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Deutzia scabra, Thunb. Shrub, to 6 ft.: lvs. all petioled, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, rounded at the base, crenate- dentate, with rough pubescence on both sides, dull green, 1-3 in. long: panicles erect, 2-4 in. long; fls. white or blushed, with erect petals; calyx-lobes deciduous. June, July. Japan, China. S.Z. 6. B.M. 3838. B.R. 1718. S.B.F.G. II. 4:393. Gn. 37, p.315. F.E. 31:1163. H.U. 1, p. 106. Var. angustifolia, Voss. Branches reddish brown: lvs. ovate-lanceolate, rougher. Var. crenata, Voss (D. crenata, Sieb. & Zucc. D. dentata, Hort. D. mitis, Hort.). Branches brown: lvs. ovate or oblong-ovate, less rough. This variety is less common in cult, than the former. Var. marmorata, Rehd. (var. aureo-variegata, Schneid.). Lvs. spotted with yellowish white. Var. punctata, Arb. Kew (var. albo-punctata, Schneid.). Lvs. sprinkled with white dots. Var. Fortunei, Schneid. Fls. larger. F.E. 31:1071. Var. Watereri, Rehd. (var. punicea, Schneid. D. crenata Watereri, Lemoine). Fls. white, tinted carmine outside. G.C. III. 39:340. Var. plena, Rehd. (D. crenata var. plena, Maxim.). Fls. double, white, tinged with rose outside. R.H. 1867: 70. F.S. 17:1790; 18:1850. G.21:263. F. 1863:153. G.F. 8:112; here belongs also Pride of Rochester, with very large fls., faintly tinged with rose outside. Gn. 33, p. 514. Var. candidissima, Rehd. (D. scabra var. albo-plena, Schneid. D. crenata candidissima plena, Carr. D. Wellsii, Hort.). Fls. double, pure white.
Deutzia scabra, Thunb. Shrub, to 6 ft.: lvs. all petioled, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, rounded at the base, crenate- dentate, with rough pubescence on both sides, dull green, 1-3 in. long: panicles erect, 2-4 in. long; fls. white or blushed, with erect petals; calyx-lobes deciduous. June, July. Japan, China. S.Z. 6. B.M. 3838. B.R. 1718. S.B.F.G. II. 4:393. Gn. 37, p.315. F.E. 31:1163. H.U. 1, p. 106. Var. angustifolia, Voss. Branches reddish brown: lvs. ovate-lanceolate, rougher. Var. crenata, Voss (D. crenata, Sieb. & Zucc. D. dentata, Hort. D. mitis, Hort.). Branches brown: lvs. ovate or oblong-ovate, less rough. This variety is less common in cult, than the former. Var. marmorata, Rehd. (var. aureo-variegata, Schneid.). Lvs. spotted with yellowish white. Var. punctata, Arb. Kew (var. albo-punctata, Schneid.). Lvs. sprinkled with white dots. Var. Fortunei, Schneid. Fls. larger. F.E. 31:1071. Var. Watereri, Rehd. (var. punicea, Schneid. D. crenata Watereri, Lemoine). Fls. white, tinted carmine outside. G.C. III. 39:340. Var. plena, Rehd. (D. crenata var. plena, Maxim.). Fls. double, white, tinged with rose outside. R.H. 1867: 70. F.S. 17:1790; 18:1850. G.21:263. F. 1863:153. G.F. 8:112; here belongs also Pride of Rochester, with very large fls., faintly tinged with rose outside. Gn. 33, p. 514. Var. candidissima, Rehd. (D. scabra var. albo-plena, Schneid. D. crenata candidissima plena, Carr. D. Wellsii, Hort.). Fls. double, pure white.
Deutzia Sieboldiana, Maxim. (D. scabra, Sieb. & Zucc., not Thunb.). Low shrub, to 2 ft.: lvs. short-petioled, the pair below the panicle nearly sessile, ovate or ovate- elliptic to oblong-ovate, rounded or cordate at the base, rough and rugose above, stellate-pubescent and light green beneath, 1-2 in long: panicles erect, loose, 2-3 in. long with appressed stellate pubescence mixed with spreading simple hairs; fls. white, rather small, with spreading petals; the shorter filaments usually abruptly contracted or with very short teeth; calyx- lobes persistent. June. Japan. S.Z. 7. G.C.III.36:244. Var. Dippeliana, Schneid. (D. scabra vera, Hort.). Lvs. broader and smaller: panicle only with appressed pubescence; stamens all subulate.—Graceful low shrub, but less showy than most other species.

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