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Eucalyptus tereticornis, Smith. Forest Gray-gum. Flooded Gum. Bark and the general characters as in E. rostrata: Lvs. rather broadly lanceolate: calyx-tube turbinate; lid slenderly conical, acuminate, rarely abruptly beaked, 3-6 lines long, always much longer than the tube; stamens 3-6 lines long: fr. obovoid or nearly globular, 3-4 lines thick; rim very broad and prominent; valves protruding. April-July. F.v.M. Eucal. 9:8.—Closely related to E. rostrata; usually coarser, the Lvs. broader, peduncles and pedicels stouter, and fr. larger; yet variable in all these characters. According to Ingham, this species has an erect habit of growth, while E. rostrata grows very crookedly. Withstands fully as wide a range in temperature, moisture, and soil conditions as does E. rostrata: timber similar but usually paler in color; more valuable because of its more regular growth. E. amplifolia, Naudin, known in Calif, as the "Cooper" or "round-leaf tereticornis," is a form with large roundish Lvs. when young.
Eucalyptus tereticornis, Smith. Forest Gray-gum. Flooded Gum. Bark and the general characters as in E. rostrata: Lvs. rather broadly lanceolate: calyx-tube turbinate; lid slenderly conical, acuminate, rarely abruptly beaked, 3-6 lines long, always much longer than the tube; stamens 3-6 lines long: fr. obovoid or nearly globular, 3-4 lines thick; rim very broad and prominent; valves protruding. April-July. F.v.M. Eucal. 9:8.—Closely related to E. rostrata; usually coarser, the Lvs. broader, peduncles and pedicels stouter, and fr. larger; yet variable in all these characters. According to Ingham, this species has an erect habit of growth, while E. rostrata grows very crookedly. Withstands fully as wide a range in temperature, moisture, and soil conditions as does E. rostrata: timber similar but usually paler in color; more valuable because of its more regular growth. E. amplifolia, Naudin, known in Calif, as the "Cooper" or "round-leaf tereticornis," is a form with large roundish Lvs. when young.
syn. Eucalyptus populifolia, Hook. Poplar Box. Compact straight-growing tree: bark rough to the branchlets: lvs. ovate or roundish, rarely lanceolate, 4 in. or less long, very lustrous and intensely green on both sides: fls. small, white, on very short stalks, the umbels paniculate; stamens 1-2 lines long, all fertile: fr. very small, semi-ovate, the valves inclosed. Hook. Icon. 879. Maiden, Crit. Rev. Eucal. 58 (figs. 11-18).— Probably as useful and adapted to as wide a variety of conditions as the closely related E. polyanthemos.

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