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Diuris (Greek, double-tailed, alluding to the sepals). Orchidaceae. Twenty or more glabrous terrestrial orchids of Austral., rarely seen in collections in cool or warm glasshouses. The lvs. are at or near the base of the bracted st. (which is usually 1-2 ft. high), few, narrow: fls. 1 to several in a terminal raceme, conspicuous from the elongated tail-like lateral green sepals; remainder of perianth yellow, purple or white, sometimes purple-blotched or -spotted; dorsal sepal remaining close to and over the column; lip 3-parted. The species are attractive or even handsome. D. longifolia, R. Br., has fls. several, yellow and purple, moderately large; dorsal sepal broadly ovate, the lateral long and narrow; lip as long as dorsal sepal, lobed from the base: lvs. linear, one of them often very long. D. maculata, Smith, is rather slender, usually under 1 ft. tall, with long-pedicelled yellow much-spotted fls.; dorsal sepal erect and rigid, embracing the column at the base but open at the top; lip shorter than dorsal sepal, lobed from base: Ivs. narrow. B.M. 3156. D. punctata, Smith. St. 1-2 ft. or more: lvs. usually 2, and 3-6 in. long: fls. 2 or 3, blue or purplish, often dotted but not blotched; dorsal sepal typically broadly ovate-oblong; lip about as long as dorsal sepal, divided to base. L. H. B.
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