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Distylium (Greek, dis, twice, stylos, style; in reference to the two slender styles), Hamamelidaceae. Ornamental woody plants grown for their handsome evergreen foliage.
Evergreen trees or shrubs: lvs. alternate, short- petioled, entire, or dentate, penninerved; stipules deciduous: fls. polygamous or dioecious, apetalous, in axillary racemes, subtended by small bracts; sepals 1-5, or wanting; stamens 2-8 with short filaments; pistillate fls. with a superior stellate-tomentose ovary, with 2 slender styles, with several stamens or without stamens: fr. a woody dehiscent caps., 2-celled, with 1 seed in each cell.—Six species hi Japan, China, Himalayas and Java. Hardy only in warmer temperate regions. Prop, is by seeds and layers.
| color = lightgreen
| color = lightgreen


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