and Lemons of India and Ceylon, Atlas, pl. 242, 243. The ripe fr. is much esteemed bthe Hindus, many of whom consider it the best of the citrous frs.; the European residents in India often become very fond of it.
Watt says (Diet, of Econom. Prod. of India, 1:123): "The fruit, when ripe, is sweetish, wholesome, nutritious, and very palatable, and much esteemed and eaten by all classes. The ripe fruit, diluted with water, forms, with the addition of a small quantity of tamarind and sugar, a delicious and cooling drink." The famous botanist, Roxburgh, says (Flora Indica, 2:580): "The fruit is nutritious, warm, cathartic; in taste delicious, in fragrance exquisite; . . ."
On the other hand, W. R. Mustoe, Superintendent, Government Archeological Gardens, Lahore, India, writes (in a letter to D. G. Fairchild, dated Lahore, Dec. 3, 1908) : "The fruit is greatly prized for eating by the natives, but can scarcely be looked upon as palatable to the white man except as a sherbet; . . ." Sherbet is made from the mashed pulp, which is diluted with a little water, and then strained into milk or sodawater and sugared to taste. Sometimes a little tamarind is added to give a subacid flavor. All Indian medical authorities agree that the bael fruit has a most salutory influence on the digestive system. The ripe fruit is mildly laxative and is a good simple remedy for dyspepsia. The unripe fruit is a specific of the highest value for dysentery, but so mild that it can be given to children without danger. The bael fruit tree is widely cultivated in India, and is found in nearly every temple garden. It is dedicated to Siva, whose worship cannot be completed without its leaves. This promising fruit tree is now being tested at several points in the warmer parts of the United States.
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A. Barteri, Hook. f. (syn. Balsamocitrus paniculate), Swingle.
A. Barteri, Hook. f. (syn. Balsamocitrus paniculate), Swingle.
A. decandra, Naves~Chaetospermum glutinosa, Swingle.
A. decandra, Naves (syn. Chaetospermum glutinosa, Swingle).
A. glutinosa, Merrill~Chaetospermum glutinosa. Swingle.
A. glutinosa, Merrill (syn. Chaetospermum glutinosa. Swingle).
A. sepiaria, DC. (syn. Poncirus trifoliata)
A. sepiaria, DC. (syn. Poncirus trifoliata)
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Image:Upload.png| photo 1
Image:Bael (Aegle marmelos) fruit at Narendrapur W IMG 4099.jpg|Fruit at Narendrapur near [[Kolkata]], [[West Bengal]], [[India]]
Image:Upload.png| photo 2
Image:Bael (Aegle marmelos) trunk at Narendrapur W IMG 4113.jpg|trunk at Narendrapur near [[Kolkata]], [[West Bengal]], [[India]]. 
Image:Upload.png| photo 3
Image:Bael (Aegle marmelos) tree at Narendrapur W IMG 4115.jpg|tree at Narendrapur near [[Kolkata]], [[West Bengal]], [[India]]. 
Image:Bael (Aegle marmelos) leaves at Narendrapur W IMG 4101.jpg|leaves at Narendrapur near [[Kolkata]], [[West Bengal]], [[India]]. 

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