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| name = ''Fragaria''
| common_names = Strawberry
| growth_habit = herbaceous
| high = ?  <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = ?  <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan =    <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
| exposure = ?  <!--- full sun, part-sun, semi-shade, shade, indoors, bright filtered (you may list more than 1) -->
| water = ?  <!--- frequent, regular, moderate, drought tolerant, let dry then soak -->
| features =    <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness =    <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
| bloom =    <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones = ?  <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image = Strawberries picked.jpg
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption = Harvested strawberries
| regnum = Plantae
| divisio = Magnoliophyta
| classis = Magnoliopsida
| ordo = Rosales
| familia = Rosaceae
| subfamilia = Rosoideae
| genus = Fragaria
[[Image:Strawberry flower.jpg|thumb|Strawberry flowers and developing fruit]]
Strawberry. The species of Fragaria, grown for the fruit. (For the morphology of the strawberry fruit, see Vol. I, page 40.)
Strawberry. The species of Fragaria, grown for the fruit. (For the morphology of the strawberry fruit, see Vol. I, page 40.)
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In the North, strawberries are usually mulched in the fall, in order to protect them from alternate freezing and thawing in the winter and early spring and to prevent the soil from heaving. In some cases the mulch is allowed to remain on the plants rather late in the spring, in order to retard the season of bloom. Sometimes the crop may be retarded a week or ten days by this means. It should not be removed until settled spring weather has come, nor left on so long that the plants bleach. The mulch is more necessary in regions of light and precarious snowfall than in those in which the snow blanket is deep and lies all winter. In regions of deep and continuous snowfall, a heavy mulch is likely to prove injurious. Experience has shown that the best mulch is some strawy material. Along the seacoast, salt hay from the tide marshes is much used. In interior places clean straw, in which there is no grain to sprout and to make weeds, is very largely employed. (Fig. 3717.) In the South, pine needles are used. Sometimes loose strawy manure is used, and the mulch adds fertilizer to the soil as well as affords protection. Corn fodder, leaves, brakes, seaweed, evergreen boughs, and other wild herbage are used occasionally. Cowpeas and sorghum are grown for mulching material when straw is scarce. The practice of growing oats, barley, or some other small grain between the rows of strawberries, to fall down and mulch the berries, is not generally advisable. Under ordinary conditions the mulch is 3 or 4 inches deep over the plants after it is fairly well packed down. It is not always possible, however, to mulch as heavily as this, since the material is likely to be expensive when one has a large area. The mulch is usually applied late in the fall after the ground has frozen, and, if the material is abundant, both the plants and the intervening spaces are covered. In the spring the mulch is raked from the plants as soon as they begin to start. Some persons allow it to lie between the rows as a cover to retain moisture and to keep the berries clean. The most expert growers, however, prefer to take the mulch from the field and to till the plantation once or twice before the plants are in bloom; the material is then returned and spread on the loose soil between the rows and beneath the vines. In the northern prairie states, heavy mulching is essential. For western Minnesota and Dakota a covering of at least 6 inches of straw is advised. This mulch is easily provided, since straw is so abundant in that country that it is often burned as the readiest means of getting rid of it. When not mulched in that region, the plants are likely to be killed outright or to start with a very weak growth. Mulching for winter protection is not necessary south of Virginia and Missouri, but mulching to keep the fruit clean is as profitable in the South as in the North. The fruiting mulch is applied after the plants begin to bloom. Pine "straw" is used most. A large handful is dropped upon each plant; the leaves soon push through. Rarely is it desirable to cover the entire area between the rows. On the Pacific coast, strawberries are not mulched, as it is not necessary for winter protection, and it would interfere with irrigation.  
In the North, strawberries are usually mulched in the fall, in order to protect them from alternate freezing and thawing in the winter and early spring and to prevent the soil from heaving. In some cases the mulch is allowed to remain on the plants rather late in the spring, in order to retard the season of bloom. Sometimes the crop may be retarded a week or ten days by this means. It should not be removed until settled spring weather has come, nor left on so long that the plants bleach. The mulch is more necessary in regions of light and precarious snowfall than in those in which the snow blanket is deep and lies all winter. In regions of deep and continuous snowfall, a heavy mulch is likely to prove injurious. Experience has shown that the best mulch is some strawy material. Along the seacoast, salt hay from the tide marshes is much used. In interior places clean straw, in which there is no grain to sprout and to make weeds, is very largely employed. (Fig. 3717.) In the South, pine needles are used. Sometimes loose strawy manure is used, and the mulch adds fertilizer to the soil as well as affords protection. Corn fodder, leaves, brakes, seaweed, evergreen boughs, and other wild herbage are used occasionally. Cowpeas and sorghum are grown for mulching material when straw is scarce. The practice of growing oats, barley, or some other small grain between the rows of strawberries, to fall down and mulch the berries, is not generally advisable. Under ordinary conditions the mulch is 3 or 4 inches deep over the plants after it is fairly well packed down. It is not always possible, however, to mulch as heavily as this, since the material is likely to be expensive when one has a large area. The mulch is usually applied late in the fall after the ground has frozen, and, if the material is abundant, both the plants and the intervening spaces are covered. In the spring the mulch is raked from the plants as soon as they begin to start. Some persons allow it to lie between the rows as a cover to retain moisture and to keep the berries clean. The most expert growers, however, prefer to take the mulch from the field and to till the plantation once or twice before the plants are in bloom; the material is then returned and spread on the loose soil between the rows and beneath the vines. In the northern prairie states, heavy mulching is essential. For western Minnesota and Dakota a covering of at least 6 inches of straw is advised. This mulch is easily provided, since straw is so abundant in that country that it is often burned as the readiest means of getting rid of it. When not mulched in that region, the plants are likely to be killed outright or to start with a very weak growth. Mulching for winter protection is not necessary south of Virginia and Missouri, but mulching to keep the fruit clean is as profitable in the South as in the North. The fruiting mulch is applied after the plants begin to bloom. Pine "straw" is used most. A large handful is dropped upon each plant; the leaves soon push through. Rarely is it desirable to cover the entire area between the rows. On the Pacific coast, strawberries are not mulched, as it is not necessary for winter protection, and it would interfere with irrigation.  
Strawberry flowers may be either perfect or imperfect, and the nature of the flower is characteristic of the variety. In some kinds, the flower is perfect or hermaphrodite (having both stamens and pistils) and is consequently self-fertile. These are commonly called staminate varieties. In others it is pistillate, producing little or no pollen, and requiring a pollen-bearing variety to pollinate it. (Fig. 3718.) There are no modern varieties bearing only staminate or sterile flowers, although such forms were common about 1840. The perfect-flowered varieties differ greatly in the amount of pollen they produce. Some, as the Crescent and Glen Mary, bear so few stamens that they are practically pistillate or sterile. Any variety will fertilize any other variety if it bears sufficient pollen and if the two kinds bloom at the same time. The variety used as a pollinizer does not affect the shape, color, and quality of the fruit of the pistillate sort, as was once thought. It is preferable to plant an early-blooming pollinizer on one side of the rows of the pistillate sort, and a late-blooming pollinizer on the other side. When planting pistillate varieties, every third row should be a pollen-bearing kind. Pistillate varieties as a class are somewhat more productive and hardy than staminate varieties as a class; but this fact has little weight, since some staminate sorts are fully as prolific and hardy as the best pistillate varieties. It is an inconvenience to be obliged to mix varieties for pollination; hence pistillate varieties are steadily declining in popularity. In time, all North American varieties will be staminate, as is now the case in England. The horticultural bearing of the sexual characters of the strawberry flower was first clearly explained in this country by Nicholas Longworth, of Cincinnati (see page 1585; also his essay on the subject in his "Cultivation of the Grape," 1846, and the "Strawberry Report" of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society, 1848). When many of the achenes or "seeds" of the strawberry are not fertilized or are killed by frost or other means, the berry fails to develop at that point and a "nubbin," or imperfect berry, is the result (Fig. 3719). Nubbins are usually most abundant late in the fruiting-season, when the pollen-supply is small and when the plants are relatively exhausted.
Strawberry flowers may be either perfect or imperfect, and the nature of the flower is characteristic of the variety. In some kinds, the flower is perfect or hermaphrodite (having both stamens and pistils) and is consequently self-fertile. These are commonly called staminate varieties. In others it is pistillate, producing little or no pollen, and requiring a pollen-bearing variety to pollinate it. There are no modern varieties bearing only staminate or sterile flowers, although such forms were common about 1840. The perfect-flowered varieties differ greatly in the amount of pollen they produce. Some, as the Crescent and Glen Mary, bear so few stamens that they are practically pistillate or sterile. Any variety will fertilize any other variety if it bears sufficient pollen and if the two kinds bloom at the same time. The variety used as a pollinizer does not affect the shape, color, and quality of the fruit of the pistillate sort, as was once thought. It is preferable to plant an early-blooming pollinizer on one side of the rows of the pistillate sort, and a late-blooming pollinizer on the other side. When planting pistillate varieties, every third row should be a pollen-bearing kind. Pistillate varieties as a class are somewhat more productive and hardy than staminate varieties as a class; but this fact has little weight, since some staminate sorts are fully as prolific and hardy as the best pistillate varieties. It is an inconvenience to be obliged to mix varieties for pollination; hence pistillate varieties are steadily declining in popularity. In time, all North American varieties will be staminate, as is now the case in England. The horticultural bearing of the sexual characters of the strawberry flower was first clearly explained in this country by Nicholas Longworth, of Cincinnati (see page 1585; also his essay on the subject in his "Cultivation of the Grape," 1846, and the "Strawberry Report" of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society, 1848). When many of the achenes or "seeds" of the strawberry are not fertilized or are killed by frost or other means, the berry fails to develop at that point and a "nubbin," or imperfect berry, is the result. Nubbins are usually most abundant late in the fruiting-season, when the pollen-supply is small and when the plants are relatively exhausted.
Ordinarily the common varieties bear but once a year, in the spring. Under certain conditions of temperature and moisture they may become "double croppers," and give a fall crop, also. In the South, particularly in southern California, the bearing season may be extended over several months; but no varieties were consistently everbearing in the North until 1898, when Samuel Cooper, of Delevan, New York, found the Pan-American in a row of Bismarck. European everbearers, which are hybrids of the common strawberry and the Alpine, do not succeed here. The numerous descendants of the Pan-American are true everbearers; they yield a small quantity of berries throughout the season from spring-set plants. It is better, however, to cut off all blossoms until midsummer; then there will be considerable fruit from August until frost, but not so much as a good crop from a spring-bearing variety. The culture of the everbearers does not differ materially from that of other sorts, save in the cutting of the blossoms weekly, which is a heavy expense. They require rich soil and an equable supply of moisture; they fail in a dry season. The market for berries in late summer and fall is limited, and the cost of picking is heavy. The following spring, a year from the tune they were set, the everbearers produce a good crop, perhaps equaling that of single-bearing sorts. This is one point in which the North American everbearers are distinctly superior to those of Europe. The everbearers have little commercial future merely for supplying summer and fall berries, but their habit of bearing a heavy spring crop, also, may make them useful to some growers who cater to personal or near markets. They are not likely to find favor with those who grow strawberries for the wholesale market. The everbearers are valuable mainly for the home-garden.
Ordinarily the common varieties bear but once a year, in the spring. Under certain conditions of temperature and moisture they may become "double croppers," and give a fall crop, also. In the South, particularly in southern California, the bearing season may be extended over several months; but no varieties were consistently everbearing in the North until 1898, when Samuel Cooper, of Delevan, New York, found the Pan-American in a row of Bismarck. European everbearers, which are hybrids of the common strawberry and the Alpine, do not succeed here. The numerous descendants of the Pan-American are true everbearers; they yield a small quantity of berries throughout the season from spring-set plants. It is better, however, to cut off all blossoms until midsummer; then there will be considerable fruit from August until frost, but not so much as a good crop from a spring-bearing variety. The culture of the everbearers does not differ materially from that of other sorts, save in the cutting of the blossoms weekly, which is a heavy expense. They require rich soil and an equable supply of moisture; they fail in a dry season. The market for berries in late summer and fall is limited, and the cost of picking is heavy. The following spring, a year from the tune they were set, the everbearers produce a good crop, perhaps equaling that of single-bearing sorts. This is one point in which the North American everbearers are distinctly superior to those of Europe. The everbearers have little commercial future merely for supplying summer and fall berries, but their habit of bearing a heavy spring crop, also, may make them useful to some growers who cater to personal or near markets. They are not likely to find favor with those who grow strawberries for the wholesale market. The everbearers are valuable mainly for the home-garden.
The cost of growing an acre of strawberries under commercial conditions in Oswego County, New York, is approximately as follows:
Rent of land, two years $11 00
Plowing and fitting 6 00
Plants 15 00
Setting plants 4 00
Cultivation 16 00
Straw for winter and fruiting mulch 15 00
Labor—hoeing, pulling weeds, etc 10 00
Total cost $77 00
Many northern growers raise berries at a much less cost, and a few exceed this sum, especially when located near a large town where rents are high; but it would be safe for one about to engage in strawberry-growing to figure close to this total, aside from the cost of fertilizer.
A Michigan grower estimates that the cost of producing and marketing an average yield of 200 sixteen-quart crates to the acre is $1.56 a crate; and the average net return 88 cents a bushel, giving a profit of $88 an acre. This is fairly representative of field culture in the North. The high cost of production in Florida is in marked contrast. As reported by a Plant City grower it is:
Interest on investment and land $20 00
Interest on equipment 10 00
Preparation of land 10 00
Fertilizer 40 00
Plants 40 00
Setting plants 5 00
Cultivation 10 00
Picking 3,000 quarts at 2 1/2 cents 75 00
Grading and packing at 1 cent 30 00
100 crates at 15 cents 15 00
3,000 boxes 11 00
Hauling to station 10 00
$276 00
Still another phase of strawberry economics may be observed in southern California. There it costs 3 1/2 cents to produce and market a pint box of strawberries, and the average selling-price is about 5 cents. Although yields of 10,000 to 15,000 quarts to the acre are common, the expense of picking is very heavy, since the season lasts six to eight months, and it costs $150 an acre to set a new field, since it requires 30,000 plants to the acre. These examples serve to illustrate the very wide range of conditions. The average yield, according to recent, census statistics of the United States and Canada, is 1,700 quarts to the acre. The average selling-price, net to the grower, is 6 to 7 cents a quart. Authentic yields of 25,000 to 27,000 quarts to the acre have been secured under intensive culture.
New varieties of strawberries are raised from seed with the greatest ease. The generations of strawberries are short and new varieties soon find favor. The varieties change so frequently in popular estimation that it is impracticable to recommend a list of them in a work like this. The first great American berry was the Hovey, introduced in 1838. (Fig. 1861, Vol. III.) The most popular single variety has been the Wilson (Fig. 3720), introduced in 1854 and still popular in Canada and the northern Pacific states. It held almost undisputed control of the market from 1860 to 1880, when the Crescent and Sharpless secured recognition. These three are the most important North American varieties; two-thirds of the 348 varieties of known parentage have descended from them. Other old favorites, now no longer grown, are the Cumberland, Triumph, Downer Prolific, and Charles Downing. European varieties do not succeed here; notable exceptions are Jucunda, and Triomphe. Over 1,800 varieties of North American origin have been introduced but less than 150 of these have attained prominence. The oldest North American variety now cultivated is the Longworth, introduced in 1851; it is still prized in the San Francisco market. The dominant commercial varieties of today are the Dunlap, Haverland, Marshall, Klondyke, Aroma, Gandy, Glen Mary, Bubach, Brandywine, Clark, Warfield. At least fifty others are grown to a considerable extent. The accompanying pictures (Figs. 3720-3725) show types of American strawberries.
New varieties of strawberries are raised from seed with the greatest ease. The generations of strawberries are short and new varieties soon find favor. The varieties change so frequently in popular estimation that it is impracticable to recommend a list of them in a work like this. The first great American berry was the Hovey, introduced in 1838. (Fig. 1861, Vol. III.) The most popular single variety has been the Wilson (Fig. 3720), introduced in 1854 and still popular in Canada and the northern Pacific states. It held almost undisputed control of the market from 1860 to 1880, when the Crescent and Sharpless secured recognition. These three are the most important North American varieties; two-thirds of the 348 varieties of known parentage have descended from them. Other old favorites, now no longer grown, are the Cumberland, Triumph, Downer Prolific, and Charles Downing. European varieties do not succeed here; notable exceptions are Jucunda, and Triomphe. Over 1,800 varieties of North American origin have been introduced but less than 150 of these have attained prominence. The oldest North American variety now cultivated is the Longworth, introduced in 1851; it is still prized in the San Francisco market. The dominant commercial varieties of today are the Dunlap, Haverland, Marshall, Klondyke, Aroma, Gandy, Glen Mary, Bubach, Brandywine, Clark, Warfield. At least fifty others are grown to a considerable extent. The accompanying pictures (Figs. 3720-3725) show types of American strawberries.
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There are several serious fungous diseases and insect pests of the strawberry. White grub is controlled by avoiding newly plowed sod land when setting the bed; weevil, by planting largely of pistillate varieties or profuse-blooming staminate sorts; leaf-roller, by spraying with arsenate of lead, and burning the leaves; root-louse, by setting clean plants in clean land. The several types of leaf-blight (Fig. 3726) may be prevented to a considerable extent by spraying with bordeaux, but it is more practicable to plant resistant varieties. The fundamental treatment of all these is to fruit the bed but once, or at most but twice, and to grow succeeding crops on other land, cleaning up the old plantation thoroughly after the last fruiting. Short, quick, and sharp rotations and clean culture do much to keep all enemies in check.
There are several serious fungous diseases and insect pests of the strawberry. White grub is controlled by avoiding newly plowed sod land when setting the bed; weevil, by planting largely of pistillate varieties or profuse-blooming staminate sorts; leaf-roller, by spraying with arsenate of lead, and burning the leaves; root-louse, by setting clean plants in clean land. The several types of leaf-blight (Fig. 3726) may be prevented to a considerable extent by spraying with bordeaux, but it is more practicable to plant resistant varieties. The fundamental treatment of all these is to fruit the bed but once, or at most but twice, and to grow succeeding crops on other land, cleaning up the old plantation thoroughly after the last fruiting. Short, quick, and sharp rotations and clean culture do much to keep all enemies in check.
The American book writings on the strawberry are: R. G. Pardee. "A Complete Manual of the Cultivation of the Strawberry," New York, 1854. and subsequent editions: A. S. Fuller, "The Illustrated Strawberry Culturist," New York, 1862, and subsequent editions; J. M. Merrick, Jr., "The Strawberry and its Culture," Boston, 1870; Charles Barnard, "The Strawberry Garden," Boston, 1871; T. B. Terry and A. I. Root, "How to Grow Strawberries,” Medina, Ohio, 1890; L. J. Farmer, "Farmer on the Strawberry,” Pulaski, N. Y., 1891; A. F. Wilkinson, "Modern Strawberry-Growing," 1913. Aside from these writings, the strawberry is well treated in various books devoted to small-fruits and to fruit in general, and in the horticultural periodicals.
Strawberry-growing in the South.
Strawberry-growing in the South.
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For best results in growing strawberries a good system of rotation should be followed. In any system of rotation, a leguminous crop should be turned under once in three or four years, and a cultivated crop grown on the area the season before the strawberry plants are set. The following system of rotation is a good one for the South:
For best results in growing strawberries a good system of rotation should be followed. In any system of rotation, a leguminous crop should be turned under once in three or four years, and a cultivated crop grown on the area the season before the strawberry plants are set. The following system of rotation is a good one for the South:
1. Strawberries one or two years, followed by cowpeas after the strawberry plants are plowed under.
# Strawberries one or two years, followed by cowpeas after the strawberry plants are plowed under.
2. Early vegetables followed by cowpeas or late vegetables.
# Early vegetables followed by cowpeas or late vegetables.
3. Corn with cowpeas between the rows. The corn stubble and the cowpeas should be turned under for strawberries the following year, in case the plants are set in the spring.
# Corn with cowpeas between the rows. The corn stubble and the cowpeas should be turned under for strawberries the following year, in case the plants are set in the spring.
In sections where vegetables are not grown commercially, oats may follow the cowpeas turned under the second season.
In sections where vegetables are not grown commercially, oats may follow the cowpeas turned under the second season.
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Berries which are well graded and sorted and put in clean, neat, attractive packages of standard sizes command the highest price and sell most readily. The type of crate depends upon the boxes used. Any crate that is substantially built and well ventilated is satisfactory, but the cost is an important consideration, as they are not returned to the shipper. The largest crate that can be handled conveniently is the one to use, as the large ones are cheaper in proportion to the quantity of berries they carry. The twenty-four- and thirty-two- quart crates are in most common use, although in some sections the sixty-quart crate is employed. Crates with hinged lids have the advantage that they can be opened easily and quickly, and as a result invite inspection. A large part of the Florida crop is packed in quart boxes which are placed in pony refrigerators for shipment to northern markets.
Berries which are well graded and sorted and put in clean, neat, attractive packages of standard sizes command the highest price and sell most readily. The type of crate depends upon the boxes used. Any crate that is substantially built and well ventilated is satisfactory, but the cost is an important consideration, as they are not returned to the shipper. The largest crate that can be handled conveniently is the one to use, as the large ones are cheaper in proportion to the quantity of berries they carry. The twenty-four- and thirty-two- quart crates are in most common use, although in some sections the sixty-quart crate is employed. Crates with hinged lids have the advantage that they can be opened easily and quickly, and as a result invite inspection. A large part of the Florida crop is packed in quart boxes which are placed in pony refrigerators for shipment to northern markets.
The cost of growing strawberries in the South is from $75 to $150 an acre, divided about as follows:
Interest on investment (land and equipment) $8 00 to $15 00
Preparation of land 5 00 10 00
Manure or fertilizer 10 00 25 00
Plants 10 00 2000
Setting plants 8 00 12 00
Cultivating and hoeing 20 00 35 00
Mulching 15 00 25 00
Total for growing $76 00 to $142 00
Picking, grading, and packing 2,000 quarts $40 00 to $70 00
Crates and boxes 20 00 25 00
Hauling to station, loading, etc 5 00 10 00
Total for picking, packing, grading, etc $65 00 to $105 00
Total for growing 76 00 142 00
Grand total $141 00 to $247 00
The lower estimate is about the average for most sections of the South, while the higher figures cover the extreme cost. The average cost in Florida is between the two estimates, but nearer the higher.
The strawberry in California and northward.
The strawberry in California and northward.
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Within the past few years a new race of strawberries has been developed commonly called everbearing from their habit of producing fruit after the regular strawberry season has passed. This strain has now been permanently established and it is a great source of satisfaction to strawberry-lovers to have fruit after the regular season is over. There are several varieties of these everbearing strawberries, and every garden should have a few of them. They may be planted in any of the ways suggested for the regular varieties but they should have plenty of water during the summer to insure the full development of the fruit. In most locations in the northern states these varieties begin to ripen early in August and continue until heavy frosts. It is advisable to cut off the blossoms in May if a large crop is wanted in August, but they will fruit at both times after a short rest in July. Many of these varieties have a tendency to make too many plants and it is well to follow the same general directions as given for growing the standard varieties. Most of these everbearing varieties do very well in the usual hill culture.  
Within the past few years a new race of strawberries has been developed commonly called everbearing from their habit of producing fruit after the regular strawberry season has passed. This strain has now been permanently established and it is a great source of satisfaction to strawberry-lovers to have fruit after the regular season is over. There are several varieties of these everbearing strawberries, and every garden should have a few of them. They may be planted in any of the ways suggested for the regular varieties but they should have plenty of water during the summer to insure the full development of the fruit. In most locations in the northern states these varieties begin to ripen early in August and continue until heavy frosts. It is advisable to cut off the blossoms in May if a large crop is wanted in August, but they will fruit at both times after a short rest in July. Many of these varieties have a tendency to make too many plants and it is well to follow the same general directions as given for growing the standard varieties. Most of these everbearing varieties do very well in the usual hill culture.  
Forcing of strawberries. (Figs. 3731, 3732.)
Forcing of strawberries.
The forcing of strawberries for a winter crop has not as yet become of any great commercial importance in North America. Some gardeners grow a few potted plants for either Christmas or Easter decoration. Very few, if any, commercial growers are forcing strawberries exclusively to any profitable extent. The few strawberries that are forced are grown either in pots or planted out on benches. The former method is the one generally employed. There are several good reasons for this, some of which are: first, the confinement of the roots; second, the ability to ripen the crowns in the fall; third, the control of fertilizers and liquid manure: fourth, the privilege of having the crop grown in several houses at one time or brought from a coolhouse into heat; and fifth, the opportunity to supply particular demand of the potted plants or their fruits. The first expense of the pot method is considerably more than when the plants are grown in the benches, but after the pots are once purchased the cost of each method should be about the same.
The forcing of strawberries for a winter crop has not as yet become of any great commercial importance in North America. Some gardeners grow a few potted plants for either Christmas or Easter decoration. Very few, if any, commercial growers are forcing strawberries exclusively to any profitable extent. The few strawberries that are forced are grown either in pots or planted out on benches. The former method is the one generally employed. There are several good reasons for this, some of which are: first, the confinement of the roots; second, the ability to ripen the crowns in the fall; third, the control of fertilizers and liquid manure: fourth, the privilege of having the crop grown in several houses at one time or brought from a coolhouse into heat; and fifth, the opportunity to supply particular demand of the potted plants or their fruits. The first expense of the pot method is considerably more than when the plants are grown in the benches, but after the pots are once purchased the cost of each method should be about the same.
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Strict attention must be given to syringing the foliage every pleasant day. Keep the walks wet until the time of blossoming. This moisture keeps down the red-spider. At blossoming time the house should be allowed to dry out, and a free circulation of air should be maintained, through the middle of the day, in order to ripen the pollen. It is necessary to pollinate each flower by hand. The pollination may be done in the middle of the day while the houses are dry. A small camel-hair brush is useful for distributing the pollen. A ladle or spoon should also be provided in order to carry the surplus pollen. The surplus pollen may be used on varieties that are pistillate or do not have pollen enough to set their own fruits. Six to eight fruits are enough for a 6-inch pot. When these are set the remaining flowers should be cut off, in order that the entire strength of the plant may go to swelling the chosen fruits. After swelling begins, liquid manure should be given. During the first week give one dilute application. After this give two applications a week, increasing the strength of the manure liquid each time. Well-rotted cow-manure or sheep-droppings furnish good material for this purpose. When the fruits are coloring the liquid manure should be withheld and only clear water given. As they swell, the fruits will need support, and the best method of furnishing this is probably by using small-meshed window-screen wire cut into suitable squares. These squares may be laid on the pot, under the clusters of fruits. They hold the fruits away from the sides of the pots, protect them from any water or liquid manure that is given the plants, and enhance the beauty of the potted plant. After one fruiting, the plants are worthless.
Strict attention must be given to syringing the foliage every pleasant day. Keep the walks wet until the time of blossoming. This moisture keeps down the red-spider. At blossoming time the house should be allowed to dry out, and a free circulation of air should be maintained, through the middle of the day, in order to ripen the pollen. It is necessary to pollinate each flower by hand. The pollination may be done in the middle of the day while the houses are dry. A small camel-hair brush is useful for distributing the pollen. A ladle or spoon should also be provided in order to carry the surplus pollen. The surplus pollen may be used on varieties that are pistillate or do not have pollen enough to set their own fruits. Six to eight fruits are enough for a 6-inch pot. When these are set the remaining flowers should be cut off, in order that the entire strength of the plant may go to swelling the chosen fruits. After swelling begins, liquid manure should be given. During the first week give one dilute application. After this give two applications a week, increasing the strength of the manure liquid each time. Well-rotted cow-manure or sheep-droppings furnish good material for this purpose. When the fruits are coloring the liquid manure should be withheld and only clear water given. As they swell, the fruits will need support, and the best method of furnishing this is probably by using small-meshed window-screen wire cut into suitable squares. These squares may be laid on the pot, under the clusters of fruits. They hold the fruits away from the sides of the pots, protect them from any water or liquid manure that is given the plants, and enhance the beauty of the potted plant. After one fruiting, the plants are worthless.
| color = lightgreen
| name = Strawberry
| image = StrawberryWatercolor.jpg
| image_width = 240px
| image_caption =
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
| divisio = [[Flowering plant|Magnoliophyta]]
| classis = [[Magnoliopsida]]
| ordo = [[Rosales]]
| familia = [[Rosaceae]]
| subfamilia = [[Rosoideae]]
| genus = '''''Fragaria'''''
| genus_authority = [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]
| subdivision_ranks = [[Species]]
| subdivision =
''20+ species; see text''
The '''strawberry''' (''Fragaria'') is a genus of [[plant]]s in the family ''[[Rosaceae]]'', and the [[fruit]] of these plants. There are more than 20 named [[species]] and many hybrids and [[cultivar]]s. The most common strawberries grown commercially are cultivars of the [[Garden strawberry]], ''Fragaria'' &times; ''ananassa''. Strawberries are a valuable source of [[vitamin C]]. See [[Garden Strawberry]] for information about the fruit as a food.
The strawberry is an [[accessory fruit]]; that is, the fleshy part is derived not from the ovaries which are the "seeds" (actually [[achene]]s) but from the peg at the bottom of the [[hypanthium]] that held the ovaries. So from a technical standpoint, the seeds are the actual fruits of the plant, and the flesh of the strawberry is modified receptacle tissue.  It is Whitish-Green as it develops and in most species turns red when ripe.
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The typical modern strawberry, of species fragaria, comes from the [[Americas]], and is a hybrid of both north and south american varieties. Ironically, the crossbreeding was done in Europe to correct a mistake; the European [[horticulturist]]s had only brought female South American plants, and were forced to cross them with the North American variety in order to get fruit and seeds.
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Fragaria comes from "fragans", meaning odorous, an allusion to the perfumed flesh of the fruit. Madam [[Thérésa Tallien|Tallien]], a great figure of the [[French Revolution]], who was nicknamed Our Lady of [[Thermidorian Reaction|Thermidor]], used to take baths full of strawberries to keep the full radiance of her skin.
===Pests and diseases===
[[Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle|Fontenelle]], centenarian writer and gourmet of the 18th century, considered his long life was due to the strawberries he used to eat.
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There are more than 20 different ''Fragaria'' species worldwide.  Key to the classification of strawberry species is recognizing that they vary in the number of [[chromosomes]]. There are seven basic ''types'' of chromosomes that they all have in common. However, they exhibit different [[polyploidy]]. Some species are diploid, having two sets of the seven chromosomes (14 chromosomes total). Others are tetraploid (four sets, 28 chromosomes total), hexaploid (six sets, 42 chromosomes total), octoploid (eight sets, 56 chromosomes total), or decaploid (ten sets, 70 chromosomes total).
There are more than 20 different ''Fragaria'' species worldwide.  Key to the classification of strawberry species is recognizing that they vary in the number of [[chromosomes]].{{wp}}
As a rough rule (with exceptions), strawberry species with more chromosomes tend to be more robust and produce larger plants with larger berries (Darrow).
As a rough rule (with exceptions), strawberry species with more chromosomes tend to be more robust and produce larger plants with larger berries (Darrow).{{wp}}
;Diploid species
;Diploid species{{wp}}
[[Image:Fragaria_vesca_2.jpg|thumb|right|[[Woodland Strawberry]], ''Fragaria vesca'']]
[[Image:Fragaria_vesca_2.jpg|thumb|right|[[Woodland Strawberry]], ''Fragaria vesca'']]
*''[[Fragaria daltoniana]]''
*''[[Fragaria daltoniana]]''
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*''[[Fragaria yezoensis]]''
*''[[Fragaria yezoensis]]''
;Tetraploid species
;Tetraploid species{{wp}}
*''[[Fragaria moupinensis]]''
*''[[Fragaria moupinensis]]''
*''[[Fragaria orientalis]]''
*''[[Fragaria orientalis]]''
;Hexaploid species
;Hexaploid species{{wp}}
*[[Musk Strawberry|''Fragaria moschata'']] (Musk Strawberry)  
*[[Musk Strawberry|''Fragaria moschata'']] (Musk Strawberry)  
;Octoploid species and hybrids
;Octoploid species and hybrids{{wp}}
*[[Garden Strawberry|''Fragaria x ananassa'']] (Garden Strawberry)
*[[Garden Strawberry|''Fragaria x ananassa'']] (Garden Strawberry)
*[[Beach Strawberry|''Fragaria chiloensis'']] (Beach Strawberry)
*[[Beach Strawberry|''Fragaria chiloensis'']] (Beach Strawberry)
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*[[Virginia Strawberry|''Fragaria virginiana'']] (Virginia Strawberry)
*[[Virginia Strawberry|''Fragaria virginiana'']] (Virginia Strawberry)
;Decaploid species and hybrids
;Decaploid species and hybrids{{wp}}
*[[Fragaria × Potentilla hybrids]]
*[[Fragaria × Potentilla hybrids]]
*''[[Fragaria × vescana]]''
*''[[Fragaria × vescana]]''
Numerous other species have been proposed. Some are now recognized as subspecies of one of the above species (see GRIN taxonomy database).  
Numerous other species have been proposed. Some are now recognized as subspecies of one of the above species (see GRIN taxonomy database). {{wp}}
The [[Mock Strawberry]] and [[Barren Strawberry]], which both bear resemblance to ''Fragaria'', are closely related species in the genus ''[[Potentilla]]''.  The [[Strawberry tree]] is an unrelated species.
The [[Mock Strawberry]] and [[Barren Strawberry]], which both bear resemblance to ''Fragaria'', are closely related species in the genus ''[[Potentilla]]''.  The [[Strawberry tree]] is an unrelated species.{{wp}}
A number of species of [[Lepidoptera]] feed on strawberry plants; for details see [[list of Lepidoptera which feed on Strawberry plants|this list]].
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{{Main|List of strawberry diseases}}
The name is derived from [[Old English language|Old English]] ''[[wiktionary:streawberige|strēawberiġe]]'' which is a compound of ''streaw'' meaning "straw" and ''berige'' meaning "berry". The reason for this is unclear. It may derive from the strawlike appearance of the runners, or from an obsolete denotation of straw, meaning "chaff", referring to the scattered appearance of the achenes. 
Interestingly, in other Germanic countries there is a tradition of collecting wild strawberries by threading them on straws. In those countries people find ''straw-berry'' to be an easy word to learn considering their association with straws.
There is an alternative theory that the name derives from the Anglo-Saxon verb for "strew" (meaning to spread around) which was streabergen (Strea means "strew" and Bergen means "berry" or "fruit") and thence to streberie, straiberie, strauberie, straubery, strauberry, and finally, "strawberry", the word which we use today. The name might have come from the fact that the fruit and various runners appear "strewn" along the ground.
[[Popular etymology]] has it that it comes from gardeners' practice of [[mulch|mulching]] strawberries with [[straw]] to protect the fruits from rot (a pseudoetymology that can be found in non-linguistic sources such as the [[Old Farmer's Almanac]] 2005). However, there is no evidence that the Anglo-Saxons ever grew strawberries, and even less that they knew of this practice.<!--see talk page for some discussion on this claim-->
Image:Strawberry surface closeup.jpg|Closeup of the surface of a strawberry
Image:Strawberry surface closeup.jpg|Closeup of the surface of a strawberry
Image:Strawberry flower.jpg|Strawberry flowers and developing fruit
Image:StrawberryWatercolor.jpg|Strawberry Watercolor
Image:Strawberries picked.jpg|Harvested strawberries
Image:Whole_wild_strawberry_plant_UK_2006.JPG|A wild strawberry plant, showing characteristic shape
Image:Whole_wild_strawberry_plant_UK_2006.JPG|A wild strawberry plant, showing characteristic shape
Image:Strawberrypollination2102.JPG|Strawberry farms generally add hives of [[Western honey bee|honeybees]] to [[pollination management|improve pollination]]
Image:Strawberrypollination2102.JPG|Strawberry farms generally add hives of [[Western honey bee|honeybees]] to [[pollination management|improve pollination]]
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Image:Strawberry farm in DaHu Taiwan.JPG|Strawberry farm in DaHu, [[Taiwan]]
Image:Strawberry farm in DaHu Taiwan.JPG|Strawberry farm in DaHu, [[Taiwan]]
*The Norwegian municipalities of [[Norddal]] and [[Kvæfjord]] have strawberries in their coat-of-arms.
*The strawberry is the state fruit of [[Louisiana]].
*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
*Strawberry Music is a retailer of music in the United States
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
*Strawberry is a clothing store in The Mall at the World Trade Center that survived the collapse, the store was next to New Balance and Tie Rack, and across Casual Corner
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
*Strawberry was one of the fruits offered for bonus points in the game [[PacMan]].
<!--- xxxxx  *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608  -->
==See also==
==External links==
*[[Garden Strawberry]]
*[[Epigynous berry]]
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==References and external links==
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*Darrow, George M. The Strawberry: History, Breeding and Physiology. New York. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. [ Available online].
*[ List of Fragaria resources, USDA]
*[ GRIN Fragaria Taxonomy Database] Listing of ''Fragaria'' species, also from a USDA website
tle=Fragraria_vesca Medicinal uses of strawberries in Armenia]
*[ ''Fragaria chiloensis'' pictures from ''Chilebosque'']
*[[b:A Wikimanual of Gardening Volume 4/Strawberry|A wikimanual of Gardening: Strawberry]]
*[ Strawberry pest management guidelines]
*[ Crossing of cv. 'Mieze Schindler' with cv. 'Elsanta']
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[[Category:Fragaria| ]]
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[[Category:Accessory fruit]]

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