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Created page with '{{SPlantbox |Min ht metric=cm |Temp Metric=°F |image=Upload.png |image_width=240 }} Describe the plant here... {{Inc| Haworthia (A. H. Haworth, an English botanist of the beginn…'
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Haworthia (A. H. Haworth, an English botanist of the beginning of the last century, who wrote much and well on succulents). Liliaceae, tribe Aloineae. Acaulescent or shortly caulescent small succulents.

Leaves usually small, crowded on the st. or in mostly somewhat elongated rosettes: fls. white, green or rosy- striped, tubular with somewhat irregular recurving limb and included style and stamens; segms. of perianth 6, oblong, nearly equal; stamens 6, shorter than perianth; ovary sessile, 3-angled: fr. a loculicidally 3-valved caps., bearing many compressed angled seeds. S. Afr. Monograph by Berger in Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, hft. 33, 1908.—Species 60, occurring in S. Afr. They are interesting condensed or cespitose plants with thick and succulent keeled often tuberculate and sometimes toothed lvs., and fls. in simple or paniclcd racemes.

Cultivation, propagation and decorative uses as for Aloe, under which, with Apicra and Gasteria, the species were formerly placed. See Aloe and Succulents.

albicana, 13.
altilinea, 22.
arachnoides, 24.
argyrostigma, 11.
aristata, 22.
asperula, 17.
attenuata, 11.
caespitosa, 8.
clariperla, 11.
coarctata, 6.
concava, 20.
concinna, 1.
corallina, 7.
cuspidata, 23
hybrida, 3.
indurata, 1.
inflexa, 14.
Laevis. 13.
limpida, 22.
major, 2, 7.
margaritifera, 7.
minima, 7.
minor, 5, 7.
mirabilis, 16.
Mucronata, 22.

ramifera, 13.
recurva, 15.
reinwardtii, 5, 6.
reticulata, 21.
retusa, 18.
rigida, 4.
rugosa, 9.
semimargaritifera, 7.
subalbicans, 7.
subfascicata, 11.
subrigida, 2.
subulata, 10.
tesselata, 14.
torquata, 1.
tortella, 2.
tortuosa, 2.
turgida, 19.
virescens, 13.
viscosa, 1.


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===Pests and diseases===
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*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
<!--- xxxxx *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381 -->
<!--- xxxxx *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432 -->
<!--- xxxxx *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608 -->

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