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Vicia (classical Latin name). Vetch. Tare. Mostly weedy or insignificant-looking plants, but a few are grown for the bright flowers, others of late for green-manure crops (see Cover-crops), and one (V. Faba) is a garden bean.
Herbs, mostly climbing, with pinnate foliage, closely allied to Lathyrus, Pisum, and Lens, but differing in minute floral characters: wings adhering to the keel; style very slender, with beard or hairs all around the upper part or only at the apex: pod flat, 2- to many- seeded, 2-valved, and dehiscent, the seeds either globular or flattish; stamens diadelphous (9 and 1): fls. mostly blue or violet, sometimes yellowish or white.— About 150 species widely spread in the northern hemisphere and some in S. Amer. About two dozen species occur in N. Amer., some of the species intro. The species are mostly cool-season plants of easy cult. The interest in the vetches in this country is mostly for their value as soil-covers and for foliage. V. sativa and V. villosa are the important species at present for agricultural purposes, and V. Cracca, V. Gerardii, and V. fulgens are sometimes used as ornamentals. For literature, see Farmers' Bulls. Nos. 515 and 529, Bur. Pl. Ind. Circ. No. 15, and U. S. Dept. Agric. Circ. No. 45.
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