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Allamanda cathartica, Linn. Lvs. and calyx glabrous: plant tall-climbing: lvs. rather small, obovate, usually in 4's, and more or less wavy-margined, thin, acuminate: fls. golden yellow, white-marked in the throat, the lobes acuminate on one angle, 3 in. or less across, the tube gibbous or curved. S. Amer. B.M. 338. P.M. 8:77.— The type first described, but now rarely seen in cult.
Var. nobilis (A.nobilis, T. Moore). A strong, tall climber, with purple twigs: lvs. and calyx more or less hairy: lvs. in 3's or 4's, large, acuminate, very short- stalked: fls. very large (4-5 in. across), nearly circular in outline of limb, bright, clear yellow, with magnolia-like odor. Finest fls. in the genus. Brazil. B.M. 5764.
Var. schottii, (A. Schottii, Pohl). Strong-growing, suitable for rafters: young shoots and petioles slightly pubescent, the older sts. warty: lvs. in 3's or 4's, broadly lanceolate and acuminate: corolla large, rich yellow, the throat darker and beautifully striped. Brazil. B.M. 4351. A. magnifica, Hort., is a form of this.
Var. hendersonii (A. Wardleyana, Lebas. A. Hendersonii, Bull). Tall and vigorous, free-flowering, excellent for roofs: glabrous: lvs. large, elliptic-ovate, thick and leathery, in 3's or 4's: fls. large, yellow- orange, with 5 light spots in the throat, the corolla of thick substance, purplish on the exterior when in bud.—The commonest allamanda in this country. Intro. from Guiana by Henderson & Co., St. John's Wood, England, and distributed by Bull about 1865.
Var. grandiflora (A. grandiflora, Hook.). St. thin and wiry: lvs. thin, ovate-lanceolate, pointed, usually in 3's: fls. somewhat smaller than those of var. A. Hendersonii but larger than A. cathartica, lemon- or primrose-yellow. Brazil. —Thrives well when grafted on forms of A. cathartica. Plant rather bushy.
Var. Williamsii, Hort. Habit slender, easily trained into bush form or a dwarf climber: sts. terete, slender, wiry, dull green, bright red on side exposed to the sun, covered with short hairs: lvs. elliptic shortly petiolate, usually in 3's or rarely in 4's, rich dark green above, pale dull green below, hairy on both sides, especially along the midrib on the lower side; petiole 1/3 in. long, hairy: infl. rather short; fls. in pairs at each joint of the cyme; bracts much reduced, barely 1/16 in. long, acute; calyx erect, not spreading, sepals unequal, lanceolate, or elliptic, 1/3 in. long, green; corolla yellow, tube only slightly curved 2 1/2 in. long, narrow and stalk-like in lower half, then broadening out and becoming campanulate in upper half, upper side of the pouch suffused with reddish brown, limb spreading, 2 in. diam., lobes ovate, obtuse, 3/4 in. long, throat deeper shade of yellow and stained with reddish brown. Garden origin.
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