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Gynura aurantiaca, DC. Velvet Tree. Stout and branchy, 2-3 ft., with almost succulent sts. densely clothed with violet or purple hairs: lvs. large and soft, ovate, jagged- toothed, hairy, short-petioled or the upper ones clasping, overlaid with iridescent purple: heads in a terminal cluster, yellow or orange. Java. I.H. 28:436.—A handsome foliage plant. In winter it may be grown in the conservatory or warmhouse, but in the summer it may be bedded out in a warm and protected place. It grows rapidly, and makes a most satisfactory display of colored leafage. It is readily prop, by cuttings in the house, as geraniums are.
Gynura aurantiaca, DC. Velvet Tree. Stout and branchy, 2-3 ft., with almost succulent sts. densely clothed with violet or purple hairs: lvs. large and soft, ovate, jagged- toothed, hairy, short-petioled or the upper ones clasping, overlaid with iridescent purple: heads in a terminal cluster, yellow or orange. Java. I.H. 28:436.—A handsome foliage plant. In winter it may be grown in the conservatory or warmhouse, but in the summer it may be bedded out in a warm and protected place. It grows rapidly, and makes a most satisfactory display of colored leafage. It is readily prop, by cuttings in the house, as geraniums are.
Other species, but not known to be in the American trade, are: G. auriculata, Cans. (G. ovalis, DC. Cacalia ovalis, Ker). Only slightly villous: lvs. oval, entire or repand, green both aides: fls. yellow, fragrant. China. B.R. 101.—G. bicolar, DC. 2-3 ft., of looser growth than the above, glabrous: lvs. lanceovate, somewhat downy, short-petioled, deep-toothed or pinnatifid, green above and purple beneath: fls. orange. Moluccas. B.M. 5123.—G. ovalis, DC.=G. auriculata.—G. sarmentosa, DC. Climbing, with purple glabrous sts.: lvs. narrow, ovate to lanceolate, acuminate, petioted, remotely small-toothed, green and purple-ribbed. Warmhouse plant from Malayan Isls. B.M. 7244. L H B


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