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Daboecia (after its Irish name, St. Dabeoc's Heath). More commonly spelled Daboecia, and sometimes Dabeocia. Syn., Boretta. Ericaceae. Shrub cultivated for its purple flowers appearing in summer.
Low evergreen with alternate entire Lvs. and drooping pedicelled fls. in long terminal racemes: corolla ovoid, contracted at the mouth and shortly 4-lobed, with recurved lobes; stamens 8, included: caps. 4- celled, dehiscent.—One species in W. Eu.
This is a very pretty heath-like plant, with purple or white flowers in elegant loose racemes, well adapted for rockeries or borders of evergreen shrubberies. Requires protection North during the winter, and thrives best in a peaty, sandy soil. Propagated by seeds treated like those of Erica, and by cuttings of half-ripened wood under glass.
| color = lightgreen
| color = lightgreen


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