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Rhizome short-creeping: sts. erect; simple below the infl., leafy: infl. terminal, or laxly dichotomous in the upper axils: fls. few, rather large, somewhat long-pedicelled; perianth usually beautifully spotted inside, campanulate, segms. distinct from the base, lanceolate, acute; stamens 6; ovary oblong, 3-cornered, 3-celled: caps. narrowly oblong, prominently 3-cornered, septicidally dehiscent, erect, usually more than 1 in. long.— About 9 species, native to Japan and Formosa. Monographed by J. G. Baker in Journal Linnaean Society, vol. 17, p. 463 (1879).
Rhizome short-creeping: sts. erect; simple below the infl., leafy: infl. terminal, or laxly dichotomous in the upper axils: fls. few, rather large, somewhat long-pedicelled; perianth usually beautifully spotted inside, campanulate, segms. distinct from the base, lanceolate, acute; stamens 6; ovary oblong, 3-cornered, 3-celled: caps. narrowly oblong, prominently 3-cornered, septicidally dehiscent, erect, usually more than 1 in. long.— About 9 species, native to Japan and Formosa. Monographed by J. G. Baker in Journal Linnaean Society, vol. 17, p. 463 (1879).
T. grandiflora, Hort., should be compared with T. hirta var. nigra. It is a name scarcely known to botany. It is said to have orchid-like fragrant fls. in Oct. and Nov. (Baker says the genus has no fragrant fls.). Dutch growers say that T. grandiflora, has white fls. mottled with black.
T. grandiflora, Hort., should be compared with T. hirta var. nigra. It is a name scarcely known to botany. It is said to have orchid-like fragrant fls. in Oct. and Nov. (Baker says the genus has no fragrant fls.). Dutch growers say that T. grandiflora, has white fls. mottled with black.


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