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Doronicum (Latinized Arabic name). Composite. Leopard's Bane. Hardy herbaceous plants, 1-2 feet high, with yellow many-flowered heads.
Stems little branched or not at all: lvs. alternate, radical ones long-stalked, st.-lvs. distant, often clasping the st.: heads mostly one on a st. and 2—3 in. across, borne high above the basal crown of foliage, from April to June.—From 20-30 species, natives of Eu. and Temp. Asia. The genus is allied to Arnica and distinguished by the alternate lvs. and by the style.
The plants are of easy culture in rich loam except D. cordifolium, which is an alpine species. The flowers are numerous and good for cutting. Doronicums have been strongly recommended for forcing.
D. draytonenae, Hort.. is a list name, not referable to any known species. It seems not to occur in horticultural or botanical literature.—D. magnificum, Hort., described as a "very attractive perennial with large yellow fls. somewhat like a single sunflower," U also doubtful. It may be D. plantagineum var. excelsum. Wilhelm Miller. N. Taylor.
| name = ''Doronicum''
| name = ''Doronicum''


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