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Vaccinium virgatum, Ait. A shrub 2-12 ft. high, with slender green branchlets, the young twigs puberulent: lvs. ovate-oblong to cuneate-lanceolate, 3/4 - 2 in. long, thinnish, acute, often mucronate, entire or minutely serrulate, green and glabrous above, pale or glaucous beneath; veins pubescent: fls. in short racemes, on naked twigs, appearing before the lvs.; corolla long and nearly cylindrical, 1/4 – 3/8 in. long, white or pink: bracts small, deciduous: terry black, almost or quite destitute of bloom. Swamps, S. Va. to Fla. and La. B.M. 3522. B.R. 302 (as V. fuscatum).—The distinction between this species and V. corymbosum is very slight. It is probable that, possibly excepting var. tenellum, this is only a southern form of V. corymbosum and should be reduced to varietal rank.
Var. tenellum, Gray (V. tenellum, Ait.). A low form, mostly less than 2 ft. high, with smaller lvs. and nearly white fls. in short close clusters. S. Va. to Ark., Fla., and Ala.
| name = ''Vaccinium ''
| name = ''Vaccinium ''


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