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Thuja plicata, Don (T. gigantea, Nutt. T. Menziesii, Douglas. T. Lobbii, Hort.). Fig. 3800. Tall tree, attaining 200 ft., with short horizontal branches often pendulous at the ends, forming a narrow pyramid: trunk with a much-buttressed base and clothed with cinnamon-red bark: branchlets slender, regularly and closely set: lvs. bright green and glossy above, dark green beneath and with whitish triangular spots: lvs. of vigorous shoots widely spaced, ending in long points parallel to axis, of the lateral branchlets acute and scarcely glandular: cones cylindric-ovoid, little over 1/2 in. long; scales 8-10, elliptic-oblong, usually the 3 middle pairs fertile; seeds winged, notched at the apex. Alaska to N. Calif. and Mont. S.S. 10:533. G.C. III. 21:215, 258 (adapted in Fig. 3800). G.F. 4:116. Gn. 74, p. 65. G. 9:305. M.D.G. 1909:42. Var. atrovirens, Sudw. (T. gigantea atrovirens, Beissn.). Foliage dark green. Var. fastigiata, Schneid. (T. gigantea fastigiata, Beissn. T. gigantea pyramidalis, Bean). Columnar form. G.C. III. 41:200. Var. gracilis, Rehd. (T. gigantea var. gracilis, Beissn.). Smaller tree, with more slender branches and smaller foliage of paler green. Var. pendula, Schneid. (T. gigantea pendula, Beissn.). Form with slender pendulous branches.
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