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Diervilla (after Diereville, a French surgeon, who took D. Lonicera to Europe early in the eighteenth century). Caprifoliaceae. Weigela. Ornamental deciduous shrubs, grown for their showy flowers appearing profusely in spring and early summer.
Leaves opposite, petioled or nearly sessile, serrate: fls. in 1- to several-fld. axillary cymes, often panicled at the end of the branches, yellowish white, pink or crimson, epigynous; calyx 5-toothed or 5-parted; corolla tubular or campanulate, 5-lobed, sometimes slightly 2-lipped; stamens 5; style slender with large capitate stigma; ovary inferior, elongated, 2-celled: fr. a slender, 2-valved caps, with numerous minute seeds.—About 10 species in E. Asia and N. Amer.
Diervillas are shrubs of spreading habit, with more or less arching branches, rather large leaves, and, especially the Asiatic species, with very showy flowers from pure white to dark crimson, appearing in spring. A very large number of hybrids between the different Asiatic species have been raised and have become great favorites in gardens on account of their profusely produced and delicately tinted flowers. The earliest to bloom are D, praecox and its hybrids and also D. florida var. venusta, which begin to flower in Massachusetts about the middle of May; the latest is D. rivularis. The American species are hardy North and prefer moist and partly shaded positions. Of the Asiatic species D, Middendorffiana is the hardiest, but rarely does well; it seems to grow best in humid sandy or peaty soil and in positions sheltered from strong winds; it dislikes hot and dry air; D. florida also is rather hardy and one of the handsomest species of the genus. The other Asiatic species require protection during the winter or sheltered positions. They thrive well in any humid garden soil. Propagation is readily effected by greenwood cuttings or hardwood cuttings; the American species usually by suckers and by seeds sown in spring.
D. splendens, Carr. (D. Lonicera X D. sessilifolia). Intermediate between the parents; more similar to L. sessilifolia, but lvs. short- petioled. Garden origin.—D. suaris, Komarov. Allied to D. japonica, Lvs. ovate-lanceolate, ciliate, otherwise glabrous, sparingly serrate, 1-2 in. long: corolla white, pink outside; style not exserted. Manchuria. Recently intro.; presumably quite hardy.— D. Wagneri, Kusnesov (D. japonica X D. Middendorffiana). Lvs. ovate-oblong, glabrous except on the veins below: fls. axillary on short branchlets; sepals lanceolate, distinct or partly connate, pink, tinged yellowish. Garden origin. Gt. 48:1461.—Doubtful whether still in cult. Alfred Rehder.
: ''"Bush Honeysuckle" is also the common name of ''[[Lonicera maackii]]'', a common invasive shrub in the United States and New Zealand.''
: ''"Bush Honeysuckle" is also the common name of ''[[Lonicera maackii]]'', a common invasive shrub in the United States and New Zealand.''
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