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Chionanthus (Greek for snow and flower; alluding to the abundance of snow-white fls.). Oleaceae. Fringe Tree. Woody plants grown for their profusely produced white flowers.
Shrubs or low trees, with deciduous, opposite and entire lvs.: fls. in loose panicles from lateral buds at the end of last year's branches, white, dioecious or only functionally dioecious; calyx 4-cleft; corolla divided nearly to the base in 4 narrow petals; stamens 2, short; ovary superior, 2-celled; style very short with a 2- lobed stigma: fr. a 1-seeded oval drupe.—Two species in E. N. Amer. and China. Ornamental shrubs, with large, dark green foliage, and very showy white fls. in early summer. The American species is almost hardy N., but requires a somewhat sheltered position; the Chinese may be more tender, but has proved hardy at the Arnold Arboretum. They thrive best in a somewhat moist and sandy loam, and in a sunny position. Prop. by seeds sown in fall or stratified; increased also by layers and by grafting under glass or budding in the open air on ash seedlings (in Europe, Fraxinus Ornus is preferred); sometimes by cuttings from forced plants in early spring.
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