| + | E. aggregata Berger. A succulent grown like E. cereiformis.— E. aleppica. Linn. Annual of Tithymalus section.—E. amygdaloides, Linn. Perennial and almost woody. Common in England.— E. angularis, Klotzsch (E. fimbriata, Hort.). A 3-5-angled succulent. —E. aphylla, Brouss. Semi-succulent shrub, near E. Tirucalli. Gt. 37:277.—E. arbuscula, Balf. Semi-succulent shrub near E. xylo-phylloides.—E. balsamifera. Ait. Tropical shrub: Lvs. at end of branches. Allied to E. dendroides.—E. Berthelotii, C. Bolle. Subtropical shrub allied to E. Regis-Jubae; name used incorrectly in the trade.—E. Bojeri, Hook. (E. Breonii). Semi-succulent, slender, spiny shrub near E. splendens. Hook. B.M. 3527.—E. bubalina, Boiss. (Section Treisia). Low, slender, spineless succulent, leafy at apex. R.B. 209 (as E. oxystegia).—E. Cactus, Erenh. Succulent, spiny 3-angled shrub, near E. Hermentiana.—E. cattimandoo, Ell. Small, succulent, spiny, 5-angted tree.—E. cervicornis, Boisa.=E. hamata.—E. chamaesyce, Linn. Low, opposite-lvd. herb with corolla-like cyathia in clusters.—E. characias. Linn. Umbellate perennial herb near E. Wulfenii. Gn. 59, p. 447. G.C. II. 13:657.—E. collelioides, Benth. Low Mexican shrub: Lvs. opposite. Plants grown under this name may be E. pteroneura. —E. Dinteri, Berger. Spiny, 6-8-angled succulent shrub often grown under names of E. virosa and E. tetragona.—E. Dregeana, Mey. Spineless, almost Iea6ess shrub, near E. Tirucalli.—E. enopla, Boisa. Spiny succulent near E. heptagona, and confused with it.—E. erosa, Willd. Spiny succulent, near E. mammillaris. —E. falcata, Linn. Annual herb, near E. Aleppica.—E. fimbriata, Hort.=E. angularis.—E. hamata, Sweet (E. cervicornis, Boiss.). Low succulent shrub, leafy at apex, near E. clandestina.—E. helicothele, Lem. Spiny, succulent tree, leafy at apex, near E. neriifolia. I.H. 4, p. 100, desc.—E. helioscopia. Linn. Umbellate annual (Section Tithymalus). Rept. Mo. Bot. Gard. 11: pl. 26.—E. Intisy, Drake. Semi-succulent tropical shrub, near E. Tirucalli.—E. Logascae, Spreng. Annual, near E. pilosa.—E. Laro, Drake. Semi-succulent shrub near E. Tirucalli.—E. laurifolia, Juss. Tropical shrub, leafy at ends of branches, near E. atropurpurea.—E. Ledienii, Berger. Spiny succulent, near E. virosa, grown under the names of E. pentagona, E. coerulea, and K. coerulescens. B.M. 8275.—-E. Lemaireana, Boiss. Spiny succulent. Near E. grandicornis.—E. lophogona. Lam. Succulent with fringed angles, near E. Fournieri. B.M. 8076.—E. macroglypha, Lem. Spiny, 3-anglcd succulent.—E. Marlothii, Pax= E. Montieri.—E. mauritanica. Linn. Semi-succulent shrub. Near E. Tirucalli.—E. melilfera. Ait. Tree, leafy at branch ends. Near E. dendroides. B.M. 1305.— E. Montieri. Hook. (E. Marlothii, Pax ). Succulent shrub, leafy at the apex, of Section Pseud-euphorbium. B.M. 5534.—E. Morinii, Berger. Spiny succulent, near E. cereiformis.—E. multiceps, Berger. Succulent. Near E. Caput-Medusae.—E. nivulia. Ham. Spiny, succulent shrub, leafy at apex. Near E. neriifolia.—E. Nylkae, Pax. Succulent tree with 2-angled joints.—E. obesa. Hook. Succulent. Near E. meloformis. B.M. 7888.— E. obtusifolia, Poir. Semi-succulent shrub. Near E. Tirucalli.—E. officinarum, Linn. Succulent, spiny, 9-13-angled shrub. Near E. Beaumieriana.—E. Paralias, Linn. Perennial herb of Section Tithymalus.—E. parvimamma, Boiss. Low succulent, without spines. Near E. Caput-Medusae.—E. Phillipsiae, N. E. Br. Succulent, spiny, 9-angled shrub. Near E. Beaumierana.—E. pilulifera. Linn. Low annual with opposite Lvs. and inconspicuous cyathia in clusters: glands appendaged.—E. piscatoria, Ait. Tropical shrub: narrow Lvs. at end of branches. Near E. Regis- Jubae.—E. plumerioides, Teysmann. Tropical shrub similar to the previous one.—E. procumbent. Mill. (E. pugniformis, Boiss.). Succulent, not spiny. Near E. Caput-Medusae. B.M. 8082. R.B. 161.—E. punicea, Swartz. Tropical shrub. Near E. atropurpurea. B.R. 190. B.M. 1961. L.B.C. 20:1901. G.C. II. 15:529. —E. pyrifolia. Lam. Semi-succulent shrub, leafy at the apex. Near E. lophogona. — E. Sapinii, De Wild. Slender, spiny succulent. Near E. cereiformis. G.C. III. 45:66.—E. Schimperi. Presl. Semi-succulent shrub. Near E. Tirucalli.—E. Schimperiana, Hochst. An African annual of Section Tithymalus. This name perhaps used erroneously for E. Schimperi.—E. Scolopendria, Don=E. stellata..— E. scopiformis, Boiss. = E. serpiformis. — E. serpiformis, Boiss. Section Arthrothamnus. Slender-branched semi-succulent shrub with opposite, rudimentary Lvs.—E. Sibthorpii, Boiss. Perennial herb. Near E. Wulfenii.—E. Sipolinii, N. E. Br. Slender succulent shrub with decurrent lf.-bases. Near E. pteroneura.—E. spinosa. Linn. Umbellate sub-shrub or herb of S. Eu. Section Tithymalus.—E. stapeliformis, Hort. =E. stapelioides, Boiss.(?). A plant near E. bupleurifolia.— E. Stapfii, Berger. Spiny, succulent, 4-angled shrub.—E. stelIaespina, Haw. Spiny 10-13-ribbed succulent. Near E. cereiformis. —E. stellata. Wind. (E. uncinata, DC., referred here according to N. E. Br.). Spiny succulent with branches V-shaped in cross- section, and clustered on a short thick st.—E. tetragona. Haw. Spiny, succulent 4-angled tree. R.B. 39.—E. trigona, Haw. Spiny, succulent, 3-angled shrub, near E. antiquorum.—E. tuberculata, Jacq. Low succulent, near E. Caput-Medusae.—E. uncinata -—K. stellata. |
| + | Other names used but not classified: E. Amelia, Hort.—E. articulata, Hort.—E. aurelia, Hort. (E. Amelia?).—E. Caput Commelinii, Hort. (E. Caput-Medusae?)—E. Caput-odorata, Hort.—E. Caput-Simiae, Hort.—E. capensis, Hort. (succulent).—E. colubrina, Hort.—E. cylindrica, Hort.—E. dentata, Hort.—E. de Smetiana, Hort.—E. erecta, Hort.—E. funalis, Hort.—E. gardeniaefolia, Hort. —E. gracilis, Hort.—E. Houlletiana, Hort.—E. Houlletii, Hort.—E. longifolia, Hort.—E. mangador, Hort. (E. mogador, Hort.?).—E. Milleri.—E. obtusa, Hort.—E. pavoensis, Hort.—E. pulchra., Hort. —E. Pulletiana, Hort.—E. Rebutii, Hort.—E. sahariensis, Hort.— E. waltoniensis,, Hort. J. B. S. Norton. |