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Zygophyllum (yoke leaf, from the paired or opposite lfts. or lvs.). Zygophyllaceae. Small often spiny twiggy shrubs or subshrubs, with stiff branches, of about 60 species in Eu. and Asia but mostly in S. Afr. and Austral., apparently not in the American trade but likely to be planted for ornament now and then by amateurs in the warmer and drier parts of the country. Lvs. simple or 2-foliolate: fls. white or yellowish or red, on 1-fld. peduncles; calyx 4-5-parted; petals 4 or 5, clawed, twisted; stamens 8-10; disk fleshy and angled; ovary 4- or 5-celled, sessile: fr. an angled or winged caps. Prop. by seeds or cuttings. The species most likely to appear in collections are perhaps Z. Fabago, Linn., the Syrian bean-caper, with obovate lfts., copper-yellow fls., deep strong root and nearly or quite herbaceous top, S. W. Asia; Z. Morgsana, Linn., with obovate obtuse lfts., long yellow petals, and shrubby habit, from S. Afr.: Z. spinosum, Linn., with linear lfts., yellowish or whitish nodding fls., a small bush only 1-2 ft. high, from S. Afr.
| name = ''Caper beans''
| name = ''Caper beans''


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