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900 bytes added ,  15:15, 3 December 2009
Created page with '{{Inc| Zygocactus truncatus, Schum. (Epiphyllum truncatum, Haw.). Crab Cactus. Christmas Cactus. Fig. 4055. Sts. much branched and hanging in large bunches from the trees; joints…'
Zygocactus truncatus, Schum. (Epiphyllum truncatum, Haw.). Crab Cactus. Christmas Cactus. Fig. 4055. Sts. much branched and hanging in large bunches from the trees; joints obovate to oblong, with strongly truncate apex, 1 1/4 - 2 in. long by about 3/4 - 1 in. broad, bright green, margins coarsely serrate, with 1-3 large, acute teeth on each side, the 2 upper ones forming more or less incurved horns on either side of the truncation: areoles bearing a few short yellowish or dark-colored bristles, or sometimes none: fls. horizontal, growing from the truncated end of the younger joints, strongly irregular, 2 1/2 – 3 1/2 in. long, in various shades of red: fr. pear-shaped, red, about 3/8 in. diam. Brazil. B.M. 2562. G.C. III. 19:9.— Most of the forms in cult. are hybrids between this species and some other of the genus or with allies of Cereus. A common basket- and rafter-plant.


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