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garden hybrids are under cultivation at the present time, including  
garden hybrids are under cultivation at the present time, including  
some interesting bigeneric forms. (G. H. Pring.)
some interesting bigeneric forms. (G. H. Pring.)
P. amboinensis, Blume. Fig. white, with some veining on the lip. Malaya.—P. Ashworthianus, Sander. A garden hybrid (P. Mannii XP. maculatus). fls-. large sepals and petals clear old gold; labellum large, of the same color, with many radiating chocolate lines, outer surface clear yellow. G.M. 40:551.—P. callosus, Lindl. (Geodorum plicatum. Voigt). Resembling P. grandifolius in habit: sepals and petals dull reddish brown; lip white with tinge of pink, dark purple spot beneath, with yellow on the 2-lobed spur. Malaya.—P. CMpmonmi=P. Humblotii X P. Phoebe. G.M. 46: 593.—P. Cooksonae (P. grandifolius X P. Humblotii). Sepals and petals nankeen-groen, the broad frilled tip yellow at the base with purple-brown markings, the front lobe rose. J.H. III. 46:353.—P. Cailcmaii—P. simularis X P. Wallichii G.M. 50:134.—P. Cooperi, Rolfe. Sepals and petals bright red-brown in front, pale yellow behind, about 2 in. long: lip funnel-shaped, white at first, soon changing to yellow.—P.fragrans, Hort. Belonging to same group as P. tuberculosus, but fls. smaller and more numerous, in color resembling P. Humblotii.—P. Marthae (P. Blumei X P. simulans). Fls. nankeen-yellow, the base of the lip with rose markings and veined light yellow, the front lobe tinged pink. Gt. 53:1530. R.B. 29:73.—Norman (P. Sanderianus X P. tuberculosus). Sepals and petals cream to pink, lined, the lip with a reddish purple base, veined yellow ana with 3 yellow keels, the midlobe rose, blotched purple and tipped white.—P. oakwoodiensis = P. Cooksonii X P. Humblotii G. C. III. 28:93.—P. Opoixi (P. Wallichii x P. Humblotii.).—P. Sanderianus, Hort. Fls. 6 in. wide or more, the sepals and petals copper-red, the lip with a yellow base, crimson center, and white midlobe.—P. schnoebrunnensis=P. grandifolius XP. assamicus.—P. simulans, Rolfe. "The epiphytal species known in gardens under the name of P. tuberculosus is not the original plant, and has been renamed P. simulans in allusion to the remarkable resemblance which its fls. bear to those of the original species.
George V. Nash.


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