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The ashes grow in almost any moderately moist soil, F. nigra being somewhat more moisture-loving, while F. oxycarpa, F. ornus, F. syriaca and F. cuspidata grow well even in drier situations. They are usually readily transplanted and grow rapidly when young. Propagation is by seeds gathered in fall and sown immediately, or stratified and sown in spring, covered with about 1 inch of good soil; sometimes they remain dormant until the second year. The varieties and rarer kinds are budded in late summer or grafted in spring on the seedlings of any of the common species.
The ashes grow in almost any moderately moist soil, F. nigra being somewhat more moisture-loving, while F. oxycarpa, F. ornus, F. syriaca and F. cuspidata grow well even in drier situations. They are usually readily transplanted and grow rapidly when young. Propagation is by seeds gathered in fall and sown immediately, or stratified and sown in spring, covered with about 1 inch of good soil; sometimes they remain dormant until the second year. The varieties and rarer kinds are budded in late summer or grafted in spring on the seedlings of any of the common species.
F. angustifolia, Vahl. Closely related to F. oxycarpa. Lfts. 7-13, elliptic-lanceolate to lanceolate, serrate, ½ - 1 ½ in. long: fr. obtuse at the base. S. Eu., N. Afr., W. Asia. Var. auttralis, Schncid. (F. australis, Gay). Lfts. below and rachia hairy. — F. argtntea, Loisel., is a variety of F. Ornus, not in cult., but in gardens often other ashes, especially variegated forms, are cult, under this name. — F . australis, Gay=F. angustifolia var. australis. — F. Berlandieriana, DC. Allied to F. lanceolata. Tree, to 70 ft. : lfts. 3-6, ovate or obovate, serrate, downy along the veins beneath, to 4 in. long. Texas to Mex.S.S. 6:273.— F. bracteata, Hemsl.=F. Griffithii. — F . coriacea, Wats. Allied to F. velutina. Tree, to 30 ft. : lfts. 5, sub-coriaceous, ovate to oblong, acute, broadly cuneate or rounded at the base, glabrous or pubescent below. S.Calif, to Utah, Ariz., Nev. S.S. 14:713. F. dimorpha, Coss. A Dur.=F. xanthoxyloides var. dimorpha. — F . dipetala, Hook. A Arn. Allied to F. cuspidata. Shrub: lfts. 5-7. elliptic or ovate, serrate or entire, ½  - 2 in. long: fls. with 2 obovate petals. Calif., Men. S.S. 6:261. Tender. — F. floribunda, Wall. Allied to F. longicuspis. Tree, to 40 ft.: Ifts. 5-7, ovate- lanceolate, serrate, reticulate beneath, 2-4 in. long: panicles large, to 10 in. long; petals oblong. Himalayas. Tender. — F. floridana, Sarg.=F. pauciflora. — F. Greggii, Gray. Allied to F. cuspidata. Small tree: lfts. 3-7, oblong-obovate, crenately serrate, or entire, ½ -1 in. long: fr. linear-oblong, emarginate. 8.8.6:262. G.F. 2:451.— F. Griffithii, Clarke (F. bracteata, Hemsl.). Allied to F. mariesii. Tree, to 40 ft.: lfts. 5-7, subcoriaceous, elliptic to ovate- lanceolate, lustrous above, bright green below and pubescent on the veins, 2—1 in. long: infl. 6-8 in. high, with persistent lanceolate bracts; petals 4: fr. spatulate. Cent. China, Himalayas, Java. — F. hololricha. Koehne. Allied to F. potamophila. Tree: lfts. 9-13, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, pubescent on both sides, 1 ½ -3 in, long: fls. in 10-fld. racemes; ovary pubescent. Origin unknown. — F. hybrida, Lingelsh. =F. pauciflora. — F. pauciflora, Nutt. (F. floridana, Sarg. F. hybrida, Lingelsh.). Allied to F. caroliniana. Tree, to 40 ft.: lfts. 3-5, oblong, acuminate, cuneate at the base, tomentose below: fr. oblong-lanceolate, rounded or emarginate at the apex. Ga. to Fla. S.S. 14:717.— F. paxidna, Lingelsh. Allied to F. longicuspis. Tree, to 40 ft.: lfts. 7-0. sessile, ovate, crenulate, 4-7 in. long: panicle large and dense: fr. 1-1 ¼ in. long, 1/5 in. broad. Cent. China, Himalayas. — F. platypoda, Oliver. Allied to F. americana. Tree: petioles enlarged and winged at the base; lfts. 5-7, ovate-lanceolate, finely serrate, hairy along the midrib below, 2-4 in.: fr. narrow-oblong, acute. Cent. China. H.I. 20:1929. — F. pro/Undo, Bush. Allied to F. pennsylvanica. Lfts. 7-9, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, entire, 3-6 in. long, tomentose beneath: fr. 2-2 ½ in., with decurrent wing. Ind., Ark., to Fla. S.S. 14:714-5. — F. pubinersis. Blume. Allied to F. longicuspis. Lfts, usually 9, ovate to oblong-ovate, serrate with incurved teeth, pubescent on the veins below, 3-5 in. long: fr. oblanceolate. Japan.—F. raibocarpa, Regel. Shrub; lfts. 3-7, oblong or oblong-obovate, usually entire, obtuse, 1-2 in. long: fr. strongly falcate with obovate not decurrent wing. Turkestan, Bukhar.—F. retusa, Champ. Allied to F. mariesii. Tree: lfts. about 5, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, reticulate, 2-3 in. long. Hongkong. Var. Henryana, Oliver. Shrub or tree, to 35 ft.: lfta. slender-stalked, oblong to lanceolate, serrulate, 3-5 in. long: panicle dense, 4-6 in. long: ¼ - 1 in. long, emarginate. Cent. China. H.I. 20:1930. Only the variety is in cult.—F. sogdiana, Bunge. Allied to F. potamophila. Lfts. 7-11, ovate-lanceolate, bright green: fr. 1 ¼  in. long, obtuse or emarginate. Turkestan.—F. texensis. Sarg. Allied to F. americana. Tree, to 40 ft.: lfts. 5, broadly oval or ovate, rounded or acute at the apex. 1 ½ - 2 ½ in. long. Texas. S.S. 6:270.—F. theophrastii, Nouv. Duh., is a variety of F. ornus, but in gardens other forms are sometimes cult, under this name.—F. xanthoxyloides, Wrall. Shrub or small tree, to 25 ft.:
rachia narrowly winged: lfts. 5-9, oblong, crenulate-serrate,
glabrous, ½ - 1 ½ in. long: fls. from axillary leafless buds, usually perfect, with calyx: fr. oblong. Himalayas. Var. dimorpha, Lingelsh. (F. dimorpha, Coss. A Dur.). Lfts. sessile, roundish oval to oblong, pubescent on the midrib below. N. Afr. Var. dumosa, Lingelsh. (F. dimorpha var. dumosa, Carr.). A low shrubby form of the preceding variety, with small lfts.—This species belongs to the section Sciadanthus, having perfect apetalous fls. with calyx.
Alfred Rehder.


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