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Eucalyptus coriacea, A. Cunn. (E. pauciflora, Sieb.). Tree, often tall, with spreading branches and slender somewhat pendulous twigs: outer bark deciduous; inner bark smooth, pale gray: Lvs. ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate. 4-8 in. long, thick, smooth; lateral veins almost parallel to the midrib: fls. 5-10; buds club-shaped; umbels distinctly peduncled; lid hemispheric, obtuse or with a short point, twice or thrice shorter than the tube; stamens 2-3 lines long; anthers reniform, opening by divergent slits: fr. pear-shaped, truncate, 3-4 lines thick. Nov.- Feb. F.v.M. Eucal. 3:6 (as E. pauciflora). Maiden, Crit. Rev. Eucal. 26, 27. 28 (figs. 1, 2).—A high-mountain tree and one of the hardiest species. Cattle browse on the foliage in seasons of drought: timber used for fuel and fences; warps badly. Trees sometimes badly affected with scale.
#REDIRECT [[Eucalyptus pauciflora]]
#REDIRECT [[Eucalyptus pauciflora]]


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