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abbreviatus: abbreviated, shortened.
*''abbreviatus'': abbreviated, shortened.
*''abortivus'': aborted, parts failing.
abortivus: aborted, parts failing.
*''abruptus'': abrupt, suddenly changing in shape or character.
*''abyssinicus'': Abyssinian.
abruptus: abrupt, suddenly changing in shape or character.
*''acaulis'': stemless.
*''acephalus'': headless.
abyssinicus: Abyssinian.
*''acerbus'': acerb, harsh or sour (taste).
*''aceroldes'': acer-like, maple-like.
acaulis: stemless.
*''acerosus'': needle-shaped.
*''acicularis'': needle-like.
acephalus: headless.
*''acidissimus'': exceedingly sour.
*''acidus'': acid, sour.
acerbus: acerb, harsh or sour (taste).
*''acinaceus'': scimetar-or saber-shaped.
*''acris'': acrid, sharp.
aceroldes: acer-like, maple-like.
*''aculeatus'': prickly.
*''acuminatus'': acuminate, long-pointed, tapering.
acerosus: needle-shaped.
*''acutangulus'': acutely or sharply angled.
*''acutifidus'': acutely or sharply cut.
acicularis: needle-like.
*''acutifolius'': acutely leaved, sharp-leaved.
*''acutilobus'': acutely lobed.
acidissimus: exceedingly sour.
*''acutipetalus'': petals acute or sharp (pointed).
*''acutus'': acute, sharp-pointed.
acidus: acid, sour.
*''admirabills'': admirable, noteworthy.
*''adnatus'': adnate, joined to.
acinaceus: scimetar-or saber-shaped.
*''adpressus'': pressed against.
*''adscendens'': ascending.
acris: acrid, sharp.
*''adsurgens'': rising to an erect position, ascending.
*''aduncus'': hooked.
aculeatus: prickly.
*''advenus'': newly arrived, adventive.
*''aegyptiacus'': Egyptian.
acuminatus: acuminate, long-pointed, tapering.
*''aemulus'': emulative, imitating.
*''aeneus'': brazen, bronze-coloured.
acutangulus: acutely or sharply angled.
*''aequinoctialis'': pertaining to the equinox.
*''aequipetalus'': equal-petaled.
acutifidus: acutely or sharply cut.
*''aeruginosus'': rusty, rust-coloured.
*''aestivalis'': summer.
acutifolius: acutely leaved, sharp-leaved.
*''aestivus'': summer.
*''aethiopicus'': Ethiopian, African.
acutilobus: acutely lobed.
*''affinis'': related (to another species).
*''africanus'': African.
acutipetalus: petals acute or sharp (pointed).
*''agavoides'': Agave-like.
*''ageratoides'': ageratum-like.
acutus: acute, sharp-pointed.
*''aggregatus'': aggregate, clustered.
*''agrarius'': of the fields.
admirabills: admirable, noteworthy.
*''agrestis'': of or pertaining to the fields.
*''aizoides'': aizoon-like (''Aizoon'', an evergreen or tenacious plant).
adnatus: adnate, joined to.
*''alatus'': winged.
*''albescens'': whitish, becoming white.
adpressus: pressed against.
*''albicans'': whitish.
*''albicaulis'': wnite-stemmed.
adscendens: ascending.
*''albidus'': white.
*''albiflorus'': white-flowered.
adsurgens: rising to an erect position, ascending.
*''albifrons'': white-fronded, white-herbaged.
*''albispinus'': white-spined.
aduncus: hooked.
*''albocinctus'': white-girdled, white-crowned.
*''albospicus'': white-spiked.
advenus: newly arrived, adventive.
*''albus'': white.
*''alcicornis'': elk-horned.
aegyptiacus: Egyptian.
*''aleppicus'': of Aleppo (in Syria).
*''alliaceus'': of the alliums, garlic-like.
aemulus: emulative, imitating.
*''aloides'': aloe-like.
*''alpestris'': alpine.
aeneus: brazen, bronze-colored.
*''alpinus'': alpine.
*''altaicus'': of the Altai Mts. (S. Siberia).
aequinoctialis: pertaining to the equinox.
*''alternans'': alternating.
*''alternus'': alternating, alternate.
aequipetalus: equal-petaled.
*''altifrons'': tall-fronded or -herbaged.
*''altissimus'': very tall, tallest.
aeruginosus: rusty, rust-colored.
*''altus'': tall.
*''amabills'': lovely.
aestivalis: summer.
*''amarus'': bitter.
*''ambiguus'': ambiguous, doubtful.
aestivus: summer.
*''amelloides'': amellus-like.
*''americanus'': American.
aethiopicus: Ethiopian, African.
*''amethystinus'': amethystine, violet-coloured.
*''amoenus'': charming, pleasing.
affinis: related (to another species).
*''amphibius'': amphibious, growing both in water and on land.
*''amplexicaulis'': stem-clasping.
africanus: African.
*''amplissimus'': most or very ample.
*''amplus'': ample, large, extended.
agavoides: Agave-like.
*''amurensis'': of the Amur River region (E. Siberia).
*''amygdalinus'': pertaining to or like amygdalus.
ageratoides: ageratum-like.
*''anacanthus'': without spines.
*''anatolicus'': of Anatolia (Asia Minor).
aggregatus: aggregate, clustered.
*''anceps'': two-headed, two-edged.
*''andicolus'': native of the Andes.
agrarius: of the fields.
*''andinus'': Andiuc, Andian, pertaining to the Andes
*''androgynus'': with both staminate and pistillate flowers in one cluster.
agrestis: of or pertaining to the fields.
*''anfractuosus'': twisted.
*''anglicus'': English, pertaining to England.
aizoides: aizoon-like (Aizo on, an evergreen or tenacious plant).
*''anguinus'': snaky, pertaining to serpents.
*''angularis'': angular, angled.
alatus: winged.
*''angulatus'': angular, angled.
*''angulosus'': angular, angled.
albescens: whitish, becoming white.
*''angustus'': narrow.
*''annotinus'': year-old.
albicans: whitish.
*''annularis'': annular, ringed.
*''annulatus'': annular.
albicaulis: wnite-stemmed.
*''annuus'': annual, living but one year.
*''anomalus'': anomalous, out of the ordinary or usual.
albidus: white.
*''antillaris'': of the Antilles (W. Indies).
*''antipodum'': of the antipodes.
albiflorus: white-flowered.
*''antiquorum'': of the ancients.
*''antiquus'': ancient.
albifrons: white-fronded, white-herbaged.
*''apenninus'': pertaining to the Apennines (Italy).
*''apertus'': uncovered, bare.
albispinus: white-spined.
*''apetalus'': without petals.
*''aphyllus'': leafless.
albocinctus: white-girdled, white-crowned.
*''apiculatus'': apiculate, tipped with a point.
*''appendiculatus'': appendaged, bearing an extension or additional part or process.
albospicus: white-spiked.
*''applanatus'': flattened.
*''applicatus'': joined, attached.
albus: white.
*''apterus'': wingless.
*''aquaticus, aquat ilis'': aquatic.
alcicornis: elk-horned.
*''aqueus'': aqueous, watery.
*''aquilinus'': aquiline, pertaining to the eagle.
aleppicus: of Aleppo (in Syria).
*''arabicus'': Arabian.
*''arachnoides'': spider-like, cobwebby.
alliaceus: of the alliums, garlic-like.
*''arborescens'': becoming tree-like, woody.
*''arboreus'': tree-like.
aloides: aloe-like.
*''arcticus'': arctic.
*''arcuatus'': bow-like, bowed.
alpestris: alpine.
*''arenarius'': of sand or sandy places.
*''areolatus'': areolate, pitted.
alpinus: alpine.
*''argentatus'': silvery, silvered.
*''argenteus'': silvery.
altaicus: of the Altai Mts. (S. Siberia).
*''argophyllus'': silver-leaved.
*''argutus'': sharp-toothed.
alternans: alternating.
*''argyraeus'': silvery.
*''aridus'': arid.
alternus: alternating, alternate.
*''arietinus'': like a ram's head.
*''aristatus'': aristate, bearded.
altifrons: tall-fronded or -herbaged.
*''aristosus'': bearded.
*''armatus'': armed (as with thorns).
altissimus: very tall, tallest.
*''aromaticus'': aromatic.
*''arrectus'': raised up, erect.
altus: tall.
*''articulatus'': articulated, jointed.
*''arundinaceus'': reed-like.
amabills: lovely.
*''arvensis'': pertaining to cultivated fields.
*''ascendens'': ascending.
amarus: bitter.
*''asiaticus'': Asian.
*''asper'': rough.
ambiguus: ambiguous, doubtful.
*''asperatus'': rough.
*''aspericaulis'': rough-stemmed.
amelloides: amellus-like.
*''asperrimus'': very rough.
*''assimilis'': similar, like to.
americanus: American.
*''assurgens'': assurgent, clambering.
*''ater'': coal-black.
amethystinus: amethystine, violet-colored.
*''atlunticus'': Atlantic, growing in Atlantic regions.
*''atratus'': blackened.
amoenus: charming, pleasing.
*''atropurpureus'': dark purple.
*''atrorubens'': dark red.
amphibius: amphibious, growing both in water and on land.
*''atrosanguineus'': dark blood-red.
*''atrovirens'': dark green.
amplexicaulis: stem-clasping.
*''attenuatus'': attenuated, produced to a point.
*''atticus'': pertaining to Attica or Athens, Greek.
amplissimus: most or very ample.
*''augustissimus'': very notable.
*''augustus'': august, notable, majestic.
amplus: ample, large, extended.
*''aurantiacus'': orange-red.
*''aureolus'': golden.
amurensis: of the Amur River region (E. Siberia).
*''aureus'': golden.
*''auriculatus'': auricled, eared.
amygdalinus: pertaining to or like amygdalus.
*''australiensis'': belonging to Australia.
*''australis'': southern.
anacanthus: without spines.
*''austriacus'': Austrian.
*''autumnalis'': autumnal.
anatolicus: of Anatolia (Asia Minor).
*''axillaris'': axillary, borne in the axils, pertaining to the axils.
*''azureus'': azure, sky-blue.
anceps: two-headed, two-edged.
andicolus: native of the Andes.
andinus: Andiuc, Andian, pertaining to the Andes
androgynus: with both staminate and pistillate flowers in one cluster.
anfractuosus: twisted.
anglicus: English, pertaining to England.
anguinus: snaky, pertaining to serpents.
angularis: angular, angled.
angulatus: angular, angled.
angulosus: angular, angled.
angustus: narrow.
annotinus: year-old.
annularis: annular, ringed.
annulatus: annular.
annuus: annual, living but one year.
anomalus: anomalous, out of the ordinary or usual.
antillaris: of the Antilles (W. Indies).
antipodum: of the antipodes.
antiquorum: of the ancients.
antiquus: ancient.
apenninus: pertaining to the Apennines (Italy).
apertus: uncovered, bare.
apetalus: without petals.
aphyllus: leafless.
apiculatus: apiculate, tipped with a point.
appendiculatus: appendaged, bearing an extension or additional part or process.
applanatus: flattened.
applicatus: joined, attached.
apterus: wingless.
aquaticus, aquat ilis: aquatic.
aqueus: aqueous, watery.
aquilinus: aquiline, pertaining to the eagle.
arabicus: Arabian.
arachnoides: spider-like, cobwebby.
arborescens: becoming tree-like, woody.
arboreus: tree-like.
arcticus: arctic.
arcuatus: bow-like, bowed.
arenarius: of sand or sandy places.
areolatus: areolate, pitted.
argentatus: silvery, silvered.
argenteus: silvery.
argophyllus: silver-leaved.
argutus: sharp-toothed.
argyraeus: silvery.
aridus: arid.
arietinus: like a ram's head.
aristatus: aristate, bearded.
aristosus: bearded.
armatus: armed (as with thorns).
aromaticus: aromatic.
arrectus: raised up, erect.
articulatus: articulated, jointed.
arundinaceus: reed-like.
arvensis: pertaining to cultivated fields.
ascendens: ascending.
asiaticus: Asian.
asper: rough.
asperatus: rough.
aspericaulis: rough-stemmed.
asperrimus: very rough.
assimilis: similar, like to.
assurgens: assurgent, clambering.
ater: coal-black.
atlunticus: Atlantic, growing in Atlantic regions.
atratus: blackened.
atropurpureus: dark purple.
atrorubens: dark red.
atrosanguineus: dark blood-red.
atrovirens: dark green.
attenuatus: attenuated, produced to a point.
atticus: pertaining to Attica or Athens, Greek.
augustissimus: very notable.
augustus: august, notable, majestic.
aurantiacus: orange-red.
aureolus: golden.
aureus: golden.
auriculatus: auricled, eared.
australiensis: belonging to Australia.
australis: southern.
austriacus: Austrian.
autumnalis: autumnal.
axillaris: axillary, borne in the axils, pertaining to the axils.
azureus: azure, sky-blue.
baccatus: berried.
*''baccatus'': berried.
*''baccifera'': berry-bearing.
baccifera: berry-bearing.
*''balearicus'': Balearian, of the Balearic Islands.
*''balsameus'': balsamic, balsam-1ike, with balsam odor.
balearicus: Balearian, of the Balearic Islands.
*''balsamifera'': balsam-bearing.
*''bambusoides'': bambusa-like, bamboo-like.
balsameus: balsamic, balsam-1ike, with balsam odor.
*''banaticus'': of Banat (S. Hungary).
*''barbadensis'': of Barbadoes.
balsamifera: balsam-bearing.
*''barbarus'': foreign, from a strange country.
*''barbatus'': barbed, bearded.
bambusoides: bambusa-like, bamboo-like.
*''barbigera'': bearing barbs or beards.
*''basilaris'': pertaining to the base or bottom.
banaticus: of Banat (S. Hungary).
*''bellus'': handsome.
*''benedictus'': blessed.
barbadensis: of Barbadoes.
*''benghalensis'': of Bengal (E. India).
*''betuloides'': Betula-like, birch-like.
barbarus: foreign, from a strange country.
*''bicarinatus'': twice-keeled, with two keels.
*''bicolor'': two-coloured.
barbatus: barbed, bearded.
*''bicarnis'': two-horned.
*''bicornutus'': two-horned.
barbigera: bearing barbs or beards.
*''bidentatus'': two-toothed.
*''biennis'': biennial, living only two years.
basilaris: pertaining to the base or bottom.
*''bifidus'': twice cut, in two parts.
*''bifiorus'': two-flowered.
bellus: handsome.
*''bifurcatus'': twice-forked.
*''bigibbus'': with two swellings or projections.
benedictus: blessed.
*''biglumis'': two-glumed.
*''bijugus'': yoked two together, joined, fastened together.
benghalensis: of Bengal (E. India).
*''bilobus'': two-lobed.
*''binatus'': twin, double, two-and-two.
betuloides: Betula-like, birch-like.
*''binervis'': two-nerved.
*''binocularis'': binocular, two-eyed, two-spotted.
bicarinatus: twice-keeled, with two keels.
*''bipartitus'': two-parted.
*''bipetalus'': two-petaled.
bicolor: two-colored.
*''bipinnatifidus'': bipinnatifid, twice pinnately cut.
*''bipinnatus'': bipinnate, twice pinnate.
bicarnis: two-horned.
*''bipunctatus'': two-spotted.
*''bisectus'': cut in two parts.
bicornutus: two-horned.
*''bispinosus'': two-spined.
*''biternatus'': twice ternate.
bidentatus: two-toothed.
*''blandus'': bland, mild.
*''bonus'': good.
biennis: biennial, living only two years.
*''burbonicus'': of Bourbonne (in N. E. France).
*''borealis'': northern.
bifidus: twice cut, in two parts.
*''botryoides'': cluster-like, grape-like.
*''brachiatus'': brachiate, branched at right angles.
bifiorus: two-flowered.
*''brachypodus'': short-stalked.
*''bracteatus'': bracteate, bearing bracta.
bifurcatus: twice-forked.
*''bracteosus'': bract-bearing.
*''brevicaulis'': short-stemmed.
bigibbus: with two swellings or projections.
*''brevifrons'': short-fronded, short- leaved.
*''brevipes'': short-footed, as with abort pedicel or petiole.
biglumis: two-glumed.
*''brevirostris'': short-beaked.
*''brevis'': short.
bijugus: yoked two together, joined, fastened together.
*''brevisetus'': short-bristled.
*''brevispathus'': short-spathed.
bilobus: two-lobed.
*''brevissimus'': very short, shortest.
*''brilliantissimus'': most brilliant, very brilliant.
binatus: twin, double, two-and-two.
*''brunneus'': deep brown.
*''bucephalus'': ox-headed.
binervis: two-nerved.
*''bufonius'': pertaining to the toad.
*''bulbifera'': bulb-bearing.
binocularis: binocular, two-eyed, two-spotted.
*''bulbosus'': bulbous.
*''bullatus'': inflated,swelling, puckered, bullate.
bipartitus: two-parted.
*''byzantinus'': Byzantine (of the Constantinople region).
bipetalus: two-petaled.
bipinnatifidus: bipinnatifid, twice pinnately cut.
bipinnatus: bipinnate, twice pinnate.
bipunctatus: two-spotted.
bisectus: cut in two parts.
bispinosus: two-spined.
biternatus: twice ternate.
blandus: bland, mild.
bonus: good.
burbonicus: of Bourbonne (in N. E. France).
borealis: northern.
botryoides: cluster-like, grape-like.
brachiatus: brachiate, branched at right angles.
brachypodus: short-stalked.
bracteatus: bracteate, bearing bracta.
bracteosus: bract-bearing.
brevicaulis: short-stemmed.
brevifrons: short-fronded, short- leaved.
brevipes: short-footed, as with abort pedicel or petiole.
brevirostris: short-beaked.
brevis: short.
brevisetus: short-bristled.
brevispathus: short-spathed.
brevissimus: very short, shortest.
brilliantissimus: most brilliant, very brilliant.
brunneus: deep brown.
bucephalus: ox-headed.
bufonius: pertaining to the toad.
bulbifera: bulb-bearing.
bulbosus: bulbous.
bullatus: inflated,swelling, puckered, bullate.
byzantinus: Byzantine (of the Constantinople region).
caerulescens: becoming or turning dark blue.
*''caerulescens'': becoming or turning dark blue.
*''caeruleus'': cerulean, dark blue.
caeruleus: cerulean, dark blue.
*''caesius'': bluish gray.
*''caespitosus'': cespitose, tufted, growing in low dense clumps.
caesius: bluish gray.
*''catfer, caffra'': Kafir.
*''calabricus'': from Calabria(in S. Italy).
caespitosus: cespitose, tufted, growing in low dense clumps.
*''calathinus'': basket-like.
*''calcaratus'': spurred, with spurs.
catfer, caffra: Kafir.
*''calcareus, of or pertaining to lime.
*''callosus'': thick-skinned, with callosities.
calabricus: from Calabria(in S. Italy).
*''calvus'': bald, hairless.
*''calycinus'': calyx-like.
calathinus: basket-like.
*''calyculatus'': calyx-like, calyx-bearing, fruit inclosed in a calyx.
*''cambricus'': Cambrian, Welsh.
calcaratus: spurred, with spurs.
*''campanulatus'': campanulate, bell-shaped.
*''campestris'': of the fields or plains.
calcareus, of or pertaining to lime.
*''canadensis'': Canadian.
*''canaliculatus'': channeled, grooved.
callosus: thick-skinned, with callosities.
*''canariensis'': of the Canary Isle.
*''candicans'': white, hoary, particularly white-hairy or white-woolly.
calvus: bald, hairless.
*''candidissimus'': very white-hairy or hoary.
*''cantabricus'': from Cantabria (in Spain).
calycinus: calyx-like.
*''candidus'': white, white-hairy, shining.
*''canescens'': gray-pubescent.
calyculatus: calyx-like, calyx-bearing, fruit inclosed in a calyx.
*''canus'': ash-coloured, hoary.
*''capensis'': of the Cape (of Good Hope).
cambricus: Cambrian, Welsh.
*''capillaris'': hair-like.
*''capreolatus'': winding, twining.
campanulatus: campanulate, bell-shaped.
*''capsularis'': eapsular.
*''cardinalis'': cardinal.
campestris: of the fields or plains.
*''carinatus'': keeled.
*''carneus'': flesh-coloured.
canadensis: Canadian.
*''carnonus'': fleshy.
*''carolinianus'': Carolinian, pertaining to North or South Carolina, or indefinitely to the Carolinas.
canaliculatus: channeled, grooved.
*''carpathicus'': of the Carpathian region (Europe).
*''cartilagineus'': like cartilage.
canariensis: of the Canary Isle.
*''caryophyllaceus'': clove-like; perhaps also pertaining to the pink family.
*''cashmerianus'': of Cashmere (Asia).
candicans: white, hoary, particularly white-hairy or white-woolly.
*''catharticus'': cathartic.
*''cathayanus'': of Cathay (China).
candidissimus: very white-hairy or hoary.
*''caucusicus'': belonging to the Caucasus (mountain region between the Black and Caspian Seas).
*''caudatus'': caudate, tailed.
cantabricus: from Cantabria (in Spain).
*''caulescens'': caulescent, having a stem or stems.
*''cauliflorus'': stem-flowered.
candidus: white, white-hairy, shining.
*''cenisius'': of Mt. Cenis (between France and Italy).
*''cephalatus'': headed, bearing heads.
canescens: gray-pubescent.
*''cerasiformis'': cherry-formed.
*''cerefolius'': wax-leaved.
canus: ash-colored, hoary.
*''cerifera'': wax-bearing.
*''cernuus'': bending forward, inclined, drooping, nodding.
capensis: of the Cape (of Good Hope).
*''ceylanicus'': of Ceylon; same as zeylanicus.
*''chalcedonicus'': of Chalcedon (on the Bosphorus).
capillaris: hair-like.
*''chilensis'': belonging to Chile.
*''chinensis'': belonging to China.
capreolatus: winding, twining.
*''chloranthus'': green-flowered.
*''chrysanthus'': golden-flowered.
capsularis: eapsular.
*''chrysocarpus'': golden-fruited.
*''chrysophyllus'': golden-leaved.
cardinalis: cardinal.
*''chrysostomus'': golden-mouthed, golden-throated.
*''ciliaris'': ciliate, fringed with hairs on the margin.
carinatus: keeled.
*''ciliatus'': ciliate, hairy fringed.
*''cilicicus'': of Cilicia (in S. E. Asia Minor).
carneus: flesh-colored.
*''cinctus'': girded, girdled.
*''cinereus'': ash-coloured.
carnonus: fleshy.
*''cinnabarinus'': cinnabar-red.
*''cinnamomeus'': cinnamon-brown.
carolinianus: Carolinian, pertaining to North or South Carolina, or indefinitely to the Carolinas.
*''circinatus'': circinate, coiled.
*''cirrhosus'': tendrilled.
carpathicus: of the Carpathian region (Europe).
*''citratus'': citrus-like.
*''citrinus'': bright yellow (citron-like).
cartilagineus: like cartilage.
*''clandestinus'': concealed.
*''clavatus'': clavate, club-shaped.
caryophyllaceus: clove-like; perhaps also pertaining to the pink family.
*''clematideus'': pertaining to or like ''Clematis''.
*''clypeatus'': with a shield.
cashmerianus: of Cashmere (Asia).
*''coccifera'': berry-bearing.
*''coccineus'': scarlet.
catharticus: cathartic.
*''cochlearis'': spoon-like.
*''cochleatus'': spoon-like.
cathayanus: of Cathay (China).
*''coelestinus'': sky-blue.
*''coelestis'': celestial, sky-blue.
caucusicus: belonging to the Caucasus (mountain region between the Black and Caspian Seas).
*''collinus'': pertaining to a hill.
*''coloratus'': coloured (other than green).
caudatus: caudate, tailed.
*''comatus'': with coma or hair.
*''communis'': common, general, gregarious.
caulescens: caulescent, having a stem or stems.
*''commutatus'': changed or changing.
*''comosus'': with long hair.
cauliflorus: stem-flowered.
*''compactus'': compact, dense.
*''complexus'': circled, embraced.
cenisius: of Mt. Cenis (between France and Italy).
*''complicatus'': complicate; page 162.
*''compressus'': compressed.
cephalatus: headed, bearing heads.
*''comptus'': adorned, ornamented.
*''concavus'': concave, hollowed out.
cerasiformis: cherry-formed.
*''concinnus'': neat, well made.
*''concolor'': coloured similarly.
cerefolius: wax-leaved.
*''condensus'': condensed, crowded.
*''confertus'': crowded.
cerifera: wax-bearing.
*''conformis'': similar, like to.
*''confusus'': confused, uncertain (as to characteristics).
cernuus: bending forward, inclined, drooping, nodding.
*''congestus'': congested, brought together.
*''conglomeratus'': conglomerate, crowded together.
ceylanicus: of Ceylon; same as zeylanicus.
*''conifera'': cone-bearing.
*''conjugatus'': connected, joined together.
chalcedonicus: of Chalcedon (on the Bosphorus).
*''conoideus'': conoid, cone-like.
*''consolidus'': consolidated, solid, stable.
chilensis: belonging to Chile.
*''conspicuus'': conspicuous, marked.
*''constrictus'': constricted.
chinensis: belonging to China.
*''contiguus'': contiguous, near together.
*''contortus'': contorted, twisted.
chloranthus: green-flowered.
*''contractus'': contracted.
*''coralliflorus'': coral-flowered.
chrysanthus: golden-flowered.
*''corallinus'': coral-red.
*''cordatus'': cordate, heart-shaped.
chrysocarpus: golden-fruited.
*''cordifolius'': cordate-leaved, heart-leaved.
*''coriaceus'': leathery.
chrysophyllus: golden-leaved.
*''corniculatus'': horned.
*''cornigera'': horn-bearing.
chrysostomus: golden-mouthed, golden-throated.
*''cornutus'': horned.
*''coronarius'': used for or belonging to garlands.
ciliaris: ciliate, fringed with hairs on the margin.
*''coronatus'': crowned.
*''corrugatus'': corrugated, wrinkled.
ciliatus: ciliate, hairy fringed.
*''corsicus'': Corsican (island in the Mediterranean).
*''corticosus'': heavily furnished with bark.
cilicicus: of Cilicia (in S. E. Asia Minor).
*''coruscans'': vibrating, glittering.
*''corymbifera'': corymb-bearing.
cinctus: girded, girdled.
*''corymbosus'': corymbose.
*''costatus'': costate, ribbed.
cinereus: ash-colored.
*''crassicaulis'': thick-stemmed.
*''crassifolius'': thick-leaved.
cinnabarinus: cinnabar-red.
*''crassipes'': thick-footed or -stalked.
*''crassus'': thick, fleshy.
cinnamomeus: cinnamon-brown.
*''crenatus'': crenate, scalloped.
*''crenulatus'': crenulate, somewhat scalloped.
circinatus: circinate, coiled.
*''crepidatus'': sandaled, slippered.
*''crepitans'': rattling, rustling.
cirrhosus: tendrilled.
*''cretaceus'': cretaceous, pertaining to chalk.
*''creticus'': of Crete (island in Eastern Mediterranean).
citratus: citrus-like.
*''crinitus'': hairy, provided with hair.
*''crispus'': crisped, curled.  
citrinus: citron-colored or -like.
*''cristatus'': cristate, crested.  
*''crocatus'': saffron-yellow.  
clandestinus: concealed.
*''croceus'': saffron yellow.
*''cruciatus'': cruciate, cross-like.  
clavatus: clavate, club-shaped.
*''crucifera'': cross-bearing.  
*''cruentus'': bloody.  
clematideus: pertaining to or like clematis.
*''crystallinus'': crystalline.  
*''cubensis'': Cuban.  
clypeatus: with a shield.
*''cucullatus'': hooded.
*''cultratus'': cultrate, knife-shaped.
coccifera: berry-bearing.
*''cuneatus'': cuneate, wedge-shaped.  
*''cuneifolius'': wedge-leaved.  
coccineus: scarlet.
*''cuneiformis'': wedge-formed.  
*''cupreus'': copper-like or -coloured.
cochlearis: spoon-like.
*''curvatus'': curved.  
*''cuspidatus'': cuspidate, with a cusp or sharp stiff point.  
cochleatus: spoon-like.
*''cyaneus'': blue.  
*''cylindraceus'': cylindrical.  
coelestinus: sky-blue.
*''cylindricus'': cylindrical.  
*''cymbiformis'': boat-formed.
coelestis: celestial, sky-blue.
*''cymosus'': cymed, having a cyme or cymes.
*''cypreus'': copper-like; see cupreus.
collinus: pertaining to a hill.
coloratus: colored (other than green).
comatus: with coma or hair.
communis: common, general, gregarious.
commutatus: changed or changing.
comosus: with long hair.
compactus: compact, dense.
complexus: circled, embraced.
complicatus: complicate; page 162.
compressus: compressed.
comptus: adorned, ornamented.
concavus: concave, hollowed out.
concinnus: neat, well made.
concolor: colored similarly.
condensus: condensed, crowded.
confertus: crowded.
conformis: similar, like to.
confusus: confused, uncertain (as to characteristics).
congestus: congested, brought together.
conglomeratus: conglomerate, crowded together.
conifera: cone-bearing.
conjugatus: connected, joined together.
conoideus: conoid, cone-like.
consolidus: consolidated, solid, stable.
conspicuus: conspicuous, marked.
constrictus: constricted.
contiguus: contiguous, near together.
contortus: contorted, twisted.
contractus: contracted.
coralliflorus: coral-flowered.
corallinus: coral-red.
cordatus: cordate, heart-shaped.
cordifolius: cordate-leaved, heart-leaved.
coriaceus: leathery.
corniculatus: horned.
cornigera: horn-bearing.
cornutus: horned.
coronarius: used for or belonging to garlands.
coronatus: crowned.
corrugatus: corrugated, wrinkled.
corsicus: Corsican (island in the Mediterranean).
corticosus: heavily furnished with bark.
coruscans: vibrating, glittering.
corymbifera: corymb-bearing.
corymbosus: corymbose.
costatus: costate, ribbed.
crassicaulis: thick-stemmed.
crassifolius: thick-leaved.
crassipes: thick-footed or -stalked.
crassus: thick, fleshy.
crenatus: crenate, scalloped.
crenulatus: crenulate, somewhat scalloped.
crepidatus: sandaled, slippered.
crepitans: rattling, rustling.
cretaceus: cretaceous, pertaining to chalk.
creticus: of Crete (island in Eastern Mediterranean).
crinitus: hairy, provided with hair.
crispus: crisped, curled.  
cristatus: cristate, crested.  
crocatus: saffron-yellow.  
croceus: saffron-colored, yellow.
cruciatus: cruciate, cross-like.  
crucifera: cross-bearing.  
cruentus: bloody.  
crystallinus: crystalline.  
cubensis: Cuban.  
cucullatus: hooded.
cultratus: cultrate, knife-shaped.
cuneatus: cuneate, wedge-shaped.  
cuneifolius: wedge-leaved.  
cuneiformis: wedge-formed.  
cupreus: copper-like or –colored.
curvatus: curved.  
cuspidatus: cuspidate, with a cusp or sharp stiff point.  
cyaneus: blue.  
cylindraceus: cylindrical.  
cylindricus: cylindrical.  
cymbiformis: boat-formed.
cymosus: cymed, having a cyme or cymes.
cypreus: copper-like; see cupreus.
dactyiffera: finger-bearing.
*''dactyifera'': finger-bearing.
*''dahuricus, davuricus'': Of Dahuria or Dauria (in trans-Baikal Siberia, near the frontier of China).
dahuricus, davu ricus: Of Dahuria or Dauria (in Trans-Baikal Siberia, near the frontier of China).
*''dalmaticus'': Dalmatian (on eastern side of the Adriatic).
*''damascenus'': of Damascus.
dalmaticus: Dalmatian (on eastern side of the Adriatic).
*''dasycarpus'': thick-fruited.
*''dealbatus'': whitened, white-washed.
damascenus: of Damascus.
*''debilis'': weak, frail.
*''decandrus'': ten-stamened.
dasycarpus: thick-fruited.
*''decapetalus'': ten-petaled.
*''deciduus'': deciduous, with parts falling.
dealbatus: whitened, white-washed.
*''decipiens'': deceptive.
*''declinatus'': declined, bent downward.
debilis: weak, frail.
*''decolorans'': discoloured, staining.
*''decompositus'': decompound, more than once compound or divided.
decandrus: ten-stamened.
*''decorans'': adorning.
*''decorus'': elegant, comely, becoming.
decapetalus: ten-petaled.
*''decumbens'': decumbent, reclining at the base but the top or tips upright.
*''decurrens'': decurrent, as a leaf extending down the stem.
deciduus: deciduous, with parts falling.
*''deflexus'': deflexed, bent abruptly downward.
*''deformis'': misshapen, deformed.
decipiens: deceptive.
*''delectus'': chosen.
*''delicatissimus'': most or very delicate.
declinatus: declined, bent downward.
*''delicatus'': delicate, tender.
*''deliciosus'': delicious.
decolorans: discoloring, staining.
*''deltoideus'': deltoid, triangular.
*''demissus'': low, weak.
decompositus: decompound, more than once compound or divided.
*''dendroideus'': tree-like.
*''densiflorus'': densely flowered.
decorans: adorning.
*''densus'': dense.
*''dentatus'': toothed.
decorus: elegant, comely, becoming.
*''denticulatus'': denticulate, slightly toothed.
*''dentosus'': toothed.
decumbens: decumbent, reclining at the base but the top or tips upright.
*''denudatus'': denuded, naked.
*''depauperatus'': depauperate, starved, dwarfed.
decurrens: decurrent, as a leaf extending down the stem.
*''dependens'': hanging down.  
*''depressus'': depressed.  
deflexus: deflexed, bent abruptly downward.
*''deustus'': burned.  
*''devastator'': (feminine ''devastatrix''): devastating, laying waste.  
deformis: misshapen, deformed.
*''diacanthus'': two-spined.  
*''diadema'': a diadem, crown.  
delectus: chosen.
*''diandrus'': with two stamens.  
*''diaphanus'': diaphanous, very thin, transparent.  
delicatissimus: most or very delicate.
*''dichotomus'': forked, two-branched equally.
*''dichrous'': of two colours.  
delicatus: delicate, tender.
*''dicoccus'': with two berries.  
*''didymus'': in a pair, as of anthers.  
deliciosus: delicious.
*''difformis'': of differing forms.  
*''diffusus'': diffuse, spreading.  
deltoideus: deltoid, triangular.
*''digititus'': digitate, compound in form like the fingers.  
*''dilatatus'': dilated, expanded.  
demissus: low, weak.
*''dilutus'': dilated, spread out.  
*''dimidiatus'': halved, in two equal parts.
dendroideus: tree-like.
*''dimorphus'': dimorphous, two-formed.  
*''diodon'': with two teeth.  
densiflorus: densely flowered.
*''dioicus'': dioecious.  
*''dipetalus'': two-petaled.  
densus: dense.
*''diphyllus'': two-leaved.  
*''dipsaecus'': of the teasel ''Dipsacus''.  
dentatus: toothed.
*''discoideus'': discoid, rayless.  
*''discolor'': of two or of different colours.
denticulatus: denticulate, slightly toothed.
*''dispar'': dissimilar, unlike.  
*''dissectus'': dissected, deeply cut.  
dentosus: toothed.
*''dissimilis'': dissimilar, unlike.  
*''dissitiflorus'': remotely or loosely flowered.
denudatus: denuded, naked.
*''distachyus'': two-spiked.  
*''distans'': distant, separate, remote.  
depauperatus: depauperate, starved, dwarfed.
*''distichus'': two-ranked, with leaves or flowers in ranks on opposite sides of stem.
*''distylus'': two-styled.  
dependens: hanging down.  
*''diurnus'': day-flowering.  
*''divaricatus'': divaricate, spreading, widely divergent.
depressus: depressed.  
*''divergens'': diverging, wide-spreading.  
*''diversiflorus'': diversely flowered, variable-flowered.
deustus: burned.  
*''diversifolius'': variable-leaved.  
*''divisus'': divided, separated.  
devastator: (feminine devastatrix): devastating, laying waste.  
*''dodecandrus'': twelve-stamened.  
*''dolabriformis'': hatchet- or axe-shaped.  
diacanthus: two-spined.  
*''dolosus'': deceitful.  
*''domesticus'': domestic, domesticated.  
diadema: a diadem, crown.  
*''drupaceus'': drupe-like.  
*''drupifera'': drupe-bearing.  
diandrus: with two stamens.  
*''dubius'': dubious, doubtful.  
*''dulcis'': sweet.
diaphanus: diaphanous, very thin, transparent.  
*''dumetorum'': of bushea or hedges.
*''dumosus'': bushy.
dichotomus: forked, two-branched equally.
*''duplex'': double.
*''duplicatus'': duplicate, double.
dichrous: of two colors.  
*''durabilis'': durable, lasting.
*''duracinus'': hard-berried.
dicoccus: with two berries.  
*''duriusculus'': somewhat hard or rough.
didymus: in a pair, as of anthers.  
difformis: of differing forms.  
diffusus: diffuse, spreading.  
digititus: digitate, compound in form like the fingers.  
dilatatus: dilated, expanded.  
dilutus: dilated, spread out.  
dimidiatus: halved, in two equal parts.
dimorphus: dimorphous, two-formed.  
diodon: with two teeth.  
dioicus: dioecious.  
dipetalus: two-petaled.  
diphyllus: two-leaved.  
dipsaecus: of the teasel or Dipsacus.  
discoideus: discoid, rayless.  
discolor: of two or of different colors.
dispar: dissimilar, unlike.  
dissectus: dissected, deeply cut.  
dissimilis: dissimilar, unlike.  
dissitiflorus: remotely or loosely flowered.
distachyus: two-spiked.  
distans: distant, separate, remote.  
distichus: two-ranked, with leaves or flowers in ranks on opposite sides of stem.
distylus: two-styled.  
diurnus: day-flowering.  
divaricatus: divaricate, spreading, widely divergent.
divergens: diverging, wide-spreading.  
diversiflorus: diversely flowered, variable-flowered.
diversifolius: variable-leaved.  
divisus: divided, separated.  
dodecandrus: twelve-stamened.  
dolabriformis: hatchet- or ax-shaped.  
dolosus: deceitful.  
domesticus: domestic, domesticated.  
drupaceus: drupe-like.  
drupifera: drupe-bearing.  
dubius: dubious, doubtful.  
dulcis: sweet.
dumetorum: of bushea or hedges.
dumosus: bushy.
duplex: double.
duplicatus: duplicate, double.
durabilis: durable, lasting.
duracinus: hard-berried.
duriusculus: somewhat hard or rough.
ebenaceus: ebony-like.
*''ebenaceus'': ebony-like.
*''ebracteatus'': bractless.
ebracteatus: bractless.
*''eburneus'': ivory-white.
*''echinatus'': bristly, prickly.
eburneus: ivory-white.
*''echinocarpus'': prickly-fruited,
*''echinosepalus'': prickly-sepaled.
echinatus: bristly, prickly.
*''ecornutus'': hornless.
*''edulis'': edible.
echinocarpus: prickly-fruited,
*''effusus'': very loose-spreading.
*''elasticus'': elastic.
echinosepalus: prickly-sepaled.
*''elatior'': taller.
*''elatus'': tall.
ecornutus: hornless.
*''elegans'': elegant.
*''elegantissimus'': most elegant, very elegant.
edulis: edible.
*''elephantum'': of the elephants.  
*''elllpticus'': elliptical.  
effusus: very loose-spreading.
*''elongatus'': elongated, lengthened.  
*''emarginatus'': emarginate, with a shallow notch at the apex.  
elasticus: elastic.
*''emeticus'': emetic.  
*''eminens'': eminent, prominent.  
elatior: taller.
*''enneaphyilus'': nine-leaved.  
*''ensatus'': sword-shaped.  
elatus: tall.
*''ensifolius'': sword-leaved.  
*''ensiformis'': sword-formed or –shaped.  
elegans: elegant.
*''entomophilus'': insect-loving.  
*''equestris'': pertaining to the horse.  
elegantissimus: most elegant, very elegant.
*''equinus'': of horses.  
*''erectus'': erect, upright.  
elephantum: of the elephants.  
*''erianthus'': woolly-flowered.  
*''ericoides'': erica-like, heath-like.  
elllpticus: elliptical.  
*''eriocarpus'': woolly-fruited.  
*''eriocephalus'': woolly-headed.  
elongatus: elongated, lengthened.  
*''erosus'': erose, jagged, as if gnawed.  
*''erraticus'': erratic, unusual, sporadic.  
emarginatus: emarginate, with a shallow notch at the apex.  
*''erubescens'': blushing.  
*''erythrocarpus'': red-fruited.  
emeticus: emetic.  
*''erythrocephalus'': red-headed.  
*''erythropodus'': red-footed, red-stalked.
eminens: eminent, prominent.  
*''erythropterus'': red-winged.  
*''esculentus'': esculent, edible.  
enneaphyilus: nine-leaved.  
*''estriatus'': without stripes.  
*''etuberosus'': without tubers.  
ensatus: sword-shaped.  
*''europaeus'': Europeans.  
*''exaltatus'': exalted, very tall.  
ensifolius: sword-leaved.  
*''excavatus'': excavated, hollowed out.  
*''excellens'': excellent, excelling.  
ensiformis: sword-formed or –shaped.  
*''excelsus'': tall.  
*''excisus'': excised, cut away.  
entomophilus: insect-loving.  
*''exiguus'': little, small, poor.  
*''eximius'': distinguished, out of the ordinary.
equestris: pertaining to the horse.  
*''exitiosus'': pernicious, destructive.  
*''exoletus'': mature, fully grown, dying away.  
equinus: of horses.  
*''exoticus'': exotic, from another country.
*''expansus'': expanded.  
erectus: erect, upright.  
*''exsculptus'': dug out, carved out.  
*''exsertus'': exserted, protruding from.  
erianthus: woolly-flowered.  
*''exsurgens'': rising up, standing up.  
*''extensus'': extended.  
ericoides: erica-like, heath-like.  
*''exudans'': exuding.
eriocarpus: woolly-fruited.  
eriocephalus: woolly-headed.  
erosus: erose, jagged, as if gnawed.  
erraticus: erratic, unusual, sporadic.  
erubescens: blushing.  
erythrocarpus: red-fruited.  
erythrocephalus: red-headed.  
erythropodus: red-footed, red-stalked.
erythropterus: red-winged.  
esculentus: esculent, edible.  
estriatus: without stripes.  
etuberosus: without tubers.  
europaeus: Europeans.  
exaltatus: exalted, very tall.  
excavatus: excavated, hollowed out.  
excellens: excellent, excelling.  
excelsus: tall.  
excisus: excised, cut away.  
exiguus: little, small, poor.  
eximius: distinguished, out of the ordinary.
exitiosus: pernicious, destructive.  
exoletus: mature, fully grown, dying away.  
exoticus: exotic, from another country.
expansus: expanded.  
exsculptus: dug out, carved out.  
exsertus: exserted, protruding from.  
exsurgens: rising up, standing up.  
extensus: extended.  
exudans: exuding.
fabaceus: faba-like, bean-like.
*''fabaceus'': faba-like, bean-like.
*''falcatus'': falcate, sickle-shaped or scythe-shaped.
falcatus: falcate, sickle-shaped or scythe-shaped.
*''falcifolius'': falcate-leaved.
*''falciformis'': sickle-formed.
falcifolius: falcate-leaved.
*''fallax'': deceptive.
*''farinaceus'': containing farina or starch, or like flour; perhaps also farinose,
falciformis: sickle-formed.
*''farinifera'': farina-bearing.
*''farinosus'': farinose, mealy, powdery.
fallax: deceptive.
*''fasciatus'': fasciate, abnormally flattened and broadened.
*''fascicularis'': fascicled, clustered, brought together.
farinaceus: containing farina or starch, or like flour; perhaps also farinose,
*''fasciculatus'': fascicled.
*''fascinator'': fascinating, charming.
farinifera: farina-bearing.
*''fastigiatus'': fastigiate, branches erect and close together.
*''fastuosus'': proud.
farinosus: farinose, mealy, powdery.
*''febrifugus'': febrifuge, fever-dispelling.
*''fenestralis'': with window-like openings.
fasciatus: fasciate, abnormally flattened and broadened.
*''ferox'': ferocious; very thorny.
*''ferreus'': pertaining to iron.
fascicularis: fascicled, clustered, brought together.
*''ferrugineus'': rusty, of the colour of iron rust.
*''fertilis'': fertile, fruitful.
fasciculatus: fascicled.
*''festivus'': festive, gay, bright.
*''fibrosus'': fibrous, bearing prominent fibres.
fascinator: fascinating, charming.
*''ficoldeus'': fig-like.
*''filamentosus'': filamentous, composed of threads or bearing threads.
fastigiatus: fastigiate, branches erect and close together.
*''filicatus'': fern-like, ferny.
*''filicifolius'': fern-leaved.
fastuosus: proud.
*''filicinus'': fern-like.
*''fllicoides'': fern-like.
febrifugus: febrifuge, fever-dispelling.
*''filifera'': bearing filaments or threads.
*''filifolius'': thread-leaved, with leaves cut into thread-like divisions.
fenestralis: with window-like openings.
*''filiformis'': filiform, thread-like.
*''filipes'': with stalks thread-like.
ferox: ferocious; very thorny.
*''fimbriatus'': fimbriated, fringed.
*''firmatus'': firm, made firm.
ferreus: pertaining to iron.
*''firmus'': firm, strong.
*''fissifolius'': split-leaved.
ferrugineus: rusty, of the color of iron rust.
*''fissilis'': fissile, cleft or split.
*''fissus'': cleft, split.
fertilis: fertile, fruitful.
*''fistulosus'': fistular, hollow-cylindrical.
*''flabellatus'': flabellate, with fan-like parts.
festivus: festive, gay, bright.
*''flabelliformis'': fan-formed.
*''flaccidus'': flaccid, soft.
fibrosus: fibrous, bearing prominent fibers.
*''flagellaris'': flagellate, whip-like.
*''flagellatus'': whip-like.
ficoldeus: fig-like.
*''flagelliformis'': whip-formed.
*''flagellum'': a scourge or flail.
filamentosus: filamentous, composed of threads or bearing threads.
*''flammeus'': flame-coloured.
*''flavescens'': yellowish, becoming yellow or yellowish.
filicatus: fern-like, ferny.
*''flavicomus'': yellow-wooled or -haired.
*''flavidus'': yellow, yellowish.
filicifolius: fern-leaved.
*''fiavispinus'': yellow-spined.
*''flavissimus'': very yellow, deep yellow.
filicinus: fern-like.
*''flavus'': yellow.
*''flexilis'': flexible, pliant.
fllicoides: fern-like.
*''flexuosus'': flexuose, tortuous, zig-zag.
*''floccosus'': woolly.
filifera: bearing filaments or threads.
*''flore-albo'': with white flowers.
*''florentinus'': Florentine.
filifolius: thread-leaved, with leaves cut into thread-like divisions.
*''flore-pleno'': with full or double flowers.
*''floribundus'': free-flowering, blooming profusely.
filiformis: filiform, thread-like.
*''floridus'': flowering, full of flowers.
*''fluitans'': floating.
filipes: with stalks thread-like.
*''fluviatilis'': pertaining to a river.
*''foemina'': female.
fimbriatus: fimbriated, fringed.
*''foeniculaceus'': fennel-like.
*''foetidissimus'': very fetid.
firmatus: firm, made firm.
*''foetidus'': fetid, bad-smelling.
*''foliatus'': with leaves.
firmus: firm, strong.
*''foliolatus'': with leaflets.
*''foliosus'': leafy, full of leaves.
fissifolius: split-leaved.
*''follicularis'': bearing follicles, follicled.
*''forficatus'': shear-shaped.
fissilis: fissile, cleft or split.
*''formicaeformis'': ant-shaped, ant-like,
*''formosissimus'': most or very beautiful.
fissus: cleft, split.
*''formosus'': beautiful, handsome.
*''foveatus'': pitted.
fistulosus: fistular, hollow-cylindrical.
*''fragilis'': fragile, brittle.
*''fragrans'': fragrant, odoroua.
flabellatus: flabellate, with fan-like parts.
*''fragrantissimus'': very fragrant.
*''fraxineus'': fraxinous, like Fraxinus or ash trees.
flabelliformis: fan-formed.
*''frigidus'': cold, of cold regions.
*''frondosus'': fronded, leafy.
flaccidus: flaccid, soft.
*''fructifera'': fruit-bearing, fruitful.
*''fructigenus'': fruitful.
flagellaris: flagellate, whip-like.
*''frutescens'': shrubby, bushy.
*''fruticosus'': fruticose, shrubby, bushy.
flagellatus: whip-like.
*''fucatus'': painted, dyed.
*''fugax'': swift.
flagelliformis: whip-formed.
*''fulgens'': shining, glistening.
*''fulgidus'': fulgid, shining.
flagellum: a scourge or flail.
*''fuliginosus'': soot coloured.
*''fulvescens'': fulvous or becoming fulvous.
flammeus: flame-colored.
*''fulvus'': fulvous, tawny, orange-gray-yellow.
*''funalis'': of a rope or cord.
flavescens: yellowish, becoming yellow or yellowish.
*''funebris'': funereal.
*''fungosus'': fungous, pertaining to a fungus, spongy.
flavicomus: yellow-wooled or -haired.
*''funiculatus'': of a slender rope or cord; with a funicle (stalk of an ovule or seed).
*''furcans'': forked.
flavidus: yellow, yellowish.
*''furcatus'': furcate, forked.
*''fuscus'': fuscous, brown, dusky.
fiavispinus: yellow-spined.
*''fusiformis'': spindle-shaped.
flavissimus: very yellow, deep yellow.
flavus: yellow.
flexilis: flexible, pliant.
flexuosus: flexuose, tortuous, zig-zag.
floccosus: woolly.
flore-albo: with white flowers.
florentinus: Florentine.
flore-pleno: with full or double flowers.
floribundus: free-flowering, blooming profusely.
floridus: flowering, full of flowers.
fluitans: floating.
fluviatilis: pertaining to a river.
foemina: female.
foeniculaceus: fennel-like.
foetidissimus: very fetid.
foetidus: fetid, bad-smelling.
foliatus: with leaves.
foliolatus: with leaflets.
foliosus: leafy, full of leaves.
follicularis: bearing follicles, follicled.
forficatus: shear-shaped.
formicaeformis: ant-shaped, ant-like,
formosissimus: most or very beautiful.
formosus: beautiful, handsome.
foveatus: pitted.
fragilis: fragile, brittle.
fragrans: fragrant, odoroua.
fragrantissimus: very fragrant.
fraxineus: fraxinous, like Fraxinus or ash trees.
frigidus: cold, of cold regions.
frondosus: fronded, leafy.
fructifera: fruit-bearing, fruitful.
fructigenus: fruitful.
frutescens: shrubby, bushy.
fruticosus: fruticose, shrubby, bushy.
fucatus: painted, dyed.
fugax: swift.
fulgens: shining, glistening.
fulgidus: fulgid, shining.
fuliginosus: black-painted or -colored, sooty.
fulvescens: fulvous or becoming fulvous.
fulvus: fulvous, tawny, orange-gray-yellow.
funalis: of a rope or cord.
funebris: funereal.
fungosus: fungous, pertaining to a fungus, spongy.
funiculatus: of a slender rope or cord; with a funicle (stalk of an ovule or seed).
furcans: forked.
furcatus: furcate, forked.
fuscus: fuscous, brown, dusky.
fusiformis: spindle-shaped.
galericulatus: helmet-like.
*''galericulatus'': helmet-like.
*''gallicus'': of Gaul or France; also pertaining to a cock or rooster.
gallicus: of Gaul or France; also pertaining to a cock or rooster.
*''gandavensis'': belonging to Ghent, Belgium.
*''garganicus'': belonging to Gargano (Eastern Italy).
gandavensis: belonging to Ghent, Belgium.
*''gelidus'': ice-cold.
*''geminatus'': twin.
garganicus: belonging to Gargano (Eastern Italy).
*''geminiflorus'': twin-flowered.
*''gemmatus'': gemmed, jewelled; also bearing buds.
gelidus: ice-cold.
*''gemmifera'': bud-bearing.
*''genevensis'': belonging to Geneva.
geminatus: twin.
*''geniculatus'': jointed, kneed.
*''geoides'': of the earth.
geminiflorus: twin-flowered.
*''geometricus'': geometrical, in a pattern.
*''germanicus'': German, of Germany.
gemmatus: gemmed, jewelled; also bearing buds.
*''gibberosus'': humped, hunchbacked.
*''gibbiflorus'': gibbous-flowered.
gemmifera: bud-bearing.
*''gibbosus'': swollen on one side.
*''gibbus'': gibbous, swollen on one side.
genevensis: belonging to Geneva.
*''giganteus'': gigantic, very large.
*''giganticus'': gigantic.
geniculatus: jointed, kneed.
*''gigas'': of giants, immense.
*''glabellus'': smoothish.
geoides: of the earth.
*''glaber'': glabrous, smooth.
*''glaberrimus'': most smooth, smoothest.
geometricus: geometrical, in a pattern.
*''glabratus'': somewhat glabrous or smooth.
*''glabrescens'': smoothish, or becoming so.
germanicus: German, of Germany.
*''glacialis'': icy, frozen.
*''gladiatus'': sword-like.
gibberosus: humped, hunchbacked.
*''glandulifera'': gland-bearing.
*''glandulosus'': glandular.
gibbiflorus: gibbous-flowered.
*''glastifolius'': with leaves like the dyer's woad (Isatis, once called Glastum).
*''glaucescens'': glaucescent, becoming glaucous.
gibbosus: swollen on one side.
*''glaucifolius'': glaucous-leaved
*''glaucophyllus'': glaucous-leaved.
gibbus: gibbous, swollen on one side.
*''glaucus'': glaucous, with a bloom, grayish.
*''globosus'': globose, spherical, nearly or quite globular.
giganteus: gigantic, very large.
*''globularis'': of a little ball or sphere.
*''globulifera'': globule-bearing, globe-bearing.
giganticus: gigantic.
*''globulosus'': globuled, like a little ball.  
*''glomeratus'': glomerate, clustered.  
gigas: of giants, immense.
*''gloriosus'': glorious, superb.
*''glumaceus'': glumed, with glumes or glume-like structures.  
glabellus: smoothish.
*''glutinosus'': glutinous, gluey, sticky.  
*''gongylodes'': roundish.  
glaber: glabrous, smooth.
*''gracilentus'': slender.  
*''gracilis'': graceful, slender.  
glaberrimus: most smooth, smoothest.
*''gracillimus'': graceful, very slender.  
*''graecus'': of Greece, Greek.  
glabratus: somewhat glabrous or smooth.
*''gramineus'': grassy, grass-like.  
*''graminifolius'': grass-leaved.  
glabrescens: smoothish, or becoming so.
*''grandiceps'': large-headed.  
*''grandicuspis'': with large cusps or points.
glacialis: icy, frozen.
*''grandidentatus'': large-or big-toothed.  
*''grandiflorus'': large-flowered.  
gladiatus: sword-like.
*''grandifolius'': large-leaved.  
*''grandiformis'': on a large scale, of a big kind.
glandulifera: gland-bearing.
*''grandipunctatus'': with large spots.  
*''grandis'': large, big.  
glandulosus: glandular.
*''granulatus'': granulate, covered with minute grains.
*''granulosus'': granulate, granulose.  
glastifolius: with leaves like the dyer's woad (Isatis, once called Glastum).
*''gratissimus'': very pleasing or agreeable.
*''gratus'': pleasing, agreeable.  
glaucescens: glaucescent, becoming glaucous.
*''graveolens'': heavy-scented.  
*''groenlandicus'': of Greenland.  
glaucifolius: glaucous-leaved
*''guianensis'': of Guiana (South America).
*''guineensis'': of Guinea (Africa).  
glaucophyllus: glaucous-leaved.
*''gummifera'': gum-bearing.  
*''guttatus'': spotted, speckled.  
glaucus: glaucous, with a bloom, grayish.
*''gymnocarpus'': naked-fruited.  
*''gyrans'': gyrating, revolving in a circle.
globosus: globose, spherical, nearly or quite globular.
globularis: of a little ball or sphere.
globulifera: globule-bearing, globe-bearing.
globulosus: globuled, like a little ball.  
glomeratus: glomerate, clustered.  
gloriosus: glorious, superb.
glumaceus: glumed, with glumes or glume-like structures.  
glutinosus: glutinous, gluey, sticky.  
gongylodes: roundish.  
gracilentus: slender.  
gracilis: graceful, slender.  
gracillimus: graceful, very slender.  
graecus: of Greece, Greek.  
gramineus: grassy, grass-like.  
graminifolius: grass-leaved.  
grandiceps: large-headed.  
grandicuspis: with large cusps or points.
grandidentatus: large-or big-toothed.  
grandiflorus: large-flowered.  
grandifolius: large-leaved.  
grandiformis: on a large scale, of a big kind.
grandipunctatus: with large spots.  
grandis: large, big.  
granulatus: granulate, covered with minute grains.
granulosus: granulate, granulose.  
gratissimus: very pleasing or agreeable.
gratus: pleasing, agreeable.  
graveolens: heavy-scented.  
groenlandicus: of Greenland.  
guianensis: of Guiana (South America).
guineensis: of Guinea (Africa).  
gummifera: gum-bearing.  
guttatus: spotted, speckled.  
gymnocarpus: naked-fruited.  
gyrans: gyrating, revolving in a circle.
haemanthus: blood-red-flowered.
*''haemanthus'': blood-red-flowered.
*''hamatus'': hooked.
hamatus: hooked.
*''hamosus'': hooked.
*''harpophyllus'': sickle-leaved.
hamosus: hooked.
*''hastatus'': hastate, spear-shaped.
*''hastifera'': spear-bearing.
harpophyllus: sickle-leaved.
*''hastilis'': of a javelin or spear.
*''hebecarpus'': pubescent-fruited.
hastatus: hastate, spear-shaped.
*''hederaceus'': of the ivy (Hedera).
*''helianthus'': sunflower.
hastifera: spear-bearing.
*''helveticus'': Swiss, of Helvetia (Switzerland).
*''helvolus'': pale yellow.
hastilis: of a javelin or spear.
*''hemisphaericus'': hemispherical.
*''heptaphyllus'': seven-leaved.
hebecarpus: pubescent-fruited.
*''herbaceus'': herbaceous, dying to the ground and not woody.
*''herbariorum'': of the herbaria.
hederaceus: of the ivy (Hedera).
*''heteracanthus'': various-spined.
*''heteranthus'': various-flowered, variable in flowers.
helianthus: sunflower.
*''heterocarpus'': various-fruited.
*''heterodon'': various-toothed.
helveticus: Swiss, of Helvetia (Switzerland).
*''heteroglossus'': various-tongued.
*''heteromorphus'': various in form.
helvolus: pale yellow.
*''heterophyllus'': various-leaved, with leaves of more than one shape.
*''hexagonopterus'': six-angled-winged.
hemisphaericus: hemispherical.
*''hexagonus'': hexagonal, six-angled.
*''hexapetalus'': six-petaled.
heptaphyllus: seven-leaved.
*''hians'': open, gaping.
*''hibernalis'': of or pertaining to winter.
herbaceus: herbaceous, dying to the ground and not woody.
*''hibernicus'': Hibernian, of or pertaining to Ireland.
*''hieroglyphicus'': hieroglyphic, marked as if with signs.
herbariorum: of the herbaria.
*''himalaicus'': Himalayan.
*''hircinus'': of a goat, with a goat's odor.
heteracanthus: various-spined.
*''hirsutissimus'': very hairy, most hairy.
*''hirsutulus'': somewhat hirsute or hairy.
heteranthus: various-flowered, variable in flowers.
*''hirsutus'': hirsute, hairy.
*''hirtellus'': somewhat hairy.
heterocarpus: various-fruited.
*''hirtiflorus'': hairy-flowered.
*''hirtipes'': hairy-stalked or-stemmed.
heterodon: various-toothed.
*''hirtus'': hairy.
*''hispanicus'': Spanish, of Spain.
heteroglossus: various-tongued.
*''hispidissimus'': most or very bristly.
*''hispidulus'': somewhat hispid or bristly.
heteromorphus: various in form.
*''hispidus'': hispid, bristly.
*''histrionicus'': histrionic, pertaining to the stage or to actors.
heterophyllus: various-leaved, with leaves of more than one shape.
*''holosericeus'': woolly-silky. .
*''horizontalis'': horizontal.
hexagonopterus: six-angled-winged.
*''horridus'': provided with spines or barbs, prickly.
*''hortensis'': belonging to the hortus or garden.
hexagonus: hexagonal, six-angled.
*''horticolus'': a little garden; of the garden.
*''hortorum'': of gardens.
hexapetalus: six-petaled.
*''hortulanus'': pertaining to a garden.
*''humifusus'': sprawling on the ground.
hians: open, gaping.
*''humilis'': low-growing, dwarf.
*''hyacinthinus'': hyacinthine, sapphire- coloured.
hibernalis: of or pertaining to winter.
*''hyacinthoides'': like the hyacinth.
*''hyalinus'': transparent, translucent.
hibernicus: Hibernian, of or pertaining to Ireland.
*''hybridus'': hybrid, mixed, mongrel.
*''hyemalis'': of winter; also hiemalis.
hieroglyphicus: hieroglyphic, marked as if with signs.
*''hygrometricus'': hygrometric, taking up water.
*''hymenanthus'': membranaceous-flowered.
himalaicus: Himalayan.
*''hymenodes'': membrane-like.
*''hyperboreus'': far northern.
hircinus: of a goat, with a goat's odor.
*''hypocrateriformis'': salver-shaped, flower with a slender cylindrical tube and flat spreading limb.
*''hypogaeus'': underground, subterranean.
hirsutissimus: very hairy, most hairy.
*''hypoglaucus'': glaucous beneath.
*''hypoleucus'': whitish, pale.
hirsutulus: somewhat hirsute or hairy.
*''hypophyllus'': under the leaf.
*''hystrix'': porcupine-like, bristly.
hirsutus: hirsute, hairy.
hirtellus: somewhat hairy.
hirtiflorus: hairy-flowered.
hirtipes: hairy-stalked or-stemmed.
hirtus: hairy.
hispanicus: Spanish, of Spain.
hispidissimus: most or very bristly.
hispidulus: somewhat hispid or bristly.
hispidus: hispid, bristly.
histrionicus: histrionic, pertaining to the stage or to actors.
holosericeus: woolly-silky. .
horizontalis: horizontal.
horridus: provided with spines or barbs, prickly.
hortensis: belonging to the hortus or garden.
horticolus: a little garden; of the garden.
hortorum: of gardens.
hortulanus: pertaining to a garden.
humifusus: sprawling on the ground.
humilis: low-growing, dwarf.
hyacinthinus: hyacinthine, sapphire- colored.
hyacinthoides: like the hyacinth.
hyalinus: transparent, translucent.
hybridus: hybrid, mixed, mongrel.
hyemalis: of winter; also hiemalis.
hygrometricus: hygrometric, taking up water.
hymenanthus: membranaceous-flowered.
hymenodes: membrane-like.
hyperboreus: far northern.
hypocrateriformis: salver-shaped, flower with a slender cylindrical tube and flat spreading limb.
hypogaeus: underground, subterranean.
hypoglaucus: glaucous beneath.
hypoleucus: whitish, pale.
hypophyllus: under the leaf.
hystrix: porcupine-like, bristly.
ianthinus: violet, violet-blue.
*''ianthinus'': violet, violet-blue.
*''ibericus'': of Iberia (the Spanish peninsula).
ibericus: of Iberia (the Spanish peninsula).
*''icosandrus'': twenty-stamened.
*''ignescens'': fiery.
icosandrus: twenty-stamened.
*''igneus'': fiery.
*''ilicifolius'': ilex-leaved, holly-leaved.
ignescens: fiery.
*''illustratus'': pictured.
*''illustris'': bright, brilliant, lustrous.
igneus: fiery.
*''illyricus'': of Illyria (Grecian Peninsula).
*''imberbis'': without beards or spines.
ilicifolius: ilex-leaved, holly-leaved.
*''imbricans'': imbricating.
*''imbricatus'': imbricated, lapping over, shingled.
illustratus: pictured.
*''immaculatus'': immaculate, spotless.
*''immersus'': immersed, under water.
illustris: bright, brilliant, lustrous.
*''imperator'': commanding, imperious.
*''imperialis'': imperial, kingly.
illyricus: of Illyria (Grecian Peninsula).
*''implexus'': implicated, interwoven.
*''impressus'': impressed, sunken in.
imberbis: without beards or spines.
*''inaequalifolius'': unequal-leaved.
*''inaequalis'': unequal.
imbricans: imbricating.
*''inaequilaterus'': unequal-sided.
*''incanus'': hoary.
imbricatus: imbricated, lapping over, shingled.
*''incarnatus'': flesh-coloured.
*''incertus'': uncertain, doubtful.
immaculatus: immaculate, spotless.
*''incisifolius'': cut-leaved.
*''incisus'': incised, cut.
immersus: immersed, under water.
*''inclinatus'': inclined, bent downward.
*''incomparabilis'': incomparable, excelling.
imperator: commanding, imperious.
*''incomptus'': rude, unadorned, not attractive.
*''inconspicuus'': inconspicuous, not prominent.
imperialis: imperial, kingly.
*''incurvatus'': incurved, bent inward.
*''incurvus'': incurved.
implexus: implicated, interwoven.
*''indentatus'': indented, dented
*''indicus'': Indian, of India or the East Indies.
impressus: impressed, sunken in.
*''indivisus'': undivided.
*''inermis'': unarmed, without thorns or spines.
inaequalifolius: unequal-leaved.
*''infectorius'': used for dying, pertaining to dyes.
*''infestus'': dangerous, unsafe.
inaequalis: unequal.
*''inflatus'': inflated, swollen up.
*''infortunatus'': unfortunate.
inaequilaterus: unequal-sided.
*''infractus'': broken.
*''infundibuliformis'': funnel-shaped, trumpet-shaped.
incanus: hoary.
*''infundibulum'': a funnel.
*''inodorus'': without odor, scentless.
incarnatus: flesh-colored.
*''inornatus'': without ornament, not showy.
*''inquinans'': polluting, discolouring.
incertus: uncertain, doubtful.
*''inscriptus'': inscribed, written on.
*''insignis'': remarkable, distinguished, marked.
incisifolius: cut-leaved.
*''insititius'': grafted.
*''intactus'': intact, untouched.
incisus: incised, cut.
*''integer'': entire.
*''integerrimus'': very entire.
inclinatus: inclined, bent downward.
*''integrifolius'': entire-leaved.
*''interjectus'': interjected, put between.
incomparabilis: incomparable, excelling.
*''intermedius'': intermediate.
*''interruptus'': interrupted.
incomptus: rude, unadorned, not attractive.
*''intertextus'': interwoven, intertwined.
*''intricatus'': intricate, entangled.
inconspicuus: inconspicuous, not prominent.
*''introrsus'': introrse, turned inward.
*''intumescens'': swollen, puffed up, tumid.
incurvatus: incurved, bent inward.
*''intybaceus'': pertaining to chicory (Intybus).
*''inversus'': inverse, turned over, upside down.
incurvus: incurved.
*''invisus'': unseen, overlooked.
*''involucratus'': involucred, with an involucre.
indentatus: indented, dented
*''involutus'': involute, rolled inward.
*''ionanthus'': with flowers like the violet.
indicus: Indian, of India or the East Indies.
*''ionopterus'': with wings like the violet.
*''iridescens'': iridescent.
indivisus: undivided.
*''iridiflorus'': iris-flowered.
*''irregularis'': irregular.
inermis: unarmed, without thorns or spines.
*''isandrus'': with equal stamens.
*''isopetalus'': equal-petaled.
infectorius: used for dying, pertaining to dyes.
*''isophyllus'': equal-leaved.
*''italicus'': Italian.
infestus: dangerous, unsafe.
inflatus: inflated, swollen up.
infortunatus: unfortunate.
infractus: broken.
infundibuliformis: funnel-shaped, trumpet-shaped.
infundibulum: a funnel.
inodorus: without odor, scentless.
inornatus: without ornament, not showy.
inquinans: polluting, discoloring.
inscriptus: inscribed, written on.
insignis: remarkable, distinguished, marked.
insititius: grafted.
intactus: intact, untouched.
integer: entire.
integerrimus: very entire.
integrifolius: entire-leaved.
interjectus: interjected, put between.
intermedius: intermediate.
interruptus: interrupted.
intertextus: interwoven, intertwined.
intricatus: intricate, entangled.
introrsus: introrse, turned inward.
intumescens: swollen, puffed up, tumid.
intybaceus: pertaining to chicory (Intybus).
inversus: inverse, turned over, upside down.
invisus: unseen, overlooked.
involucratus: involucred, with an involucre.
involutus: involute, rolled inward.
ionanthus: with flowers like the violet.
ionopterus: with wings like the violet.
iridescens: iridescent, changing color at different angles.
iridiflorus: iris-flowered.
irregularis: irregular.
isandrus: with equal stamens.
isopetalus: equal-petaled.
isophyllus: equal-leaved.
italicus: Italian.
jamaicensis: of Jamaica.
*''jamaicensis'': of Jamaica.
*''japonicus'': Japanese, of Japan.
japonicus: Japanese, of Japan.
*''jasmineus'': jasmine-like.
*''jasminiflorus'': jasmine-flowered.
jasmineus: jasmine-like.
*''javanicus'': Javan, of Java.
*''Jubatus'': crested, with a mane.
jasminiflorus: jasmine-flowered.
*''jucundus'': agreeable, pleasing.
*''jugosus'': joined, yoked.
javanicus: Javan, of Java.
*''junceus'': Juncus-like, rush-like.
Jubatus: crested, with a mane.
jucundus: agreeable, pleasing.
jugosus: joined, yoked.
junceus: Juncus-like, rush-like.
kashmirianus: of Cashmere or Kashmere.  
*''kashmirianus'': of Cashmere or Kashmere.  
*''kewensis'': belonging to Kew (Kew Gardens, England).  
kewensis: belonging to Kew (Kew Gardens, England).  
*''koraianus'': of Corea; also coreanus.
koraianus: of Corea; also coreanus.
labiatus: labiate, lipped.
*''labiatus'': labiate, lipped.
*''labiosus'': lipped.
labiosus: lipped.
*''lachryma'': a tear.
*''laciniatus'': laciniate, torn, cut or slashed into narrow lobes.
lachryma: a tear.
*''laciniosus'': laciniose, laciniate.
*''lactatus'': milky.
laciniatus: laciniate, torn, cut or slashed into narrow lobes.
*''lacteus'': milk-white.
*''lacticolor'': milk-coloured.
laciniosus: laciniose, laciniate.
*''lactifera'': milk-bearing, milky-juiced.
*''lactiflorus'': flowers milk-coloured.
lactatus: milky.
*''lacunosus'': witn holes or pits.
*''lacustris'': pertaining to lakes.
lacteus: milk-white.
*''ladanifera'': ladanum-bearing.
*''laetevirens'': light green, vivid green.
lacticolor: milk-colored.
*''laetus'': bright, vivid.
*''laevicaulis'': smooth-stemmed.
lactifera: milk-bearing, milky-juiced.
*''laevigatus'': smooth.
*''laevipes'': smooth-footed, smooth-stalked.
lactiflorus: flowers milk-colored.
*''laevis'': smooth.
*''laeviusculus'': smoothish, somewhat smooth.
lacunosus: witn holes or pits.
*''lanatus'': woolly.
*''lanceolatus'': lanceolate.
lacustris: pertaining to lakes.
*''lanceus'': lance-like.
*''lancifolius'': lance-leaved.
ladanifera: ladanum-bearing.
*''lanigera'': wool-bearing.
*''lanuginosus'': woolly, downy.
laetevirens: light green, vivid green.
*''lappaceus'': pertaining to a globular hooked bur; Lappa-like.
*''lapponicus'': of Lapland.
laetus: bright, vivid.
*''laricifolius'': larch-leaved.
*''laricinus'': Larix-like, larch-like.
laevicaulis: smooth-stemmed.
*''lasiocarpus'': rough-fruited, rough-hairy.
*''lasiopetalus'': with petals rough-hairy.
laevigatus: smooth.
*''lateriflorus'': lateral-flowered, with flowers on the side.
*''lateritius'': brick-red.
laevipes: smooth-footed, smooth-stalked.
*''latifolius'': broad-leaved.
*''latifrons'': broad-fronded, broad-herbaged, broad-leaved.
laevis: smooth.
*''latimaculatus'': broad-spotted.
*''latipes'': broad-footed, broad-stalked.
laeviusculus: smoothish, somewhat smooth.
*''latissimus'': broadest, very broad.
*''latus'': broad, wide.
lanatus: woolly.
*''laurifolius'': laurel-leaved.
*''laurinus'': laurel-like.
lanceolatus: lanceolate.
*''lavandulaceus'': lavender-like.
*''laxiflorus'': loose-flowered.
lanceus: lance-like.
*''laxifolius'': loose-leaved.
*''laxus'': lax, open, loose.
lancifolius: lance-leaved.
*''leianthus'': smooth-flowered.
*''leiocarpus'': smooth-fruited.
lanigera: wool-bearing.
*''leiophyllus'': smooth-leaved.
*''lenticularis'': lenticular, lens-shaped.
lanuginosus: woolly, downy.
*''lentus'': pliant, tenacious, tough.
*''leontoglossus'': lion-tongued or -throated.
lappaceus: pertaining to a globular hooked bur; Lappa-like.
*''leopardinus'': leopard-spotted.
*''lepidophyllus'': scaly-leaved.
lapponicus: of Lapland.
*''leprosus'': of leprosy, scurfy.
*''leptocaulis'': thin-stemmed, slender-stemmed.
laricifolius: larch-leaved.
*''leptocladus'': thin-stemmed or -branched.
*''leptolepis'': thin-scaled.
laricinus: Larix-like, larch-like.
*''leptophyllus'': thin-or slender-leaved.
*''leptosepalus'': thin-sepaled.
lasiocarpus: rough-fruited, rough-hairy.
*''leptopus'': thin- or slender-stalked.
*''leucanthus'': white-flowered.
lasiopetalus: with petals rough-hairy.
*''leucobotrys'': with white clusters.
*''leucocephalus'': white-headed.
lateriflorus: lateral-flowered, with flowers on the side.
*''leuconeurus'': white-nerved.
*''leucophyllus'': white-leaved.
lateritius: brick-red.
*''leucorhizus'': white-rooted.
*''liburnicus'': of Liburnia (west of Adriatic).
latifolius: broad-leaved.
*''lignosus'': woody.
*''ligularis'': ligulate, strap-shaped.
latifrons: broad-fronded, broad-herbaged, broad-leaved.
*''lilacinus'': lilac.
*''liliiflorus'': lily-flowered.
latimaculatus: broad-spotted.
*''limbatus'': bordered.
*''limosus'': of muddy or marshy places.
latipes: broad-footed, broad-stalked.
*''linariifolius'': linaria-leaved.
*''linearifolius'': linear-leaved.
latissimus: broadest, very broad.
*''linearilobus'': linear-lobed.
*''linearis'': linear.
latus: broad, wide.
*''lineatus'': lined, with lines or stripes.
*''lingulatus'': tongue-shaped.
laurifolius: laurel-leaved.
*''linifolius'': linum-leaved, flax-leaved.
*''linophyllus'': flax-leaved.
laurinus: laurel-like.
*''lithospermus'': with seeds stone-like.
*''littorulis'': of the seashore.
lavandulaceus: lavender-like.
*''lividus'': livid, bluish.
*''lobatus'': lobed.
laxiflorus: loose-flowered.
*''lobularis'': lobed.
*''loliaceus'': Lolium-like (Lolium comprises the rye-grasses).
laxifolius: loose-leaved.
*''longebracteatus'': long-bracted.
*''longepedunculatus'': long-pedunculate.
laxus: lax, open, loose.
*''longicaudatus'': long-tailed.
*''longiflorus'': long-flowered.
leianthus: smooth-flowered.
*''longifolius'': long-leaved.
*''longihamatus'': long-hooked.
leiocarpus: smooth-fruited.
*''longilaminatus'': with long laminae or plates.
*''longilobus'': long-lobed.
leiophyllus: smooth-leaved.
*''longimucronatus'': long-mucronate.
*''1ongipes'': long-footed, long-stalked.
lenticularis: lenticular, lens-shaped.
*''longipetalus'': long-petaled.
*''longipinnatus'': long-pinnate.
lentus: pliant, tenacious, tough.
*''longiracemosus'': long-racemed.
*''longiscapus'': long-scaped.
leontoglossus: lion-tongued or -throated.
*''longisepalus'': long-sepaled.
*''longispathus'': long-spathed.
leopardinus: leopard-spotted.
*''longispinus'': long-spined.
*''longissimus'': longest, very long.
lepidophyllus: scaly-leaved.
*''longistylus'': long-stalked.
*''longus'': long.  
leprosus: of leprosy, scurfy.
*''lorifolius'': strap-leaved.
*''lucidus'': lucid, bright, shining, clear.
leptocaulis: thin-stemmed, slender-stemmed.
*''ludovicianus'': of Louisiana.
*''lugdunensis'': belonging to the region of Lyons.
leptocladus: thin-stemmed or -branched.
*''lunatus'': lunate, moon-shaped, moon-like, crescent-shaped.
*''lunulatus'': somewhat moon-shaped.
leptolepis: thin-scaled.
*''lupulinus'': Lupulus-like, hop-like.
*''luridus'': lurid, wan, sallow, pale yellow.
leptophyllus: thin-or slender-leaved.
*''luteolus'': yellowish.
*''lutescens'': yellowish, becoming yellow.
leptosepalus: thin-sepaled.
*''luteas'': yellow.  
*''luxunans'': luxuriant, thrifty.  
leptopus: thin- or slender-stalked.
*''lyratus'': lyrate, pinnatifid with large terminal lobe.
leucanthus: white-flowered.
leucobotrys: with white clusters.
leucocephalus: white-headed.
leuconeurus: white-nerved.
leucophyllus: white-leaved.
leucorhizus: white-rooted.
liburnicus: of Liburnia (west of Adriatic).
lignosus: woody.
ligularis: ligulate, strap-shaped.
lilacinus: lilac.
liliiflorus: lily-flowered.
limbatus: bordered.
limosus: of muddy or marshy places.
linariifolius: linaria-leaved.
linearifolius: linear-leaved.
linearilobus: linear-lobed.
linearis: linear.
lineatus: lined, with lines or stripes.
lingulatus: tongue-shaped.
linifolius: linum-leaved, flax-leaved.
linophyllus: flax-leaved.
lithospermus: with seeds stone-like.
littorulis: of the seashore.
lividus: livid, bluish.
lobatus: lobed.
lobularis: lobed.
loliaceus: Lolium-like (Lolium comprises the rye-grasses).
longebracteatus: long-bracted.
longepedunculatus: long-pedunculate.
longicaudatus: long-tailed.
longiflorus: long-flowered.
longifolius: long-leaved.
longihamatus: long-hooked.
longilaminatus: with long laminae or plates.
longilobus: long-lobed.
longimucronatus: long-mucronate.
1ongipes: long-footed, long-stalked.
longipetalus: long-petaled.
longipinnatus: long-pinnate.
longiracemosus: long-racemed.
longiscapus: long-scaped.
longisepalus: long-sepaled.
longispathus: long-spathed.
longispinus: long-spined.
longissimus: longest, very long.
longistylus: long-stalked.
longus: long.  
lorifolius: strap-leaved.
lucidus: lucid, bright, shining, clear.
ludovicianus: of Louisiana.
lugdunensis: belonging to the region of Lyons.
lunatus: lunate, moon-shaped, moon-like, crescent-shaped.
lunulatus: somewhat moon-shaped.
lupulinus: Lupulus-like, hop-like.
luridus: lurid, wan, sallow, pale yellow.
luteolus: yellowish.
lutescens: yellowish, becoming yellow.
luteas: yellow.  
luxunans: luxuriant, thrifty.  
lyratus: lyrate, pinnatifid with large terminal lobe.
macilentus: lean, meager.
*''macilentus'': lean, meager.
*''macrandrus'': with large anthers.
macrandrus: with large anthers.
*''macranthus'': large-flowered.
*''macrobotrys'': large-clustered.
macranthus: large-flowered.
*''macrocarpus'': large-fruited.
*''macrocephalus'': large-headed.
macrobotrys: large-clustered.
*''macrodactylus'': large-fingered.
*''macrodontus'': large-toothed.
macrocarpus: large-fruited.
*''macropetalus'': with large petals.
*''macrophyllus'': large-leaved.
macrocephalus: large-headed.
*''macroplectron'': large-spurred.
*''macropodus'': large-footed or -stalked.
macrodactylus: large-fingered.
*''macropterus'': large-winged.
*''macrospadix'': with large spadix.
macrodontus: large-toothed.
*''macrostachyus'': large-spiked.
*''macrostegius'': large-decked.
macropetalus: with large petals.
*''macrostemus'': with large filaments.
*''macrostylus'': large-styled.
macrophyllus: large-leaved.
*''macrourus'': large-tailed.
*''maculatus'': spotted.
macroplectron: large-spurred.
*''maculosus'': spotted.
*''maesiacus'': of Moesia, ancient name of Bulgaria and Servia.
macropodus: large-footed or -stalked.
*''magellanicus'': Straits of Magellan region.
*''magnificus'': magnificent, eminent, distinguished.
macropterus: large-winged.
*''majalis'': of May, Maytime.
*''majesticus'': majestic.
macrospadix: with large spadix.
*''major, majus'': greater, larger.
*''malabaricus'': of Malabar (in British India).
macrostachyus: large-spiked.
*''maliformis'': apple-formed.
*''malvaceus'': Malva-like, mallow-like.
macrostegius: large-decked.
*''mammosus'': breasted, with breasts.
*''manicatus'': manicate, long-sleeved, covered densely as with thick hairs so that the covering can be removed as such.
macrostemus: with large filaments.
*''marcescens'': withering but not falling.
*''marcidus'': withering but not falling off.
macrostylus: large-styled.
*''margaritaceus'': pearly, of pearls.
*''marginalis'': marginal, marked in some way along the margins or edges.
macrourus: large-tailed.
*''marginatus'': margined.
*''marginellus'': somewhat margined.
maculatus: spotted.
*''marilandicus'': of the Maryland region; also written marylandicus.
*''maritimus'': maritime, of the sea.
maculosus: spotted.
*''marmoratus'': marbled, mottled.
*''marmoreus'': marbled.
maesiacus: of Moesia, ancient name of Bulgaria and Servia.
*''marmorophyllus'': leaves marbled.
*''maroccanus'': of Morocco.
magellanicus: Straits of Magellan region.
*''mas'': male.
*''masculatus'': masculine.
magnificus: magnificent, eminent, distinguished.
*''masculus'': male, masculine.
*''matronalis'': pertaining to matrons.
majalis: of May, Maytime.
*''mauritanicus'': of Mauretania (N. Africa).
*''maxillaris'': maxillary, of the jaw.
majesticus: majestic.
*''maximus'': largest.
*''mediterraneus'': of the Mediterranean region.
major, majus: greater, larger.
*''medius'': medium, intermediate.
*''medullaris'': of the marrow or center or pith.
malabaricus: of Malabar (in British India).
*''megalanthus'': large-flowered.
*''megaphyllus'': large-leaved.
maliformis: apple-formed.
*''megapotamicus'': of the large river.
*''megarrhizus'': large-rooted.
malvaceus: Malva-like, mallow-like.
*''megaspermus'': large-seeded.
*''megastachyus'': large-spiked.
mammosus: breasted, with breasts.
*''megastigmus'': with large stigma.
*''melananthus'': black-flowered.
manicatus: manicate, long-sleeved, covered densely as with thick hairs so that the covering can be removed as such.
*''melancholicus'': melancholy, hanging or drooping.
*''melanocaulon'': black-stemmed.
marcescens: withering but not falling.
*''melanococcus'': black-berried.
*''melanoleucus'': black-and-white.
marcidus: withering but not falling off.
*''melanoxylon'': bluck-wooded.
*''meleagris'': like a guinea-fowl, speckled.
margaritaceus: pearly, of pearls.
*''melleus'': pertaining to honey.
*''meliffera'': honey-bearing.
marginalis: marginal, marked in some way along the margins or edges.
*''meloformis'': melon-shaped.
*''membranaceus'': membranaceous, membranous, thin and more or less translucent.
marginatus: margined.
*''meniscifolius'': crescent-leaved.
*''mesoleucus'': mixed with white.
marginellus: somewhat margined.
*''metallicus'': metallic (colour or lustre).
*''mexicanus'': Mexican, of Mexico.
marilandicus: of the Maryland region; also written marylandicus.
*''micans'': glittering, sparkling, mica- like.
*''micranthus'': small-flowered.
maritimus: maritime, of the sea.
*''microcarpus'': small-fruited.
*''microdon'': email-toothed.
marmoratus: marbled, mottled.
*''microglossus'': small-tougued.
*''microlepis'': small-scaled.
marmoreus: marbled.
*''micromeris'': small-numbered, of small number of parts.
*''micropetalus'': small-petaled.
marmorophyllus: leaves marbled.
*''microphyllus'': small-leaved.
*''micropterus'': small-winged.
maroccanus: of Morocco.
*''microsepalus'': small-sepaled.
*''microstemus'': of small filaments or stemlets.
mas: male.
*''militaris'': military.
*''millefoliatus'': thousand-leaved.
masculatus: masculine.
*''millefolius'': thousand-leaved, leaves or parts very many.
*''mimus'': mimic.
masculus: male, masculine.
*''minax'': threatening, forbidding.
*''miniatus'': cinnabar-red.
matronalis: pertaining to matrons.
*''minimus'': least, smallest.
*''minor, minus'': smaller.
mauritanicus: of Mauretania (N. Africa).
*''minutissimus'': very or most minute.
*''minutus'': minute, very small.
maxillaris: maxillary, of the jaw.
*''mirabilis'': marvellous, extraordinary, wonderful.
*''mistassinicus'': of Lake Mistassini, (Quebec).
maximus: largest.
*''mitis'': mild, gentle.
*''mitratus'': turbaned.
mediterraneus: of the Mediterranean region.
*''mixtus'': mixed.
*''modestus'': modest.
medius: medium, intermediate.
*''moldavicus'': of Moldavia (in Rumania).
*''mollis'': soft, soft-hairy.
medullaris: of the marrow or center or pith.
*''mollissimus'': very soft-hairy.
*''moluccanus'': of the Moluccas (East Indies).
megalanthus: large-flowered.
*''monadelphus'': in one group or bundle.
*''mongolicus'': of Mongolia.
megaphyllus: large-leaved.
*''monilifera'': bearing a necklace.
*''monacanthus'': one-spined.
megapotamicus: of the large river.
*''monocephalus'': single-headed.
*''monogynus'': of one pistil.
megarrhizus: large-rooted.
*''monoicus'': monoecious.
*''monopetalus'': one-petaled.
megaspermus: large-seeded.
*''monophyllus'': one-leaved.
*''monopterus'': one-winged.
megastachyus: large-spiked.
*''monopyrenus'': bearing one stone or pyrene.
*''monosepalus'': one-sepaled.  
megastigmus: with large stigma.
*''monospermus'': one-seeded.  
*''monostachyus'': single-spiked.  
melananthus: black-flowered.
*''monspeliensis'': of Montpelier.  
*''monspessulanus'': of Montpelier.  
melancholicus: melancholy, hanging or drooping.
*''monstrosus'': monstrous, wholly abnormal or deformed, teratological.  
*''montanus'': pertaining to mountains or mountainous regions.  
melanocaulon: black-stemmed.
*''montevidensis'': of Montevideo (Uruguay).
*''monticolus'': native of mountains.  
melanococcus: black-berried.
*''moschatus'': musky, musk-scented.  
*''mucronatus'': mucronato, tipped with a short sharp point or mucro.  
melanoleucus: black-and-white.
*''mucronulatus'': with a small mucro or point.
*''multibracteatus'': many-bracted.  
melanoxylon: bluck-wooded.
*''multicaulis'': many-stemmed, with numerous stems.  
*''multiceps'': many-headed, many branched.
meleagris: like a guinea-fowl, speckled.
*''multicolor'': many-coloured.  
*''multifidus'': multifid, many times parted.
melleus: pertaining to honey.
*''multiflorus'': many-flowered.  
*''multifurcatus'': much-forked, many times forked.  
meliffera: honey-bearing.
*''multijugus'': many in a yoke, many times joined.
*''multinervis'': many-nerved.  
meloformis: melon-shaped.
*''multiplex'': many-folded.  
*''multiradiatus'': many-radiate, with numerous rays.  
membranaceus: membranaceous, membranous, thin and more or less translucent.
*''multisectus'': many times cut, much cut or dissected.  
*''mundulus'': trim, neat.  
meniscifolius: crescent-leaved.
*''munitus'': defended, fortified.  
*''muralis'': of walls, growing on walls.  
mesoleucus: mixed with white.
*''muricatus'': muricate, roughed by means of hard points.  
*''muscipula'': a mouse-trap.  
metallicus: metallic (color or luster).
*''mutabilis'': changeable, variable, mutant.
*''mutatus'': changeable.  
mexicanus: Mexican, of Mexico.
*''muticus'': blunt, pointless.  
*''mutilatus'': mutilated.  
micans: glittering, sparkling, mica- like.
*''myriacanthus'': numberless spined, very many-spined.  
*''myriocarpus'': very many-fruited.  
micranthus: small-flowered.
*''myrmecophilus'': ant-loving.  
*''myrtifolius'': myrtle-leaved.
microcarpus: small-fruited.
microdon: email-toothed.
microglossus: small-tougued.
microlepis: small-scaled.
micromeris: small-numbered, of small number of parts.
micropetalus: small-petaled.
microphyllus: small-leaved.
micropterus: small-winged.
microsepalus: small-sepaled.
microstemus: of small filaments or stemlets.
militaris: military.
millefoliatus: thousand-leaved.
millefolius: thousand-leaved, leaves or parts very many.
mimus: mimic.
minax: threatening, forbidding.
miniatus: cinnabar-red.
minimus: least, smallest.
minor, minus: smaller.
minutissimus: very or most minute.
minutus: minute, very small.
mirabilis: marvellous, extraordinary, wonderful.
mistassinicus: of Lake Mistassini, (Quebec).
mitis: mild, gentle.
mitratus: turbaned.
mixtus: mixed.
modestus: modest.
moldavicus: of Moldavia (in Rumania).
mollis: soft, soft-hairy.
mollissimus: very soft-hairy.
moluccanus: of the Moluccas (East Indies).
monadelphus: in one group or bundle.
mongolicus: of Mongolia.
monilifera: bearing a necklace.
monacanthus: one-spined.
monocephalus: single-headed.
monogynus: of one pistil.
monoicus: monoecious.
monopetalus: one-petaled.
monophyllus: one-leaved.
monopterus: one-winged.
monopyrenus: bearing one stone or pyrene.
monosepalus: one-sepaled.  
monospermus: one-seeded.  
monostachyus: single-spiked.  
monspeliensis: of Montpelier.  
monspessulanus: of Montpelier.  
monstrosus: monstrous, wholly abnormal or deformed, teratological.  
montanus: pertaining to mountains or mountainous regions.  
montevidensis: of Montevideo (Uruguay).
monticolus: native of mountains.  
moschatus: musky, musk-scented.  
mucronatus: mucronato, tipped with a short sharp point or mucro.  
mucronulatus: with a small mucro or point.
multibracteatus: many-bracted.  
multicaulis: many-stemmed, with numerous stems.  
multiceps: many-headed, many branched.
multicolor: many-colored.  
multifidus: multifid, many times parted.
multiflorus: many-flowered.  
multifurcatus: much-forked, many times forked.  
multijugus: many in a yoke, many times joined.
multinervis: many-nerved.  
multiplex: many-folded.  
multiradiatus: many-radiate, with numerous rays.  
multisectus: many times cut, much cut or dissected.  
mundulus: trim, neat.  
munitus: defended, fortified.  
muralis: of walls, growing on walls.  
muricatus: muricate, roughed by means of hard points.  
muscipula: a mouse-trap.  
mutabilis: changeable, variable, mutant.
mutatus: changeable.  
muticus: blunt, pointless.  
mutilatus: mutilated.  
myriacanthus: numberless spined, very many-spined.  
myriocarpus: very many-fruited.  
myrmecophilus: ant-loving.  
myrtifolius: myrtle-leaved.
nanus: dwarf.
*''nanus'': dwarf.
*''mapiformis'': turnip-shaped.
mapiformis: turnip-shaped.
*''narbonensis'': of Narbonne (ancient region or province of S. France).
*''natans'': floating, swimming.
narbonensis: of Narbonne (ancient region or province of S. France).
*''navicularis'': pertaining to a ship.
*''neapolitanus'': Neapolitan.
natans: floating, swimming.
*''nebulosus'': nebulous, clouded, indefinite, obscure.
*''neglectus'': neglected, overlooked.
navicularis: pertaining to a ship.
*''nemoralis'': of groves or woods.
*''nemorosus'': of groves or woods and shady places.
neapolitanus: Neapolitan.
*''nepalensis'': of Nepal (Himalayan region).
*''neriifolius'': nerium-leaved, oleander-leaved.
nebulosus: nebulous, clouded, indefinite, obscure.
*''nervosus'': nerved.
*''nevadensis'': of the Sierra Nevadas (in Spain or N. America).
neglectus: neglected, overlooked.
*''nictitans'': blinking, moving.
*''nidus'': nest.
nemoralis: of groves or woods.
*''niger'': black.
*''nigratus'': blackish.
nemorosus: of groves or woods and shady places.
*''nigrescens'': blackish, becoming black.
*''nigricans'': black.
nepalensis: of Nepal (Himalayan region).
*''nigricornis'': black-horned.
*''nigripes'': black-footed or -atalked.
neriifolius: nerium-leaved, oleander-leaved.
*''nilotica'': of the Nile.
*''nitens'': shining.
nervosus: nerved.
*''nitidus'': shining.
*''nivalis'': snowy, pertaining to snow.
nevadensis: of the Sierra Nevadas (in Spain or N. America).
*''niveus'': snowy.
*''nivosus'': snowy, full of snow.
nictitans: blinking, moving.
*''nnbilior'': more noble.
*''nobilis'': noble, famous, renowned.
nidus: nest.
*''nobilissimus'': most or very noble.
*''nodidflorus'': with flowers at nodes.
niger: black.
*''nodosus'': with nodes, jointed.
*''nonscriptus'': undescribed.
nigratus: blackish.
*''nootkatensis'': of Nootka (Nootka Sound is by Vancouver Island).  
*''notatus'': marked.  
nigrescens: blackish, becoming black.
*''novae-angliae'': of New England.  
*''novae-caesareae'': of New Jersey.  
nigricans: black.
*''novae-zealandiae'': of New Zealand.  
*''noveboracensis'': of New York.  
nigricornis: black-horned.
*''novi-belgii'': of New Belgium or New Netherlands (i. e., New York).  
*''nubicolus'': dwelling among clouds.  
nigripes: black-footed or -atalked.
*''nucifera'': nut-bearing.  
*''nudatus'': nude, stripped.  
nilotica: of the Nile.
*''nudicaulis'': naked-stemmed.  
*''nudiflorus'': naked-flowered.  
nitens: shining.
*''nudus'': nude, naked.  
*''numismatus'': pertaining to money, coin-like.
nitidus: shining.
*''nutans'': nodding.
*''nycticalus'': night-blooming.
nivalis: snowy, pertaining to snow.
niveus: snowy.
nivosus: snowy, full of snow.
nnbilior: more noble.
nobilis: noble, famous, renowned.
nobilissimus: most or very noble.
nodidflorus: with flowers at nodes.
nodosus: with nodes, jointed.
nonscriptus: undescribed.
nootkatensis: of Nootka (Nootka Sound is by Vancouver Island).  
notatus: marked.  
novae-angliae: of New England.  
novae-caesareae: of New Jersey.  
novae-zealandiae: of New Zealand.  
noveboracensis: of New York.  
novi-belgii: of New Belgium or New Netherlands (i. e., New York).  
nubicolus: dwelling among clouds.  
nucifera: nut-bearing.  
nudatus: nude, stripped.  
nudicaulis: naked-stemmed.  
nudiflorus: naked-flowered.  
nudus: nude, naked.  
numismatus: pertaining to money, coin-like.
nutans: nodding.
nycticalus: night-blooming.
obconicus: inversely conical.
*''obconicus'': inversely conical.
*''obcordatus'': obcordate, inversely cordate.
obcordatus: obcordate, inversely cordate.
*''obesus'': obese, fat.
*''obfuscatus'': clouded, confused.
obesus: obese, fat.
*''obliquus'': oblique, unequal and slanting.
*''obliteratus'': obliterated, erased, not apparent.
obfuscatus: clouded, confused.
*''oblongatus'': oblong.
*''oblongifo1ius'': oblong-leaved.
obliquus: oblique, unequal and slanting.
*''oblungus'': oblong.
*''obovatus'': obovate, inverted ovate.
obliteratus: obliterated, erased, not apparent.
*''obscurus'': obscure, hidden.
*''obsoletus'': obsolete, rudimentary.
oblongatus: oblong.
*''obtusatus'': obtuse, blunt.
*''obtusifolius'': blunt-leaved.
oblongifo1ius: oblong-leaved.
*''obtusilobus'': blunt-lobed.
*''obtusus'': obtuse, blunt, rounded.
oblungus: oblong.
*''occidentalis'': occidental, western.
*''oceanicus'': oceanic; perhaps of Oceanica.
obovatus: obovate, inverted ovate.
*''ocellatus'': eyeleted, with small eyes.
*''ochreatus'': with an ochrea or boot-sheath.
obscurus: obscure, hidden.
*''ochroleucus'': yellowish white.
*''octandrus'': with eight anthers.
obsoletus: obsolete, rudimentary.
*''octopetalus'': eight-petaled.
*''octophyllus'': eight-leaved.
obtusatus: obtuse, blunt.
*''oculatus'': eyed, with eye-like marks.
*''odontites'': tooth.
obtusifolius: blunt-leaved.
*''odontochilus'': with toothed lip or margin.
*''odoratissimus'': most or very odorous, very fragrant.
obtusilobus: blunt-lobed.
*''odoratus'': odorous, fragrant.
*''odorus'': odorous, fragrant.
obtusus: obtuse, blunt, rounded.
*''officinalis'': officinal, medicinal, recognized in the pharmacopea.
*''officinarum'': of the apothecaries.
occidentalis: occidental, western.
*''oleaefolius'': Olea- or olive-leaved.
*''oleifera'': oil-bearing.
oceanicus: oceanic; perhaps of Oceanica.
*''oleraceus'': oleraceous, vegetable-garden herb used in cooking.
*''oliganthus'': few-flowered.
ocellatus: eyeleted, with small eyes.
*''oligocarpus'': few-fruited.
*''oligosperrnus'': few-seeded.
ochreatus: with an ochrea or boot-sheath.
*''olitorius'': pertaining to vegetable-gardens or -gardeners.
*''olivaceus'': olive-like, olive-coloured.
ochroleucus: yellowish white.
*''olivaeformis'': olive-shaped.
*''olympicus'': of Olympus or Mt. Olympus (in Greece).
octandrus: with eight anthers.
*''omnivorus'': omnivorous, of all kinds of food.
*''opacus'': opaque, shaded.
octopetalus: eight-petaled.
*''operculatus'': with a lid.
*''oppositiflorus'': opposite-flowered.
octophyllus: eight-leaved.
*''oppositifolius'': opposite-leaved.
*''opuliflorus'': flowers of Opulus (a Viburnum).
oculatus: eyed, with eye-like marks.
*''orbicularis'': round.
*''orbiculatus'': round.
odontites: tooth.
*''orchideus'': orchid-like.
*''orchioides'': orchid-like.
odontochilus: with toothed lip or margin.
*''oreganus'': of Oregon.
*''orgyalis'': length of the arms extended, about 6 feet.
odoratissimus: most or very odorous, very fragrant.
*''orientalis'': oriental, eastern.
*''ornatissimus'': most showy or ornate.
odoratus: odorous, fragrant.
*''ornatus'': ornate, adorned.
*''ornithocephalus'': like a bird's head.
odorus: odorous, fragrant.
*''ornithopodus'': like a bird's foot.
*''ornithorhynchus'': shaped like a bird's beak.
officinalis: officinal, medicinal, recognized in the pharmacopea.
*''orthocarpus'': straight-fruited.
*''orthochilus'': straight-lipped.
officinarum: of the apothecaries.
*''orthopterus'': straight-winged.
*''ovalifolius'': oval-leaved.
oleaefolius: Olea- or olive-leaved.
*''ovalis'': oval.
*''ovatifolius'': ovate-leaved.
oleifera: oil-bearing.
*''ovatus'': ovate.
*''ovifera'': egg-bearing.
oleraceus: oleraceous, vegetable-garden herb used in cooking.
*''ovigera'': egg-bearing.
*''ovinus'': pertaining to sheep.
oliganthus: few-flowered.
*''oxyacanthus'': sharp-thorned or -spined.
*''oxygonus'': sharp-angled.
oligocarpus: few-fruited.
*''oxyphyllus'': sharp-leaved.
*''oxysepalus'': with sharp sepals.
oligosperrnus: few-seeded.
olitorius: pertaining to vegetable-gardens or -gardeners.
olivaceus: olive-like, olive-colored.
olivaeformis: olive-shaped.
olympicus: of Olympus or Mt. Olympus (in Greece).
omnivorus: omnivorous, of all kinds of food.
opacus: opaque, shaded.
operculatus: with a lid.
oppositiflorus: opposite-flowered.
oppositifolius: opposite-leaved.
opuliflorus: flowers of Opulus (a Viburnum).
orbicularis: round.
orbiculatus: round.
orchideus: orchid-like.
orchioides: orchid-like.
oreganus: of Oregon.
orgyalis: length of the arms extended, about 6 feet.
orientalis: oriental, eastern.
ornatissimus: most showy or ornate.
ornatus: ornate, adorned.
ornithocephalus: like a bird's head.
ornithopodus: like a bird's foot.
ornithorhynchus: shaped like a bird's beak.
orthocarpus: straight-fruited.
orthochilus: straight-lipped.
orthopterus: straight-winged.
ovalifolius: oval-leaved.
ovalis: oval.
ovatifolius: ovate-leaved.
ovatus: ovate.
ovifera: egg-bearing.
ovigera: egg-bearing.
ovinus: pertaining to sheep.
oxyacanthus: sharp-thorned or -spined.
oxygonus: sharp-angled.
oxyphyllus: sharp-leaved.
oxysepalus: with sharp sepals.
pachyanthus: thick-flowered.  
*''pachyanthus'': thick-flowered.  
*''pachyneurus'': thick-nerved.  
pachyneurus: thick-nerved.  
*''pachypterus'': thick-winged.  
*''pacificus'': of the Pacific, of regions bordering the Pacific Ocean.  
pachypterus: thick-winged.  
*''palaestinus'': of Palestine.  
*''paleaceus'': with palea (bracts in grass flowers), or palea-like, chaffy.  
pacificus: of the Pacific, of regions bordering the Pacific Ocean.  
*''pallens'': pale.
*''pallescens'': palish, becoming pale
palaestinus: of Palestine.  
*''palliatus'': palliated, cloaked.  
*''pallidiflorus'': pale-flowered.  
paleaceus: with palea (bracts in grass flowers), or palea-like, chaffy.  
*''pallidifolius'': pale-leaved.  
*''pallidispinus'': pale-spined.  
pallens: pale.
*''pallidus'': pale.  
*''palliflavens'': pale yellow.  
pallescens: palish, becoming pale
*''palmatifidus'': polmately cut.  
*''palmatus'': palmate, divided or lobed like the hand.
palliatus: palliated, cloaked.  
*''paludosus'': of marshes, marsh-loving.  
*''palustris'': marsh-loving.  
pallidiflorus: pale-flowered.  
*''panduratus'': fiddle-shaped.  
*''paniculitus'': paniculate.  
pallidifolius: pale-leaved.  
*''paniculigera'': panicle-bearing.
*''pannonicus'': of Pannonia (Roman province on the Danube, now western Hungary).
pallidispinus: pale-spined.  
*''pannosus'': ragged, tattered.
*''papaveraceus'': Papaver-like, poppy-like.
pallidus: pale.  
*''papilionaceus'': butterfly-like, the form of the pea flower.
*''papillosus'': papillate, with minute nipple-like projections or protuberances.
palliflavens: pale yellow.  
*''papyraceus'': papery.
*''papyrifera'': paper-bearing.
palmatifidus: polmately cut.  
*''paradisiacus'': of parku or gardens.
*''paradoxus'': paradoxical, strange.
palmatus: palmate, divided or lobed like the hand.
*''parasiticus'': parasitical, of a parasite.
*''pardalinus'': leopard-like, spotted.
paludosus: of marshes, marsh-loving.  
*''pardinus'': leopard-spotted.
*''partitus'': parted.
palustris: marsh-loving.  
*''parviflorus'': small-flowered.
*''parvifolius'': small-leaved.
panduratus: fiddle-shaped.  
*''parvissimus'': smallest, very small.
*''parvulus'': very small, very slight.
paniculitus: paniculate.  
*''parvus'': small.
*''patagonicus'': of Patagonia.
paniculigera: panicle-bearing.
*''patellaris'': circular, disk-shaped, like a knee-pan.
*''patens'': spreading.
pannonicus: of Pannonia (Roman province on the Danube, now western Hungary).
*''patulus'': spreading.
*''pauciflorus'': few-flowered.
pannosus: ragged, tattered.
*''paucifoliue'': few-leaved.
*''pauperculus'': poor.
papaveraceus: Papaver-like, poppy-like.
*''pavoninus'': peacock-like.
*''pectinaceus'': pectinate.
papilionaceus: butterfly-like, the form of the pea flower.
*''pectinatus'': pectinate, comb-like, pin-natifid with very narrow close divisions or parts.
*''pectinifera'': comb-bearing.
papillosus: papillate, with minute nipple-like projections or protuberances.
*''pectoralis'': shaped like a breast-bone
*''pedatus'': footed, of the foot or feet; also pedate, like a bird's foot, being palmately divided and the side parts 2-cleft.
papyraceus: papery.
*''pedemontanus'': of Piedmont (northern Italy).
*''peduncularis'': peduncled, stalked.
papyrifera: paper-bearing.
*''pedunculatus'': peduncled.
*''pedunculosus'': with many peduncles.
paradisiacus: of parku or gardens.
*''pellucidus'': pellucid, with translucent dots.
*''peltatus'': peltate.
paradoxus: paradoxical, strange.
*''peltifolius'': peltate-leaved.
*''pelviformis'': pelvis-shaped.
parasiticus: parasitical, of a parasite.
*''penduliflorus'': pendulous-flowered.
*''pendulinus'': somewhat pendulous.
pardalinus: leopard-like, spotted.
*''pendulus'': pendulous, hanging.
*''penicillatus'': hair penciled, like a little brush; pinnate.
pardinus: leopard-spotted.
*''pennatus'': feathered, as the veins or lobes standing off at right angles from a midrib; pinnate.
*''penninervis'': feather-veined.
partitus: parted.
*''pennsylvanicus'': of Pennsylvania.
*''pentagonus'': five-angled.
parviflorus: small-flowered.
*''pentagynus'': of five pistils.
*''pentandrus'': of five stamens.
parvifolius: small-leaved.
*''pentanthus'': five-flowered.
*''pentaphyllus'': five-leaved.
parvissimus: smallest, very small.
*''perbellus'': very beautiful.
*''peregrinus'': exotic, foreign, from a strange country.
parvulus: very small, very slight.
*''perennans'': perennial.
*''perennis'': perennial, living three or more years.
parvus: small.
*''perfoliatus'': perfoliate, with leaf surrounding the stem.
*''perforatus'': perforated, with holes.
patagonicus: of Patagonia.
*''permixtus'': much mixed or confused.
*''persicaefolius'': peach-leaved.
patellaris: circular, disk-shaped, like a knee-pan.
*''persicus'': of Persia; also the peach.
*''perspicuus'': clear, transparent.
patens: spreading.
*''pertusus'': thrust through, forced through, perforated.
*''peruvianus'': Peruvian, of Peru.
patulus: spreading.
*''petaloideus'': petal-like.
*''petiolaris'': petioled, with a leaf-stalk.
pauciflorus: few-flowered.
*''petiolatus'': petioled.
*''petraeus'': rock-loving.
paucifoliue: few-leaved.
*''phlogiflorus'': flame-flowered.
*''phoeniceus'': purple-red.
pauperculus: poor.
*''phrygius'': of Phrygia (in Asia-Minor).
*''phyllomaniacus'': running wildly to leaves, leafy.
pavoninus: peacock-like.
*''picturatus'': painted-leaved, pictured, variegated.
*''pictus'': painted.
pectinaceus: pectinate.
*''pilifera'': bearing soft hairs.
*''pilosiusculus'': somewhat or slightly pilose.
pectinatus: pectinate, comb-like, pin-natifid with very narrow close divisions or parts.
*''pilosus'': pilose, shaggy, with soft hairs.
*''pilulifera'': globule-bearing.
pectinifera: comb-bearing.
*''pinetorum'': of pine forests.
*''pineus'': of the pine.
pectoralis: shaped like a breast-bone
*''pinifolius'': pine-leaved.
*''pinnatifidus'': pinnatifid, pinnately cleft.
pedatus: footed, of the foot or feet; also pedate, like a bird's foot, being palmately divided and the side parts 2-cleft.
*''pinnatifrons'': pinnate-fronded or -foliaged.
*''pinnatinervis'': pinnate-nerved.
pedemontanus: of Piedmont (northern Italy).
*''pinnatus'': pinnate, with leaflets on the sides of a main leaf axis.
*''pisifera'': Pisum-bearing, pea-bearing.
peduncularis: peduncled, stalked.
*''pisocarpus'': pea-fruited.
*''placatus'': quiet, calm.
pedunculatus: peduncled.
*''planiflorus'': plane-flowered, flat-flowered.
*''planifolius'': flat-leaved.
pedunculosus: with many peduncles.
*''plantagineus'': plantain-like.
*''planus'': plane, flat.
pellucidus: pellucid, with translucent dots.
*''platanoides'': Platanus-like, plane-tree-like.
*''platycanthus'': broad-spined.
peltatus: peltate.
*''platycarpus'': broad-fruited.
*''platycladus'': broad-branched.
peltifolius: peltate-leaved.
*''platyglossus'': broad-tongued.
*''platyphyllus'': broad-leaved.
pelviformis: pelvis-shaped.
*''plenissimus'': very full or double.
*''plenus'': full, used to designate doubleness in flowers (as in flore-pleno).
penduliflorus: pendulous-flowered.
*''pleurostachys'': side-spiked.
*''plicatus'': plicate, plaited, folded lengthwise.
pendulinus: somewhat pendulous.
*''plumarius'': plumed.
*''plumatus'': plumed.
pendulus: pendulous, hanging.
*''plumbeus'': of lead.
*''plumosus'': feathery.
penicillatus: hair penciled, like a little brush; pinnate.
*''poculiformis'': deep cup-shaped.
*''podocarpus'': with stalked fruit.
pennatus: feathered, as the veins or lobes standing off at right angles from a midrib; pinnate.
*''poeticus'': pertaining to poets
*''polifolius'': Polium-leaved, white-leaved.
penninervis: feather-veined.
*''politus'': polished.
*''polyacanthus'': many-spined.
pennsylvanicus: of Pennsylvania.
*''polyandrus'': of many stamens.
*''polyanthus'': many-flowered.
pentagonus: five-angled.
*''polycephalus'': many-headed.
*''polydactylus'': many-fingered.
pentagynus: of five pistils.
*''polygamus'': polygamous, having both perfect and imperfect flowers.
*''polymorphus'': of many forms, variable.
pentandrus: of five stamens.
*''polypetalus'': many-petaled.
*''polyphyllus'': many-leaved.
pentanthus: five-flowered.
*''polyspermus'': many-seeded.
*''polystachyus'': many-spiked.
pentaphyllus: five-leaved.
*''polystictus'': many-dotted.
*''pomaceus'': pome-like, resembling the apple or pear.
perbellus: very beautiful.
*''pomeridianus'': afternoon.
*''ponderosus'': ponderous, heavy, weighty.
peregrinus: exotic, foreign, from a strange country.
*''ponticus'': of Pontus (in Asia Minor).
*''populifolius'': populus-leaved, poplar-leaved.
perennans: perennial.
*''populneus'': pertaining to poplars.
*''porcinus'': pertaining to swine.
perennis: perennial, living three or more years.
*''porrifolius'': Porrum- or leek-leaved.
*''praealtus'': very tall.
perfoliatus: perfoliate, with leaf surrounding the stem.
*''praecox'': precocious, premature, very early.
*''praestans'': distinguished, excelling.
perforatus: perforated, with holes.
*''praetextus'': bordered.
*''prasinatus'': greenish.
permixtus: much mixed or confused.
*''prasinus'': grass-green.
*''pratensis'': of meadows.
persicaefolius: peach-leaved.
*''precatorius'': praying, prayerful.
*''primulinus'': primrose-like.
persicus: of Persia; also the peach.
*''princeps'': princely, first.
*''prismaticus'': prismatic, prism-shaped.
perspicuus: clear, transparent.
*''proboscideus'': proboscis-like.
*''procerus'': tall.
pertusus: thrust through, forced through, perforated.
*''prucumbens'': procumbent, lying on the ground.
*''procurrens'': extended.
peruvianus: Peruvian, of Peru.
*''productus'': produced, lengthened.
*''profusus'': profuse.
petaloideus: petal-like.
*''prolifera'': producing offshoots, bearing abnormal supernumerary parts.
*''prolificus'': prolific, fruitful.
petiolaris: petioled, with a leaf-stalk.
*''propendens'': hanging down.
*''propinquus'': related, near to.
petiolatus: petioled.
*''prostratus'': prostrate, lying flat.
*''protrusus'': protruding.
petraeus: rock-loving.
*''provincialis'': provincial; or of Provence, southern France.
*''pruinatus'': pruinose.
phlogiflorus: flame-flowered.
*''pruinosus'': pruinose, with a hoary or frost-like bloom.
*''prunifolius'': plum-leaved.
phoeniceus: purple-red.
*''pruriens'': itching.
*''pseud- pseudo-'': in combinations means false, not genuine, not the true or the typical, as Pseudotsuga, false tsuga.
phrygius: of Phrygia (in Asia-Minor).
*''psittacinus'': of the parrot.
*''pubens'': downy.
phyllomaniacus: running wildly to leaves, leafy.
*''puberulus'': puberulous, somewhat pubescent.
*''pubescens'': pubescent, downy.
picturatus: painted-leaved, pictured, variegated.
*''pudicus'': bashful, retiring, shrinking.
*''pulchellus'': pretty, beautiful.
pictus: painted.
*''pulcher'': handsome, beautiful.
*''pulcherrimus'': very handsome.
pilifera: bearing soft hairs.
*''pullus'': dark, dusky, almost black.
*''pulverulentus'': powdered, dust-covered.
pilosiusculus: somewhat or slightly pilose.
*''pulvinatus'': cushioned, cushion-like.
*''pumilus'': dwarf.
pilosus: pilose, shaggy, with soft hairs.
*''punctatissimus'': most spotted, very spotted.
*''punctatus'': punctate, dotted.
pilulifera: globule-bearing.
*''pungens'': piercing, sharp-pointed.
*''puniceus'': reddish purple.
pinetorum: of pine forests.
*''purpuraceus'': purple.
*''purpurascens'': purplish, becoming purple.
pineus: of the pine.
*''purpuratus'': purple.
*''purpureus'': purple.
pinifolius: pine-leaved.
*''pusillus'': very small, insignificant.
*''pycnacanthus'': densely spined.
pinnatifidus: pinnatifid, pinnately cleft.
*''pycnanthus'': densely flowered.
*''pygmaeus'': pigmy.
pinnatifrons: pinnate-fronded or -foliaged.
*''pyramidalis'': pyramidal.
*''pyrenaicus'': of the Pyrenees.
pinnatinervis: pinnate-nerved.
*''pyrifolius'': pear-leaved.
*''pyriformis'': Pyrus-formed, pear-shaped.
pinnatus: pinnate, with leaflets on the sides of a main leaf axis.
pisifera: Pisum-bearing, pea-bearing.
pisocarpus: pea-fruited.
placatus: quiet, calm.
planiflorus: plane-flowered, flat-flowered.
planifolius: flat-leaved.
plantagineus: plantain-like.
planus: plane, flat.
platanoides: Platanus-like, plane-tree-like.
platycanthus: broad-spined.
platycarpus: broad-fruited.
platycladus: broad-branched.
platyglossus: broad-tongued.
platyphyllus: broad-leaved.
plenissimus: very full or double.
plenus: full, used to designate doubleness in flowers (as in flore-pleno).
pleurostachys: side-spiked.
plicatus: plicate, plaited, folded lengthwise.
plumarius: plumed.
plumatus: plumed.
plumbeus: of lead.
plumosus: feathery.
poculiformis: deep cup-shaped.
podocarpus: with stalked fruit.
poeticus: pertaining to poets
polifolius: Polium-leaved, white-leaved.
politus: polished.
polyacanthus: many-spined.
polyandrus: of many stamens.
polyanthus: many-flowered.
polycephalus: many-headed.
polydactylus: many-fingered.
polygamus: polygamous, having both perfect and imperfect flowers.
polymorphus: of many forms, variable.
polypetalus: many-petaled.
polyphyllus: many-leaved.
polyspermus: many-seeded.
polystachyus: many-spiked.
polystictus: many-dotted.
pomaceus: pome-like, resembling the apple or pear.
pomeridianus: afternoon.
ponderosus: ponderous, heavy, weighty.
ponticus: of Pontus (in Asia Minor).
populifolius: populus-leaved, poplar-leaved.
populneus: pertaining to poplars.
porcinus: pertaining to swine.
porrifolius: Porrum- or leek-leaved.
praealtus: very tall.
praecox: precocious, premature, very early.
praestans: distinguished, excelling.
praetextus: bordered.
prasinatus: greenish.
prasinus: grass-green.
pratensis: of meadows.
precatorius: praying, prayerful.
primulinus: primrose-like.
princeps: princely, first.
prismaticus: prismatic, prism-shaped.
proboscideus: proboscis-like.
procerus: tall.
prucumbens: procumbent, lying on the ground.
procurrens: extended.
productus: produced, lengthened.
profusus: profuse.
prolifera: producing offshoots, bearing abnormal supernumerary parts.
prolificus: prolific, fruitful.
propendens: hanging down.
propinquus: related, near to.
prostratus: prostrate, lying flat.
protrusus: protruding.
provincialis: provincial; or of Provence, southern France.
pruinatus: pruinose.
pruinosus: pruinose, with a hoary or frost-like bloom.
prunifolius: plum-leaved.
pruriens: itching.
pseud- pseudo-: in combinations means false, not genuine, not the true or the typical, as Pseudotsuga, false tsuga.
psittacinus: of the parrot.
pubens: downy.
puberulus: puberulous, somewhat pubescent.
pubescens: pubescent, downy.
pudicus: bashful, retiring, shrinking.
pulchellus: pretty, beautiful.
pulcher: handsome, beautiful.
pulcherrimus: very handsome.
pullus: dark colored, dusky, almost black.
pulverulentus: powdered, dust-covered.
pulvinatus: cushioned, cushion-like.
pumilus: dwarf.
punctatissimus: most spotted, very spotted.
punctatus: punctate, dotted.
pungens: piercing, sharp-pointed.
puniceus: reddish purple.
purpuraceus: purple.
purpurascens: purplish, becoming purple.
purpuratus: purple.
purpureus: purple.
pusillus: very small, insignificant.
pycnacanthus: densely spined.
pycnanthus: densely flowered.
pygmaeus: pigmy.
pyramidalis: pyramidal.
pyrenaicus: of the Pyrenees.
pyrifolius: pear-leaved.
pyriformis: Pyrus-formed, pear-shaped.
quadrangularis: quadrangular, four-angled.
*''quadrangularis'': quadrangular, four-angled.
*''quadrangulatus'': four-angled.
quadrangulatus: four-angled.
*''quadratus'': in four or fours, squared.
*''quartricolor'': of four colours.
quadratus: in four or fours, squared.
*''quartridentatus'': four-toothed.
*''quadrifidus'': four-cut.
quartricolor: of four colors.
*''quadrifolius'': four-leaved.
*''quadripartitus'': four-parted.
quartridentatus: four-toothed.
*''quadrivalvis'': four-valved.
*''quercifolius'': Quercus-leaved, oak-leaved.
quadrifidus: four-cut.
*''quercinus'': of Quercus the oak.
*''quinatus'': quinate, in fives.
quadrifolius: four-leaved.
*''quinquecolor'': five-coloured.
*''quinqueflorus'': five-flowered.
quadripartitus: four-parted.
*''quinquefolius'': five-leaved.
*''quinquelocularis'': five-loculed, of five cells or compartments.
quadrivalvis: four-valved.
*''quinquenervis'': five-nerved.
*''quinquepunctatus'': five-spotted.
quercifolius: Quercus-leaved, oak-leaved.
quercinus: of Quercus the oak.
quinatus: quinate, in fives.
quinquecolor: five-colored.
quinqueflorus: five-flowered.
quinquefolius: five-leaved.
quinquelocularis: five-loculed, of five cells or compartments.
quinquenervis: five-nerved.
quinquepunctatus: five-spotted.
racemiflorus: raceme-flowered.
*''racemiflorus'': raceme-flowered.
*''racemosus'': racemose, flowers in racemes.
racemosus: racemose, flowers in racemes.
*''radiatus'': radiate, rayed.
*''radicans'': rooting.
radiatus: radiate, rayed.
*''radicosus'': many-rooted.
*''radicum'': of roots.
radicans: rooting.
*''radiosus'': radiate, with many rays.
*''ramentaceus'': bearing a hair-like covering.
radicosus: many-rooted.
*''ramiflorus'': with branching inflorescence.
*''ramosissimus'': most- or much- branched.
radicum: of roots.
*''ramosus'': branched.
*''ranifera'': bearing frogs.
radiosus: radiate, with many rays.
*''rapaceus'': pertaining to rape or turnips.
*''rariflorus'': scattered-flowered, with flowers loose or few.
ramentaceus: bearing a hair-like covering.
*''rarus'': rare, uncommon.
*''raucus'': hoarse, raw.
ramiflorus: with branching inflorescence.
*''reclinatus'': reclined, bent back.
*''rectus'': straight, upright.
ramosissimus: most- or much- branched.
*''recurvatus'': recurved.
*''recurvifolius'': recurved-leaved.
ramosus: branched.
*''recurvus'': recurved, curved back.
*''redivivus'': restored, brought to life.
ranifera: bearing frogs.
*''reduplicatus'': duplicated again, doubled again, redoubled.
*''reflexus'': reflexed, bent back.
rapaceus: pertaining to rape or turnips.
*''refractus'': broken, broken in pieces.
*''refulgens'': brightly shining, reflecting light.
rariflorus: scattered-flowered, with flowers loose or few.
*''regalis'': regal, royal.
*''regina'': queen.
rarus: rare, uncommon.
*''regius'': regal, royal, kingly, pertaining to a king.
*''religiosus'': used for religious purposes, venerated.
raucus: hoarse, raw.
*''remotus'': remote, with parts distant.
*''reniformis'': reniform, kidney-shaped.
reclinatus: reclined, bent back.
*''repandus'': repand, with margin wavy.
*''repens'': repent, creeping.
rectus: straight, upright.
*''reptans'': creeping.
*''resectus'': cut off, curtailed, pruned.
recurvatus: recurved.
*''resinosus'': resin-bearing, full of resin.
*''reticulatus'': reticulate, netted, net- veined.
recurvifolius: recurved-leaved.
*''retortus'': twisted back.
*''retroflexus'': reflexed.
recurvus: recurved, curved back.
*''retusus'': retuse, notched slightly at a rounded apex.
*''reversus'': reversed, end-for-end.
redivivus: restored, brought to life.
*''revolutus'': revolute, rolled backward from the margins.
*''rex'': king.
reduplicatus: duplicated again, doubled again, redoubled.
*''rhamnifolius'': Rhamnus-leaved, buckthorn-leaved.
*''rhizophyllus'': root-leaved, acaulescent.
reflexus: reflexed, bent back.
*''rhodanthus'': rose-flowered.
*''rhodochilus'': rose-lipped or -margined.
refractus: broken, broken in pieces.
*''rhodocinctus'': rose-girdled.
*''rhodoneurus'': red-nerved.
refulgens: brightly shining, reflecting light or color.
*''rhomboideus'': rhomboidal.
*''ricinifolius'': Ricinus-leaved, with leaves of castor-oil plant.
regalis: regal, royal.
*''rigidulus'': somewhat stiff or rigid.
*''rigidus'': rigid, stiff.
regina: queen.
*''ringens'': ringent, gaping, open-mouthed.
*''riparius'': of river banks.
regius: regal, royal, kingly, pertaining to a king.
*''rivalis'': pertaining to brooks.
*''rivularis'': brook-loving.
religiosus: used for religious purposes, venerated.
*''robustus'': robust, stout.
*''rosaceus'': rose-like.
remotus: remote, with parts distant.
*''rosaeflorus'': rose-flowered.
*''roseus'': rose, rosy.
reniformis: reniform, kidney-shaped.
*''rostratus'': rostrate, beaked.
*''rosularis'': rosulate, in rosettes.
repandus: repand, with margin wavy.
*''rotatus'': rotate, wheel-shaped.
*''rotundifolius'': round-leaved.
repens: repent, creeping.
*''rotundus'': rotund, round.
*''rubellus'': reddish.
reptans: creeping.
*''rubens'': red, ruddy.
*''ruber'': red, ruddy.
resectus: cut off, curtailed, pruned.
*''ruberrimus'': very red.
*''rubescens'': reddish, becoming red.
resinosus: resin-bearing, full of resin.
*''rubiaefolius'': rubus- or bramble-leaved.
*''rubicundus'': rubicund, red.
reticulatus: reticulate, netted, net- veined.
*''rubiginosus'': rusty.
*''rubricaulis'': red-stemmed.
retortus: twisted back.
*''rubrifolius'': red-leaved.
*''rubronervis'': red-veined.
retroflexus: reflexed.
*''rufescens'': reddish, becoming red.
*''rufinervis'': red-nerved.
retusus: retuse, notched slightly at a rounded apex.
*''rufus'': red, reddish.
*''rugosus'': rugose, wrinkled.
reversus: reversed, end-for-end.
*''runcinatus'': runcinate, retrorsely or backwardly incised or toothed.
*''rupestris'': rock-loving.
revolutus: revolute, rolled backward from the margins.
*''rupicolus'': growing on cliffs or ledges.
*''rusticus'': rustic, belonging to the country.
rex: king.
*''ruthenicus'': Ruthenian, Russian.
*''rutilans'': red, becoming red.
rhamnifolius: Rhamnus-leaved, buckthorn-leaved.
rhizophyllus: root-leaved, acaulescent.
rhodanthus: rose-flowered.
rhodochilus: rose-lipped or -margined.
rhodocinctus: rose-girdled.
rhodoneurus: red-nerved.
rhomboideus: rhomboidal.
ricinifolius: Ricinus-leaved, with leaves of castor-oil plant.
rigidulus: somewhat stiff or rigid.
rigidus: rigid, stiff.
ringens: ringent, gaping, open-mouthed.
riparius: of river banks.
rivalis: pertaining to brooks.
rivularis: brook-loving.
robustus: robust, stout.
rosaceus: rose-like.
rosaeflorus: rose-flowered.
roseus: rose, rosy.
rostratus: rostrate, beaked.
rosularis: rosulate, in rosettes.
rotatus: rotate, wheel-shaped.
rotundifolius: round-leaved.
rotundus: rotund, round.
rubellus: reddish.
rubens: red, ruddy.
ruber: red, ruddy.
ruberrimus: very red.
rubescens: reddish, becoming red.
rubiaefolius: rubus- or bramble-leaved.
rubicundus: rubicund, red.
rubiginosus: rusty.
rubricaulis: red-stemmed.
rubrifolius: red-leaved.
rubronervis: red-veined.
rufescens: reddish, becoming red.
rufinervis: red-nerved.
rufus: red, reddish.
rugosus: rugose, wrinkled.
runcinatus: runcinate, retrorsely or backwardly incised or toothed.
rupestris: rock-loving.
rupicolus: growing on cliffs or ledges.
rusticus: rustic, belonging to the country.
ruthenicus: Ruthenian, Russian.
rutilans: red, becoming red.
saccatus: saccate, bag-like.  
*''saccatus'': saccate, bag-like.  
*''saccharatus'': containing sugar, sweet.
saccharatus: containing sugar, sweet.
*''saccharifera'': sugar-bearing.
*''saccharinus'': saccharine.
saccharifera: sugar-bearing.
*''saccharum'': sugar.
*''saccifera'': bag-bearing.
saccharinus: saccharine.
*''sachalinensis'': of Saghalien Isl. (N. Japan).
*''sagittalis'': of the arrow, sagittate.
saccharum: sugar.
*''sagittatus'': sagittate, arrow-like.
*''sagittifolius'': arrow-leaved.
saccifera: bag-bearing.
*''salicifolius'': salix-leaved, willow-leaved.
*''salicinus'': willow-like.
sachalinensis: of Saghalien Isl. (N. Japan).
*''salignus'': of the willow.
*''sailnus'': salty.
sagittalis: of the arrow, sagittate.
*''sambucinus'': sambucus- or elder-like.
*''sanctus'': holy.
sagittatus: sagittate, arrow-like.
*''sandwicensis'': of the Sandwich or Hawaiian Isls.
*''sanguineus'': bloody, blood-red.
sagittifolius: arrow-leaved.
*''sapidus'': savory, pleasing to taste.
*''sapientum'': of the wise men or authors.
salicifolius: salix-leaved, willow-leaved.
*''saponaceus'': soapy.
*''sarcodes'': flesh-like.
salicinus: willow-like.
*''sarmaticus'': of Sarmatia (an ancient territory in S. Russia and Poland).
*''sarmentosus'': sarmentose, bearing runners.
salignus: of the willow.
*''sativus'': cultivated.
*''saurocephalus'': lizard-headed.
sailnus: salty.
*''saxatilis'': found among rocks.
*''saxicolus'': growing among rocks.
sambucinus: sambucus- or elder-like.
*''saxosus'': full of rocks.
*''scaber'': scabrous, rough.
sanctus: holy.
*''scabrellus'': somewhat scabrous.
*''scandens'': scandent, climbing.
sandwicensis: of the Sandwich or Hawaiian Isls.
*''scaposus'': with scapes.
*''sceptrum'': of a scepter.
sanguineus: bloody, blood-red.
*''schizoneurus'': cut-nerved.
*''schizopetalus'': cut-petaled.
sapidus: savory, pleasing to taste.
*''schizohyllus'': cut-leaved.
*''scholaris'': pertaining to a school.
sapientum: of the wise men or authors.
*''sclerocarpus'': hard-fruited.
*''sclerophyllus'': hard-leaved.
saponaceus: soapy.
*''scotica'': Scottish, of Scotland.
*''sculptus'': carved.
sarcodes: flesh-like.
*''scutellaris'': salver- or dish-shaped.
*''scutum'': a shield.
sarmaticus: of Sarmatia (an ancient territory in S. Russia and Poland).
*''sebifera'': tallow-bearing.
*''sebosus'': full of tallow or grease.
sarmentosus: sarmentose, bearing runners.
*''sechellarus'': of the Seychelles (Indian Ocean).
*''secundus'': secund, side-flowering.
sativus: cultivated.
*''securigera'': axe-bearing.
*''segetum'': of cornfields.
saurocephalus: lizard-headed.
*''semialatus'': semi-winged, half or somewhat winged.
*''semicaudatus'': semi- or partially tailed.
saxatilis: found among rocks.
*''semicylindricus'': semi- or somewhat cylindrical.
*''semipinnatus'': half or imperfectly pinnate.
saxicolus: growing among rocks.
*''semperflorens'': ever flowering.
*''sempervirens'': ever green.
saxosus: full of rocks.
*''senilis'': senile, old, white-haired.
*''sensibilis'': endowed with feeling, sensitive.
scaber: scabrous, rough.
*''sensitivus'': sensitive.
*''sepiarius'': pertaining to hedges.
scabrellus: somewhat scabrous.
*''sepium'': of hedges or fences.
*''septangularis'': seven-angled.
scandens: scandent, climbing.
*''septumlobus'': seven-lobed.
*''septempunctatus'': seven-spotted.
scaposus: with scapes.
*''septentrionalis'': northern, belonging to the North.
*''sepultus'': sepulchered, interred.
sceptrum: of a scepter.
*''sericeus'': silky.
*''serotinus'': late, late-flowering or late-ripening.
schizoneurus: cut-nerved.
*''serpens'': creeping, crawling.
*''serpentinus'': of snakes, serpentine, looping or waving.
schizopetalus: cut-petaled.
*''serratifolius'': serrate-leaved, saw-edge-leaved.
*''serratus'': serrate, saw-toothed.
schizohyllus: cut-leaved.
*''serrulatus'': serrulate, somewhat serrate.
*''sesquipedalis'': one foot and a half long or high.
scholaris: pertaining to a school.
*''sessiflorus'': sessile-flowered, without pedicel.
*''sessifolius'': sessile-leaved, without petiole.
sclerocarpus: hard-fruited.
*''sessilifolius'': sessile-leaved.
*''sessilis'': sessile, stalkless, sitting.
sclerophyllus: hard-leaved.
*''setaceus'': setaceous, bristle-like.
*''setigera'': bristly, bristle-bearing.
scotica: Scotch, of Scotland.
*''setosus'': setose, full of bristles.
*''setulosus'': full of small bristles.
sculptus: carved.
*''sibiricus'': of Siberia.
*''signatus'': marked, designated, attested.
scutellaris: salver- or dish-shaped.
*''sikkimensis'': of Sikhim or Sikkim (N. India).
*''siliceus'': pertaining to or growing in sand.
scutum: a shield.
*''siliculosus'': bearing silicles.
*''silvaticus'': pertaining to woods, sylvan; sometimes sylvalictus.
sebifera: tallow-bearing.
*''silvestris'': pertaining to woods.
*''simplex'': simple, unbranched.
sebosus: full of tallow or grease.
*''simplicicaulis'': simple-stemmed.
*''simplicifolius'': simple-leaved.
sechellarus: of the Seychelles (Indian Ocean).
*''simplicissimus'': simplest, very unbranched.
*''simulans'': similar to, resembling.
secundus: secund, side-flowering.
*''sinensis'': Chinese, of China.
*''sinicus'': Chinese.
securigera: axe-bearing.
*''sinuatus'': sinuate, wavy-margined.
*''sinuosus'': sinuate.
segetum: of cornfields.
*''sitchensis'': belonging to Sitka, Alaskan.
*''smaragdinus'': of emerald.
semialatus: semi-winged, half or somewhat winged.
*''smilacinus'': of smilax.
*''sobolifera'': bearing creeping rooting stems or shoots.
semicaudatus: semi- or partially tailed.
*''socialis'': sociable, companionable.
*''socotranus'': of the Island of Socotra (south of Arabia).
semicylindricus: semi- or somewhat cylindrical.
*''solaris'': solar, of the sun.
*''solidus'': solid, dense, not hollow.
semipinnatus: half or imperfectly pinnate.
*''somnifera'': sleep-producing.
*''sordidus'': dirty, unclean, foul.
semperflorens: ever flowering.
*''spadiceus'': with a spadix.
*''sparsiflorus'': sparsely or few-flowered.
sempervirens: ever green.
*''sparsifolius'': sparsely or few-leaved.
*''sparsus'': sparse, scattered, few.
senilis: senile, old, white-haired.
*''sparteus'': pertaining to the broom.
*''spathaceus'': with a spathe.
sensibilis: endowed with feeling, sensitive.
*''spathulatus'': spatulate, spoon-shaped, narrowed toward the base from a rounded top.
*''speciosissimus'': very showy.
sensitivus: sensitive.
*''speciosus'': showy, good-looking.
*''spectabilis'': spectacular, worth seeing, remarkable, showy.
sepiarius: pertaining to hedges.
*''spectandus'': showy.
*''spectrum'': an image, apparition.
sepium: of hedges or fences.
*''sphacelatus'': dead, withered, diseased.
*''sphaericus'': spherical.
septangularis: seven-angled.
*''sphaerocarpus'': spherical-fruited.
*''sphaerocephalus'': spherical-headed.
septumlobus: seven-lobed.
*''sphaeroideus'': sphere-like.
*''sphaerostachyus'': spherical-spiked.
septempunctatus: seven-spotted.
*''spicatus'': spicate, with spikes.
*''spicigera'': spike-bearing.
septentrionalis: northern, belonging to the North.
*''spinosissimus'': most or very spiny.
*''spinosus'': full of spines.
sepultus: sepulchered, interred.
*''spinulifera'': bearing small spines.
*''spinulosus'': somewhat or weakly spiny.
sericeus: silky.
*''spiralis'': spiral.
*''spirellus'': a spiral, little spiral.
serotinus: late, late-flowering or late-ripening.
*''splendens'': splendid.
*''splendidissimus'': very splendid.
serpens: creeping, crawling.
*''splendidus'': splendid.
*''spumarius'': frothing, of froth or spume.
serpentinus: of snakes, serpentine, looping or waving.
*''spurius'': spurious, false, bastard.
*''squalens'': daubed, filthy.
serratifolius: serrate-leaved, saw-edge-leaved.
*''squalidus'': squalid, filthy.
*''squamatus'': squamate, with squamae or small scale-like leaves or bracts.
serratus: serrate, saw-toothed.
*''squamosus'': squamate, full of scales.
*''squarrosus'': squarrose, with parts spreading or even recurved at ends.
serrulatus: serrulate, somewhat serrate.
*''stamineus'': bearing prominent stamens.
*''stans'': standing, erect, upright.
sesquipedalis: one foot and a half long or high.
*''stauracanthus'': with spines cross-shaped.
*''stellaris'': starry.
sessiflorus: sessile-flowered, without pedicel.
*''stellatus'': stellate, starry.
*''stellulatus'': of little stars.
sessifolius: sessile-leaved, without petiole.
*''stenocephalus'': narrow-headed.
*''stenogynus'': with a narrow stigma.
sessilifolius: sessile-leaved.
*''stenopetalus'': narrow-petaled.
*''stenophyllus'': narrow-leaved.
sessilis: sessile, stalkless, sitting.
*''stenopterus'': narrow-winged.
*''sterilis'': sterile, infertile.
setaceus: setaceous, bristle-like.
*''stigmaticus'': marked, of stigmas.
*''stigmosus'': much marked, pertaining to stigmas.
setigera: bristly, bristle-bearing.
*''stipulaceus'': stipuled, with stipules.
*''stipularis'': stipuled.
setosus: setose, full of bristles.
*''stipulatus'': stipuled.
*''stolonifera'': bearing stolons or runners that take root.
setulosus: full of small bristles.
*''stramineus'': straw-coloured.
*''strangulatus'': strangled, constricted.
sibiricus: of Siberia.
*''streptocarpus'': twisted-fruited.
*''streptopetalus'': with petals twisted.
signatus: marked, designated, attested.
*''streptophyllus'': twisted-leaved.
*''streptosepalus'': with sepals twisted.
sikkimensis: of Sikhim or Sikkim (N. India).
*''striatulus'': somewhat or faintly striped.
*''striatus'': striated, striped.
siliceus: pertaining to or growing in sand.
*''strictiflorus'': strict- or stiff-flowered.
*''strictus'': strict, upright, erect.
siliculosus: bearing silicles.
*''strigillosus'': somewhat strigose.
*''strigosus'': strigose, covered with sharp straight appressed hairs.
silvaticus: pertaining to woods, sylvan; sometimes sylvalictus.
*''strigulosus'': beset with small or weak appressed hairs.
*''striolatus'': striolate, somewhat or faintly striped.
silvestris: pertaining to woods.
*''strobilifera'': cone-bearing.
*''strumarius'': of tumors or ulcers.
simplex: simple, unbranched.
*''strumatus'': with tumors or ulcers.
*''stylosus'': with style or styles prominent.
simplicicaulis: simple-stemmed.
*''styracifluus'': flowing with storax or gum.
*''suaveolens'': sweet-scented.
simplicifolius: simple-leaved.
*''suavis'': sweet, agreeable.
*''suavissimus'': sweetest, very sweet-scented.
simplicissimus: simplest, very unbranched.
*''subacaulis'': somewhat stemmed, nearly stemless.
*''subalpinus'': subalpine, nearly alpine.
simulans: similar to, resembling.
*''subauriculatus'': somewhat or rather auricled or eared.
*''subcarnosus'': nearly or rather fleshy.
sinensis: Chinese, of China.
*''subcordatus'': partially or imperfectly or somewhat cordate.
*''subedentatus'': nearly toothless.
sinicus: Chinese.
*''suberculatus'': of cork, corky.
*''suberectus'': somewhat or rather erect.
sinuatus: sinuate, wavy-margined.
*''suberosus'': cork-barked, full of cork.
*''subfalcatus'': somewhat falcate.
sinuosus: sinuate.
*''subglaucus'': somewhat or to some degree glaucous.
*''subhirtellus'': somewhat hairy.
sitchensis: belonging to Sitka, Alaskan.
*''sublunatus'': somewhat lunate or crescent-shaped.
*''submersus'': submerged, under water.
smaragdinus: of emerald.
*''subperennis'': imperfectly or nearly perennial.
*''subpetiolatus'': somewhat or partially petioled.
smilacinus: of smilax.
*''subsessilis'': nearly sessile, not completely sessile.
*''suhsinuatus'': somewhat sinuate or wav>r-margined.
sobolifera: bearing creeping rooting stems or shoots.
*''subterraneus'': subterranean, underground.
*''subulatus'': subulate, awl-shaped.
socialis: sociable, companionable.
*''subumbellatus'': somewhat or incompletely umbellate.
*''subvillosus'': somewhat villose or soft-hairy.
socotranus: of the Island of Socotra (south of Arabia).
*''subvolubilis'': somewhat twining.
*''succulentus'': succulent, fleshy.
solaris: solar, of the sun.
*''suecicus'': Swedish, of Sweden.
*''suffrutescens'': slightly shrubby, becoming somewhat shrubby.
solidus: solid, dense, not hollow.
*''suffruticosus'': slightly shrubby.
*''sulcatus'': silicate, furrowed.
somnifera: sleep-producing.
*''sulphureus'': sulfur-coloured.
*''sumatranus'': of the island of Sumatra.
sordidus: dirty, unclean, foul.
*''superbiens'': superb, proud.
*''superbus'': superb, proud.
spadiceus: with a spadix.
*''superciliaris'': eyebrow-like.
*''superfluus'': superfluous, redundant.
sparsiflorus: sparsely or few-flowered.
*''surculosus'': producing suckers.
*''surinamensis'': belonging to Surinam (Dutch Guiana).
sparsifolius: sparsely or few-leaved.
*''susianus'': of the province of Susiana (Persia).
*''suspensus'': suspended, hung.
sparsus: sparse, scattered, few.
*''sylvaticus'': sylvan, forest-loving (also written silvaticus).
*''sylvestris'': of woods or forests.
sparteus: pertaining to the broom.
*''sylvicolus'': growing in woods
*''syphiliticus'': syphilitic.
spathaceus: with a spathe.
*''syriacus'': Syrian, of Syria.
*''systylus'': with styles joined.
spathulatus: spatulate, spoon-shaped, narrowed toward the base from a rounded top.
speciosissimus: very showy.
speciosus: showy, good-looking.
spectabilis: spectacular, worth seeing, remarkable, showy.
spectandus: showy.
spectrum: an image, apparition.
sphacelatus: dead, withered, diseased.
sphaericus: spherical.
sphaerocarpus: spherical-fruited.
sphaerocephalus: spherical-headed.
sphaeroideus: sphere-like.
sphaerostachyus: spherical-spiked.
spicatus: spicate, with spikes.
spicigera: spike-bearing.
spinosissimus: most or very spiny.
spinosus: full of spines.
spinulifera: bearing small spines.
spinulosus: somewhat or weakly spiny.
spiralis: spiral.
spirellus: a spiral, little spiral.
splendens: splendid.
splendidissimus: very splendid.
splendidus: splendid.
spumarius: frothing, of froth or spume.
spurius: spurious, false, bastard.
squalens: daubed, filthy.
squalidus: squalid, filthy.
squamatus: squamate, with squamae or small scale-like leaves or bracts.
squamosus: squamate, full of scales.
squarrosus: squarrose, with parts spreading or even recurved at ends.
stamineus: bearing prominent stamens.
stans: standing, erect, upright.
stauracanthus: with spines cross-shaped.
stellaris: starry.
stellatus: stellate, starry.
stellulatus: of little stars.
stenocephalus: narrow-headed.
stenogynus: with a narrow stigma.
stenopetalus: narrow-petaled.
stenophyllus: narrow-leaved.
stenopterus: narrow-winged.
sterilis: sterile, infertile.
stigmaticus: marked, of stigmas.
stigmosus: much marked, pertaining to stigmas.
stipulaceus: stipuled, with stipules.
stipularis: stipuled.
stipulatus: stipuled.
stolonifera: bearing stolons or runners that take root.
stramineus: straw-colored.
strangulatus: strangled, constricted.
streptocarpus: twisted-fruited.
streptopetalus: with petals twisted.
streptophyllus: twisted-leaved.
streptosepalus: with sepals twisted.
striatulus: somewhat or faintly striped.
striatus: striated, striped.
strictiflorus: strict- or stiff-flowered.
strictus: strict, upright, erect.
strigillosus: somewhat strigose.
strigosus: strigose, covered with sharp straight appressed hairs.
strigulosus: beset with small or weak appressed hairs.
striolatus: striolate, somewhat or faintly striped.
strobilifera: cone-bearing.
strumarius: of tumors or ulcers.
strumatus: with tumors or ulcers.
stylosus: with style or styles prominent.
styracifluus: flowing with storax or gum.
suaveolens: sweet-scented.
suavis: sweet, agreeable.
suavissimus: sweetest, very sweet-scented.
subacaulis: somewhat stemmed, nearly stemless.
subalpinus: subalpine, nearly alpine.
subauriculatus: somewhat or rather auricled or eared.
subcarnosus: nearly or rather fleshy.
subcordatus: partially or imperfectly or somewhat cordate.
subedentatus: nearly toothless.
suberculatus: of cork, corky.
suberectus: somewhat or rather erect.
suberosus: cork-barked, full of cork.
subfalcatus: somewhat falcate.
subglaucus: somewhat or to some degree glaucous.
subhirtellus: somewhat hairy.
sublunatus: somewhat lunate or crescent-shaped.
submersus: submerged, under water.
subperennis: imperfectly or nearly perennial.
subpetiolatus: somewhat or partially petioled.
subsessilis: nearly sessile, not completely sessile.
suhsinuatus: somewhat sinuate or wav>r-margined.
subterraneus: subterranean, underground.
subulatus: subulate, awl-shaped.
subumbellatus: somewhat or incompletely umbellate.
subvillosus: somewhat villose or soft-hairy.
subvolubilis: somewhat twining.
succulentus: succulent, fleshy.
suecicus: Swedish, of Sweden.
suffrutescens: slightly shrubby, becoming somewhat shrubby.
suffruticosus: slightly shrubby.
sulcatus: silicate, furrowed.
sulphureus: sulfur-colored.
sumatranus: of the Isl. of Sumatra.
superbiens: superb, proud.
superbus: superb, proud.
superciliaris: eyebrow-like.
superfluus: superfluous, redundant.
surculosus: producing suckers.
surinamensis: belonging to Surinam (Dutch Guiana).
susianus: of the province of Susiana (Persia).
suspensus: suspended, hung.
sylvaticus: sylvan, forest-loving (also written silvaticus).
sylvestris: of woods or forests.
sylvicolus: growing in woods
syphiliticus: syphilitic.
syriacus: Syrian, of Syria.
systylus: with styles joined.
tabularis: pertaining to tablets.
*''tabularis'': pertaining to tablets.
*''tabuliformis'': tablet-formed.
tabuliformis: tablet-formed.
*''taedigera'': torch-bearing, resin-bearing.
*''taraxicifolius'': Taraxicum- or dandelion-leaved.
taedigera: torch-bearing, resin-bearing.
*''tardiflorus'': late-flowered.
*''tardivus'': tardy, late.
taraxicifolius: Taraxicum- or dandelion-leaved.
*''tataricus'': of Tartary (old name for Central Asia).
*''taureus'': of oxen.
tardiflorus: late-flowered.
*''tauricus'': Taurian, Crimean.
*''taurinus'': bull-like.
tardivus: tardy, late.
*''taxifolius'': Taxus-leaved, yew-leaved.
*''tectorum'': of roofs or houses.
tataricus: of Tartary (old name for Central Asia).
*''tectus'': concealed.
*''temulentus'': drunken.
taureus: of oxen.
*''tenacissimus'': most tenacious.
*''tenax'': tenacious, strong.
tauricus: Taurian, Crimean.
*''tenebrosus'': of dark or shaded places.
*''tenellus'': slender, tender, soft.
taurinus: bull-like.
*''tener'': slender, tender, soft.
*''tentaculatus'': with tentacles or short projecting parts.
taxifolius: Taxus-leaved, yew-leaved.
*''tenuicaulis'': slender-stemmed.
*''tenuiflorus'': slender-flowered.
tectorum: of roofs or houses.
*''tenuifolius'': slender-leaved.
*''tenuilobus'': slender-lobed.
tectus: concealed.
*''tenuior'': more slender.
*''tenuis'': slender, thin.
temulentus: drunken.
*''tenuissimus'': very slender, very thin.
*''terebinthinus'': of turpentine.
tenacissimus: most tenacious.
*''teres'': terete, circular in cross-section.
*''teretifolius'': terete-leaved.
tenax: tenacious, strong.
*''terminalis'': terminal, at the end of a stem or branch.
*''ternatus'': in threes, ternate.
tenebrosus: of dark or shaded places.
*''ternifolius'': with leaves in threes.
*''terrestris'': of the earth, terrestrial.
tenellus: slender, tender, soft.
*''tessellatus'': tessellate, laid off in squares or in dice-like pattern.
*''testaceus'': light brown, brick-coloured; also testaceous, bearing a prominent testa or outer seed-coat.
tener: slender, tender, soft.
*''testiculatus'': testiculated, testicled.
*''testudinarius'': like a tortoise-shell.
tentaculatus: with tentacles or short projecting parts.
*''tetracanthus'': four-spined.
*''tetragonus'': four-angled.
tenuicaulis: slender-stemmed.
*''tetrandrus'': four-anthered.
*''tetranthus'': four-flowered.
tenuiflorus: slender-flowered.
*''tetraphyllus'': four-leaved.
*''tetrapterus'': four-winged.
tenuifolius: slender-leaved.
*''tetraquetrus'': four-cornered.
*''texanus, texen sis'': of Texas, belonging to Texas.
tenuilobus: slender-lobed.
*''theifera'': tea-bearing.
*''thermalis'': warm, of warm springs.
tenuior: more slender.
*''thuyoides'': like Thuja or arbor-vitae.
*''thyrsiflorus'': Thyrse-flowered.
tenuis: slender, thin.
*''thyrsoideus'': thyrse-like.
*''tibicinis'': of a flute player.
tenuissimus: very slender, very thin.
*''tigrinus'': tiger-striped.
*''tinctorius'': belonging to dyers, of dyes.
terebinthinus: of turpentine.
*''tinctus'': dyed.
*''tipuliformis'': of the shape of a daddy-long-legs.
teres: terete, circular in cross-section.
*''tomentosus'': tomentose, matted-pubescent.
*''torminalis'': useful against colic.
teretifolius: terete-leaved.
*''torosus'': torose, cylindrical with contractions at certain places or at intervals.
*''tortilis'': twisted.
terminalis: terminal, at the end of a stem or branch.
*''tortuosus'': much twisted.
*''tortus'': twisted.
ternatus: in threes, ternate.
*''torulosus'': somewhat torose.
*''toxicarius'': poisonous.
ternifolius: with leaves in threes.
*''toxicus'': poisonous.
*''toxifera'': poison-producing.
terrestris: of the earth, terrestrial.
*''transparens'': transparent.
*''trapeziformis'': trapezium-formed, a four-sided figure of which no two sides are alike.
tessellatus: tessellate, laid off in squares or in dice-like pattern.
*''trapezioides'': trapezium-like.
*''tremuloides'': like Tremulus, the trembling poplar.
testaceus: light brown, brick-colored; also testaceous, bearing a prominent testa or outer seed-coat.
*''tremulus'': quivering, trembling.
*''triacanthus'': three-spined.
testiculatus: testiculated, testicled.
*''triandrus'': with three anthers or stamens
*''triangularis'': three-angled.
testudinarius: like a tortoise-shell.
*''triangulatus'': three-angled.
*''triangulus'': three-angular.
tetracanthus: four-spined.
*''tricaudatus'': three-tailed.
*''trichophyllus'': hairy-leaved.
tetragonus: four-angled.
*''trichosanthus'': hairy-flowered.
*''trichospe mus'': hairy-seeded.
tetrandrus: four-anthered.
*''trichotomus'': thrice branched or forked.
*''tricolor'': three-coloured.
tetranthus: four-flowered.
*''tricornis'': three-horned.
*''tricuspidatus'': three-cusped, three-pointed.
tetraphyllus: four-leaved.
*''tridactylus'': three-fingered.
*''tridens'': with three teeth.
tetrapterus: four-winged.
*''tridentatus'': three-toothed.
*''trifasciatus'': three-banded.
tetraquetrus: four-cornered.
*''trifidus'': three-parted.
*''triflorus'': three-flowered.
texanus, texen sis: of Texas, belonging to Texas.
*''trifoliatus'': three-leaved.
*''trifoliolatus'': three-leafleted.
theifera: tea-bearing.
*''trifolius'': three-leaved.
*''trifurcatus'': trifurcate, thrice-forked.
thermalis: warm, of warm springs.
*''trilineatus'': three-lined.
*''trilobatus'': three-lobed.
thuyoides: like Thuja or arbor-vitae.
*''trilobus'': three-lobed.
*''trimestris'': of three months.
thyrsiflorus: Thyrse-flowered.
*''trinervis'': three-nerved.
*''trinotatus'': three-marked or -spotted.
thyrsoideus: thyrse-like.
*''tripartitus'': three-parted.
*''tripetalus'': three-petaled.
tibicinis: of a flute player.
*''triphyllus'': three-leaved.
*''tripteris'': three-winged.
tigrinus: tiger-striped.
*''tripunctatus'': three-spotted.
*''triquetrus'': three-cornered.
tinctorius: belonging to dyers, of dyes.
*''tristis'': sad, bitter, dull.
*''triternatus'': triternate, thrice in threes.
tinctus: dyed.
*''triumphans'': triumphant.
*''trivialis'': common, ordinary, very frequent, found everywhere.
tipuliformis: of the shape of a daddy-long-legs.
*''tropicus'': of the tropics.
*''truncatulus'': somewhat or partially truncate.
tomentosus: tomentose, matted-pubescent.
*''truncatus'': truncate, cut off square.
*''tuberculatus'': tuberculate, with tubercles or small tubers.
torminalis: useful against colic.
*''tuberculosus'': tubercled, knotted.
*''tuberosus'': tuberous.
torosus: torose, cylindrical with contractions at certain places or at intervals.
*''tubiflorus'': tube-flowered, trumpet-flowered.
*''tubispathus'': tube-spathed.
tortilis: twisted.
*''tubulosus'': tubulose, with tubes.
*''tulipifera'': tulip-bearing.
tortuosus: much twisted.
*''tumidus'': swollen.
*''turbinatus'': turbinate, top-shaped.
tortus: twisted.
*''turgidus'': turgid, inflated, full.
*''typhinus'': smoky or dull; perhaps pertaining to fever.
torulosus: somewhat torose.
*''typicus'': typical, conforming to the standard or norm.
toxicarius: poisonous.
toxicus: poisonous.
toxifera: poison-producing.
transparens: transparent.
trapeziformis: trapezium-formed, a four-sided figure of which no two sides are alike.
trapezioides: trapezium-like.
tremuloides: like Tremulus, the trembling poplar.
tremulus: quivering, trembling.
triacanthus: three-spined.
triandrus: with three anthers or stamens
triangularis: three-angled.
triangulatus: three-angled.
triangulus: three-angular.
tricaudatus: three-tailed.
trichophyllus: hairy-leaved.
trichosanthus: hairy-flowered.
trichospe mus: hairy-seeded.
trichotomus: thrice branched or forked.
tricolor: throe-colored.
tricornis: three-horned.
tricuspidatus: three-cusped, three-pointed.
tridactylus: three-fingered.
tridens: with three teeth.
tridentatus: three-toothed.
trifasciatus: three-banded.
trifidus: three-parted.
triflorus: three-flowered.
trifoliatus: three-leaved.
trifoliolatus: three-leafleted.
trifolius: three-leaved.
trifurcatus: trifurcate, thrice-forked.
trilineatus: three-lined.
trilobatus: three-lobed.
trilobus: three-lobed.
trimestris: of three months.
trinervis: three-nerved.
trinotatus: three-marked or -spotted.
tripartitus: three-parted.
tripetalus: three-petaled.
triphyllus: three-leaved.
tripteris: three-winged.
tripunctatus: three-spotted.
triquetrus: three-cornered.
tristis: sad, bitter, dull.
triternatus: triternate, thrice in threes.
triumphans: triumphant.
trivialis: common, ordinary, very frequent, found everywhere.
tropicus: of the tropics.
truncatulus: somewhat or partially truncate.
truncatus: truncate, cut off square.
tuberculatus: tuberculate, with tubercles or small tubers.
tuberculosus: tubercled, knotted.
tuberosus: tuberous.
tubiflorus: tube-flowered, trumpet-flowered.
tubispathus: tube-spathed.
tubulosus: tubulose, with tubes.
tulipifera: tulip-bearing.
tumidus: swollen.
turbinatus: turbinate, top-shaped.
turgidus: turgid, inflated, full.
typhinus: smoky or dull; perhaps pertaining to fever.
typicus: typical, conforming to the standard or norm.
ulicinus: like the gorse or furze (Ulex).
*''ulicinus'': like the gorse or furze (Ulex).
*''uliginosus'': of wet or marshy places.
uliginosus: of wet or marshy places.
*''ulmifolius'': Ulmus-leaved, elm-leaved.
*''umbeliatus'': with umbels.
ulmifolius: Ulmus-leaved, elm-leaved.
*''umbellulatus'': with umbellets.
*''umbonatus'': bossed, bearing at center an umbo or stout projection.
umbeliatus: with umbels.
*''umbraculifera'': umbrella-bearing, shade-producing.
*''umbrosus'': shaded, shade-loving.  
umbellulatus: with umbellets.
*''uncinatus'': hooked at the point.  
*''unditus'': waved.
umbonatus: bossed, bearing at center an umbo or stout projection.
*''undecimpunctatus'': eleven-spotted.  
*''undulatifolius'': undulate-leaved.  
umbraculifera: umbrella-bearing, shade-producing.
*''undulatus'': undulated, wavy.  
*''unguicularis'': clawed, narrowed to a petiole-like base.
umbrosus: shaded, shade-loving.  
*''unguiculatus'': unguiculate, clawed.  
*''unguipetalus'': petals clawed.  
uncinatus: hooked at the point.  
*''unicolor'': one-coloured.  
*''unicornis'': one-horned.  
unditus: waved.
*''unidentatus'': one-toothed.  
*''uniflorus'': one-flowered.  
undecimpunctatus: eleven-spotted.  
*''unilateralis'': one-sided.  
*''univittatus'': one-striped.  
undulatifolius: undulate-leaved.  
*''urceolatus'': urn-shaped.  
*''urens'': burning, stinging.  
undulatus: undulated, wavy.  
*''urentissimus'': very burning, very stinging.
*''urophyllus'': tail-leaved.  
unguicularis: clawed, narrowed to a petiole-like base.
*''urustachyus'': tail-spiked.  
*''ursinus'': pertaining to bears.  
unguiculatus: unguiculate, clawed.  
*''urticifolius'': nettle-leaved (''Urtica'').  
*''usitatissimus'': most useful.  
unguipetalus: petals clawed.  
*''ustulatus'': burnt, sere.  
*''utilis'': useful.  
unicolor: one-colored.  
*''utilissimus'': most useful.  
*''utriculatus'': utriculate, with a utricle or small bladdery one-seeded fruit.
unicornis: one-horned.  
*''utriculosus'': utricled.  
*''uvifera'': grape-bearing.
unidentatus: one-toothed.  
uniflorus: one-flowered.  
unilateralis: one-sided.  
univittatus: one-striped.  
urceolatus: urn-shaped.  
urens: burning, stinging.  
urentissimus: very burning, very stinging.
urophyllus: tail-leaved.  
urustachyus: tail-spiked.  
ursinus: pertaining to bears.  
urticifolius: nettle-leaved (Urtica).  
usitatissimus: most useful.  
ustulatus: burnt, sere.  
utilis: useful.  
utilissimus: most useful.  
utriculatus: utriculate, with a utricle or small bladdery one-seeded fruit.
utriculosus: utricled.  
uvifera: grape-bearing.
vagans: wandering, vagabondish.  
*''vagans'': wandering, vagabondish.  
*''vaginalis'': vaginate, sheathed.  
vaginalis: vaginate, sheathed.  
*''vaginatus'': sheathed.  
*''valdivianus, valdiviensis'': Valdivian, of province of Valdivia (Chile).  
vaginatus: sheathed.  
*''valentinus'': Valentian, of Valentia (in Spain).  
*''validus'': strong.
valdivianus, valdivien sis: Valdivian, of province of Valdivia (Chile).  
*''variabilis'': variable, of many forms.  
*''varians'': variable.  
valentinus: Valentian, of Valentia (in Spain).  
*''variatus'': variable.  
*''variegatus'': variegated.  
validus: strong.
*''vaiiiformis'': of variable or many forms.
*''varius'': various, diverse.  
variabilis: variable, of many forms.  
*''vastator'' (feminine ''vastatrix''): ravaging, devastating.
*''vegetatus'': full of growth, vigorous.  
varians: variable.  
*''vegetus'': vigorous.  
*''velaris'': pertaining to curtains or veils.
variatus: variable.  
*''velutinus'': velvety.  
*''venenatus'': poisonous.  
variegatus: variegated.  
*''venosus'': veiny.  
*''ventricosus'': ventricose, swelling or inflated on one side or unevenly.  
vaiiiformis: of variable or many forms.
*''venustus'': handsome, charming.  
*''verecundus'': modest, blushing.  
varius: various, diverse.  
*''vermiculatus'': worm-like, or like worm-tracks.  
*''vernalis'': vernal.  
vastator (feminine vastatrix): ravaging, devastating.
*''vernicifera'': varnish-bearing.  
*''vernus'': of spring, vernal.  
vegetatus: full of growth, vigorous.  
*''verrucosus'': verrucose, warted.  
*''versicolor'': variously coloured.  
vegetus: vigorous.  
*''verticillaris'': verticillate.
*''verticillatus'': verticillate, whorled, arranged in a circle about the stem.
velaris: pertaining to curtains or veils.
*''verus'': the true or genuine or standard.
*''vescus'': weak, thin, feeble.
velutinus: velvety.  
*''vesiculosus'': with little bladders
*''vespertinus'': of the evening, western.
venenatus: poisonous.  
*''vestitus'': covered, clothed, as with hairs or pubescence.
*''vexans'': puzzling, vexatious.
venosus: veiny.  
*''vexillarius'': of the standard petal (as of pea-like flowers), with a standard.
*''villosus'': villous, soft-hairy.
ventricosus: ventricose, swelling or inflated on one side or unevenly.  
*''viminalis'': of osiers, of basket willows.
*''vimineus'': of osiers or wicker-work.
venustus: handsome, charming.  
*''vinifera'': wine-bearing.
*''vinosus'': full of wine.
verecundus: modest, blushing.  
*''violaceus'': violet.
*''violescens'': somewhat violet-coloured or becoming so.
vermiculatus: worm-like, or like worm-tracks.  
*''virens'': green.
*''virescens'': greenish, becoming green.
vernalis: vernal.  
*''virgatus'': twiggy.
*''virginalis'': virgin.
vernicifera: varnish-bearing.  
*''virgineus'': virgin.
*''virginicus, virginien sis'': Virginian, of Virginia.
vernus: of spring, vernal.  
*''viridiflorus'': green-flowered.
*''viridifolius'': green-leaved.
verrucosus: verrucose, warted.  
*''viridis'': green.
*''viridissimus'': greenest, very green.
versicolor: variously colored.  
*''viridulus'': greenish.
*''viscidulus'': somewhat viscid.
verticillaris: verticillate.
*''viscidus'': viscid, sticky.
*''viscosissimus'': very sticky.
verticillatus: verticillate, whorled, arranged in a circle about the stem.
*''viscosus'': viscid.
*''vitellinus'': dull yellow approaching red.
verus: the true or genuine or standard.
*''vitifolius'': Vitis-leaved, grape-leaved.
*''vittatus'': striped.
vescus: weak, thin, feeble.
*''vittigera'': bearing stripes.
*''viviparus'': viviparous, producing the young alive (rather-than oviparous).
vesiculosus: with little bladders
*''volgaricus'': of the Volga River region (also written wolgaricus).
*''volubilis'': twining.
vespertinus: of the evening, western.
*''voluptas'': pleasure, delight.
*''volurus'': rolled-leaved.
vestitus: covered, clothed, as with hairs or pubescence.
*''vulgaris'': vulgar, common.
*''vulgatus'': common.
vexans: puzzling, vexatious.
*''vulpinus'': of the fox.
vexillarius: of the standard petal (as of pea-like flowers), with a standard.
villosus: villous, soft-hairy.
viminalis: of osiers, of basket willows.
vimineus: of osiers or wicker-work.
vinifera: wine-bearing.
vinosus: full of wine.
violaceus: violet.
violescens: somewhat violet-colored or becoming so.
virens: green.
virescens: greenish, becoming green.
virgatus: twiggy.
virginalis: virgin.
virgineus: virgin.
virginicus, virginien sis: Virginian, of Virginia.
viridiflorus: green-flowered.
viridifolius: green-leaved.
viridis: green.
viridissimus: greenest, very green.
viridulus: greenish.
viscidulus: somewhat viscid.
viscidus: viscid, sticky.
viscosissimus: very sticky.
viscosus: viscid.
vitellinus: dull yellow approaching red.
vitifolius: Vitis-leaved, grape-leaved.
vittatus: striped.
vittigera: bearing stripes.
viviparus: viviparous, producing the young alive (rather-than oviparous).
volgaricus: Volgan, of the Volga river region (written also wolgaricus).
volubilis: twining.
voluptas: pleasure, delight.
volurus: rolled-leaved.
vulgaris: vulgar, common.
vulgatus: common.
vulpinus: of the fox.
wolgaricus: Volgan (see volgaricus).
*''wolgaricus'': Volga River (see volgaricus).
xanthacanthus: yellow-spined.
*''xanthacanthus'': yellow-spined.
*''xanthinus'': yellow.
xanthinus: yellow.
*''xanthocarpus'': yellow-fruited.
*''xantholeucus'': yellow-white.
xanthocarpus: yellow-fruited.
*''xanthophyllus'': yellow-leaved.
xantholeucus: yellow-white.
xanthophyllus: yellow-leaved.
yedoensis: of Yedo or Yeddo (Japan).  
*''yedoensis'': of Yedo or Yeddo (Japan).  
*''yunnanensis'': of Province of Yunnan, China.
yunnanensis: of Province of Yun-nan, China.
zebrinus: zebra-striped.
*''zebrinus'': zebra-striped.
*''zeylanicus'': Ceylonian, of Ceylon; Cingalese; same as ceylanicus.
zeylanicus: Ceylonian, of Ceylon; Cingalese; same as ceylanicus.  
*''zonilis'': zonal, zoned.  
*''zonatus'': zoned, banded.
zonilis: zonal, zoned.  
zonatus: zoned, banded.
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